㈠ 英文版 windows
装个虚拟机 然后在里面装个英文版XP不就得了 也不麻烦
㈡ 以 Believe Myself and I Will Win 为题写一篇英语作文
Believe myself,an I will win
As an old saying goes,where there is a will,there is a way.There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them.
In fact,when I was a child, I always feel sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life .Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way,they also told me that I should be confident.
Now,I'm no longer a child and I begin to know the real meaning of my parents words.To be confident means I should believe myself.If I do that,I will become a happy and brave person.
Believe myself,there are hopes in my life.In the future,I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win!
Believe myself,a beautiful future is waiting for me.
㈢ clean the window英语作文
On Sunday, my mother let me clean the window glass. But, I can't reach it,this could be how to do? I scratched his head, said: "there is a way." I stoodon a chair, brush ah brush, finally clean. My mother came over, said I was a clever boy.
㈣ 电脑英文windows
㈤ 求windows全部的英文简介.
Windows synopsis: Windows is Microsoft Corporation the multi-ty presente in figures and diagrams operating system which promoted in the late-1980s. Because it easy to use, the speed quickly, to integrate the entertainment function, the convenience fast surfer, was already deep the global numerous computer user's favor. In the short several years, Windows has enriched day after day from the original Windows 1.0 editions to last year official issue's Windows 2003, Windows function, the development momentum is swift and violent, more and more computers installed on the Windows operating system.
(1), if you are preparing to install Windows, then this chapter content will introce the Windows different versions need the hardware disposition, helps you to act according to the own hardware installment correct edition. (2) the general installment flow only briefly introced that this chapter introced emphatically when installs each kind of edition Windows possibly will apply skill.
The popular Windows edition and various editions need hardware disposition
Microsoft promoted Windows 1.0 from 1983 to present's Windows XP as well as Longhorn which researched and developed (silique) the operating system, Windows was already having 11 years old. In this 11 years, Microsoft has promoted each kind of different Windows edition, satisfies the different user the different demand.
What this chapter introced is the Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2003, Windows Xp, Windows 2003 Server related knowledge.
It is a pity, Microsoft Corporation already stopped to Windows 98/Me carrying on the promotion, although this edition applies most systems.
Windows 98
Windows 98 first month of summer officially issued in 1998. This operating system function is formidable, compared with the beforehand system has provided many new characteristics, for example: The high-quality Internet browsing function, the personalized Internet information issued that to hypothesized private network customer's support (VPN), based on the hypertext link's on-line assistance, the installation process to strengthen Setup Enhancements, a quicker close-down (Faster Shut Down), FAT 32, FAT32 Conversion Utility the FAN32 transformation tool, Windows Maintenance Wizard the Windows maintenance guide, as well as formidable entertainment function. This operating system is suitable for indivial user and the commercial use.
Windows 98 need hardware disposition (lowest disposition):
CPU:486DX/66MHz or higher processor
Memory: 16MB memory; More memories will improve the performance
Hard disk space: If uses the FAT16 filing system, the model installment needs 250,000,000,000,000, because the system establishment and the option are different, needs the spatial scope in 225,000,000,000,000 to 310,000,000,000,000 between. If uses the FAT32 filing system, the model installment needs 245,000,000,000,000. Because the system establishment and the option are different, needs the spatial scope in 200,000,000,000,000 to 270,000,000,000,000 between.
Can also know Windows one of 98 so popular reasons why in here. Because its disposition request truly is very from today's point of view low, if you have CPU are above 586, the 64M memory, has the 1G hard disk's computer, moves Windows on such computer 98 truly to be smooth. Moreover, its graphical interface and the operating mode is relatively mature. In the Windows later edition, has this kind of classical operation contact surface.
The Windows 98 pair of fields the influence is huge. Even if it already were given up by Microsoft Corporation (no longer providing now promotion service), but it still had the big user group.
