㈠ 八年级下册英语第三单元2b仿写
在国外你曾经尝过中国食物吗?或许你担心在旅行时找不到任何好东西吃。然而,在新加坡,你会找到来自中国的许多食物;你很容易就能找到米饭、面条或饺子。 新加坡也是一个品尝新食物的好地方。不管你是喜欢印度食物、西方 食物还是日本食物,你都能在新加坡找到!
大多数大城市都有动物园,但你夜间去过动物园吗?新加坡有一个夜间动物园。当天黑时去动物园看起来可能很奇怪。然而,如果你在白天去看狮子、老虎或者狐狸, 它们或许正在睡觉呢!许多动物只在夜间醒来,因此这是观看它们的最佳时间。与一个正常的动物园相比,在夜间动物园,你能在一种更为自然的环境里观看这些动物。
㈡ 仿写八年级下册英语的第三单元的1b的句子
㈢ 英语topic 3 p13 1c仿写
1.I'm tired,I should not have gone to bed so late last night.
2.I don't/didn't know Bob very well,but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.
3.We are supposed to meet her at the train station.
4.You could clearly see people drowning,but/and yet you took no action to save them.
5.Including weekends,there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.
6.Without immediate action,many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger.
1.That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.
2.There happened to be a policeman on the corner,so I asked him the way.
3.All flights to New York today are delayed because of the bad weather.
4.Whoever is responsible willl have to pay for the damage.
5.I can not find my checkbook ,i must have left it at home.
6.By the time ,the football match was going to start ,the storm had already stopped.
1.A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in.
2.He looked over my shoulder at the conveyer belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.
3.Unfortunately,his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.
4.I assured him that we would calll him as soon as we found his briefcase.
5.To our great surprise ,the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car .
1.You won't get the job unless you have got the experience.
2.Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.
3.The statement/sentence is so clear that it can't cause any misunderstanding.
4.He wishes he could give her more help than what he does now .
5.Put on your coat ,or you will catch a cold .
6.She has added a picture of Picasso to her collection.
7.I am not aware of ever having been here before.
8.You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.
1.First,you must be aware that feeling nervous is very normal in a strange environment./It is quite normal to feel nervoust in a strange environment.
2.Our thoughts can race a long several times faster than most people speak.
3.In order to get other钬檚 attention,you must learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.
4.One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizens.
5.The sense of humor is of use/help.Telling a joke about yourself sometimes can lighten the conversation.
6.Only when you are willing to talk and listen attentively,can/will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.
1.It钬檚 far too hot in the room,open the window,please!
2.The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.
3.he should have been angry at what I said.It was nothing more than a joke.
4.We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.
5.She views marriage as a serious matter.
6.To my disappointment ,the movie didn钬檛 live up to my expectations.
1.I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot,but I neer have the time now.
2.The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.
3.this is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.
4.What aspect of your job/work is(the)most difficult,and what aspect is(the)most rewarding?
5.Some people think he is rude,but that钬檚 not the case.
6.I钬檒l help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do.
1.Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.
2.Children were watching the planes take off and load.
3.As soon as I钬檓 on board a ship I always feel sick.
4.A total of 20000 people visited the museum on the first day when it was open to the public.
5.The committee consists of scientists and engineers.
6.I wouldn钬檛 dare to go home with the job unfinished.
1.We are considering selling the house.
2.I suggest he wait a while before he makes an decisions.
3.John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.
4.We钬檇 like to know the reason why she didn钬檛 accept the job.
5.You shouldn钬檛 have gone back t the burning building,you might have been badly/seriously burnt.
6.It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might have be a problem.
1.World war鈪?ook place in 1945.
2.My grandfather drinks a great deal.
3.He was still working by the age of 65.
4.The teacher knows all his students by name.
5.The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.
6.He likes all kinds of eports,but most of all,basketball.
7.Talking on the phone is different from talking face to face.
8.They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.
1.The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance,but the name of the apeaker ia not.
2.It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams.
3.Mr.Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others.
4.Two Americans shared last year钬檚 Nobel Prize for Medicine.
