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发布时间: 2021-01-17 21:38:15

『壹』 物理的英文


『贰』 英语作文:如何学好物理

How To Learn Physics
In my opinion,physics is difficult for somebody,but if you know the way how to learn it,you'll pleasure from it.
First,you should listen carefully in your class,and review them continuously.Second,you should read a lot of books to enrich oneself continuously.As we all know,interests is the best teacher for ourselves,so you should develop you intrests in physics.
where there is a will, there is a way.Work hard,and you would be good at your studies.

『叁』 一篇“一堂物理课”英语作文,(写物理实验),高手帮个忙


『肆』 一篇题目为物理太难的英语作文,60词左右,初二水平

Physics is very difficult?
If you think physics is very difficult to learn. I agree with you.But my physical result is good.so I'd like to tell you some ways to help you learn it well. Firstly, learn by yourself before the class. Second, listen to the teacher carefully inthe class. At last, do some exersice to consolidate the knowledge.
These are my experience in learning physics.

『伍』 英语作文自我介绍带翻译以及化学 物理的学习方法

I am a boy.My name is Sheng Qiyun.I am a pupil in Pingjiang school in Suzhong.I like play table tennis very much,and I like swimming,too.I go to school five days every week. My school is not far from my home,and it is a nice school.There are 3000 teachers and 7000 students in my school.There are 300 classes in my school.My English teacher is tall, my PE teacher is tall,too.I love them a lot.Welcome to my school.

『陆』 各种物理状态(中英文对照)


物理学 physics
测量 measure (vt.)
测量工具 measuring tool
测量范围 measuring range
最小刻度 division value
实验 experiment
实验室 laboratory
误差 error
刻度尺 meter ruler
零刻度线 zero graation line
长度 length
单位 unit
面积 area
千米 kilometer
米 meter
平方米 square meter
立方米 cubic meter
分米 decimeter
厘米 centimeter
毫米 millimeter
微米 micron
纳米 nanometer
时间 time
小时 hour
分钟 minute
秒 second
毫秒 millisecond
体积 volume
升 Liter
毫升 Milliliter
天平 balance
砝码 weights
游码 rider
质量 mass
吨 ton 千克 kilogram
克 gram
毫克 milligram
停表 stop watch
力 force
牛顿 Newton
测力计 dynamometer
弹簧秤 spring balance

Ⅱ、运动(simple motion)

相对运动 relative motion
方向 direction
位置 position
路程 path
静止 rest
参照物 reference
速度 velocity
平均速度 average velocity
直线运动 rectilinear motion
曲线运动 curvilinear motion
变速直线运动 variable rectilinear motion
匀速直线运动 uniform rectilinear motion


温度 temperature
温度计 thermometer
摄氏度 degree centigrade
体温计 clinical thermometer
分子 molecules
分子运动 molecular motion
物质 substance
物体 object
状态 state
固体 solid
液体 liquid
气体 gas
物态变化 state transformation
晶体 crystal
非晶体 noncrystal
熔化 melting
凝固 solidification
熔点 melting point
凝固点 solidifying point
汽化 vaporization
蒸发 evaporation
沸腾 boiling
沸点 boiling point
液化 liquefaction
升华 sublimation
凝华 condensation
扩散 diffusion
吸引力 attractive force
排斥力 repulsive force
冰箱 refrigerator
热传递 heat transfer
热传导 heat conction
热对流 heat convection
热辐射 heat radiation
吸收 absorb(v.)
放出 release(v.)
热量 heat
比热(容) specific heat (capacity)

光源 light source
光的直线传播 rectilinear propagation of light
均匀介质 well-distributed medium
光速 velocity of light
小孔成像 image byping hole
日食 solar eclipse
月食 lunar eclipse
光的色散 dispersion of light
平面镜 plane mirror
光的反射 reflectionof light
反射定律 reflection law
入射光线 incident ray
反射光线 reflected ray
法线 normal
镜面反射 mirror reflection
漫反射 diffuse reflection
入射角 incident angle
反射角 reflection angle
海市蜃楼 mirage
光的折射 refractionof light
折射光线 refracted ray
折射角 refraction angle
光屏(屏幕) screen
照相机 camera
潜望镜 periscope
幻灯机 slide projector
电影放映机 film projector
空气 air
真空 vacuum
蜡烛 candle
透镜 lens
凸透镜 convex lens
凹透镜 concave lens
会聚 converge(v.)
发散 diverge(v.)
焦距 focal length
焦点 focus
实像 real image
虚像 virtual image
(主)光轴 principal optical axis
光心 optical centerof lens
放大的 amplified
缩小的 reced
正立的 erected
倒立的 inverted
放大镜 magnifier
玻璃 glass
水 water


