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发布时间: 2021-03-01 03:09:29

Ⅰ 关于《亚健康的sub-healthy》的英语作文高一的,120字左右。求解

With the modernization of the world, people's standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of subhealth among people which brings a new threat to them.
There are some typical symptoms for people who are in a state of subhealth. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that the situation is spreading countrywide. As a result, mor and more workers in big cities are suffered by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing,72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.
Then how can we solve this problem effectively? Experts suggest that the best way to keep us healthy to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.

Ⅱ “亚健康”用英语如何表达,谢谢。

亚健康(sub- health)又称第三状态制,也称灰色状态、病前状态、亚临床期、临床前期、潜 病期等,包括无临床症状或症状感觉轻微,但已有潜在病理信息。世界卫生组织的一项全球 性调查表明,真正健康的人占5%,患有疾病的人占20%.
亚健康(sub-health)是人们在身体和心理方面,处于一种低质量状态及其体验。每个人的 年龄、职业、文化程度不通,亚健康状态的表现也多种多样。有的人心理状态不佳,被周围 人说成是“神经病”;有的人精神面貌不佳,容易被亲人朋友误解
亚健康(SUB-HEALTHY)[1]是介于疾病和健康的中间状态,在相当高的医疗机构经系统检查,未 发现有疾病,而病人自己确实感觉到了躯体和心理上的种种不适,这种情况我们就称为亚健康.
亚健康(sub-health)概念首先是由前苏联学者于是20世纪80年代提出的.20世纪80 年代中期,前苏联学者N·布赫曼教授以及后来的许多学者通过研究发现,人体的确存在着一种 非健康非患病的中间状态,人们把这种状态称为亚健康状态.

Ⅲ 英语作文:如何解决“亚健康”问题

提纲第1点要求提出一个问题,提纲第2点要求分析导致该问题的原因,提纲第3点要求说明如何解决该问题,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。 【参考范文】 How to Deal with Sub-health Nowadays, quite a few people are suffering from sub-health. Indeed, sub-health can result in both physical and mental diseases. Even worse, people who suffer from sub-health are more easily to die prematurely. There are many factors resulting in sub-health. Among these, the pace of modern life plays a vital role. The fast pace of modern life exerts great pressure on people and pressure is the ultimate cause of sub-health. What’s more, modern people spend too much night time working or entertaining, which seriously affects their health. Considering the great harm brought by sub-health, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent sub-health. Firstly, people must have enough sleep to ensure that they can regain energy and physical strength. Secondly, people should have a rational diet under the instruction of doctor in order to avoid the diseases caused by malnutrition or super-nutrition. Thirdly, people should regularly do some exercise to keep healthy. To conclude, it is necessary for us to take flexible measures to avoid the threat of sub-health.【已有很多网友发表了看法,点击参与讨论】【对英语不懂,点击提问】【英语论坛】【返回首页】

Ⅳ 关于如何处理亚健康的英语作文

如何处理亚健康的英语作文这篇作文条理清晰,语言通顺,值得推荐。How to Deal with Sub-health With the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life. At the same time we may graally find ourselves confronted with the threat of sub-health, a state between health and disease. One typical symptom of sub-health is continual fatigue; the victims always feels tired and suspicious of some disease, which, however, the active followers of material life yielded through their tense and hard work.的英语作文

Ⅳ 求关于sub health(亚健康)的英文简介!急!!!

