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发布时间: 2021-01-17 04:23:20

1. 我需要写一篇描述图表和数据的英语作文,求一些常用的单词短语和句型

一、 图表类作文常用的单词、短语和句型

1. 表示数据变化的单词或短语
in the case of (在……的情况下)
in terms of (在……方面)
increase / raise / rise / go up(增加)
decrease / grow down / drop / fall (减少)
increased by (增长了)
increased to (增长到)
the number sharply goes up to(数字急剧上升至)
2. 表示从图表得知的信息的句型
The table / chart / graph shows that...(这个图表告诉我们……)
According to the table / chart /graph, we can see that...(根据图表,我们可以看出……)
It can be concluded from the graph that...(从图表中可以得出……)
The table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...(该表格描述了在……期间……数量的变化)

二、 图表类作文的模式

图表类作文中的图表主要有以下形式:柱形图类(chart)、圆饼图类 (pie chart)、曲线图类(line chart)、表格类(table)。写文章时,首先要对图表加以描述,而后引出主题加以讨论,最后得出结论,也就是按照描述图表—解释原因—下结论的步骤来写。切忌对图表不作交代就直接谈论主题。
1. 表格类作文的模式
(1) Studying the table carefully, we can see...(仔细研读表格,我们可以看出……)
(2) In my opinion, the reasons why...are as follows. Firstly...Secondly...Thirdly...(在我看来,为什么……的原因在于以下几点:第一……第二……第三……)
(3) To sum up...(总而言之……)

2. 看中国网购的图表写英语作文

As one of the most fashionable phenomena today, online shopping bly arouses a great controversy in society, just like emergence of any new things. According to a recent survey, people in favorof it are far more than those against it. Some of its negative and positive aspects and my opinions will be offered in this essay。

When it comes to positive aspects, it’s very convenient and time-saving compared with traditional shopping. What you need to do is just clicking your mouse and waiting insteadof going out by foot or driving. Moreover, more choices than real store are

another attraction to customers. However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online shopping, we cannot turn a blind eye to itsadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first advantage. It’s common that articles aren’t so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake commodities. What’s more, it’s troublesome and annoying formany customers to make a change when they are not satisfied with whatthey bought online。

As a college student, I like online shopping but I expected that effective measures should be taken to make it better. Specifically speaking, government should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful annlawful activities of online shopping owners. Only by this way can online shopping become really safe and attract an increasing number of customers。

3. 一篇图表英语作文应该怎样引题


1、熟悉四类图表的英文名称:表格(table)、条形图(bar chart)、曲线图(graph)和饼形分析图(pie chart)。此外,“如图所示”是写这类作文中的一个常用短语,它的表达方式有以下几种:
⑴As the chart shows, …
⑵According to the chart, …
⑶As is seen from the chart, …
⑷As we can see from the chart, …

2、在表达时,可以对具体的数据进行一些处理,用另外一种表达方式来代替,避免一篇小短文中出现过多的数据或者相同的句型结构,如:一次有关阅读兴趣调查结果是:50%的学生喜欢新闻;25%的学生喜欢故事;14%的学生喜欢幽默;11%的学生喜欢推理小说。(Half of the students love news. A quarter of them are fond of stories. 14% enjoy humor. The rest prefer to read mystery books.)

3、“…的数目或数量”的表达方式有两种:可数名次用the number of …;不可数名次用the amount of …。数量的多和少不能说成many和few,而用large和small.
⑴The number of the students is large.(学生的人数很多。)
⑵The amount of food is very small.(食物的数量很少。)

⑴rise/increase/go up/jump to/grow(上升);
⑵decrease/fall/go down/drop(下降);
⑶rise sharply/rapidly(急剧上升)
⑷fall slowly/graally(缓慢/逐渐下降);
⑸The price has grown by 3%.(价格已经上升了3%)
⑹The number of visitors has risen from 100 to 500.(访客的人数从100上升至200了。)
⑺Over the years, the income of the family has remained the same.(近几年这个家庭的收入保持不变。)

⑴The bill comes to $25.(账单总共25英镑)
⑵These numbers add up to 100. (这些数目合计为100。)
⑶All the expenses amount to 11,000 yuan.(所有的开支总共达到11,000元。)

⑴Compared with…(与…相比);
⑵He is 2 centimeters taller than I.(他比我要高2厘米。)
⑶The room is twice the size of that one.(这个房间的面积是那个的两倍。)
⑷Now the total number of Chinese Christians is 14 times as many as in 1949.(现在中国的基督教徒总人数是1949年的14倍。)
⑸The number of students who enjoy reading English news doubles that of those who prefer reading stories.(喜欢读英语新闻的学生人数是喜欢阅读故事的学生人数的两倍。)

1. As can be seen from the chart/graph/table...
2. It can be seen from the statistics that...
3. As revealed/shown/stated/noted in the picture...
4. The chart gives information that...
1. There was a rise/increase/upward trend from...to...
2. It has risen to an average of...
3. There was a fall/decrease/rection/decline/drop/downward trend from...to...
4. It has fallen/dropped/declined to...
1. From the analyses above,we can draw the conclusion that...
2. From the data we gatherde from the above graph,we can conclude that...
3. According to the information gathered above,we may reach the conclusion that...
4. According to what has been discussed above,we can arrive at the conclusion that...
5. The graph reflects that...

