❶ 考研英语图表作文该怎样写
一、作文要学会积累 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“巧妇难为无米之炊”古人这些总结,从正反两方面说明了“积累”在写作中的重要性。“平时靠积累,考场凭发挥”,这是考场学子的共同体会。
(一)语言方面要建立“语汇库”。语汇是文章的细胞。广义的语汇,不仅指词、短语的总汇,还包括句子、句群。建立“语汇库”途径有二:第一是阅读。平时要广泛阅读书籍、报刊,并做好读书笔记,把一些优美的词语、句子、语段摘录在特定的本子上,也可以制作读书卡片上。第二是生活。平时要捕捉大众口语中鲜活的语言,并把这些语言记在随身带的小本子或卡片上,这样日积月累、集腋成裘,说话 就能出口成章,作文就会妙笔生花。
(二)要加强材料方面的积累。材料是文章的血肉。许多学生由于平时不注意积累素材,每到作文时就去搜肠挂肚,或者胡编或者抄袭。解决这一问题的方法是积累素材。平时有条件的可带着摄像机、录音机、深入观察生活、积极参与生活,并与写生、、写日记、写观察笔记等形式,及时记录家庭生活、校园生活、社会生活中的见闻。记录时要抓住细节,把握人、事、物、景的特征。这 样,写出的文章就有血有肉。
(三)要加强思想方面的积累。观点是文章的灵魂。文章中心不明确,或立意不深刻,往往说明作者思想肤浅。因此,有必要建立“思想库”。方法有二:第一要善思。“多一份思考,多一份收获。”平时要深入思考,遇事多问问“为什么”、“是什么”、“怎么样”。这样就能透过现象看本质。还要随时把思维的“火花”、思索的结论记录下来。第二要辑录,也就是要摘录名人名言,格言警句等。 总之,作文要加强积累,建立好“语汇库”、“素材库”、“思想库”这三大写作仓库,并要定期盘点、整理、分门别类,且要不断充实、扩容。
鲁迅先生在回答文学青年“如何才能写出好文章”的问题时强调了两点:一是多看,二是多练。这里的“多看”即指多观察。这就说明:要写好文章,要掌握娴熟的文章写作手法,就要多观察,学会观察,观察是写作的必要前提和基础。 俄国小说家契诃夫就这样谆谆告诫初学者:“作家务必要把自己锻炼成一个目光敏锐永不罢休的观察家!——要把自己锻炼到观察简直成习惯,仿佛变成第二个天性。”把观察锻炼成习惯,锻炼成第二天性,这是一种很需要时间去磨练的功夫,是很有作用,很了不起的功夫。 要留心观察身边的人、事、景、物,从中猎取你作文时所需要的材料:你要对一些看似不大实则很有意义的事情产生兴趣,注意观察起因、过程和结果;你要留意校园花坛里的植物一年四季如何变化它的颜色,学会刨根问底,弄清这些变化的来龙去脉;你要走向社会,同更多的人接触,观察他们的一言一行,要思索一些东西,随时将它们汇入自己思想的长河。这就是观察的过程,观察过程中要注意以下几点:
(三)观察尤其要注意持之以恒。别犯“脑热病”,三分钟的热度对与写好作文是没有益处的,你要将观察生活、思索生活贯穿于你生活的每一天,这样你才会写出妙文佳作来。 学会观察对于写好作文有着巨大的奠基和推动作用,离开了观察,你往往会感到难以下笔。愿你学会观察,不断培养,提高赞成的观察能力,在写作实践中取得得大的进步。
三、意高则文胜 立意,就是确立文章的中心和意图。那么文章在立意时要注意哪些问题呢?
