『壹』 阅读Reading 英语作文
To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don't try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Don't read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning. While reading, don't read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary. Keep on reading in this way and you'll surely make progress little by little. 为了提高你的英语阅读水平,首先,你应该选择一些你觉得重要或有趣的东西来阅读。不要试图去阅读一切。你应该开始用简单的英语写的。不要读那些对你有困难的人。 在阅读时,不要读得太慢,或者你遇到的每一个生词都查不到。读了一篇文章,把它的主要想法记在心里,你可以回头再看一遍。这一次你慢慢地读它,如果需要的话,就去看一些新的单词。 继续读下去,你肯定会进步的。
『贰』 关于阅读的英语作文
it's generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person.
however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading.
so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether!
『叁』 关于阅读的英语作文
it's generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person.
however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading.
so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether!
『肆』 关于阅读的英语作文80
『伍』 关于阅读的英语作文为什么
难忘齐小,难忘在这儿留下的绚烂的足迹,难忘在这儿留下的七彩的笑声…版… ——题记难忘权齐小,难忘老师一句句关心的话语,难忘同学一张张天真的笑脸,难忘校园一幕幕动人的场景,难忘大家一颗颗热情的心。时光匆匆,似乎就在白驹过隙,弹指一瞬之间,我们就从刚入校时那稚嫩天真的小不点儿变成了已是五年级的大哥哥大姐姐了,我十分怀念在这儿的点点滴滴。难忘齐小,难忘老师的谆谆教导。有一次,我不小心撞了一个大包,疼得哭了起来。老师连忙帮我做了简单的消毒处理。然后,老师就骑着自行车,准备送我去医院。而这时正是骄阳似火的时候,况且老师刚刚生过病,体质还很虚弱。我劝老师别送了,老师直坚持送。就这样,我坐在老师的车上,荡荡悠悠地。忘不了,坐在老师车上荡荡悠悠的感觉。难忘齐小,难忘同学的欢声笑语。那是一个冬天,窗外下起了雪,纷纷扬扬的雪花满天飞舞。不一会儿,校园就成了银色世界。
『陆』 读书的好处英语作文带翻译
I think reading is important in the whole life for people.There are many benefits of reading.Firstly,reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.Secondly,reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills.Before you learn to write,you must know how others write.Thirdly,reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon,which is important to job hunting in the future.Finally,reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life.Therefore,start to reading,no matter how old you are and what you are doing.Then,you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.
『柒』 如何提高阅读能力的英语作文
How to improve the English reading comprehension
English learning, including listening, speaking, reading and writing various skills training, one of the most basic should be reading ability. Now in the English exam, reading ability demanding. Read the questions in the exam scores, and has a large proportion of the score, often determines how many students grades. English reading content involves a wider range of history, about the reality of life, the article, also have the narrative of economy, science and technology, military, etc, this paper has compared to read the contents of the students interest and widely knowledge, strong ability to understand the analysis judgment. Can say, reading comprehension of improving students' comprehensive capability is one of the process, and to improve the students' English reading ability, it is not easy to find, to influence students reading comprehension.Based on the survey found that students are students, these influence factors of reading comprehension:1 the vocabulary of words, not fully understood, not exactly.2 the lack of knowledge background, affect the whole text.3 the thinking mode of expression in English and sentence structure, not familiar with this understanding of difficulty.4 bad reading habits, which affect the reading speed and the accuracy of the information access interfere with students.5. Lack basic reading skills, reading the effect not beautiful.Find the influence factors of the students' reading ability, should take measures to strengthen special training, to improve the students' reading ability.英语学习,包括听、说、读、写多种技能的培养,其中最基本的应是阅读能力了。在现在的英语考试中,对阅读能力的要求很高。阅读题的分数在整个试卷中占有很大的比重,而这一部分得分的多少,往往决定了学生考分的高低。英语的阅读内容涉及的范围较广,有关于历史的也有关现实生活的,有故事性的文章,也有经济、科技、军事等方面的文章,这样的阅读内容要求学生有比较广泛的知识面、兴趣和较强的分析理解判断能力。可以说,阅读理解能力的提高是一个学生综合能力提高的过程,而要想提高学生的英语阅读能力,并非易事,先要弄清影响学生阅读理解能力的原因。通过对学生的调查发现,下面这些是影响学生阅读理解能力的主要因素:1. 词汇量少,对词语理解不准确,不全面。2. 背景知识的缺乏,影响对整篇文章的理解。3. 对英语表达的思维模式和句子结构不熟悉,造成文章理解的困难。4. 不良的阅读习惯,既影响阅读速度,又妨碍学生获取信息的准确性。5. 缺乏掌握基本的阅读技巧,阅读效果不佳。找出了影响学生阅读能力的主要因素后,就应针对这些方面采取措施,加强专项训练来提高学生的阅读能力。
『捌』 要一篇关于阅读的好处的英语作文 带翻译的 120词左右
Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.
First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.
Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.
Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to become popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing.
All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.
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