㈠ 肥胖的英语作文30字
Obesity is a subject of concern that is getting as big as peoples waste-lines. It affects many people on a daily basis, and also affects the way people interact with others. It is an unhealthy trend with a rapid growth rate, quickly consuming many lives. The problem must be fixed for a more happy and healthy life. In order to fix it, the issue of obesity must first be understood, and then controlled at the state it's at, and finally it must be prevented from continually occurring.
㈡ 求一篇关于中学生肥胖健康问题的英语作文
At present, the situation with
teenagers is even worse. These days, a discussion is being carried out in our class as to whether the students
with weight problem should lose weight.
Some students think fatness does harm to our health, so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable
exercise to prevent it. Those who are overweight should take measures to lose weight to be healthy. But others
have a different opinion. They say losing weight will be bad for teenagers ring their growth.
In my opinion, we middle school students should not pay too much attention to our weight. But if we are
getting too fat. We should take more exercise and not eat junk food.
㈢ 求一篇关于肥胖的英语作文
With the improvement of living conditions,more and more children or alts are overweighted in China.
The definition of obesity is simply having too much body fat. Being overweight means that you weigh too much according to healthy levels. Being obese significantly increases the indivial's probability for the development of every preventable disease . For example, being obese can lead to heart attack or high blood pressure.More than 83 percent of all heart disease is caused by obesity and/or being overweight.
It is time for us to wake up and start protecting ourselves. Parents can keep their children away from the junk food or fast food and do some daily exercises . Alts also pay attention to their diet and do some regular exercise,such as jogging or walking.
We should form good eating habits . We should know what to eat and how to eat.I hope people can live a healthy lifestyle. In this way, our country will be stronger.
㈣ 以青少年肥胖现象严重的英语作文
China youth overweight add obesity has reached 21%
The former vice minister of ministry of China preventive medical association, WangLongDe 24 in health, held "2009 international health lifestyle expo" mmorpgs? Now that China urban aged 0-6 year-old child, overweight add obesity has reached 8%, 7-17 of teenagers overweight add obesity has reached 21%.
If without early note of words, this will be our national disaster.
WangLongDe say children fat main reason is drinkable sugary soft drinks, this to cause the child obesity is very, very important.
Now many countries to put forward some legislative restrictions.
Childhood obesity weight than alts will difficulty, because childhood obesity is not simply like grown-ups merely fat cells increased in size, and childhood obesity is fat cells of the number and size also increased and increases, so solve up more difficult.
WangLongDe reminds say, now basically most common diseases, including infectious disease and chronic diseases, and lifestyles related.
湖南:青少年营养不良率偏高 肥胖率上升
Hunan: teens nutrition defective rate higher obesity rate rise
否 近日,由共青团湖南省委、少先队湖南省工作委员会、国家统计局湖南调查总队等联合进行了湖南省少年身体发展状况调查,报告显示,湖南省青少年、儿童的体质、对性的了解等方面还存在不少问题。
No recently, by the communist youth league hunan party committee, the young pioneers hunan working committee, the national bureau of statistics hunan survey office etc jointly concted hunan young body development condition investigation, the report indicates, hunan teenagers, children's physical, sexual understand aspects there are still quite a few problems.
The questionnaire random in hunan province, six municipal selected a 11566 bits 6-14 years old children and teenagers as survey objects.
Investigation shows, hunan 6-14 years old children growth accelerating demands, but there are also rising obesity rates high nutritional defective rate and the situation.
The obese child's detection rate reaches 5.4% average every age group.
Cause fat ratio rose is the main cause of not eating: somebody loves naps not used to eating breakfast and dinner excessive,
Like to eat high quantity of heat, high fat fast food, like coke drinks; etc.
Habit for dessert, chocolate.
Malnutrition caused mainly because junk food.
In addition, junk food, soft drinks, excessive intake is another reason.
Due to the young childhood health quality will affect adolescent reproctive health level, the survey also specially for senior young ErTongXing sample survey for the ecation.
According to the results of the survey in adolescence, their reproctive system is very understand, understand a little only 16.9% have accumulated understanding, 57.9% 74.9 percent rate for the opposite sex reproctive system, the accumulation of understanding, rate of 44.3% undervalued condition.
This to effectively prevent adolescent sex and adolescent accidental pregnancy adverse, their physiological health lesson should further strengthen.