(一)立意要正确 正确是文章立意的第一要义,所谓正确就是要保证文章的感情和思想观点正确,符合客观事物的本质和规律,符合我国基本政治原则,符合人的基本道德要求,能给人以积极的启发。
(二)立意要专一 “作文之事,贵于专一,专则生巧,散乃人愚。”无论多么复杂的事情,主旨不能分散。一篇文章如果既想说明这个问题,又想阐述那个观点,东拉西扯,必然立意不明确。其实,想面面俱到肯定会面面 不到位,况且一篇文章只能有一个中心,与其“贪多嚼不烂”,不如集中笔墨表现一个中心,即使是通过数件事来表现中心,也要做到紧帖中心行文,目标始终如一,着墨于材料与中心的结合点,使材料蕴涵的力量全部直指中心。
(三)立意要新颖 文章最忌随人后,人云亦云,新颖的角度是作文创新的核心。立意新颖要求跳出陈旧的框框、不按顺向思维、习惯思维或原有的心理定式进行立意构思,而是以独到的视角去审视题目中所蕴涵的另类内容,避开他人所常写,写别人所未写。即使同一写作对象,总是可以从许多角度切入,只要我们打破思维的定式,站在时代的高度,避“俗”求“异”,多角度、多侧面思考,或联想、或扩展、或类比、或逆向,发人之所未发,就能在五颜六色的天空里构筑属于你的最 美的彩虹。
(四)立意要深刻。 立意的深刻是指确立的主题不是人所共知的肤浅的道理,而要透过现象看本质,挖掘出更深层的意蕴。
(五)立意要巧妙 在习作有限的文字内,要表现较为深刻的思想,就只能一粒沙里看世界,从生活中的一斑一点、一枝一叶去再现生活的全貌,从一个点、一个片段、一个瞬间、一个现象入手,对社会、对人生进行描述和深思,即立意要大处着眼,小处落笔,角度虽小,却能小中见大,平中见奇。
四、怎样写好状物的文章 如何写好状物文章呢?请大家牢记以下五点:
(一)交代来历 文章开头用一、两句话介绍物品的历来,自然地引出下文。
(二)具体描述 通过颜色、形状把物品外形准确勾勒出来,写出特点给人以鲜明的感觉。多用一些恰当的修辞手法,展开合理的想象。赋予它情感,就会使物品活生生地跃然纸上。
(三)动静结合 先写静态的外形特点,再写它的动态。这样会增添一些情趣,写出的文章也会更加生活。
(四)说明功能 每件物品都有它独特的作用,一般来说,这类文章要在结尾处说明一下物品的作用这样会更加突出这件物品的特点。 (五)融进感情 字里行间要流露出作者对所描述的物品的喜欢、珍惜之情,这样会增强文章的感染力。
读了一篇好文章,你一定很受感动吧?要是你想把这个故事简单的介绍给别人,就可以用缩写的形式。本次习作练习的是缩写,要求主要内容完整,重点突出;语言简练,缩写后文字不要超过三百字。 缩写是作文中的一种常见形式。所谓缩写,就是在不改变中心,不改变体裁,保留原文的主要内容的情况下,把一篇长文章压缩成短文章。学会缩写,能帮助我们更好的理解课文内容,培养我们的阅读能力和概括能力,进而提高语言表达能力。那么,怎样进行缩写呢?
(一)要留主干、去枝叶。在缩写课文时,我们要删减次要的人物、次要的事件,以及说明、交代等地方,留下课文的主要内容。如《小抄写员》一文中我们首先要思考:叙利奥是在什么情况下开始帮爸爸工作的,他为什么要偷偷地做,怎样做的,结果怎样,把最使你感动的地方画下来。然后把 帮爸爸抄写的事情经过写下来,而把当他被爸爸误解后是怎样想的等无关紧要的删除。
(三)要保持文章脉络清晰。缩写课文要注意保持文章主要脉络的清晰和完整,特别是故事发生的时间、地点、 人物、事件的起因、经过、结果等要素要齐全,让人读了对原文有个大概的了解。
❷ 英语图表作文应该怎么写
❸ 英语四级图表作文的类型及参考范文
❹ 一篇图表英语作文应该怎样引题
1、熟悉四类图表的英文名称:表格(table)、条形图(bar chart)、曲线图(graph)和饼形分析图(pie chart)。此外,“如图所示”是写这类作文中的一个常用短语,它的表达方式有以下几种:
⑴As the chart shows, …
⑵According to the chart, …
⑶As is seen from the chart, …
⑷As we can see from the chart, …
2、在表达时,可以对具体的数据进行一些处理,用另外一种表达方式来代替,避免一篇小短文中出现过多的数据或者相同的句型结构,如:一次有关阅读兴趣调查结果是:50%的学生喜欢新闻;25%的学生喜欢故事;14%的学生喜欢幽默;11%的学生喜欢推理小说。(Half of the students love news. A quarter of them are fond of stories. 14% enjoy humor. The rest prefer to read mystery books.)
3、“…的数目或数量”的表达方式有两种:可数名次用the number of …;不可数名次用the amount of …。数量的多和少不能说成many和few,而用large和small.
⑴The number of the students is large.(学生的人数很多。)
⑵The amount of food is very small.(食物的数量很少。)
⑴rise/increase/go up/jump to/grow(上升);
⑵decrease/fall/go down/drop(下降);
⑶rise sharply/rapidly(急剧上升)
⑷fall slowly/graally(缓慢/逐渐下降);
⑸The price has grown by 3%.(价格已经上升了3%)
⑹The number of visitors has risen from 100 to 500.(访客的人数从100上升至200了。)
⑺Over the years, the income of the family has remained the same.(近几年这个家庭的收入保持不变。)
⑴The bill comes to $25.(账单总共25英镑)
⑵These numbers add up to 100. (这些数目合计为100。)
⑶All the expenses amount to 11,000 yuan.(所有的开支总共达到11,000元。)
⑴Compared with…(与…相比);
⑵He is 2 centimeters taller than I.(他比我要高2厘米。)
⑶The room is twice the size of that one.(这个房间的面积是那个的两倍。)
⑷Now the total number of Chinese Christians is 14 times as many as in 1949.(现在中国的基督教徒总人数是1949年的14倍。)
⑸The number of students who enjoy reading English news doubles that of those who prefer reading stories.(喜欢读英语新闻的学生人数是喜欢阅读故事的学生人数的两倍。)
