Ⅰ 香蕉英文怎么写
banana 读法 英[bə'nɑːnə]美[bə'nænə]
n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻
1、banana skin香蕉皮;尴尬事
2、top banana主要滑稽演员,引申为最好的演员或重要的官员;主要人物
3、banana split香蕉圣代(剖开香蕉夹以冰淇淋等);香蕉半剖条
4、banana republic 香蕉共和国(指中、南美洲发展中国家)
plant 读法 英[plɑːnt]美[plænt]
1、n. 工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼
2、vt. 种植;培养;栽培;安置
3、vi. 种植
1、preparation plant选矿厂
2、steel plant钢铁厂;炼钢厂
3、coking plant焦化厂;炼焦厂
4、ammonia plant氨植物
5、water plant水生植物
Ⅱ 香蕉用英语怎么说
Banana读法 英[bə'nɑːnə]美[bə'nænə]
1、内eat a banana 吃香蕉
2、peel a banana 剥香蕉
3、green banana 未熟的香容蕉
4、ripe banana 成熟的香蕉
5、rotten banana 烂香蕉
1、bear fruit 结出果实,取得成果,奏效
2、collect fruit 采果子
3、damage fruit 损害果实
4、eat fruit 吃水果
5、gather fruit 采果子
6、grow fruit 种植水果
Ⅲ 《我最爱的水果是香蕉》英语作文
My favourite fruit is banbana not only because it is nutritious but also because it is delicious. Banana, to a person who is living in the south part of China, may be the fruit which can be seen everyday, so it would be always, when bought, fresh. I love to eat banana partly e to an old saying, "one banana a day, keeps doctors away." Intersting as it is, according to medical theories, banana could actually do good to our bodies such as keeping fit and losing weight. So much I like bananas that the first time when I saw the topic this time, the figure of an banana, a lovely red ball like shape, comes into my mind
Ⅳ 描写香蕉的英语作文,至少三句
If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can drink your banana milk shake.I think it will delicious.Do you agree with me?
Ⅳ 英语作文my favourite fruit 初一下的英语作文! 我喜欢吃的是香蕉
My Favourite Fruit
Like monkeys,I guess my favourite fruit is banana.Bananas are fiber-rich food which help prevent heart disease.They are an excellent source of potassium.They also can help protect against kidney disease.They aid our digestive system.This yellow fruit provides roughly one-third of our daily Vitamin B6 needs,a nutrient found to help calm our nerves.This fat-free treat is rich in natural energy,minerals,vitamins,fiber and phytonutrients.Aside from the health benefits,I like bananas because I like their taste!
Ⅵ 写香蕉的英语作文5句话
I 'm very love eat banana.I eat banana every day.Banana are yellew.Banana very good. You kan eat banana too.
Ⅶ 香蕉的介绍 要全面的、英文
英文名: banana; English name: banana;
拉丁学名:Musa paradisiaca Latin name: Musa paradisiaca
马来语:pisang Malay: pisang
别名: 甘蕉、芎蕉 Synonyms: Gan banana, Chiungchiao
科属 Branch is
域: 真核域Eukarya Domain: Eukaryotic domain Eukarya
界: 植物界 Plantae Sector: Flora Plantae
门: 被子植物门 Magnoliophyta Door: Angiospermae Magnoliophyta
纲: 单子叶植物纲Liliopsida Class: Class Liliopsida monocotyledon
目: 姜目Zingiberales Head: Zingiberales Zingiberales
科: 芭蕉科Musaceae Branch: Basho Branch Musaceae
属: 芭蕉属Musa Are: the case of Musa Musa
Basho Branch (Musaceae) is a banana (Musa) plants, but also its fruit, is one of important food crops, edible cultivated widely in tropical areas. Banana味香and full of nutrition, can be harvested throughout the year, in temperate regions are also very popular with great importance. Herbaceous plants to large, from the rhizome issued by the leaf sheath to form the lower part of the high-3 to 6 meters (10 ~ 20 feet) pole false; Yeh Chang-round to oval-shaped, some for up to 3 ~ 3.5 meters (10 ~ 11.5 feet) wide and 65 centimeters (26 inches), 10 ~ 20 clustered stem top. Big spike from the top out of false strokes and spent the majority, yellow; fruit sequence bends down, resulting in 10 to 20 strings, about 50 ~ 150. Plants withered after the results from the rhizome of smoke grow root to regenerate, each strain can live for many years.
Staged a weaker root pruning article was removed, leaving more strong growth into the plant to the results. Hundreds of cultivars around the world e to differences with the species name appears some confusion. Consumption of bananas in the very early records Greek, Latin and Arabic writings.(Gros Michel)。 Perhaps most important is the general type of banana (M. sapientum, saints bananas), which there are a number of varieties, the most common species is the "big Michel" (Gros Michel).Consumption of bananas in the very early records Greek, Latin and Arabic writings. Alexander the Great on an expedition to India, met with bananas. After the discovery of America, bananas from the Canary Islands, the introction of the New World, first in Hispaniola (Hispaniola) island culture, and soon extended to other islands and the mainland. Cultivation area expanded to become a staple food in many areas.The 19th century emergence of the banana market in the United States.
Banana hi hot and humid climate, deep in the soil, loose soil, good drainage to grow strong. Giamaica in similar semi-arid areas in southern irrigated cultivation have also been successful. Available absorption roots and ramets pseudobulb cultivation; first harvest will take 10 ~ 15 months, almost straight after the harvest.
banana --- Layers of the banana flower, layer upon results. Need frequent pruning to remove excessive growth of new strains of plants to prevent overcrowding.Commercial banana ideal string of at least 9 per beam and weighs 22 to 65 kilograms (49 ~ 143 lbs). 1 hectares of land an annual output of more than 300 bundles, mature fruit carbohydrate content as high as 22 percent, mainly sugar; rich in potassium and vitamin A, C, protein and low fat content. 含水分75%。 Containing 75 percent water. Banana can be fresh, but also deep-fried food or broken up so the pie or pudding. Can also be used for muffins, cakes, bread sauce.
Plantains are cooking food species, and other banana difference is ripe fruit with starch instead of the main sweet, cultivated widely in tropical consumption and export in large cities. U.S. imports of bananas, followed by the United Kingdom and Western European countries. Generally less than ripe bananas on the harvest, even if the same is true of sales in origin. For the export of bananas, harvested before maturity depends on the market, distance and mode of transport. After the arrival of ripening with ethylene. Exporting countries in North America and Europe and between the consumption of frozen dedicated transport ship.
The world's major proction base in Central and West Indies Costa Rica, Honras, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe), Jamaica and Martinelli Nick (Martinique), South America, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, Africa, the Canary Islands, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Guinea and Nigeria, Asia's Taiwan.
Ⅷ 香蕉的英文。
banana 英[bəˈnɑ:nə] 美来[bəˈnænə]
n. 香蕉; 芭蕉属植物自; 喜剧演员;
[例句]People went bananas with boredom
[其他] 复数:bananas
Ⅸ 香蕉用英文写
香蕉; 芭蕉属植物; 喜剧演员
芭娜娜; 香蕉人; 香蕉树
At breakfast, fill your bowl halfway with cereal, then top it off with berries or sliced banana.