A. 英语作文 喜欢住在农村 为什么 50个单词
Hi,everyone!# # # is my full name.(###是我的全名。)[或可以这样说:# # is my first name.# is my last name.(# # 是我的名字。#是我的姓。)] I am a girl of 14.(我是一个14岁的女孩)I live in city ,now.But I like to live in village.Why do I like ? Because in village , there are no many cars , it's quiet . And there are some fish in the river in the village , the water is clean,the air is fresh(清新的). I also can play with my new friends on the grass. I think it's very happy and interesting to live in the village .(我认为住在乡村里很开心并且很有趣。)
Village is really a good place.(乡村真的是一个好地方。)Do you like live in it ?And can you tell me about yourself?
B. 以我喜欢住在乡村为题写一篇英语作文字数200字
乡村田园说明文 四年级 400字乡村的风景是清新的,乡村的风景是朴素的。夏天,知了在枝头叫个不停,蝴蝶围着花丛翩翩起舞,我和弟弟吵着闹着要去捉虾,妈妈无奈之下只好答应了。我们手拿了漏盆,脚穿皮鞋,整装待发。河塘里的虾好多呀!我和弟弟迫不及待地跳下去,寻觅着小虾的踪迹,“啊,我抓到了,好大一只呀!”妈妈大叫着。我和弟弟听了更着急地找起来,没过多久我也抓到了,看着一旁一无所获的弟弟,他那着急的样子令我不禁哈哈大笑起来。我们抓了很久,收获很大,但弟弟一只也没抓着,只好气急败坏地回去了。每次回家我都会跑到后院的竹林里去看,看什么呢?当然是竹笋喽,每次有笋时我会叫上姐姐和弟弟一起去挖笋。爷爷扛着大耙子,我们提着小锄头,去竹林挖笋。笋很大,我涨红了脸都拔不出来,气的哇哇大叫。爷爷便一耙子下去,竹笋马上被挖出来了,我们便抱着笋去给奶奶炫耀。挖完竹笋,我们会从所以笋中挑出一颗最大的作为“笋王”。接下来就得由弟弟把笋搬进屋里,只见他使出吃奶的劲也抱不起来,逗的我们笑到抽筋。乡下是我的乐园,我的世界,我爱这美好的乡村生活。
C. 我喜欢住在农村英语作文
D. 关于你喜欢住在乡村还是城市及原因的英语作文
Living in a city has many advantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. There are more and more cities increasing in the world.It means our economics increasing day by day.But today I would like to talk about the good sides and the bad sides about living in the cities.
1、 are a large ecation resources ,so you can get a better ecation tha in little towns or villages.This is one of the most important things for many people.
2、the traffic in cities is more convenient.You can go somewhere by plane、subway、bus or taxi.But there comes one problem:traffic in cities is getting worse.We always say a teribble traffic to someone when we are late for a date.
3、Absolutely,the polutions in cities are also getting worse.Instead of stars,we see terrible clouds or othere things in the sky.
E. 我喜欢乡村的英语作文
My home is in the city,but I like living in the village very much.Because the air in village is fresh,I will be very healthy.And there are many plants and animals,I can play with dogs,rabbits and sheep.Finally,the people in there are vey friendly,so I will enjoy myself!
F. 我喜欢住在乡村的英语作文
Every day sunny, I always think of rural life. The country than the city environment of good. For example, because the country have fresh air. Also to have the very big yard, it is very spacious. There are many plants and animals, can I and friends fishing, play chess, play poker. So I like to live in the country. Village is very beautiful.
G. 我喜欢居住在乡村英语作文初二100词
H. 英语作文:你更喜欢住在乡村还是城市
I like living in the city more than in the country because of three reasons. Firstly, the city is convenient as it has a number of public transport and there are shopping centres all around. Secondly, there are lots of entertainment venues in the city. For example, cinemas, karaokes, amusement parks and many more. Finally, the city has better schools and more work positions for people to choose from. The above three reasons are why I like living in the city more than the countryside.
I. 英语作文:你喜欢住在乡村还是城市为什么
1. I like living in the city more than in the country because of three reasons. Firstly, the city is convenient as it has a number of public transport and there are shopping centres all around. Secondly, there are lots of entertainment venues in the city. For example, cinemas, karaokes, amusement parks and many more. Finally, the city has better schools and more work positions for people to choose from. The above three reasons are why I like living in the city more than the countryside.
2. Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city. People in the city can seefilms, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to. Furthermore, if they want to Become scholars, scientists or artists, they can find what they need in the city: libraries, colleges, museums, and so on. The last But not the least important thing I'd like to say is that they can get to know as many people as they want in the city.
But some other people are attracted by the beauty of the country. First, if one is in the country he feels he is closer to nature: small streams, high mountains, fresh air, green grass and so on, all this makes people happy and stirs up the love of life. Second, in the country, people seem to have more freedom. They can sing high in the field, ride horses along a brook and do some interesting farm work.
Of course, both the city and the country have their disadvantnges. As for the city, there is pollution, noise and heavy traffic. And as far as the country is concerned, its inefficient transportation, delayed news always make people feel isolated.
Compared with cities, the country is relatively backward, but nothing can be com pared with the clean atmosphere and the gentle pace of living. Living in the country is very good for your health. With the deveJopment of economy, it is a trend that people will migrate from the city to the country.
3. I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city, so I hxdye experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years of living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again.
towns and big cities both hxdye some problems in terms of transportation. In a small town, you hxdye to own a car to ensure a comfortable living. You can't get around without one because there isn't any kind of public transportation. Big cities generally hxdye hexdyy traffic and expensive parking, but there you hxdye a choice of taking public transportation. It's not free, but it's often cheaper than driving when you consider gas and time. Especially if you don't hxdye a car, you're better off in the city. amdsPace.Com
I love the excitement of big cities. Small towns hxdye a slow pace. Large cities mean you hxdye to adapt to a variety of situations, like finding a new route to work or trying a new restaurant. I enjoy that challenge very much. Another pan of the excitement of city living is the variety of cultural activities xdyailable. There is a wide assortment of theatre, music and dance performances xdyailable in big cities. These things are rare in small ones.
The final thing I like about large cities is the diversity of the people. The United States is made up of people of different races, religions, abilities, and interests. However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become boring.
Of course, security is a concern, and that's one area where small towns are superior to big cities. Still, I would rather be a bit more cautious and live in a large city than to feel secure but bored.
J. 我喜欢住在农村里 英语作文70字左右说明理由
Ilove countryside best.Because there are many kind people there.And air is nice and fresh there.We can keep healthy.And we can also keep happily.Countryside is a large area of trees and flowers.It is nice.I can play football there.I can plant vegetables and fruit trees there.So I love countryside best!