5.First of all I钬檇 like to welcome you to the meeting.
6.I钬檓 not accustomed to such luxury.It钬檚 a waste of money.
7.The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.
8.Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.
1.The best way to lose weight is to avoid eating fatty foods.
2.One of the main causes of hunger used to be lack of transportation.
3.Wasteful packaging will add to the price of food/food price.
4.Economic reform would not be successful without the development of agriculture.
5.The farmers will grow more cash crops next year instead of grains.
6.At present,there are still places in the world where farmers make use of animal labor.
㈣ 英语八下第八单元②模仿1c, 用you做主语,肯定回答,否定回答 用第三人称做主语
②模仿1c, 用you做主语,肯定回答,否定回答
㈤ 英语八下三单元仿写2c
㈥ 英语八年级下册第三单元2b仿写
俗话说:一场秋雨一寸凉,一夜秋霜山川黄。快重阳了,秋渐渐走向成熟,湖光山色在不知不觉中变得色彩斑斓,落寞而沉稳。自然界,以一种深重老练和禅的意境,向大地宣示一种肃穆中的妙曼。这种妙曼是秋雨的身影和其弹奏悠扬韵律。 我静坐书斋,倾听窗外秋雨的跫声,淅淅沥沥,清清爽爽,平平仄仄,宛若跌落凡尘的灵性明珠,妙曼歌瑶,轻盈的莲步,那份缥缈,阿娜而妩媚。我放下手中书卷,轻轻打开窗门,伸出有点麻木的手,让“嘀嗒”的雨粒滴落在手心。便觉有一丝丝清凉便从掌心直达全身,让一夏的燥热消失得无影无踪。我细细品着雨滴的妙曼,形若珍珠,圆润玲珑;色如琉璃,晶莹剔透。这秋雨圆润中有蕴藏着几分禅意,剔透中折射出几分感叹;其间还挟着一种非同凡响的气息,亦香亦涩,亦醇亦酸。我明白这是四季的充分酝酿,大地的无私给予,才有饱含深情这丰收的气息。我仿佛看到:秋雨滑落在高粱上,高粱便笑红了脸,秋雨滴落在稻谷上,稻谷便笑弯了腰,秋雨漂落在枫叶上,枫叶便变得火红;有夕阳从云隙间射出一抹金灿灿的光芒,涂得大地一片金黄,啊!这才是秋的霓裳,秋的底色,和的伟岸,好一派丰收的景象! 秋雨如甘霖,自天宫而降。以一种傍若无人的傲慢,冲刷人们旅途中的一段段尘埃,洗涤尘封的一页页日历,刻意还给人间一个清香而丰腴的梦想。 秋雨总是丝丝入扣,缠缠绵绵,凭借秋风飞舞,仿佛柔弱无骨,亦若珍珠断线一般,缓缓洒向宇寰,洒向山峦田野,洒向花草树木。细小的雨滴,悄无声息沐浴着你,沐浴着茫茫大地。“谁道柔雨不经风,秋来泽菊自然情”。秋雨蕴含着天地的情感,倾诉着宇宙的心语;她含情切切,意语绵绵,惹得菊放,唤回飞雁。她犹如热恋中燃烧的火焰,点燃季节的情操,照亮着世间冷暖寒暑。这份情感正是来自上苍的给予,怀抱着天地的内涵。 然则孰知,秋天是一个让人思念的季节。看着万物逐渐的萧条零落,看着绿叶渐渐的枯黄,看着花凋于西风下,叶堆于秋雨中,便存一份无奈的心境,回想无情岁月韶光一去不复返的厚重与失落感,由然涌起,人生苦短,岁月蹉跎;回首人生已经走过的半百,蓦然间,掐指屈数,就算人生真得有百年,生命的年轮己逝去了一半矣!一种难言的落寞,渐渐禁锢了曾经少年的疯狂。过去的已经永远别过,儿时的无忧无虑,青春时的激情澎湃,壮年的求索精神,只能作为一种追忆,复制回忆录的章节,让后人去评说了。而在回忆的书笺字里行间中,又能有多少让自己情不自禁掩口而笑的快意?我常想:假如过去又回归成现实时,我能否绕道而过?当实时轮为历史时,我是否多一份欢乐?