㈠ 初三英语作文,在学校举行的一次义卖活动。
㈡ 图书义卖英文
爱心义卖 天空,像海一样湛蓝,一朵朵云彩排成了巨大的笑脸,仿佛在迎接令人激动的义卖活动. 等啊,盼啊!终于等到了爱心义卖的到来,我迫不及待地拿起
㈢ 求英语作文!校学生会举行义卖活动以资助贫困地区儿童上学,请你写一...
At present, some children in the poor areas cannot afford to go to school, we should try our best to help them.Our school is preparing a Charity show for the poor Children .The show will start at 7 p.m. in tomorrow night in the school playground.It lasts about two hours.The aim of this show is to donate money for the Hope Projec.The donation will use to build school and help poor children to attend school.Hope everybody in our school can attend this show and support project hope.Thanks.
.这不是考试的作文么。。。高3???? 嘿嘿。。。。
㈣ 英语作文参加义卖的注意事项
光顾着自己做买卖,还不过瘾,我得腾出功夫到别班的摊位前瞧瞧。 随即,我就把收银包递给了王艳秋,叫她给我顶一会儿班。于是,我离开了我的岗位,作为顾客去买了一些我喜欢的东西,如嵌宝文具盒,摄像机等。
时间过得真快,2点钟到了,我们2点20分收摊,这时,我又想起了“自己”的摊子,生意做得怎么样了?啊! 只剩下几副手套,20袋牙签等一些不值钱的小玩意儿了。咦,还有一个小兔子呢!于是,我站在柜台上大喊:“心动不如行动,快来买呀!又便宜又好玩,快来买呀!清仓价,很便宜的,快来买呀!”可是,无论我怎么喊,始终没人来光顾,我们只好带着一丝淡淡的失望收了摊子,离开了体育馆。
噢!差点忘了,收摊时我还捡了一个便宜,以15元的低价买进了一双很坚固八成新的溜冰鞋呢! 《红领巾爱心义卖活动》这篇优秀的“三年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。
㈤ 义卖会 初中英语作文
Here is my plan for the coming charity bazaar. Personally, I will open up a stall that sells plastic cups. I bought 100 plastic cups online for 40 yuan totally. I will sell each of the cups for 1 yuan so I would gain a profit of 60 yuan. However, I know that selling cups is not going to be smoothy as I though in real life. A potential problem is that there will be so many stalls and thus it's hard for buyers to actually find my stall. After think think over about this issue, I decided to hang an big outstanding poster for my stall to make my stall easier to be found. On the poster sais what I'm selling and how will I spend the money I collected. By the way, I will donate the money to Chinese Refugee Organization to help poor people. I hope this report gives you a clear view of what and how I'm going to participate in this charity bazaar.
㈥ 英语作文关于义卖的收获120字
㈦ 英语作文一场义卖活动不超过30词
㈧ 一场校园义卖的英文
At present, some children in the poor areas cannot afford to go to school, we should try our best to help them.Our school is preparing a Charity show for the poor Children .The show will start at 7 p.m. in tomorrow night in the school playground.It lasts about two hours.The aim of this show is to donate money for the Hope Projec.The donation will use to build school and help poor children to attend school.Hope everybody in our school can attend this show and support project hope.Thanks.
㈨ 有关写学校的一场义卖的英语作文不少于十字
Friday,May 7th This morning our class had a charity sale on our school playground.We prepared many things which we made by hand in our spare time, such as kites, model planes and so on. They looked very beautiful. At 8:30, the activity started. Many students and teachers came to take part in it. It went well, and the results were worth the effort. We made over ¥2,000 in the end. We’ send the money to Project Hope. I had a wonderful experience. I’m proud of what we have done. If everyone makes a contribution to the charity, the world will be much better.