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发布时间: 2021-03-02 07:28:16

① 有没有大神知道历年英语大小作文一般能得多少分还有2013年的英语一大小作文预估一下能得多少分。


② 英语小作文怎么写

英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和基本语法上下苦功夫.同时通过阅读来积累素材.从汉语作文就可知英语作文有多难.也可得到启示该怎么训练.小学到初中在到高中10 多年,有多少学生能够写出象样的汉语作文? 英语作文怎么写?好在知要求根据某个 情景话题写10 多句话,120词左右,同常要看懂提示,认真审题,1).审文体,要求 写成什么文体?如何开头结尾?是书信?是看图作文?还是根据图表写议论文?各种文体 有大致固定的结构. 2))审要点,特别是动词用哪个?评分 时,是按要点是否全部涉及,表达是否清楚来定 档次的. 要点确定后,重要的是用好 动词,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,最好一步到位,将时态 也带进去,确定全文基本时态 是现在时 还是过去时?直接将该词的形式表出来,省略打 草稿的步骤; 3),将要点扩充成句子,注意前后问的连贯和一致. 4),加 必要的连词,是全文连贯和文理通顺,有的句子前后再 调整合并,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段. 5).通读全文,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误.写作文 是一个复杂 的思维过程.一篇 号作文需 反复修改,和进行周密的思维活动,没有必要的词汇,素材积累是无从下手的,多读范文,多练习,才有望 提高,正如游泳骑车等技能只有通过不断练习游 和骑 ,而不是纯理论能奏效的. 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔时就会得心应手,水到渠成。

③ 2013年全国卷一英语作文题目及标准范文

注意:1. 词数100左右
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头语和介绍语已为你写好。
Dear Peter,
How are you doing?___________________________________________________
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
How are you doing?
I’m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I’ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you’ve asked for before.
Also, I’d like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is the first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!
His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am. August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in blue jacket.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua

④ 2013年考研英语一小作文小到第二面了!

第二面是大作文的答题位置 这是电脑扫描 应该是每道题的答题位置是固定的评卷人也是固定的 要是你写到第二面了 估计老师就看不到了吧

⑤ 英语小作文!!!!!!

My best way of going to school is walking. On the way to school, I can appreciate the scenery along the road. Hearing the birds singing and smelling the fresh air make me relaxed and comfortable. And I can have my breakfast by the way. So many small but nice restaurants provide delicious breakfast everyday. Having a nice breakfast helps me to be energetic. According to a survey, walking is the best way of practising which does good to peopel's health. All in all, walking is my favorite way of going to school!

⑥ 2013年的考研英语一10分的小作文是写一篇邀请信,而我忘了写时间地点,能得多少分呢急急急。。。。


⑦ 英语小作文 范文

I wonder what the wind is saying.
I wonder where the cloud is.
I wonder why it rains.
I wonder what's in the sea.
I wonder how the birds fly.
I wonder how the fish breathe.
I wonder how the flowers grow.
I wonder why the world is so wizardly..
What shall we do next Sunday?

Next Sunday we shall get up very early. My father and I shall wash and dress quickly and have a small breakfast. Then we shall take our bags. There will be bread and butter, meat and some other things to eat, and cold water to drink. We shall go to the woods for a walk. Mother won't go with us. She will stay at home with my little sister. We shall walk in the woods, swim in the river, pick flowers for Mother. We shall have dinner in the woods and come back home in the evening.
What will it be like in 2050?
Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050.
"What will the world be like in the year 2050?" asks Tom.
"I don't know." Says Fred, "What do you think?"
"Well, no one knows. But it is interesting to guess." Says Tom. "In the year 2050 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. We shall have telephones in our pockets, too. And we can talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we will work only two or three days a week, we can fly to the moon by spaceship and spend holidays there." "I'm very glad to hear that, I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope to live in the sea." Says Fred "Won't that be interesting? Just like a fish."
Do you like rain?
It is eight o'clock on a Monday morning and it is raining.
A cold wind is blowing, and the sky is gray. Men and women are going to work. Some are walking, some are riding on buses, some are waiting for buses on windy corners in the rain. Others are driving their cars, or riding in the cars of neighbors and friends. The city streets are full of cars and buses. All are moving slowly, one after another, along the city streets and on the roads between cities and town.
Children are going to school. Some are riding on school buses, some are riding in their parents cars. Many are walking, and they are not very happy.
Life is not beautiful on a rainy Monday morning.
(5) Why should I study?
A stupid pupil said to his parents, "The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The less I know, the less I forget. Nothing I know, nothing I forget. So why should I study?"


