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发布时间: 2021-03-04 10:43:13

A. 一篇关于汽车的英语作文、有利和弊的

Angel or Devil
Do you know Auto has a double face,on one side ,it is the face of an angel,and on the other side,it is an ugly face of a devil.

B. 英语作文有关自行车与汽车

What a stupid topic, I don't know it is from your teacher or the exam paper, it is really stupid anyway, what is the difference between bike and car? Come on, use your fxxing brain, or you want me to tell you that bike has 2 wheels and car has 4? It is just so many this kind of stupid question graally making our kid thinking in a funny way.
Would you please ask me what is the difference between man and woman?
or, more or less, just ask me how to ride a bike and drive a fxxing car with engine, yeah you are right, car with engine, bike with 2 wheels, that's what you want, my son.

C. 急求:一篇关于汽车的英语作文、有利和弊的

Angel or Devil
Do you know ? Auto has a double face, on one side , it is the face of an angel, and on the other side, it is an ugly face of a devil.


D. 写一篇英语作文关于车子的好与坏并且写出汉字


E. 写一篇关于买车的英语作文

The lighter drive 更轻便的驾驶理念 Electric cars made from carbon fibre will be safer and go farther 电瓶汽车+碳纤维材料=安全,耐用 They look safe in thereMARK WEBBER has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for. When his Formula 1 car cartwheeled in a spectacular 306kph (190mph) crash at the recent Valencia Grand Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre “tub” that racing drivers now sit in. Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being extremely strong it is also very light. It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey mountain bikes. But if work by Germany’s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to mass-proce electric cars. 6月,F1瓦伦西亚大奖赛发生了惊人一幕:以每小时306公里(190英里)行驶在赛道上的马克•韦伯发生了严重的翻车事故。奇迹的是,韦伯本人毫发无 伤。奥妙之处就在于当下流行于F1的——碳纤维底座。虽然与铁,铝相比,它的造价较高,但是抗压及轻便性都远远好于铁和铝。目前,炭纤维材料还大多使用在 高精度领域,如飞机机翼,F1赛车,或是私人山地车等。不过这一传统观念可能会被宝马公司打破,一旦试验成功,那么碳纤维就可以率先广泛应用在电动汽车领 域。 The Bavarian carmaker plans to launch a new plug-in electric car in 2013. It will be one of the first designed from scratch to use an electric motor rather than being converted from an existing model. Recing the weight of this four-seater car, known as the Megacity concept, will be crucial to improving its performance and range. So BMW is planning to use no steel at all. The Megacity will be built as two moles: an aluminium chassis will contain the electric drive-system and battery, and a body made almost entirely of carbon fibre will be fitted onto it. 德国汽车制造商正计划将在2013年推出一款电瓶可拆卸式环保车。这并不是从现有车型改装而来,而是设计师卧薪尝胆的一次全新尝试。更轻便的4人坐驾,完 全符合现代城市环保理念,这款“无铁”车型的设计,彰显出了它的与众不同与理念上的更新换代。但是这样一个设想目前还处在起步阶段,或许成功的那天,汽车 铝制底盘上充电驾驶装置与设备,及全身碳纤维的设计工艺,能够更好的诠释大城市的环保概念。 Carbon fibre is 30% lighter than aluminium and 50% lighter than steel. The fibres are extremely tear-resistant. When woven into a lattice structure and impregnated with resin they can proce a part that is stronger than steel. The trouble is the process is labour-intensive and slow, not least because components may have to be cured for hours under pressure in massive ovens called autoclaves. For carmakers, used to stamping out steel body-parts in a few seconds, this has ruled out carbon fibre for high-volume proction. BMW, however, aims to change that. 碳纤维比铝轻便30%,是铁的50%。同时,由于纤维具有极强的抗断裂性,再融入树脂形成晶体结构后,那么它的强度就要超过铁。但是这道工序属于劳动密集 型,效率相对较低,以前车用铁制品的切割仅需要几秒钟时间就能完成,而现在则需要在高压炉内高温锻造几个小时,因此,大量生产碳纤维的可能性不高。不过, 宝马公司目前也正在试图改变这一情况。 Its

F. 英语作文 关于汽车的

First there r more and more families own a car or more.
原因 1私家车比较方便 2国名生活条件的提高 3身份的象征 等等。
Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u want and no need to worry about u will miss the train or bus and then wait for a long time.(因为当你拥有一辆车时,出游更方便,不用担心耽误火车或者巴士,然后再花很多时间去等)
otherwise there are more and more people get rich now. The cars r not like before that only a few people can buy.And some people think get a car is a sign that u r one of the rich guys.(另外越来越多的人变的富有,车子也不想从前只有少部分人能买到,而且一些人认为有辆车是富有的标志)
弊端 1污染环境 2交通堵塞 3停车难
But as we all know the Car exhaust lead the problem of Global Warming.(但是众所周知,汽车的废气导致了全球变暖)
And too manys cars in the road cause the Traffic jam. (而且太多车在路上造成交通堵塞)
another problem is we need more place to parking the cars. The cars Occupy more space with our public space.(还有一个问题是我们需要跟多地方停车,车子占据了我们更多公共空间)
1 支持私家车 2 不支持私家车 (在这里建议选择第二个,因为在环保的大前提下,低碳生活最重要。)
And my opinion is cars bring us the convenient but it also bring the Environmental issues.In the long term i think we should contral the number of cars.(我的观点是,汽车带给我们方便的同时也带来了环境问题,从长远角度看我们要控制汽车数量)
we cant stop that more and more families own a car but we need consider the problem that cause from cars.(我们无法阻止越来越多的家庭买车,但是我们至少要考虑下车子带给我们的问题)


G. 关于私家车与公交车的英语作文

Genius at Work 天才在抄工作
If I were a Boy Again 假如我又回到了童年
Love Your Life 热爱生活
Love 爱情
Self-Awareness 自我意识
The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝
The Cobbler and the Banker 皮匠和银行家
The Life I Desired 我所追求的生活
The More Loving One 让我们成为更有爱心的人
The Rainy Day 雨天
These Things Shall Never Die 这些美好不会消逝
Think it Over……好好想想……
Virtue 美德
Words to Live by 生活的忠告
A Forever Friend 永远的朋友
A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子
A Greek to Remember 一位值得纪念的希腊人
A Psalm of Life 人生礼颂
Discovery 发现
Friends 朋友

H. 有关车的英语作文



I. 关于汽车的利弊写英语作文

近来,我们班同学对于是否应该发展私人轿车的问题进行了讨论。同学们的观点不同,有的支持者认为:发展私家车提供很大的便利和灵活性,可以不再依赖公共交通,随心所欲的去自己想去的地方。但是也有一些反对者认为:私家车会使城市交通状况变的更糟,到处都是堵车现象,太多轿车会污染空气 。我的观点是,应该发展私家车。这样促进了经济的发展,方便了人们的生活。但是对于环境问题,我们可以从其他方面加大力度去保护。Recently, our class students as to whether the issue should be the development of private cars were discussed. Students a different point of view, and some supporters of that: the development of private cars offer great convenience and flexibility, you can no longer rely on public transport, free-wheeling to go to their own place. However, there are some opponents argue that: private cars, city traffic conditions will become worse, the phenomenon of traffic jams are everywhere, too many cars will pollute the air. My point is, it should be the development of the private car. Thus promoting economic development, facilitating people's lives. But for the environment, we can make greater efforts to protect other areas.

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