Windows ME
Windows Me issued officially in October 14, 2000 that Windows Me is Microsoft Corporation and the family user's needs promotes for indivial. In the entertainment aspect, it and the family user has provided process comprehensive improvement digital multimedia platforms for indivial, moreover simplicity of operator, even if lacks the specialized knowledge the user also to be possible to enjoy pleasure; In the security aspect, it enables computer's security to obtain further strengthens, the system file protection function may prevent the core the Windows system file to delete arbitrarily or rewriting, the system also provides the return to original state function, causes the user after the system failure, easily rapidly returned to the formerly active status; In the Internet experience aspect, Windows Me may cause the user to carry on to the network processes in well the video frequency, the audio frequency as well as the network including plays game's each kind of digital entertainment; In the family network aspect, Windows Me supports the new generation “ namely to insert namely uses” the equipment, “Internet connection sharing” the function makes the user to found the private network to be smoother. This system is suitable for the family entertainment user and the surfer use.
Windows ME needs hardware disposition (lowest disposition):
CPU: Gallops 150MHz or a higher processor
Memory: the 32MB memory, more memories will improve the performance
Hard disk space: Least 320MB surplus hard disk space
Windows Me and Windows 98 and do not have the essence to be different, certainly becomes besides the icon attractive and provides the entertainment tool which some average consumers have no need, but also increased the massive equipment actuation. Materially, this edition is Microsoft to greet an edition which the millenium (in 2000) arrived promotes.
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 issued in March, 2000. Windows 2000 have four editions, namely: Professional, Server, Datacenter Server, Advance Server.
Windows 2000 Professional already became in the majority enterprises table model machine and on notebook's mainstream operating system. It has inherited the Windows 98 most outstanding commercial characteristics: If namely inserts namely with the user interface which and the power source management, easy to use, and has also collected based on the Windows NT technology, standard security, manipuility and reliable and so on formidable function.
Windows 2000 Server operating system has achieved a goal which the software instry very little realizes: Provides one kind simultaneously to have the improvement and the innovative proct. The improvement performance is the Windows 2000 establishments in Windows above the NT 4.0 operating system's good foundation; Between the innovative performance has established the operating system and Web, the application procere, the network, the correspondence and the infrastructure as Windows 2000 Server serves a good integrated new standard.
Not only Windows 2000 Datacenter the Server operating system has provided the highest usability and the scale rank for the service and electronic commerce, moreover for large-scale .com Corporation, the application served the supplier, the enterprise customer and the other need harshest commercial solution reliable customer has provided the best value of each contribution.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server is one kind the server operating system which provides face online commercial and the electronic commerce application. It not only contains the complete characteristic which and the application procere Windows 2000 Server has; At the same time, but also provided such as the aggregated function - - to guarantee your commercial intensity application procere to be able in the harshest application situation the long time, uninterrupted normal operation - - such extra elasticity and the reliable function.
Windows 2000 need hardware disposition (lowest disposition):
CPU:Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor (Professional: Support list CPU and double CPU system; server: The support reaches 4 CPU much the systems; Advance Server: The support reaches 8 CPU much the systems)
Memory: Professional:64MB memory; Server and Advance Server:256MB memory; More memories will improve the performance (to support the 4GB memory most much)
Hard disk space: Has 1GB at least the available floppy disk space 2GB hard disk. (if carries on the installment through the network, possible need more available floppy disk space. )
Needs to pay attention in here, Windows 2000 are one section is different with the Windows 98 operating systems, it is faces the server and the workstation operating system. Its predecessor is Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0. But already had four different editions now, is suitable separately for the different server environment.
Installs in the way as well as the collocation method, server Windows 9X which uses generally with indivial has the very big difference. Installs skillful as well as the concrete knowledge spot, also differs from, here need brings to the attention.
Window XP
Windows the XP issue in November, 2001, Window XP was divided two editions: Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional.
Windows XP Home Edition is specially for the home computer design. Windows XP Professional is designs for each scale enterprise, is also suitable in needs to use its computer's indivial fully. Windows XP Professional in has Windows XP Home in the Edition merit foundation, but also provided for optimized the high-level function which specially using the digital domain newest progress the proctive forces designed. Windows XP Professional is also constructs in the Windows 2000 solid foundations, its reliability, the security, the performance and the usability obtained the improvement, has set up the new standard for highly effective and the reliable computation.
Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional needs hardware disposition (lowest disposition):
CPU: The suggestion use processor clock speed is 300 MHz (or higher) PC machine; Needs 233 MHz at least; Suggested that uses Intel the Pentium/Celeron series, AMD the K6/Athlon/Duron series or the compatible processor.
Memory: The suggestion uses the lowest quantity which 128 MB (or more) the memory (supports is 64 MB; But the performance and certain functions will possibly be restricted).
Hard disk space: Has 1.5 GB available hard disk space at least.
The Windows XP contact surface and Windows 2000 as well as Windows 98 have is very greatly different, but possibly establishes is similar to the Windows 2000 classical contact surfaces. Generally may understand that is Windows XP is Windows 98 or the ME promotion version, is faces indivial user use the operating system (to be certainly also suitable for commercial); Windows XP is also very common, very popular operating system. Some computer manufacturer preassemble or the OEM edition usually is Windows XP Home the Professional version.
Windows 2003
The Windows 2003 issues in May, 2003, it divided into four editions, namely: Windows Server 2003 standard editions, Windows Server 2003 enterprise versions, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter versions, Windows Server 2003Web version.
Windows the Server 2003 standard editions are reliable network operating systems, but provides the enterprise conveniently rapidly the solution. This kind of nimble server is the Small business and the department application ideal choice. Its supporting documentation and printer sharing, provide the safe Internet connection, the permission centralization tabletop application procere deployment.
Windows the Server 2003 enterprise versions are to satisfy each scale enterprise's general-utility to design. It is each kind of application procere, the Web service and the foundation structure ideal platform, and provides highly the reliability, the high performance and the splendid commercial value. It is also one kind of entire function server operating system, supports reaches 8 processors, to provide the enterprise function, like 8 nodes aggregated, the support reaches as high as 32 GB memories and so on; May use in based on Intel the Itanium series computer, also being possible to use in being able to support 8 processors and 64 GB RAM 64 computation platform.
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter versions are the application procere which has a high opinion of for the movement enterprise and the ty design, these application procere needs highest expandable and the usability. It is the function most formidable server operating system which, the support Microsoft develops until now reaches as high as 32 group SMP and 64GB RAM, provides 8 nodes aggregated and the load stabilization service is its standard function, can support 32 processors and 128 GB RAM 64 computation platform.
Windows Server 2003 Web versions use in the Web service and the trust, use in procing and the load bearing Web application procere, the Web page as well as XML the Web service, its main purpose are as IIS 6.0 Web server use, provide one to develop fast and to deploy that XML the Web service and the application procere's platform, these services and the application procere use the ASP.NET technology, this technology is the .NET frame essential part, is advantageous for the deployment and the management.
Windows Server 2003 need hardware disposition (lowest disposition):
CPU: The standard edition suggestion use processor clock speed is 550MHz (or higher) PC machine; Needs 133MHz at least; Suggested that uses Intel the Pentium/Celeron series, AMD the K6/Athlon/Duron series or the compatible processor (support reaches 4 CPU the systems); The enterprise version suggested the use processor clock speed is 733MHz (or higher) PC machine (support reaches 8 CPU much the systems).
Memory: In the standard edition the suggestion uses 256 MB (or more) the memory (the support lowest quantity is 128 MB, but performance and certain functions will possibly be restricted, will be most greatly 4G); In the enterprise version the suggestion uses 256 MB (or more) the memory (the support lowest quantity is 128 MB, but the performance and certain functions will possibly be restricted; Based on the x86 computer is most greatly: 32 GB, based on Itanium computers: 512 GB).
Hard disk space: 1.5 GB available hard disk space, based on the Itanium computer is 2GB at least at least.
