1. 关于减肥是否正确的英语作文
1现代技术的发展,生活水平,越来越多的人变得肥胖。所以减肥已成为一种流行的话题在人们的庞大数量的生命。许多媒体,例如书籍、magines、报纸所谈论的减肥方法。在我看来,慢跑和节食是很有帮助的减肥的方法。慢跑是最简单和最便宜的方式塑造人的身体。你可以做你的练习无论何时何地你喜欢的,你不要花太多的钱失去你的体重。与此同时,节食已成为普通way.Too.Many人没有太多缺乏营养的食物,因此导致的弱点。所以,如果你想减肥,你应该做根据条件为自己着想,并且适当地做一些练习2应该的女学生减肥吗?我们学校做了调查的女学生是否应该减肥最近。根据调查结果,55%的同学认为他们应该减肥。女孩子们会更美,有吸引力并且有信心通过失去weigtht。而有45%的学生持有相反的观点。他们说减肥是只是在浪费金钱和时间,很有可能会损害他们的健康。那么女孩们不应该减肥。依我看来,最重要的是保持很自然的情况,我们不必穿上或减肥。 这是中文 英语为:1
With the development of the morden living standard,more and more people are becoming fat. So losing weight has become a popular topic in people’s dialy lives.Many media such as books,magines,newspapers are talking about losing weight.In my opinion,jogging and dieting are very helpful ways of losing weight.
Jogging is the easiest and cheapest way of shaping the body.You can do your exercises whenever and wherever you like and you don’t spend a lot of money losing your weight.
At the same time,dieting has become a common way.Too.Many people have little food Therefore,lack of nutrition leads to weakness.
So if you want to lose weight,you should do according to the condition of yourself and do some exercises properly
2Should the Girl Students Lose Weight? Our school did a survey on whether the girl students should lose weight recently.According to the survey,55 percent of the students think they should lose weight.The girls can be more beautiful, attractive and confident by losing weigtht.While 45 percent of the students hold an opposite view.They say losing weight is just a waste of money and time and probably does harm to their health.So girls should not lose weight.To my mind,it's important to keep a natural condition and we needn't put on or lose weight.
2. 关于怎样减肥的英语作文
many people are afraid of being fatty, because fat will lead to many diseases, for example hypertension.
How can you keep body fit?
First, less eat the food with polysaccharide, such as: cream, chocolate.
Second, eat more fruits and vegetables.
Last, make many exercises, if possible, it's good to go to jym.
Like this, you may keep fit well.
3. 要一篇关于减肥的英语作文
Who says losing weight has to be hard? These effortless activities can help rev your metabolism—and melt the pounds away.
Actor Pete Postlethwaite once said: "I exercise every morning without fail. One eyelid goes up and the other follows." That quote may seem nonsensical, but the sentiment actually makes some sense.
Take a closer look at your daily routine, and you'll find plenty of opportunities for easy calorie-burning activities--no gym required. Or simply follow our cheat sheet to give your metabolism and your health an instant boost.
1. Walk, walk, walk. It's a no-brainer that can't be stressed enough. Experts recommend taking 10,000 steps a day, so the next time you go shopping, park your car farther away from the entrance. In the office, visit your colleagues from different departments instead of messaging or phoning them. And always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Do a housework workout
. Whenever you have to do those nagging chores, do them with some pizzazz. Grab your iPod or turn on the radio, and clean along to the music. You'll work at a faster pace and burn more calories, and your chores will be done before you know it.
3. Eat breakfast
. It may seem counterintuitive, but experts believe that skipping breakfast actually encourages obesity. Part of the reason, according to the American Diabetic Association, may be that eating breakfast helps speed up your metabolism.
4. Drink water
. Because sodas are full of sugar and empty calories, it takes a long time to burn them off. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, in contrast, has no calories, makes you feel full, and boosts your metabolism.
5. Turn down the heat
. Do this ring the winter, especially at night, and you'll burn more calories. In the summer, turn on the air-conditioning. A colder environment forces your body to proce more heat, helping you to burn more calories.