心中总是一个无解的方程,只永远在跋涉中以元素的方式,被溶解、中和、变化、沉淀,最后碳化,变成化石。思绪飞流,悬于高阁,叠浪天涯,不断的拍打着心潮,翻阅远去的履历,忆起久别的往事,常理还乱,谓我心忧。 一阵风掠过,漂起的窗帘拽回我的思绪。我才意识到:秋雨应该与欢乐同在,收获是秋天的伟大赐予。在收获的季节里,绵绵的秋雨是否是上苍刻意安排给人间的让人们在收获的季节对过去的日子进行一番思索,不管是忧伤也罢,还是快乐也罢,都是对过去岁月的一种总结,或是反省,人与万物一样都是在总结中获得启迪,在反思中得以进化的。 我走出书斋,刻意伫站于雨中,仰望苍天,蒙蒙的天空丹无密布,深不可测。沐浴着秋雨带来的凉爽与惬意,一种浓浓的释怀之感涌上心头,我如走进禅的境地,端坐于莲台,彻于明镜。看一衣秋水,悟正道人生。人生如秋水,秋雨润人生,人生多么需要具有秋雨那种妙曼而沉着、清静而洒脱的个性。如果人生多一点秋雨的那份缠绵柔静,多一点秋雨的那份沉着洒脱,那生命将会是多么妙曼、多么丰富。人生之所以有那么多的忧愁与烦恼,就是因为我们有时太急躁、太急功近利。秋雨给我们带来许多启迪,带来许多对人生,对生命,对自然的感悟,只是我等没有细心去品赏、去借鉴、去为之觉悟罢了。 君不见,那细密如织的秋雨,不正象一个经历沧桑的老人一样,在经历了太多的轰轰烈烈之后,方知晓平平淡淡才是人世间最最重要的,所有的荣誉、光环、成就……都只是暂时的,不管是任何人,都不能永远站在顶峰,总有坐在山下休息的时候。 秋雨缠绵不断,滋润着大地,滋润着人间,为这个世界增添了生机,昭示出大自然神奇的魅力,这个世界在有序的规律下向前发展。秋雨息步,地面构建出座座自然的天镜,折射出大地无限的希望,拽映出人们丰收的喜悦。 今天的雨格外清新,妙曼着我的心身和周围的一切。而我的心情似那秋雨温馨,一丝如扣的激情隐隐而至,婉如梦境,飘逸而潇洒。 一场秋雨过后,空气清新多了,所有的污垢被风雨尽情地涤荡,哪曾经咆哮的江河,不再喧哗,以遏制后的温情,步入成熟和练达。 啊,我终于知道:秋雨,撒下的是妙曼,汇聚的是博大。
㈦ 仿照八年级英语下册四单元1c写句子
What's wrong?
I'm really tired because I watched TV until midnight last night.
Why don't you go to bed earlier tonight?
㈧ 八年级下册英语3单元SectionB2c造句
While John was reading a book ,he saw a dog jumped down the sofa.
While Sally was shouting to the soccer players ,the soccer players was playing soccer.
while John was in the museum,he saw a scary snake.
㈨ 八年级下册英语,第三课1c造句
A:Could please take out the rubbish ?
B:Of course.Can you fold your clothes?
㈩ 英语书八上第四单元仿写1c
Lin Fei's home is about 10kilometers from school.He gets up at six o;clock every day,showers and has a quick breakfast.Then he leaves for school at around six thirty.First,he rides his bicycle to the bus station.That takes about ten minutes.Then the early bus takes him to school.The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. 翻译:林飞家离学校大约有10千米远,他每天6点起床,洗澡并且迅速的吃完早餐。然后他回在大约6:40的时候离开答去学校。首先,他骑自行车去公共汽车站,那要花大约10分钟,然后他乘早班车去学校,坐公共汽车通常要花费大约25分钟