⑴ 英语作文批改
第一句中的 to can not keep 改为 not to keep,to后不可以接can。接下去应改为I never fail to keep my appointment to other people. 第三句改为I really had important things at that time. 接下去是:I lost my keys , so I could not get into my house. 下一句删掉版next time 前的to。倒数第三行权:we应改为our。倒数第二行:reply后加to。
⑵ 英语作文批改网616238
i think good hibits are very important to us.
first of all, keeping healthy is necessary. breakfast can give our body the power we need ring the day, so we must eat it on time. to eat enough fruits and vegetables is better than eating the junk food. don't forget to wash hands before meals. and then, we should go to bed and get up early, as everyone knows, staying up is very bad for our healthy. finally, do more exercise.
good haibits can keep us a happy life.
⑶ 英语作文批改 急
1 important--significant
2 in order to improve students'English中可以把 students'换成their
3 they think cet4/6 could foece students to learn English中foece应为force
4 so cet4/6 will become the burden of students.中 students换为them
5 because shtudents have more importent things to do. I think studens shoulde learn Engliash volunterily中shtudents studens shoulde拼写错误。
⑷ 如何使用作文批改符号批改英语作文
在培训过程中发现多数英语老师对于批改学生的英语作文感到很头痛。这的确是一个很耗时耗力最后却达不到自己想要的效果的工作。 我在教书的时候每天到办公室看到一堆一堆的作业,心里就一直嘀咕,“又开始愚公移山啦!”每天学生课代表把一堆“小山”搬到我的办公桌上,我就开一点一点把“山”夷平。认认真真地批改每一个错字,更正每一处语法错误,只是期待着学生在拿到作文本的时候能专心看一下我的批语,这样做的结果是什么呢?我越是努力,学生越是不会认真看返还的作文。 于是,我渐渐悟到,“会偷懒的老师才是好老师,因为老师太勤快了,学生就不需要动脑筋了。”于是,我就想能不能让学生参与进来,自主学习,自我反思,自己更正错误?在国外学习阶段受到很多启发,我的老师从来不会一个字一个字批改我的作文。他们基本使用一种批改作文符号来“迫使”我自己动手动脑发现错误。下边把这些符号跟大家详细说明。
下表是一些基本符号,各位老师可以参考使用。当然,这些只是建议,如果你和学生可以自创一些自己喜欢用的符号, 并能长期使用,相信你的努力一定会有回报。
⑸ 有没可以自动批改英语作文的东西
⑹ 批改英语作文的软件
⑺ 手机批改网批改英语作文收费了,还有什么别的软件可以推荐啊
⑻ 哪个软件可以批改英语作文
If you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. If you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the Army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess.
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⑽ 科大讯飞学习机的英语作文批改功能好用吗