谁说,减肥太难? 以下这些轻松的活动将加快您的新陈代谢,身上的赘肉也慢慢消失了。
演员皮特波斯尔思韦特曾经说过:“我每天早上都会做一件事情,从未中断过,那就是一只眼睛睁着,一只眼睛闭着,并轮流交替。” 看起来似乎没什么意义,但对情感上却有调节作用。
仔细看看你每天做的事情,你就会发现其实你有很多机会燃烧热量,而没有必要去健身房。 或只是按照我们提出的这些方法,就可以促进代谢,使您更加健康。
1) 步行,步行,步行
强调千次万次都不过分的就是步行啦。 专家建议每天走10000步,所以下次你去购物的时候,将车停在离入口较远的地方。 上班的时候,直接去找其他部门的同事而不是打电话给他们。 并始终用楼梯代替电梯。
2) 做家务劳动锻炼
当你面对一大堆让人头疼的家务事的时候,不妨来点有有活力和动感的刺激。 拿起你的iPod或打开收音机,在音乐声中劳动吧。 你会工作的更快,而且燃烧更多的热量,在你不知不觉中,家务就做完啦。
3) 吃早餐
它可能似乎违反直觉,但专家认为,不吃早餐实际上会引起肥胖。 根据美国糖尿病协会,部分原因可能是吃早餐有助于加速您的新陈代谢。
4) 喝水
汽水里面全是糖没有白卡路里,人体需要很长时间才能将其消耗。 相反,每天至少喝八杯水,也不含卡路里,但会让你觉得很饱,而且加速人体的新陈代谢。
5 )关小暖气
请在冬季这么做,尤其是在夜间,你会燃烧较多的卡路里。 在夏季则请打开空调。 在寒冷的环境中,人体将产生更多的热量,帮你燃烧较多的卡路里
4. 对减肥的观点英语作文
Nowadays weight-losing has become popular but how to lose weight Healthy?
In order to lose weight,some people don not eat breakfast or supper, they eat fruits or vegetables instead of three meals.Some people even take some medicine to lose weight. They are bad for health. So how to lose weight in the right way?
In my opinion, if you really want to lose weight , you should eat your three meals on time and eat them slowly. To keep a balanced diet is also very improtant.You should eat some meat, fruits and vegetables.At the same time you must give up the habits that damage your health and do some sports.It’ better for you to exercise for at least thirty minutes every day.
If you do so , I’m sure you will keep fit and be thinner.
5. 减肥的英语作文120字
Jack Bauer,you are my all the students the most lovely.You fat tootsmall,soft little stomach for uncle aunts love.But also because you fat,brought inconvenience to you,go downstairs,pant for breath,afraid of physical ecation.I advise you to exercise,eat less sugar and fatty foods,such as chocolate,cream etc..Eat more fruits,vegetables,trying to lose weight to keep healthy.So we will play better,morehappy!
6. 一篇关于减肥的英语作文
"Dear,look at me!I'm so fat!Oh,my god."nowerday,we always hear some boys and girls shout like that.Yeah,today,although childern,men and wonmen think it's a importent problem for themself.But in fact,it's so easy:first,you must keep sporting everyday.second,eat healthy food like vegetables,you can not eat too much meet if you really want to keep thin.The third,I afraid you'll can not believe,but it's really— must sleep over 8 hours everyday,and you can't sleep to late.
If you do these,then you'll be thin and healthy.Isn't it so easy?let's have a try,now!Believe me,please!
7. 减肥 英语作文
8. 关于如何减肥的英语作文
Jack Bauer,you are my all the students the most lovely.You fat tootsmall,soft little stomach for uncle aunts love.But also because you fat,brought inconvenience to you,go downstairs,pant for breath,afraid of physical ecation.I advise you to exercise,eat less sugar and fatty foods,such as chocolate,cream etc..Eat more fruits,vegetables,trying to lose weight to keep healthy.So we will play better,morehappy!
9. 减肥用英语怎么说
weight 读法 英[weɪt]美[wet]
1、n. 重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性
2、vt. 加重量于,使变重
1、molecular weight distribution[化]分子量分布
2、weight ratio体重比,重量比;重量
3、dead weight固定负载;静负载
4、put on weight体重增加
5、rece weight整形美容减肥
1、I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.
2、The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models.
1、birth weight出生体重;初生重
2、net weight净重
3、lose weight 减肥
4、weight loss失重
5、body weight体重
10. 如何减肥英语作文5篇
2.你平时一顿的饭量是2碗饭,那从减肥开始,就吃一碗半,慢慢减少。要 吃得清淡,多吃蔬菜瓜果,少吃荤菜。但是也不能够不吃荤菜,你要每天补充充足的营养的话,荤菜是少不了的,只不过是少量的,缺少营养也不行啊!如果说不吃饭,那你受得了了。而且只有减肥有效果吗?只是适得其反。根本无济于事,这样的减法,说不定比以前还能吃呢。