『壹』 英语作文 高考前心态的重要性
如何正确处理考试带来的压力呢?其实,面临高考的学生和备战大赛的运动员一样,一定的紧张度是有好处的,它能提高个体的应试能力。但是不可控制的或者过高的精神压力将影响解决问题的能力,导致考试成绩不理想。学习识别和有效处理压力,可以帮助考生更好地发挥自己的优势。 了解自己的压力你是否过于紧张了呢?如果你时常出现以下状况说明你的压力较大,需要作出调整: 身体症状: 感到自己的身体状况不是很好。心悸,有时感到心脏猛烈跳动。心率过快。比别人爱出汗。饮食不规律,有时候消化不良,时有便秘或腹泻。入睡困难,常常做噩梦。 心理感受和行为变化: 经常感到疲劳。注意力常常不能集中。没有耐心,内心极度不安,紧张、焦躁、犹豫不决,常有想哭的感觉,很少能够平静和放松自己,不能和周围的人一样快乐.因为脾气急躁易怒,影响和他人的关系。有时候感到不能把握自己的身体和大脑,情绪和行为很不稳定。 颇受各种忧虑困扰: 总是为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事、为一些不能改变的事情,为将来不可预测的情况担忧。每天反复回想自己遇到的麻烦事和各种令人担忧的情况。总是觉得自己不够好,觉得自己没价值,常对自己感到不满,即使完成了一项任务也不会有好的感受,精神仍旧不能放松。想回避困难。 总的说来, 正面的感受减少, 负面的感受增加: 积极有效的行为减少, 消极的自我挫败的行为增加, 是心理负荷过大的典型表现。对考试压力的处理处理压力的最好方法是有针对使地采取步骤减少产生压力的情境。紧张的心理主要是学习效果不佳、对考试准备不充分引起的,那么,合理的学习行为和对考试的充分准备将有助于你缓解压力获得佳绩。 1、充分了解高考形势 不少考生埋头复习,不了解高考内容改革,不了解高考命题改革,不了解3+X的考试模式。他们认为只要把功课掌握好,就能考得好,就能发挥得好,这显然是不明智的,高考一张卷子不可能囊括所有考点,所以我建议每个考生都要反复地阅读与理解“考试说明”,把握住高考的方向,有针对性地对高考进行充分的准备。 2、合理的高考目标期待 考生要根据自己平时学习的实际情况和自己心理的状况来分析自己的学习实力、学习潜能,实事求是地确定自己的高考目标。目标的确定应该适度,目标期待过高难以达到会使考生自己产生挫败感,失去自信,进而增加考试焦虑;如果目标期待太低则容易满足现有的学习水平,消磨考生的进取精神,使他们丧失斗志,影响潜能的发挥。 3、内心世界的减压——化压力为动力 以什么样的态度对待考试,对进入状态关系很大。以积极的态度去对待考试,有助于进入状态。考生若把考试看成是一种挑战,会激发自己进入状态;把考试看成是一种机会,就会以一种珍惜的心情对待;若把考试看成是如临大敌,就会紧张不安;若把考试看成是倒霉的事,就会心灰意懒。因此,在临考的前一个月,考生可以适当的看一看一些高考成功学子的感受,增强自己的成就动机,从内心中产生一种对考试的渴望,把考试压力化为应战的动力。 4、正确对待外来压力 家庭和社会对高考的过分关注,会使考生产生较大心理压力。考生如能正确地对待外来的压力,有助于自己轻装上阵。 考试是考生自己的事情,别人的意见、想法正确的就接受。别人尽管出于好心,但意见并不一定正确,也没必要成为自己的心理负担。考生只要是按自己的实际情况脚踏实地地备战高考,就没有必要太在意别人的看法和行为。 5、考前经常做题 有的考生认为,高三下半年卷子没少做,天天做,天天考,考试前十天八天开始不做卷了,看看就行了。其实由于没做卷子,进入高考考场答起卷来感觉手生,找不着感觉,进入不了状态。 高考前几天,建议把笔记看一看,做做中等程度的题,做了之后,便会觉得自己有信心。不做那些很难的题、钻牛角尖的题,那种题做不好会影响情绪。 6、以考代练 考生想要进入考试状态应该在平时小考和模拟考试中进行训练。在考试前一个月,有的学校老师每天都考学生,让学生做卷子,以正规考试的要求对待。学生在小考和模拟考试中不断提高自己进入状态的能力、策略与技巧,对促进进入状态的本领很有帮助。 考生可以通过学校的小考、模拟考试来训练自己进入状态的能力,也可以在自习时按照考试的要求进行自我考试。例如考试时间是两小时,按照这样的要求,事先把要做的卷子准备好,看着表进行答卷。经常这样做,自己进入考试状态的能力就会逐步提高。 7、找到适合自己的应对方式和答题的技巧策略 考生在高考前要总结自己对主观题、客观题以及语文、数学、英语等各科考试应对方式的经验,才能在考场上做出有效的回答。要在高考前系统总结一下自己考试的策略与技巧。考生不仅要对一般的策略与技巧进行总结,而且要对每门考试的策略与技巧进行总结。 8、调节生物钟 每一个同学在24小时中都有自己精力旺盛的时候。高考的时间是每天上午9点到11点半,下午3点到5点,这就要求考生在高考的时间段内,使自己精力处于较佳或最佳状态。考生就要在考前进行所谓生物钟的调节,把自己精力最旺盛的时间调整到与高考相一致的时间段。一般说来在考试前一个月开始调节生物钟效果比较好。 9、考试前一天晚上睡觉时间不要过早 不少考生认为第二天就要高考了,前一天晚上早点睡吧。结果由于睡得早,与平时的作息时间不一致,在床上辗转反侧,不能入睡,产生焦虑情绪。焦虑情绪反过来又影响入睡。 有的家长认为考试前一天晚上早点睡好,因此督促孩子上床闭灯,父母房间的灯也闭了。其实考生没睡着,父母也没睡着,大家在床上煎熬。有的家长到12点看孩子还没入睡就着急了,甚至给孩子安眠药吃,结果早上叫孩子叫不醒,只好把孩子推醒。孩子脑袋昏昏沉沉,自然对进入考试状态不利了。 在这里建议,平时没有吃过安眠药的同学,即使在考试前一天晚上入睡困难,也最好不要服用安眠药。不要提前睡,提前往往睡不着,还会产生焦虑情绪。
