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发布时间: 2021-03-10 04:57:03

『壹』 异族通婚有哪些问题(1)

异族通婚不可避免会带来很多的问题。 成功的通婚就是克服了这些问题,而失败的通婚则是不能克服这些问题。 然而,大多数的通婚,并非能简单以成功或失败来概括,而是处于两个极端的广大中间边缘地段。这些通婚,由于某些因素的制约,显出一种暂时相对稳定、相对静止、相对均衡的状态,只要有某种外力的干涉或侵扰,本来潜在的危机就可能迅速暴露,那种稳定、静止和均衡就可能被立即打破。 一些性学家和婚姻专家们专门研究了问题的所在以及克服之道。常见的问题主要有以下几个方面。 一、沟通问题 任何婚姻都要求参与者互知或分享双方之间的思想、看法、决策和喜怒哀乐的情感。这种交流和沟通的渠道一旦不畅通,就会产生误解、猜忌、隔阂,甚至冲突。因此,美国性学家理查德·马考夫(Richard Markoff)指出,沟通问题是异族通婚的第一大障碍。 交流和沟通的障碍首先是语言和语言后面的思维方式和文化背景。由于思维方式和文化背景的不同,以及对各种概念界定的不同,任何两种语言之间的对译会产生模糊性、歧义性和不确定性。 一般说来,同文化的人,在长期的、自然的、渐进的约定中,互相知道对某种事物或情形应该怎样向对方表达和怎样理解对方的表达。两个不同文化背景的人,不可能在很短的时期内就全部认可、接受和理解这种互相表达的约定。例如,有这样一段对话: 丈夫:这个周末我们应该去拉斯维加斯(赌城)赌一把。 妻子:是。 别小看这两句简单的对话,它们可能带有很复杂的不确定性,因此人们可以从不同的角度、态度和深度去理解。从不同文化的价值观和思维方式出发,可以对这两句话做不同的解释。 从“丈夫”的角度说,他的这句话,可能是意见的陈述,是要求的提出或命令的传递。到底是试探、协商、有保留、有余地?还是铁板钉钉、不可违抗、必须服从?在男女平等的观念中是前者,而在封建夫权制和大男子主义中,当然是后者。从“妻子”的角度说,她的这句话,可能是高兴的赞同、无心的应对、有意的取悦或无奈的服从。到底是自觉的、积极的、主动的参与感?还是麻木的、消极的、被动的依附感?在男女平等的观念中是前者,而在男尊女卑的观念中则是后者。 有的西方丈夫会对东方妻子一味的“是”不解、反感甚至恼火,觉得她没有头脑,没有选择,更没有主见,是一个乏味透顶的女人;有的会觉得她表面无异议地附和,实际上是怕负责任;还有的甚至认为她言行不一、心机叵测、难以对付,因而心存戒备。小说兼电影《喜福会》中,那个华裔女子若丝对洋老公泰德总是说“是”,结果成了离婚的一个借口。 一般说来,东方人说“是”与西方人说“是”,往往含义不同;而两者所说的“不”,往往含义也不同。 东方人说的“是”或“不”,往往表达一种对既定人与人关系和伦理秩序的根本肯定或否定态度,而西方人的“是”和“不”却往往是一种实践性经验性的暂时确定性,或者说只是对某一事实肯定或否定的简单判断。 一个传统的东方女人所说的“是”或“不”,并不是对某种特定事物或意见的直接表态,而是对她应该遵守的那个价值体系的间接表态,符合那个体系就是“是”,不符合那个体系就是“不”。 比如上述那个对话,一个传统的东方妻子,说“是”,并非是对应该不应该到赌城、有无兴趣、什么时候去、赌博对不对等具体问题的回答,而是对丈夫地位、价值和权威的肯定。 与此相反,一个现代西方妻子在这个对话中所说的“是”,则可能是从自己的兴趣、当时的情绪、有无时间、交通是否便利、在赌场怎么安排孩子等具体问题的考量后,所做的肯定回答。 与一般东方人又不同,中国人的“是”和“不”,有更多的复杂性,它们既有所谓儒家的伦理“确定性”,又有所谓道家佛家的某种“无为”或“随缘”的“不确定性”。中国人一般在用“是”或“不”时,明显带有回旋的余地和保留的态度,当一个小官僚或小买卖人说着“是是是”或“不不不”时,你很难弄清他到底是什么态度。现代的中国人更一般不爱直接用“是”或“不”作简单判断。例如当一个西方主人问一个中国客人,是喝咖啡、可乐、果汁、冰茶,还是其他什么饮料时,后者常常习惯地回答“随便”、“都可以”、“无所谓”、“马马虎虎”等等,让对方摸不着头脑。“谢谢”的用法在不同的文化中也很不同。在西方文化中,“谢谢”可以也应该用于一切关系和场合,包括夫妻之间。如果丈夫或妻子帮对方做了一点什么,或给了一点什么,对方很自然就会说声“谢谢”,如不说,会显得气氛很不融洽。换句话说,你说了“谢谢”,并没有什么特别,但不说,就有点特别了。相反,在日本,“谢谢”绝不应用于家庭之内,因为那是见外的表现。在中国,一般家庭中,夫妻之间若用“谢谢”反而不亲密,显得一种陌生感。