SUB-HEALTH – The Third Health Condition

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.The definition is in the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization which entered into force on 7 April 1948.The Definition has not been amended since 1948.The sub-health condition refers to a state at which the patient experiences rection in his or her vitality and adaptability although there is no defined disease diagnosed. And it is a state featuring physiological function deterioration between health and illness. So far, the sub-health condition has surfaced as a new killer of human life in China, which is rather prevalent among senior and middle-level managers, clerks and other white-collar workers of high ecational level. According to the latest survey by China News Agency (Beijing),the proportion of Beijingers with sub-health conditions among all amounts to75.31%, the highest one among all the large cities in China. The sub-health condition, found in most cases among the groups of people with high ecational level and spearheading the efforts for national rejuvenation, will exert direct negative effects on China's long-term development and sustained progress if not handled timely and properly.As the society enters into the 21st century, the increasing pace of life in modern society has put some in the working class at a state of overload. Sub-health condition has already been considered as the new killer of human health. The reason that many of our scientists and entrepreneurs in this country die at their peak age is e to overwork that results to diseases. Therefore, it is very critical to prevent fatigue syndrome and actively take effective measures.The characteristic of sub-health condition is that it occurs between the ages of 20 and 50, and is more prevalent to groups of higher ecational level. The formation of this disease can be either acute or chronic. The condition of the sickness can last for several months or even years. A patient suffering from this condition has low work efficiency. Some cannot even continue their work or study, thereby affecting their relationship with family members and society. The cause of this condition is work overload on the bodily systems - the energy is overused. As a result, it causes the ischemia and hypoxia in tissues and organs, and increases proction of fatigue procts such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid, non-protein, etc. generated ring the process of metabolism of the organism. "Fatigue" reces the body's immunity and weakens its ability to resist diseases. Aside from possibly contracting various chronic diseases, the person is more likely to be affected by various infectious diseases.The main syndromes for sub-health condition is manifested by bodily fatigue, difficulty in recovering after rest, body-ache, dizziness with headache, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, insomnia, lots of dreaming, palpitation, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, and unsociable and eccentric behavior. Some serious patients suffer from low self-esteem with no desire for progress, loss of memory and concentration, and low efficiency in work and study.We believe that healthy lifestyle, behavior, and work methods are the best way to improve quality of life. Pay attention to any emerging condition of sub-health, and promptly treat the sickness. Only then will life flourish and become lasting.

Ⅵ 亚健康如何翻译英文

亚健康(sub- health)又称第三状态,也称灰色状态、病前状态、亚临床期、临床前期、潜 病期等,专包括无临床症状或症状感属觉轻微,但已有潜在病理信息。世界卫生组织的一项全球 性调查表明,真正健康的人占5%,患有疾病的人占20%.
亚健康(sub-health)是人们在身体和心理方面,处于一种低质量状态及其体验。每个人的 年龄、职业、文化程度不通,亚健康状态的表现也多种多样。有的人心理状态不佳,被周围 人说成是“神经病”;有的人精神面貌不佳,容易被亲人朋友误解
亚健康(SUB-HEALTHY)[1]是介于疾病和健康的中间状态,在相当高的医疗机构经系统检查,未 发现有疾病,而病人自己确实感觉到了躯体和心理上的种种不适,这种情况我们就称为亚健康.
亚健康(sub-health)概念首先是由前苏联学者于是20世纪80年代提出的.20世纪80 年代中期,前苏联学者N·布赫曼教授以及后来的许多学者通过研究发现,人体的确存在着一种 非健康非患病的中间状态,人们把这种状态称为亚健康状态.

Ⅶ 英文翻译:这一活动提醒人们去改善亚健康的生活状态

This activity reminds people to improvethe life condition of
the Asian health .

Ⅷ 英语作文,如何处理亚健康120词

何谓亚健康呢?亚健康是指处于健康和疾病两者之间的一种状态,即肌体内出现某些功内能紊乱,但容未影响到行使社会功能,主观上有不适感觉。它是人体处于健康和疾病之间的过渡阶段,在身体、心理上没有疾病,但主观上却有许多不适的症状表现和心理体验。其一,浑身无力,容易疲倦;其二,头脑不清爽,面部疼痛,眼睛疲劳,鼻塞眩晕、耳鸣、咽喉异物感;其三,睡眠不良,心懦气短,手足麻木感;其四,早晨起床有不快感,胸闷不适,颈肩僵硬,心烦意乱等等。 亚健康属于非疾病状态,要摆脱亚健康状态,主要不是靠医生的诊治、药物的疗效,而是要靠自己主动自觉地去预防进行自身生活规律调节。

Ⅸ 英语作文 紧张的学习生活使很多中学生处于亚健康状态,请根据提示写一篇80字左右作文,提示语必须全部用上

What is the sub-health? What does the sub-health affect us? How to deal with the sub-health?

As we all know, the sub-health, which is a state of completly physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, has been a world wide controversial topic for a long time.

Obviously, the sub-health affect us in a great deal of aspects. For instance, we might feel lack of energy and focus in the class, being poor memory, uninterested in anything or listlessness, over weight, etc. Besides, the sub-health condition will exert direct negative effects on China's long-term development and sustained progress if not handled timely and properly.

Hence, what should we do to cope with the sub-health? To begin with, keeping good mood and optimistic attitude to life cannot be more vital. That means we'd better have balanced diet, live a healthy life by alternating the study tasks and rest regularly, and taking part in open-air activities.
In addition, we still have to learn to deal with and rece stress.


Ⅹ 他们会老的很快,处于亚健康的状况的英文

Many people are in sub-health state

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