As is shown by the figure inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.(结论)
Thereareatleasttwogoodreasons (accounting) for ______. Ontheonehand, ________. Ontheotherhand,_______ isetothefactthat ________.Inaddition, ________ isresponsiblefor _______. ________. convincing.
AsfarasIamconcerned,I hold the view that _______. 。。。原因


The 2010 Spring Festival Gala has set records for TV commercial rates, which accordingly has caused heated discussions e to proct placement in the programs.




As the pie chart shows, the majority of the respondents are against the proct placement while only 35% are supporters.
⑴如图所示:According to the pie chart; As is seen from the chart; It is illustrated in the chart that…; As is suggested from the chart.
⑵被调查者:the people surveyed; the respondents; the people involved in the survey; those who responded to the survey.
⑶反对:disapprove of; disagree with; be against; be opposed to; oppose; hold negative attitudes towards; think little of.
⑷赞成:support; be for; be in favor of; approve of; agree; think much of

15% of the people surveyed think the practice is reasonable because holding such big events costs a lot. CCTV needs to make good use of the opportunity to earn enough money to finance its operation and development.
⑴ 15% of them think it is acceptable for CCTV to make profits from the proct placement, which is of great benefit to the development of the TV station.
⑵15% of them hold the view that the practice satisfies the needs of CCTV’s development and can enable it to hold a better gala next year.
⑶13% of them argue that the profit made from the proct placement can benefit CCTV’s future development.

One-fifth of them don’t feel annoyed at the proct placement and even regard it as an natural part of the programs.
⑴The way commercials are included is very natural.
⑵they feel comfortable with the proct placement
⑶the proct placement appears in the progroms naturally.
⑷The commercials are involved in the programs in a natural way

Almost one third of the respondents complain that the irrelevant proct placement makes the programs strange and ridiculous.
⑴have nothing to do with…
⑵be related to …
⑶be linked with …

Proct placement appears so frequently in the program that a quarter of the people surveyed feel rather disturbed.
⑴feel annoyed at too many commercials
⑵feel uneasy/disturbed

The rest 10% argues that the practice has greatly damaged CCTV’s image as the most important media in China because it’s the main channel for the general public to get information and entertainment.
⑴Great harm has been done to the image of CCTV
⑵The good image of CCTV will be greatly affected

Personally, proct placement in right amounts are acceptable if it doesn’t spoil the fun and art of the programs. Whatever CCTV does, it should take the audience’s feelings into consideration

4. 英语不同图表怎么说


1、chart 英[tʃɑːt]

n. 图表;海图;图纸;排行榜

vt. 绘制…的图表;在海图上标出;详细计划;记录;记述;跟踪(进展或发展

n. (Chart)人名;(泰)察

2、diagram 英['daɪəgræm]

n. 图表;图解

vt. 用图解法表示

3、graph 英[grɑːf; græf]

n. 图表;曲线图

vt. 用曲线图表示




graph, chart,diagram






1、Seethegraphaboveandbelowfor thenumbers.


2、Theyshouldlook foranothergraphimmediately.


3、Asstudents,wehavetostudyalmostevery day.However,noteverybodyknowshow tostudyefficiently.The .



5. 图表英文描述的表达问题

其实在科学论文里面,unfold 这个字眼很少用。unfold (使) 展开; 打开; (使) 逐渐展现; 展示; 透露版, 但科学数据一般开门见山权,很少是需要"解开环节"才看得懂的。通常indicate, display, exhibit, show, reveal 用比较多。

6. 求完成这篇图表英语作文~谢谢!

The graph on the left represents the number of sleeping hours a middle school's students get. The graph on the right shows the correlation between the number of sleeping hours and the grades students receive in school. It's clearly shown that the more one sleeps the better grade one will receive. However, most middle school students from the left graph sleep around 7-8 hours, which is not the most ideal sleeping pattern for good grades. Student should sleep more to do well in school.

7. 根据这个图表写英语作文 谢谢!!有追加

Lifelong English 终身学习

With the development of society, the lifelong ecation becomes more importent and more importent.There are much more competition in daily life ,so we must keep on learning.
Lifelong ecation has various styles. On one hand, we can learn all by ourselves, and exchange frequently with others. Also, in this way , we can enter for the self-ecation examination. On the other hand, we should join some evening classes to learn new contents, to improve our learning level.
In my opinion, I would like to enter for the self-ecation to learn new things in order that I can get some diplomas. Because I think many diplomas will help me to strenghten my ability and get a better job.

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