『贰』 态度起重要作用的高中英语作文
Why is a positive attitude so important?
Because it determines everything else in your life!
Attitude isn’t just about whether or not you’re having a good or bad day.
Attitude is more than that.It affects relationships and It affects careers.
If there is anything you want to change in your world,change your attitude toward it.That’s my version of The Law of Attitude!Life isn’t about what happens to you—’s what you do about it.Honestly,you can’t change much of what happens in life,but you can change how you look at it.
『叁』 写一个关于高三日渐紧张的学习生活带来的压力而我们要用乐观积极的心态的来对待它的英语作文,英语作文不
The correct attitude towards study pressure正确的对待学习压力Graally into the high three life, study pressure us more and more big, everyone in the utmost efforts to improve their score
Some people stay up late, even at the cost of consuming the body to seize the time to learn
有的人甚至熬夜,以消耗身体为代价抓紧时间学习 We all know this is wrong,我们都知道这样是不对的。
The high pressure of increasingly intense study life, we have to treat it with positive attitude,First of all, to learn confidence. Confidence is a prerequisite for success, is the secret of happiness. But the confidence, to the front of the difficulties and frustrations remain optimistic,
and want to find ways toovercome difficulties and setbacks。
Find the correct study method。Law of learning。
This way, we can keep a good state of mind.
This way, we can keep a good state of mind.
『肆』 关于安慰高考中失利有关乐观心态的大学英语作文
1, learn elder brother sisters, don't give up because of a temporary failure, do you remember the teacher once said: as long as the heart die, people always have hope. I will soon be a high three students, let us together, tears in next year's today, no regrets, only success.
2, xu had a destiny difficult violations, xu had ships, efforts have no results, let me with true greatness, the future how, only looking at the stars! He, will also weigh in hand to read with me?
3, the load is too heavy of mind, there is too much trouble. See what love what, what to want what, can not worry? Timely cleaning the mind, don't let the soul the st of proct too thick. To know life is too short, not everything can be. Unfortunately, not everyone understand.
