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发布时间: 2021-03-15 03:22:24

❶ 如何远离毒品英语作文

a long-term drug use has led to a serious and potentially fatal risk of physical and psychological harm, usually in a sudden termination of medication or rece the dosage after. Many drug addicts in the absence of economic resources, purchase drugs, and drug abuse cases, died of serious bodily or withdrawal reactions caused by various complications, or because the pain is just unbearable and committed suicide. Withdrawal of drug addicts is also an important reason why the withdrawal difficult.

❷ 远离病毒珍爱生命的英语作文200词有翻译


As the saying goes: "the evil poison led". We are the flowers of the motherland are heavy responsibility bear to reject drugs. Anesthesia drugs to the central nervous system of the human body, a lot of smoking will lead to death. So drugs for us, both familiar and strange. Familiar with is through the various aspects of publicity, we have a certain degree of understanding of the drug; strange is not tried drugs. Well, it is because of this kind of curiosity, many people become a devilish drug slaves. As the future pillars of our country, not only to stay away from drugs, but also rejected it.

❸ 求一篇80~100词的英语作文,关于远离毒品的,高一水平,谢谢~

Saying No to Drugs

Never to try drugs. Say "No" every time anyone ever tries to give or sell you drugs. Don't speak to that person again. Drugs are addictive, so please do not think that you might be stronger than other people. Even taking a drug just once is very dangerous.
First, drugs are illegal. Buying or selling drugs, having drugs—these are all against the law. Breaking the law is wrong and it is dangerous too. Now you have a bright future waiting for you, but if you start doing illegal things, all that will change—if you commit crimes you will be punished.
Second, drugs can be very bad for your health. Drugs are powerful chemicals. They give you very high blood pressure; they do strange things to your heart rate; they stop you from eating properly; they change the way you breathe. Drug addicts feel ill most of the time. They have a lot of pain.
third,Drugs cost a lot of money. If you take drugs you will soon be poor. To get money to buy drugs you will do stupid and illegal things. You will lose your friends and have a lot of trouble in your life.

[Often people take drugs because they are unhappy. Maybe they have love or work problems. But drugs cannot solve these problems. There is no connection between them and drugs. People need to talk about problems, get advice and change their behaviour—not take dangerous drugs.
Taking drugs encourages people to make them and sell them. You are making a big social problem worse. Because of you other people may hurt themselves and die prematurely, even if you don't. You make the world a worse place.
Finally, please remember: addiction grows. The first time you need just a little crack cocaine, but every time you will want more. You cannot control the drug; it will control you.]太长 括号里的3段可不要

Please listen to me—and say "No" to drugs!

❹ 珍爱生命,远离毒品的英文翻译是什么~~

Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

句子分析:动词短语与名词搭配,其中“Cherish”是“珍惜”的意思,“life”是“生命”的意思,“stay awayfrom”是“远离...”的意思,drugs是毒品的意思。


So, I propose: cherish life, keep away from drugs.


My friends, let us join hands together to sing "Love life, stay away from drugs" .


1、narcotics 英 [nɑːˈkɒtɪks] 美 [nɑrˈkɑtɪks]


例句1:The use of narcotics by teenagers is a problem in many countries.


例句2:He was indicted for dealing in narcotics.


2、hard drug 英 [ˌhɑːd ˈdrʌɡ] 美 [ˌhɑːrd ˈdrʌɡ]


例句1:Will the most troubling kind of hard drug use increase again in response?


例句2:Soft drug ( drug not likely to cause addiction ( eg marijuana) and less dangerous than a hard drug such as heroin).


❺ 如何远离毒品的英语作文带翻译

远离毒品,珍爱生命 当今环球,几无净土,茫茫人海,毒品无穷。毒品,犹如一股浊流,悄然地侵袭每-处角落。不仅如此,毒品,还像可怕的恶魔,是它夺走了我们一切。对于我们一个小学生来说毒品是一种危害性极大的东西,只要听到“毒品”这个词,就会使人毛骨悚然。

毒品不仅对躯体造成巨大的损害,还使吸毒成为毒品的奴隶,他 们生唯一目标就是设法获得毒品,从而变得不顾亲情,人性泯灭,道德沦丧,甚至为获取毒资铤而走险,违法犯罪,危害社会。

Stay away from drugs, cherish life in today's global, with few land, the vast sea of humanity, drug infinite. Drugs, like a muddy stream, quietly invasion each corner. Not only that, drugs, like a devil, it took us all. For one of our pupils drugs is a great danger of things, as long as I heard the term "drugs", will make a person creepy.
The mention of drugs, people smell and daunting, because drug poison is fiercer than a tiger snake. If a person infected with drug after. Without thoroughly to remould oneself determination and perseverance, to drug treatment is not possible.
Drugs not only caused great damage to the body, but also to become drug addicts drug slaves, his health sole objective is to seek to obtain drugs, thereby becoming disregard family, devoid of humanity, morals, or even access to the drugs, rush into danger, crime, social harm.
You want drugs swallowed their own self-esteem, inhuman? You want drugs destroy your family, brought suffering to you? You want drugs ruin our hard won achievements in reform, let us repeat poor and backward country is referred to as the "sick man of East Asia" mistakes? If your answer is no, then, stay away from drugs is the best choice for you.
The grudge, living remorse, family Lisu, criminal offenders before the confession, which gave us a warning: cherish life, to refuse drugs

❻ 英语作文题目 大会内容为远离毒品,珍爱生命,要求按时参加。词数20 的有关作文

Keep away from the drugs,cherish our life!(远离毒品,珍爱我们的生命)

❼ 关于”珍爱生命远离毒品”的英文小短文

Opium harm China's history for several centuries. People poor and the weak, vulnerable to bullying, it is a history of painful humiliation. Now, the proliferation of drugs has become a global scourge. Distortion of human nature, ruin and death, how many should have a good youth set on fire! Lessons have been too much blood and tears. Curative drugs, long way to go. Happiness for themselves and others, please resist the temptation of the beautiful poppy. Live Life, away from drugs!

❽ 远离毒品英语怎么说

keep it away……应该可以吧……HOH

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