1. As can be seen from the chart/graph/table...
2. It can be seen from the statistics that...
3. As revealed/shown/stated/noted in the picture...
4. The chart gives information that...
1. There was a rise/increase/upward trend from...to...
2. It has risen to an average of...
3. There was a fall/decrease/rection/decline/drop/downward trend from...to...
4. It has fallen/dropped/declined to...
1. From the analyses above,we can draw the conclusion that...
2. From the data we gatherde from the above graph,we can conclude that...
3. According to the information gathered above,we may reach the conclusion that...
4. According to what has been discussed above,we can arrive at the conclusion that...
5. The graph reflects that...
As is shown by the figure inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.(结论)
Thereareatleasttwogoodreasons (accounting) for ______. Ontheonehand, ________. Ontheotherhand,_______ isetothefactthat ________.Inaddition, ________ isresponsiblefor _______. ________. convincing.
AsfarasIamconcerned,I hold the view that _______. 。。。原因
The 2010 Spring Festival Gala has set records for TV commercial rates, which accordingly has caused heated discussions e to proct placement in the programs.
As the pie chart shows, the majority of the respondents are against the proct placement while only 35% are supporters.
⑴如图所示:According to the pie chart; As is seen from the chart; It is illustrated in the chart that…; As is suggested from the chart.
⑵被调查者:the people surveyed; the respondents; the people involved in the survey; those who responded to the survey.
⑶反对:disapprove of; disagree with; be against; be opposed to; oppose; hold negative attitudes towards; think little of.
⑷赞成:support; be for; be in favor of; approve of; agree; think much of
15% of the people surveyed think the practice is reasonable because holding such big events costs a lot. CCTV needs to make good use of the opportunity to earn enough money to finance its operation and development.
⑴ 15% of them think it is acceptable for CCTV to make profits from the proct placement, which is of great benefit to the development of the TV station.
⑵15% of them hold the view that the practice satisfies the needs of CCTV’s development and can enable it to hold a better gala next year.
⑶13% of them argue that the profit made from the proct placement can benefit CCTV’s future development.
One-fifth of them don’t feel annoyed at the proct placement and even regard it as an natural part of the programs.
⑴The way commercials are included is very natural.
⑵they feel comfortable with the proct placement
⑶the proct placement appears in the progroms naturally.
⑷The commercials are involved in the programs in a natural way
Almost one third of the respondents complain that the irrelevant proct placement makes the programs strange and ridiculous.
⑴have nothing to do with…
⑵be related to …
⑶be linked with …
Proct placement appears so frequently in the program that a quarter of the people surveyed feel rather disturbed.
⑴feel annoyed at too many commercials
⑵feel uneasy/disturbed
The rest 10% argues that the practice has greatly damaged CCTV’s image as the most important media in China because it’s the main channel for the general public to get information and entertainment.
⑴Great harm has been done to the image of CCTV
⑵The good image of CCTV will be greatly affected
Personally, proct placement in right amounts are acceptable if it doesn’t spoil the fun and art of the programs. Whatever CCTV does, it should take the audience’s feelings into consideration
❺ 英语图表作文模板
As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_has been on the rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_图表中数字_ in _时间_ to __图表中数字_ in _时间__. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.
Thereareatleasttwogoodreasons accounting for ____. Ontheonehand, _____. Ontheotherhand,___ isetothefactthat ____.Inaddition, ____ isresponsiblefor ____. ____. convincing.
AsfarasIamconcerned,I hold the point of view that _______. -grounded.
❻ 英语图表作文模板
In recent years,_____图表所反映的现象 ,which can be clearly observed from thediagram.____用图表中的数据说明这一现象。
Several reasons contribute to/several factors result in thisphenomenon.Firstly_________,Secondly_______,Thirdly_____.
All in all, 总结 。
___本文所讨论的问题 happens every day around us.From the barchart,we can see there are mainly three causes for—____本文所讨论的问题 。While____%_________________,another___%_____________,___%____________.
Actually,the problem can be prevented if we take necessarymeasures.First of all,_________________,then,_________,
With the above efforts,we can rece the problem largely.
In recent years,____图表所反映的趋势或现象 , whichcan be read from the above diagram.___此趋势或现象在图表中的具体体现。
With the reference to thephenomenon,I think,reasonal as it seems,___本文图表所反映的现象___is not preferable.To startwith,_______________.Secondly___________.Besides,_________.
So it is high time_______.
❼ 求一篇英文图表作文 谢谢
This chart describes the difference in birth and death rates of 1990, 2000 and 2005 in 15 provinces of China. According to the chart, the birth rate has dropped dramatically from 1990 to 2005, this is most likely caused by the anti-natalist policy of the Chinese government to limit the population of the country. Overall, the death rate in most regions has decreased since 1990 as health care and living conditions improve. It may also be a by-proct of the one-child policy, which can force parents to focus their attention on the only child they have, therefore insuring the best possiblecare for the child. I believe the one-child policy in China achieved its goal,although there are many complications along with it like the unbalanced number of females and males as well as the retirement problem in many families; but as the chart shows, it effectively lowered the birthrate and generally increased the life expectancy.