『贰』 异族通婚的优缺点





『叁』 异族通婚 有哪些 优缺点


『肆』 English 高手进 帮忙翻译一下~~

The life was filled with to rise and fall.My whole life experienced the frustrate and distress, also creating brilliancy.
The passage of the years can't also put on is in my branding in the heart to the home town.The government concern economy development, but is careless of economy development to the influence of the global ecosystem, basically have no environmental protection consciousness.A hundred years ago, my home town owned the biggest tropical rain forest in the world, but after few decades, big and parts of forests of the home town were chop down almost exhausted, soil erosion severity.Make person delighted BE, the government passes to subsidize fruit tree to plant to return a wood by backing infield , the home town presented a new feature.
Keep off home town, go abroad to study abroad is a lately- experience personally beginning to me.Similar to together other students, my go abroad is for controling good English with take the diploma that the United States distribute.This period, I understood the United States on the other hand-this people's life style that has multicultural race.American time idea is very strong, this ecate a throw a body whole heatedly in study with investigate of race."Only time then can control us", they say clearly, "we hope every minute leads meaningfully".On the other hand, I also meet cultural conflict.Just start, I wanted to pass frequently the work 俭 to learn to come from F to pay the whole studieses and cost of living;Immediately after, I want to adapt a new living environment.End, I still have to face a bitterness of think the house.The abroad study makes me accept this idea:The knowledge adds an ability just is unique exit.End, I found out a to remunerate a big work also by excellent result graation.
But, positive if the common saying say of"rich uncertain happiness".I fall in love at first sight with the 玛 benefit, the open heart faces each other of merit and shortcoming.The mutual respect and trust strengthenned our relation, also church we forgive with frankly and earnestly.Live together two plan matrimony after years.Can the different clan relate by marriage to encounter to the parents' objection, our marriage plans end cancel.
Now I already 70 old, I make oneself's all loves and the energies pour into the grandsons ecation all.Hope their breadth of view motherland, survey the world

『伍』 求一篇关于对跨国婚姻看法的英语作文,急!!!

Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, and custom, and social class level, many disagreements can occur. Religion can be a problem. If the two has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. After all, their offspring will encounter problems too. Childrens who are mixed are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a community. They often have a hard time fitting in. Interracial marriage is not a good idea, but it is still alright to marry someone who is different than you.
My views of Matrimony (wedding/marriage)
Matrimony is the important to all people's life, two people need to make a full psychological and material preparations.
After all, Matrimony is a new life begin, a lot of things can not be the same as pre-marital free,
And then, the choice will congsidering some elements, Marriage is easy, divorce is also easy, you must be discreet, Matrimony means you choose to take care of parents, kids, wife and husband more and more.
From now on, you are not only thinking yourself. You have to take on the responsible for this family, in particular, the relation between husband and wife.it will be influence to your family's harmony directly. Some researchers say that, true love may only three years, the family love will remaining so many years, because of this feeling is built up the responsibility and affection.
In modern times, many people had less responsibility and more like to enjoy. So, the proportion of divorces increased significantly.
Actually both spouses must learn to share the obligations, try to learning the way you treat to your lover, especially in housework...

『陆』 名人异族通婚例子


『柒』 关于外国通婚意见的英语作文

  1. Hello everyone ! It is nice to talk about the things about marrying a foreigner,my ideas about the cross-country marrying are as follows:Firstly ,I think the couple must have had a deeply understand...

『捌』 英语作文,题目看不太明白,来人给翻译一下……


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