Windows 2003 Server series are the Windows 2000 series promotion versions. May see that it also has the different four editions, is suitable the different network environment separately, provides the network application.
x86 is a intel general-purpose calculator series standard serial number condenses, also marks a set of general computer instruction set, X and processor any relations, it has not been one to all *86 system's simple wildcard character definition, for example: i386, 586, gallop (pentium). Because the early intel CPU serial number is like 8086,80286 numbers, because this entire series's CPU is the instruction is compatible, therefore uses the instruction set present's galloping which X86 marks uses, P2, P4, the match raises the series is supports the X86 command system, therefore belongs to the X86 family
The X86 set of instructions is American Intel Corporation CPU(i8086) develops specially for its first 16, American IBM Corporation in 1981 promoted world first PC machine CPU--i8088 (i8086 simplification version) uses is also the X86 instruction, simultaneously in the computer to enhance the X87 chip series math coprocessor which floating-point data handling ability increases other to use the X87 instruction, later the X86 set of instructions and the X87 set of instructions general designation will be the X86 set of instructions. Although along with the CPU technology's unceasing development, Intel develops the renewal one after another i80386, i80486 until today's Pentium 4 (below Jan is P4) the series, but to guarantee that the computer can continue each kind of application procere which moved formerly developed to protect and to inherit the rich software resource, therefore Intel Corporation proced all CPU still continued to use the X86 set of instructions, therefore its CPU still belonged to the X86 series.
Moreover except Intel Corporation outside, factories and so on AMD and Cyrix also one after another proces can use X86 set of instructions CPU, what because these CPU can move is Intel CPU develops each kind of software, therefore the computer professional lists as these CPU Intel the CPU compatible proct. Because Intel the X86 series and compatible CPU use the X86 set of instructions, therefore has formed today huge X86 series and the compatible CPU lineup. Certainly not is uses X86 in present table model (portable) the computer series CPU, in the partial servers and apple (Macintosh) machine also use American DIGITAL (digit) company's Alpha 61164 and PowerPC 604e series CPU.
㈥ 英语作文belive myself,and i will win
belive myself,and i will win You must believe youself, otherwise the nobody will believe you.
The self-confidence is to passively wait for, but attack on one's own initiative.The machine has to revolve to proce a function.Active confidence a have no fear to.There is self-confidence, can encourage morale, pass through crisis, can win failure, overcome to fear.
The disaster in the life often forces people at the confidence with fear their to make a choice.Why do majority of people all choose to fear?The key lies in a person's attitude, we have right to decide by himself/herself.
The self-confidence is the performance of your a kind of understanding to the cosmos strength, trust and fusion.However, it isn't enough to just have confidence, you have to make use of it.
The self-confidence expressed by most people wants to be stronger than what we realize.We then know to believe ourselves very early.When you across a square one, you believe that you will walk.Before you speak the first words, you believe that you will say.You believe first, so you will complete it.
The person's man's natural character is to pursue a target and carry out wish.In spite of you of wishes is what, as long as your target clearly wants to do what matter, like to be what kind of person, you of brain and nervous system will constantly and constantly provide the information that you need, order about your awaring of self ground even is a facing to unconsciously pursue a target and carry out direction sport of wishes.
So, we can believe, persistence mentally of aggressive of the ego suggest, will make oneself self-confident on his/her own initiative, have animation, have vitality and have already created sex.
㈦ 用英文介绍Windows
In 1983 microsoft announced windows, windows 7 is a version of microsoft windows.
unlike predecessor,windows 7 was more focused,
windows 7 would be a better version of windows vista.
windows 7 includes a number of new features, adds support for systems. also includes a new networking.
the taskbar has seen the biggest visual changes as well.
