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发布时间: 2021-03-01 13:07:19


逐鹿复中制原[zhú lù zhōng yuán]
fight for territory in ancient central China; fight for the throne; fight among rivals for the throne; chase the deer on the Central Plains -- try to seize control of the empire

❷ 我住在美丽的逐鹿用英文翻译出来

I live in a beautiful city Zhu Lu.

❸ 张家口英文介绍


Zhangjiakou, also known as "Zhangyuan" and "Wucheng", is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, located between 113 ° 50 ′ - 116 ° 30 ′ E and 39 ° 30 ′ - 42 ° 10 ′ n.

The city is 289.2 kilometers long from north to south, 216.2 kilometers wide from east to west, and has a total area of 36800 square kilometers.


Two million years ago, ancient human beings lived and multiplied here; 5000 years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese nation, Huangdi, Yandi and Chiyou, were "located in Zhuolu", which opened the precedent of Chinese civilization.


n November 1983, Zhangjiakou was changed into a city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province.

As of 2018, the total registered population of Zhangjiakou is 4.654 million, with a permanent population of 4.434 million. It governs 6 districts and 10 counties, and No. 10, Changcheng West Street, East District of Zhangjiakou government.




主要景点有黄帝城遗址文化旅游区、张北中都草原度假村、小五台金河景区、暖泉古镇、空中草原、蔚州古城、大唐温泉、沽源塞外庄园、长城岭·翠云山、桥西大境门风景区、多乐美地滑雪度假山庄 、黄龙山庄 、鸡鸣驿、赤城温泉、宣化古城、万龙滑雪场等。

主要特产有怀安豆腐皮 、八棱海棠、柴沟堡熏肉、赤城野山榛、龙眼葡萄、宣化鹦哥绿豆、坝上莜麦、坝上长尾鸡、口蘑、张北马、西八里大蒜、蔚县剪纸等。


❹ 英文翻译 :千古文明开涿鹿

A thouand-year civilization starts from Zhulu.

❺ 英文介绍河北省张家口市涿鹿县

至于“涿”字,当敲击讲。因击瓦鼓之声同流水下滴之声相似,后“涿流水下滴也。从水,涿声。”远古的狩猎人要想捕到鹿,只得派一部人携弓箭埋伏起来,而另一部人在远处相对的地方涿(敲击)器具发出响声,使鹿子受惊向猎人埋伏地方奔跑,现今俗称“赶坡”。皮肉俱佳的鹿实在难得,鹿死谁手谁就成了英雄。以后,“涿鹿”就有了其引伸之意——诸侯争霸天下的地方。 Zhuolu this ancient place names, county names are derived from the city name, city name is derived from the mountains, of mountains is a mountain plant "bamboo" animals "deer" derived called "bamboo deer" in. Click "Bamboo Deer" in tone, have been recorded separately in the order Zhuolu, single deer, deer, muddy, muddy Luk, Luk alone, and many other names. According to research, business at the end Earlier this week, the cold period of the emergence of the growth disappeared after the bamboo, bamboo Kayama no "Bamboo", the mountains, the city name to "Bamboo Deer," The Voice of the word chaos in mind a period of time, to the Spring and Autumn Period, after they the graal harmonization of the "Zhuolu" word up. "Bamboo Kayama" has become a Zhuolu Hill, "Bamboo Lucheng" has become a "Zhuolu City", "Bamboo Water" Nature long been writing "Zhuo water" of the.
As for the "Zhuo," the word, when the percussion speak. Tile e to hit the same drum sound of water dripping under the voice similar to after "took a drops of water are also under. From the water, took a sound." Ancient hunter who wants to catch a deer, only to send a person to carry bows and arrows up an ambush, while the another person in the distance where the relative Zhuo (percussion) instruments issued a sound, so that the child frightened deer hunters ambush places to run, now commonly known as "catch up slope." Flesh sexy deer is difficult, but who the winner will come to a hero. Later, "Zhuolu" Over its extended meaning - where the world hegemony princes

❻ [求教]"群雄逐鹿的英文是

Feudal lords vying for the throne
这个就是 。

❼ 逐鹿的英文翻译

[书] chase the deer -- fight for the throne; bid for state power; vie for the throne; vie for power; seek an office

❽ 英文的欢迎您来张家口涿鹿县河东镇九亩村玩!怎么翻译!翻译

Welcome to Zhuolu Zhangjiakou County, east of the town of nine acres of village play
Welcome to Zhuolu Zhangjiakou County, east of the town of nine acres of village play

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