4, ostrich for long-distance running champion, and sacrifice the hover blue sky dream, in this world, not the best of both worlds, give you, always is important is that a state of mind be yourself!
5, the most popular person in the world are never those who constantly look back yesterday's trouble and sorrow, failure and painful setbacks, but that kind of happy with faith, hope, courage and curiosity and look to the future.
6, when you must find a retreat, with a calm attitude about success; Life frustrated must find a way to view failure optimism, sky and the green shoots, in watching the same results.
7, people are always in the dream and broken dreams, hopes, disappointments in life. May friends remember: fall, climb up again!
8, life is a process of up and down the xi xi miserable, such a life is rich and varied, a failure is not terrible, as long as we can find the secrets of successful courage and effort.
9, friends, don't sad, because everything can be heavy, but should pay attention to cherishing. Efforts!!!! Friend, I will cheer for you! Mo sadness, your future is more magnificent, and finally send you a poem to my hearts for you.
10, the college entrance examination as the threshold of the long life on the road, no matter success or failure, I think it doesn't matter now, it is important to summarize the university entrance exam of gain and loss, so that in the future of life on the road take good every leap!
11, college entrance examination failure is only a setback in life, success the way also more than a college, we are now more should be concerned about the failure of the university entrance exam, to help them regain confidence, out of the shadow of failure in the college entrance examination.
12, the college entrance examination as the threshold of the long life on the road, no matter success or failure, I think it doesn't matter now, it is important to summarize the university entrance exam of gain and loss, so that in the future of life on the road take good every leap!
『伍』 英语作文《心态》
Everything in this world, you can look at it two concepts, one is positive, positive, and the other is negative, negative, it's like coins, a positive and negative; the how of view, the positive and negative, that is, mentality, it is entirely determined by your own thoughts.
Good state of mind that makes some people happy, ambitious, energetic, mental, negative attitude is frustrating, sadness, there is no initiative.
Do you think what kind of person he is, it will become why the kind of person.
Troubles with joy, success and failure, only a concept lies in between, this concept that is the mentality.
Mentality of many aspects of the decision.
Thing depends on how we look at them.
『陆』 就是让你写 英语作文一个关于高三学生心理健康的作文
您好:Everyone wants to maintain good health, if you are healthy, then you can do you want to do anything, your family will be full of laughter, your work will be much more simple. You want to have a healthy body? Then try to do the following thing! First, you face daily smile, maintain a good mood. Take part in some sports, such as running and running, playing baseball. It is in a strong body. Secondly, we must pay attention to their diet, not to drink too much wine, water, every day at least eight cups of water; Deliberately not to lose weight, did you have no health benefits. Again, resulting from smoking on your own and other people is not good! To maintain good health let us do it. Thus, the world's only full of laughter!
『柒』 急求一篇关于高考看法英语作文,300字左右
When it comes to the college entrance examination, people usually have a saying, " after all is fair ". I think not, and said, this is truly a doublespeak. College entrance examination has never justice; justice and happiness, never absolute.
From an examination of the identified, could be clearly seen, its purpose is to choose some people, instead of giving all give the so-called fair, objective has already established its injustice, not because it means is disclosed that it is fair, there is no test high school graates are not eligible for social ecation resources? For various reasons, failed after suffering the students, their pain is deserved? Besides, originally around the ecation level is not the same, and the college entrance examination because of each district enrollment allocation number is over, obtain fractional line is not the same, is this fair?
But today we come to see, we can not because of starving when getting a steamed bread of happiness, and thought the steamed bread is always our happiness. Just, fair is always relative, happiness is relative, we should review and revise for many years as a "good thing " behind the defect.
『捌』 高考前让考生以轻松的心态参加高考,学校举办了心理讲座,介绍该次讲座情况… 英语作文
How to Rece Stress
Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Rece Stress. You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.
How to Rece Stress
Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.
We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reces the body’s immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.
When stress does occur, it’s important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can rece onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.
『玖』 与高考心理调节的高中英语作文
Most of us are inclined to feel that it is difficult to spend our leisure properly. When we have holidays, we usually feel bored and do not know what to do. Many people just sit in a sofa watching TV, while many other people stay in bed to venture their dreamland. Actually, having this feeling is quite natural since, in our daily life, we do things more or less in accordance with an unwritten daily routine in our mind.