㈧ windows为题的英语作文500字
loning windows image, and can't boot up. I'm glad that I could always have those machines there for my experimental methods. :) It can't boot e to having multiple boot sector, or invalid record as I have presumed. Hence, by doing a fixboot then a fixmbr, which rewrite a new boot sector, then rewrite the new master boot record, hulla~! It's done and the windows is booting up ;) Perhaps, that will be my last contribution, and achievement ring my first instrial training to the Company which was eventually merged into CSC, and renamed into CSC now. Cheers :P
My old dell c400 laptop shall survive for another days. USB port malfunction is the fatal blow to my laptop, it has been a real headache to me, desperate to get it fix... while my laptop screen left hinge has failed its ty to hold the screen anymore, it brokes. Thus, the right hinges shall bear more burden from now onwards, right after I took out the broken left hinges, and give some "encouragement" to my right hinges by tighten the loosen screws for it. As for the faulty USB port it can't be helped as up to date of writing. I spoiled my previous PC card to USB 2.0, which I incorrect usely external power transformer thought of giving auxiliary power to it to support my external hard disk, but to no avail, which "almost shortcircuit" my laptop, it restarted, and the PC cards has failed. This took me some time travel around Ipoh to get another new Working PCMCIA card to USB one for my laptop. It tooks me several trips to Redcom near my areas, which tried two non working cards, (believes that the card might be faulty items, get refunds, then another to PC depot.. the last "opened" box item, no working either,...), and eventually to the Yik Foong complex Redcom, and test and bought a working PC card. Which this kind of items PCMCIA card will be a muzium proct very soon, it's obsolete, so as my laptop. How long it will last... just try my best, save it for another day. Technology shifts and changes are just too fast to be caught up with. For my external hard disk case, that are carrying my laptop original 20GB IDE hard disk, my words for it, "it will shine, on other computer but definitely no for this laptop at the meantime, I'm unable to get it works with my laptop", Perhaps till the day when I acquire a new PC... Let's hope and pray.
However, my laptop has been given a new life. I have finally succeed in cloning the Windows from my old hard disk (which was inside the external hard disk) to my laptop current 120GB MDT Hard disk. The medium that helps in the process will be my home desktop :) Which I have used it to connect my external hard disk, using Ghostv11, perform peer to peer cloning, as well as running the Ghostv11 from BartPE cd at my Dell C400 laptop. Besides, I keep my current installation of the Windows (which was done to this 120GB hard disk in my laptop to another partition). Thirdly, I have installed Ubuntu Lastest Release - Interpid Ibex version 8.10 Linux Distribution. Hence, for conclusion, now it has three OS, Two windows, One Ubuntu Linux. Haha, all are working great. :) My initial worries was the windows, I wonder if the windows after cloning, using a different drive letter would affect a lot of things, which it doesn't work... (ie when I have many different partitions, in my first attempt, I have clone my old windows into partition E, and use drive letter E, turns out many things not working properly..) However, the solution was discovered accidently that, the driver letter can be mounted differently, according to the OS. Amazing? Example, Windows A, could have identify itself in drive C, and identify Windows B in drive E, but Windows B not necessary to treat itself in drive E, because that's only Windows A mounting method. Windows B could have identify itself in C, and then take Windows A as in other drive... Lol. Anyway, I just feel amazing to have multiple OS in one laptop, at least, I could perform as much experiment works to it as I can. >:)