磁体 magnet
小磁针 magneticneedle
磁场 magnetic field
天然磁体 natural magnet
磁极 magnetic pole
地磁场 geomagnetic field
人造磁体 man-made magnet
南极 north pole
北极 South pole
电流的磁场 magnetic field of electric current
条形磁铁 bar magnet
磁感线 magnetic inction line
蹄形磁铁 horseshoe magnet
磁化 magnetization
电磁铁 electromagnet


振动 vibrate
声波 wave of sound
振幅 amplitude
介质 medium
音调 pitch
噪音 noise
传播 travel
响度 loudness
乐音 voice
声速 velocity of sound
音色 musical quality
分贝 decibel(dB)
回声 echo
频率 frequency

重力 gravity
惯性 inertia
动力 motive force
重心 center of gravity
平衡 equilibrium
阻力 resistance
摩擦力 friction force
压强 pressure
动力臂 power arm
滑动摩擦 sliding friction
帕斯卡 Pascal(Pa)
阻力臂 resisting arm
滚动摩擦 rolling friction
液体压强 hydraulicpressure
作用线 action-line
静摩擦 static friction
大气压强 atmosphericof pressure
滑轮 pulley
压力 pressure force
标准大气压 standardatmospherepressure
定滑轮 fixed pulley
浮力 buoyancy force
气压计 barometer
动滑轮 movable pulley
力的图示 force diagram
托里拆利 Torricelli
滑轮组 pulley block
力的大小 magnitude of force
阿基米德原理 Archimedes principle
功 work
力的方向 direction of force
密度 density
功率 power
力的作用点 acting point of force
潜水艇 submarine
机械效率 mechanical efficiency
合力 resultant force
热气球 fire balloon
有用功 useful work
分力 component force
飞艇 airship
额外功 extra wok
力的合成 composition of forces
简单机械 simple mechanics
总功 total work
形变 deformation
杠杆 lever
斜面 inclined plane
牛顿第一定律 Newton’s First Law
支点 pivot


电荷 electric charge
正极 positive plate
电压 voltage
带电体 charged body
负极 negative plate
伏特 Volt
摩擦起电 electrificationby friction
电路 electric circuit
伏特计 voltmeter
正电荷 positive charge
通路 closed circuit
电阻 resistance
负电荷 negative charge
开路 open circuit
欧姆 Ohm
导体 conctor
短路 short circuit
变阻器 rheostat
绝缘体 insulator
电路图 circuit map
滑动变阻器 slide wire rheostat
半导体 semiconctor
串联 series connection
欧姆定律 Ohm’s law
电源 power source
并联 parallel connection
电功 electric work
导线 wire
电量 electric quantity
电功率 electric power
电键 key(switch)
电流 electric current
额定电压 rated voltage
干电池 dry cell
安培 Ampere
额定电功率 rated power
蓄电池 storage plate
安培计 ammeter

『柒』 我喜欢的 课程是物理英语作文,5o词

您好:I like English very much. i began to study English when i was at primary school, i found it is interesting and i can learn other countries' culture and history by watching more and more Holleywood films on the internet or in the cinmea .I can also make friends from different nations by speaking English.
This can make my life more colorful,so i enjoy learning English

『捌』 我喜欢的 课程是物理英语作文,5o词


『玖』 用英文说明学物理的好处

I think Physics is a very useful branch of knowledge.Our life can't live without it.Now let me give you a brief show about that.
The most important reason is that it is a practiced science.Many aspects of the society use the principle of it.Like the construction of building we live and so on.
Also,Physics is the ladder of our human make progress.Since the knowledage have been set up,many useful machines have been made to make our life more convinent.
The last point,our life have been changed by this subjuct.In the Olympic Games,many athletes got better scores because of konw this.
Above all,Physics is a very important subject,we must study it as well as we could.Only do this can we make great contribution to our contury in the future.

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