Investigation still shows, teenagers about HIV/AIDS and understand rate has reached 87.1%.
㈤ 求一篇关于肥胖的英语作文,内容包括原因,危害,解决肥胖的建议,尽量多一点,单词可以简单点,急!!!
Obesity is a subject of concern that is getting as big as peoples waste-lines. It affects many people on a daily basis, and also affects the way people interact with others. It is an unhealthy trend with a rapid growth rate, quickly consuming many lives. The problem must be fixed for a more happy and healthy life. In order to fix it, the issue of obesity must first be understood, and then controlled at the state it's at, and finally it must be prevented from continually occurring.
One of the major steps to fixing a problem is to first fully understand it. Obesity is simply an excess in body fat. It is very unhealthy and can cause a numerous number of diseases, and heart problems. It is caused by a number of things, ranging from pre-destined genes, the environment a person lives in, and also the kind of behavior that is attributed to eating habits. Scientists are working on developing gene models to identify the genes that tend to cause people to store fat, and they hope to be able to treat these genes to prevent the problem from occurring. A healthy environment is more likely to yield healthy tendencies; it promotes good eating and physical activity. People's behavior also affects obesity. Be positive and practice weight control, and don't binge when feeling depressed.
After obesity is understood, it must then be controlled and maintained at the level it's at. According to The American Obesity Association, a startling 33% of Americans are obese, and there are over 300,000 deaths as a result of obesity each year. So what is the best way to control this problem? Exercise and proper dieting will do the trick. None of those crazy diet pills and easy-to-lose programs will actually help to maintain healthy weight loss. People must consume a reasonable amount of calories each day, and exercise is the key to a more healthy body.
㈥ 写一篇英语作文关于肥胖,肥胖的危害以及对肥胖的认识,自己的观点,高一作文,100-120词
With the improvement of living conditions,more and more children or alts are overweighted in China.
The definition of obesity is simply having too much body fat. Being overweight means that you weigh too much according to healthy levels. Being obese significantly increases the indivial's probability for the development of every preventable disease . For example, being obese can lead to heart attack or high blood pressure.More than 83 percent of all heart disease is caused by obesity and/or being overweight.
It is time for us to wake up and start protecting ourselves. Parents can keep their children away from the junk food or fast food and do some daily exercises . Alts also pay attention to their diet and do some regular exercise,such as jogging or walking.
We should form good eating habits . We should know what to eat and how to eat.I hope people can live a healthy lifestyle. In this way, our country will be stronger.
㈦ 求一篇关于肥胖的英语作文啊,急!!!!!内容要写出肥胖的原因和建议,尽量多点!!!!!
There is no question that there is obesity problem in countries all over the world. According to Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.9 per cent ofthe alts in our country are obese and over one third of our population isoverweight. So how to control his/her weight is a big concern of everyone.
First of all, obesity is strongly linked to sugar intake. Sugar adds calories to everything you eat. Therefore, you need to either eat a lot less or exercise more to account for the added sugar calories.
Secondly,fast food restaurants are scattered all around the country, and you know for sure that fast food is remarkably high in calories and fat. So recing the times that you take fast food as dinner is a wise choice.
Thirdly, computer and gaming are good contributors to obesity, but their effects are less pronounced. It is a good idea to limit computer, gaming, and television time to less than two hours every day.
In fact, holding a good habit of diet and doing more workout are proven to be effective in warding off the fat that comes close to you. So be wise, be fit.
㈧ 求一篇有关肥胖问题的英语作文250字左右
Morning Exercises-晨练\r\n\r\nMorning came. The bell rang. I got out of the warm cotton-padded qui]t, quickly dressed myself, ran ont单常厕端丿得搽全敞户o the playground, and played*on the parallel bars.\r\nA few moments later, more people Came. They exercised themselves in various ways. Some ran around the track. Some played on the horizontal bar. Still. some played basketball,trying to shoot baskets.A group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn.A Couple of strongly-builtboys made graceful movements 0nthe flying rings. Over there, several old men and women did shadow-boxing.\r\nAt exactly 6:30, music came for people to do exercises to radio music. For ten minutes all the people on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up, turning left and right. It's really a beautiful sight to look at!
㈨ 写一篇英语作文关于肥胖.支持意见:肥胖危害健康,锻炼,预防肥胖 反对意见:减肥会影响身体