Build a Harmonious Society
Dear fellow students,
Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's ty to work hard to achieve this goal.
As high school students, what should we do ?
First of all, we should love our motherland. Let's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school's activities.
Secondly, let's fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.
Finally, let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass.
As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.
Dear fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute!
Li Xiaoping
From Huanggang High School

Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It’ held once every four years.

The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.

“One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games. And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they’re the personifications of animals.

With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the instrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success!

Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !

In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other famous men and women. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject's business and family, or even bug and wiretap them——to get the news by whatever means are necessary.

It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people's lives. They are in the spotlight, renowned or notorious, they are the topic of ordinary people who like to know everything about them. To satisfy their curiosity, or “the people's right to know”, journalists often find it their ty to report their activities.

More over, what matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since film stars and pop singers are newsworthy figures, and their stories draws far more attention than those of other people, it is natural that the press tries to attract them to buy their magazines by featuring private lives of famous people.

How ever, those exposed people can be severely injured by such press attention. Sensational stories about their private lives cause great unhappiness to them. To escape reporters, they can't even lead a normal life. Sometimes their lives will be in danger. For example, Princess Diana died in a car accident as she attempted to escape photographers in a chase through Paris.

Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people——the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances.


1.I was very happy ring the National Day holiday. I spent a lot of time to play with my friends because I had little homework,I had finished it very soon. Although sometimes I feel bored, happiness was the mainstream. I liked to visit interesting places most. It was very nice. I like the National Day holiday.

2.I did not think that my elementary school life was very interesting, from Monday to Friday, I referred to four classes every morning, afternoon classes three referrals. Chinese mathematics and English, sports, art, etc., at 8:00 every morning, we had to make a morning exercise, I liked for morning calisthenics, It made us who had strong health. My favorite classes was sports, we often ran in PE class,it was very interesting. We had a week of reading, we could read their books from school, we had too little time to read. We would like to find out more information. My elementary life was colorful, and I miss my primary school life.

3.The first day of the winter vocation, I helped my mother with the housework. The second day, I, together with my family, went to Qunming and visited a local zoo. The third day, we left for Nanjing and spent 7 happy days there. After we returned home, I finished my homework and made some preparation for the new semester.
I enjoyed myself every day in the winter vocation. How about you?

4.Last vacation We went to a beautiful beach,a museum and we went to the mountains.
On the first day.It was sunny and hot all day.We went to a beautiful beach.We had a swim there.We played games.It was really fun.We had seafood for dinner.It was delicious!
On the second day.The weather was not good.so we went to the mountains.We got to the top of the mountain.We played games and flew kites.Iwas very tired.but I had a good time.
On the third day.The weather was cool.so we went to a museum.It was kind of boring.so we didn't really enjoy it.

5.Last weekend,I went to visit Old Henry.
On Saturday morning I cleaned the house.On Saturday afternoor I went to the movie.Old Henry and I went to beach.We had a swim there.We played games and flew kites.
On Saturday evening I cooked a nice dinner.
We had a great time.
I hope to visit him again!

6.A Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I read books and did homework.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room.In the evening,I watched TV and movies.On Sunday morning,I played basketball with my good friend.We were happy.In the afternoon,I went to the supermarket.In the evening,I read a book about history.
This weekend,I was very tired.


Nice to meet you again by letter.I am so excited to tell you something about my vacation on May day holiday.

I went to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum with my parents. It's so interesting here,the most attraction is the 3D cinema which can bring you to explore the vivid science world!
I sincerely to invited you to Shanghai and go there again.I promise that it will give you a happy experience!

Best Wishes,
yours ***

8.June 4th , Sunday Sunny

Today I went to our community to teach our neighbors some everyday English.

The residents who came to our lesson were mainly middle-aged or elderly men and women who had little knowledge in English. In order to be a qualified teacher, I got myself fully-prepared. I picked out some frequently-used English expressions when meeting foreign guests. Before the class began, I felt quite nervous. But to my surprise, my lesson was a great success! Although what I taught was not easy for my audience, they did try their best to read after me and practice a lot. In the end, some of them even could make a short conversation! How amazing! I was quite satisfied with my volunteering work today.

9.A Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I read books and did homework.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room.In the evening,I watched TV and movies.On Sunday morning,I played basketball with my good friend.We were happy.In the afternoon,I went to the supermarket.In the evening,I read a book about history.
This weekend,I was very tired.

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