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发布时间: 2021-03-02 16:38:00

⑴ 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,有关时间管理的重要性,大学生应该如何管理时间和管理时间的好处!120字以上

Lu Xun said: "time is like a sponge in the water, as long as you like crowded, there are some. "So we should manage your time well, most efficient thing to do. For example, on the bus ring the meal to eat in the morning, time to review the contents of yesterday. "Noon and as fast as possible to eat, time to look at some of the textbooks. Evening meal should be eaten on the desk, because the time on the desk are more important than time on the table. Managing your time is important

⑵ 时间的重要性英语作文 不少于600

The importance of time As a proverb says, "Time ismoney." But i n my opinion, time is even more preciou s than money. Why?Because when mon ey is spent, we can earn it back. Howeve r, when time is gone,it will never return. This is the reason why we must value ti me. It goes without saying that the time for o ur study andwork is unusually limited. So , even every moment is extremely preci ous. Weshould make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student, I make efforts to engage in my st udy so as to se rve my future better. However, it is apity that there are many students who do no t know how to use the time. They donot r ealize that wasting time is equal to wasti ng a part of their meaningfullife. In a word, we should form the ha

⑶ 时间重要性的见解英文版作文

Time is the most valuable of all our possessions, but the most perishable as well. As Henry David Thoreau said,"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."
Whenever I fell the lack of time in the future, I will tell myself "Carpe diem , seize the day, make every moment count."
如果将来我再发觉没时间的时候,我会告诫自己,“carpe diem (拉丁语),抓住今天,抓住每分每秒。”

⑷ 合理安排时间的重要性英语作文100字

多彩的初三 彩虹有属于它的七种颜色,同样的,美妙的初三生活也拥有属于它的颜色。 ——题记 在过去的日子里曾经年少的我们盼望着过一种刺激的生活,也许是因为小学的节奏太过缓慢,也许是因为初一、初二的日子没有特色,于是,转眼间,在我们升上了初三的时候,突然发现这才是一种快节奏的生活,仔细看,发现初三的生活也有自己的颜色。 起初,初三是绿色,那象征着活泼和快乐。尽管老师和家长在一遍遍重复着距离中考的时间,但毕竟十五六岁是属于我们的花样年华,青春年少。看嫩绿的小草破土而出,看翠绿的枝条随风飘摇,就仿佛看到了我们自己在操场上自由奔跑,玩耍疯闹。虽然心中也曾有过一丝丝焦虑,但那远比不上快乐占据的百分比。于是,初三就在绿色的笼罩中慢慢度过。 渐渐地,初三变成了红色,因为我们意识到了什么是月考,什么是中考。于是我们放下了曾经快活的绿色时光,转而拥抱红色的朝阳。于是我们坚持,我们奋斗,我们努力,我们追求,日子就在这一系列的动词中悄然溜走。在那段日子里,我们懂得了什么是激情燃烧,也许不只是象电视中的那样,初三同样在燃烧着激情与能力,而那产物就是几个月以后重要的测试。为了心中的梦想,我们放弃了年少轻狂,而是毅然地转身,走向成熟的殿堂。 当然,初三也是黑色的。黑色原本象征着高贵,它与白色的搭配永远是世间的经典。可是当它迈进校园,就失去了原来的意义。它是“压迫”,是吸走时间的工具,它减少了我们玩耍的时间,起初的绿色离我们越来越疏远。一天十节课让我们充分感受到了初三的紧张状况,成批成套的卷子向我们扑来,于是在这样的日子里,体育课成了我们的向往,尽管每周只有90分钟,但也是一种放松的方式吧。 初三是橙色,是健康,是成长;初三是黄色,是耀眼,是辉煌;初三是青色,是青果的青涩与不成熟;初三是蓝色,是广阔无边的未来;初三是紫色的,有酒酿的芬芳……哦,初三,那是奇妙的初三,是多彩的初三!

⑸ 以珍惜时间为题的初中英语作文

Time is not money, not any of the material can be found again. Once you have lost it easily, it is always with you, merciless, respectively.
Time is not money, the most terrible thing is: when you leave it, but also from your body to steal the most valuable asset - their youth and life
Life is short, death is of course with a time of birth is far lower than if these do not make good use of time, it can be said that life is very short
Grasp the reality of a second better than to imagine a year in January

⑹ 业余时间重要性的英语作文


⑺ 阐述管理时间的重要性和建议的英语作文

will tell to scholars: "time is money, but money is not time." Scholars only cherish the time to create their own value, for human civilization development, exploration of new knowledge heaven and earth. Technology can further development, for the takeoff of sacrifice their own talent. Conversely, not cherish the time, living an age, but tomorrow comes, not only ruin my future, return to country bring economic loss.Time for military experts speaking, cherish the time is victory. The reds to FeiDu jinsha river, day and night to march, the purpose of which is to gain time, to gain victory. Shows how important it is to cherish the time, the relationship between the survival of our country.

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