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发布时间: 2021-03-02 16:34:59

❶ 求一篇高考英语开放作文范文


❷ 开放式英语作文

Personally, I think it is necessary for students to take occasional examinations. They can tell us how much the students have learned and what their strong points and what their weak points are in their study progress. Therefore, proper exams are useful to the students’ further studies. At the same time, they are also helpful to the teachers. The teachers can get to know clearly what their students’ problems are. Then they can get to change their teaching plans and improve their teaching methods so as to help their students study. However, if there are too many examinations, they will do more harm than good to the students. The examinations will become a heavy burden on the students. Sooner or later the students will get tired of them and lose interest in studying. In a word, examinations are necessary, but too many are not good. Therefore we should rece unnecessary examinations.

❸ 如何写好英语的开放作文


❹ 开放式英语作文 求助

I Should Thank my dear friends~

thank you for encouraging me ~recently it was a hard time for me ~and i feel disappointed these days ~but the situtation does not change~finally i realize that if i want to change~i should change myself first~and i think it's the right time ~~ life is going on ,and i have to move on~~all in one word~thank you, my friends~~applause ,applause for me ~~

Now standing in front of you is an optimistic and confident girl, but no more than half a year ago, things were quite the opposite. I was recommended for admission to Fudan University, so my parents sent me to study with undergraates. I really had a hard time fitting in. Since it was the first time for me to live in a dormitory, and all the students around me are two or three years older. Worst of all, I couldn't get use to the food there. I kept complaining to my father on the phone, hoping to get some comfort. To my surprise, he said to me:" Stop complaining, my dear. You are so lucky. You don't have to take part in the college entrance examination, so you can manage your time freely. The difficulties you have now will make you braver. Just remember: gratitude is the right attitude everyday." After my father told me the last few words, I realized how I should lead my life. That is to take a grateful attitude towards my family, my friends, the people who helped me, and even the difficulties I had. I should thank my family for taking care of me, and always being there to support me. I should thank my friends for sharing good times and bad with me. I should never miss a chance to smile and say "thank you" to others. I should also thank the difficulties I have, because by overcoming them, I will improve a lot.

I tried to communicate more with the people around me, and find that they were all kind and friendly. Now we have a wonderful time together. This experience taught me how to make friends, and how to be independent. Life becomes much easier for me now. Everyday I take some spare time to meditate, and to appreciate all I have.

My living principle is: "Gratitude is the right attitude." What about yours?

Thank you!

❺ 高考英语开放作文

像Abusolutely ,by the way ,in a nutshell 之类的 最后差不多串联起版来就行了 然后尽量把句子写权长一点。。。比如。。
Yesterday I had a dream, in which I flew.
这里面那个 in which 用的就是亮点 会让人感觉从句用的不错。。

总之感觉英语复习上面 背诵和押题很没效率的 还是这些基础的连接词和局势比较有用 然后背几个长一点的单词 让监考老师觉得你知道的东西很多 这样就行了。。。。。。

❻ 求 英语开放作文.. 看图写作文..

In the picture, there is a guy using a magnifier to magnify a black dot on the desk. I think what the picture shows us is that we need to magnify our weaknesses in our life. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Overestimating the strengths make a person arrogant. What we should do is to identify our weaknesses, which what the black dot stands for, and to turn them into strengths. The reason that we use a magnifier is because we want to make sure how it looks like and how it is made. By this way, we can use different techniques to erase the black dot and replace it by a colorful dot. We can apply this to our real life. We use different methods to erase our weaknesses and try to replace it by strength. This is the only way for us to develop more fully and it makes our life more valuable!

❼ 如何写开放性的英语作文

在学习英抄语必修一Unit 2 的Writing时,我给袭学生布置的作业是以Why should we …?为题制作一个英语海报,并借这次作业进行一次英语海报制作比赛,对优秀作品进行了奖励和展览。先给学生讲清楚制作海报的格式,即上方中间写海报的Title,中间位置列举5-6条Reasons,下面写一句话作为Conclusion。学生们积极性很高,精心制作,制作出的海报内容丰富多彩,并绘制有精美的图案,学生们在快乐地手工制作中既提高了英语书面表达能力,又提高了学习英语的兴趣。上学期在自己所带的高二二班进行了一次英语手抄报制作比赛,让学生以学习小组为单位,小组成员各自发挥所长,协同合作,兴致勃勃地制作出了一份份图文并茂的英文手抄报,通过评比对优秀作品进行了奖励与展览。我还结合各种节日,让学生自制各种贺卡。如本学期5月份,让学生自制母亲节贺卡,用英文表达对母亲的感恩之情和节日祝贺。通过用英语完成各种形式的手工制作作业,使学生把学到的英语知识运用到生活实践当中,使学生在快乐实践中既提高了语言运用能力,又激发了学习英语的兴趣。

❽ 英语作文我喜欢开放性的作业

I like English
I like English because it is an awesome language.A pretty simple list of alphabets that consists of twenty-six characters,putting into good use to form millions of words.
English is widely known in the world,and is recognised as the international language for communication.It would be so useful for me if I goes on a trip to other countries.Moreover,if i have to work with overseas partnership companies in the future,English is definitely the common language for business and trades.
English is not only useful,but also beautiful and sounds great!I admire people who speaks good english,they speak it so fast and fluently that it sounded like a wonderful rhythm of music.Therefore,I really wish to be like them one day.I believe i can,as i do have great passion and interest in English!

❾ 求一篇英语开放作文。


❿ 英语开放作文

....suddenly a voice came into his ears.He was sure that it must come from his mother,so he ran to his mum's room as fast as he could."What's the matter,mum?"He said to his mother when he saw her near the desk."Nothing,I saw a mouse just now"And then they both laughed!

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