⑴ 我的一周生活英语作文五句话
我的一周生活英语作文:Hello! My name is Chris.This is my week.On monday ,I have math、English and music class.On Tuesday ,I have Chinese、math and PE class.On wednesday ,I have music、English and computer class.On Thuesday ,I have PE、math and Chinese class.On Friday ,I have English、PE and music class.This is my week,how about you?分享免费试听课地址:【https://www.acadsoc.com】点击即可领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!
⑵ 一周的生活英语作文5行
i had a busy life last week,on monday,i had piano lessons in the evening afterschool,and i had to finished myhomework first,then i could go to bed.on tuesday,i had to study for the nextday's english test,so i studied hard allnight,i feltverytiredthenextmorning.onwednesday,,itwasrelaxing,.on thursday,my ylittlebrother.andonfriday,ihadtopracisethepiano.ontheweekend,iwasbusy,too,buthappy,iwenttomyfriend'sbirthdaypartyonsaturday.,ihelpedherwithfarmwork,iwastiredafteraday'swork,whatabusyweekihad!
⑶ 英语作文写一周的生活
one week life
⑷ 写一周的生活英语作文80词
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⑸ 英语作文,一周的生活
a week's life
i had a busy life last week ,on monday,i had piano lessons in the evening after school ,and i had to finished my homework first,then i could go to bed .on tuesday,i had to study for the next day's english test,so i studied hard all night,i felt very tired the next morning.on wednesday,i practised singing a beautiful song ring the music class,it was relaxing,and i thought it was the best day in the week.on thursday,my mother was busy with housework that i had to help her do the laundry and looked after my little brother.and on friday,i had to pracise the piano.on the weekend, i was busy ,too,but happy,i went to my friend's birthday party on saturday.i enjoyed myself there and i visited my aunt on sunday,i helped her with farmwork,i was tired after a day's work,what a busy week i had!
⑹ 英语作文写写我一周的生活
⑺ 我一周的生活英语作文要求有汉义就4句话。
a week's life
i had a busy life last week ,on monday,i had piano lessons in the evening after school ,and i had to finished my homework first,then i could go to bed .on tuesday,i had to study for the next day's english test,so i studied hard all night,i felt very tired the next morning.on wednesday,i practised singing a beautiful song ring the music class,it was relaxing,and i thought it was the best day in the week.on thursday,my mother was busy with housework that i had to help her do the laundry and looked after my little brother.and on friday,i had to pracise the piano.on the weekend, i was busy ,too,but happy,i went to my friend's birthday party on saturday.i enjoyed myself there and i visited my aunt on sunday,i helped her with farmwork,i was tired after a day's work,what a busy week i had!
⑻ 用英语写一周的生活
I go to school ring the weekdays. I get up around 7 AM to get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I have breakfast. I go to school on foot. Finally, at the end of the day, I come home and do homework. On the weekend, I spend time on my hobbies, such as jogging.
⑼ 一篇关于妈妈一周生活的英语作文!10句左右!
My mother was busy every week, on Monday she took the bus to work, came home from work and do household chores, eating dinner after a break for a while, watch some TV, 9:00 arrange for Dad and I take a bath and then go to sleep , but she also showered washing clothes to sleep every day so. Tuesday, after work she would go to the supermarket to buy something. Wednesday after work, she would take me to see what my grandparents. Thursday, after work, she would clean the house.Friday, she would spend a lot of time for us to do a gourmet dinner. Saturday, our family went to the park to play, Sunday, she can finally relax at home watching a movie.上面那个朋友的似乎不通顺。呵呵,楼主如果觉得也还行,就采纳了吧,呵呵,开玩笑的,还是随你自己意吧