Within a short while more, I'll begin my journey to Langkawi, along with my girlfriend's family. There, where my National Service Camp located in, a legendary Island, located to the North, let's see how will this trip turns up to be. For my last return from the Langkawi, I brought back lots of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.. hehe >.<
For now, I concludes the story here... oh yeah, last story to share, I finally got my Casio AQ160WD, hehe at least a unique and Genuine Casio Watch, at affordable price. :) and it's specially ordered from the watch store. Besides, I didn't leave out my old digital watch also. Which it names "QQ" watch, I get it repaired... and battery changed, it is as nice as it used to be. Which I have worn it throughout my training in Langkawi NS camp... well, my girlfriend's family is coming to fetch me for the langkawi trip.. Let's hope a happy trip =) Thanks my dear Mooi Lan, and also ur family for bringing me along. Hehe. Also ur love and support keep me cheers up through all thes
㈨ 英语作文 belive myself and i will win
Believe in yourself friends, please believe in yourself! Recall, have you ever proudly said: "I can do." Look for the long river, you remember whether there is "I believe themselves" such words. "Believe in yourself, I can do it!" This is just a simple sentence, but it is not empty words, more not just a joke. This is in the affirmation of your ability, your own a test. Although you have great strength, but you don't believe in yourself, you can't say: "I can do it!" So, flowers and applause will be on your side slipping away, You find, have already late, successful throne already belongs to those who dare to say "I can do this." Therefore, we must have plenty of confidence, dares to loudly say: "I can do it!" If no MAO zedong's "a little spark kindles a great fire", China's revolution wouldn't be going so magnificent and victorious, If no TongDiZhou "we Chinese are not better than foreigners mb", China's biological research won't have such a rapid development, If no xu haifeng won the surprising one gun, China in the Olympic Games will not discounts of breakthroughs. If no harvard girl LiuYiTing "I admire her, but I and refuses to her" in harvard yard will lose beautiful scenery... Countless "if no," to our recounting self-confident glamour. Don't you echocardiography? "Believe in yourself, I can do it!" Is the challenges we face. In this era of knowledge economy developed rapidly, please don't always want to let others found you, to dig you, and should have "ty" the courage to be competitive consciousness, ready to say: "I can do it!" If you are gold, don't be freewill always buried in the sand. You should reveals himself, so, people will see you in Orlando. If you are the flowers, don't always bud immovable. You must show smiling face, because others hungered for your aroma. If you are a raindrop, you don't always hidden in the clouds. Want to know, because the earth yearn for you and moist. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow belongs to grasp the unknown, but today in our hands. The palm is sky, next is ground, hold back fist, it is you yourself. Fate is master in our own hands, the key to see whether you can prepare, believe in yourself, goad opportunity. Believe in yourself, reveals the youth elegant demeanor. Believe in yourself, lit heart courage! 翻译:相信自己 朋友,请相信自己! 回忆一下,你是否曾骄傲地说过:“我能做到。” 寻找一下,你记忆的长河里是否有“我相信自己”之类的话语。 “相信自己, 我能做到!” 这只是一句简单的话,但它并不是一句空话,更不是一句玩笑。这是在肯定你的能力,是你对自己的一种考验。虽然你很有实力,但是你不相信自己,你不敢说:“我能做到!”这样,鲜花和掌声就会在你的身边悄悄溜走;等你发现时,已经晚了,成功的宝座已属于那些敢于说“我能做到”的人。所以,我们一定要有充足的自信心,敢于大声地说:“我能做到!” 如果没有毛泽东的“星星之火,可以燎原”,中国的革命就不会进行得如此轰轰烈烈;如果没有童第周的“我们中国人并不比外国人笨”,中国的生物研究就不会有这么快的发展;如果没有许海峰那惊人的一枪,中国在奥运会上就不会有零的突破;如果没有哈佛女孩刘亦婷的“我佩服她,但我并不服她”,哈佛校园中就会失去一道亮丽的风景……无数的“如果没有”,向我们诉说着自信的魅力。难道你不为之心动吗? “相信自己,我能做到!” 是我们面临的挑战。在这个知识经济迅猛发展的时代,请不要老想让别人去发现你,去挖掘你,而要有“毛遂自荐”的勇气,要有竞争的意识,时刻准备着说:“我能做到!” 如果你是金子,就不要甘心永远被埋在沙子里。你要亮出自己,这样,人们才会看到你的闪光点。 如果你是花朵,就不要永远含苞不放。你一定要露出笑脸,因为别人渴望得到你的芳香。 如果你是雨滴,你就不要永远藏在云朵里。要知道,因为大地渴望得到你的滋润。 昨天属于历史,明天是个未知数,惟有今天把握在我们手里。手心上是天,手背下是地,握起拳头就是你自己,。命运就掌握在我们自己手里,关键看你是否能做好准备,相信自己,把握好时机。 相信自己,亮出青春的风采.相信自己,点燃心中的勇气!
㈩ 用英文介绍windows操作系统