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发布时间: 2021-02-28 03:42:41

英语作文120字 介绍苗族


⑵ 苗族的基本情况 英语作文

Miao people live mainly in southwestern province of China and other districts,including Gui Zhou,Yun Nan,Hu Nan,Chong Qing,Guang Xi and othe places.Miao people live on agriculty and hunting. Their agriculty include rice,corns,wheat and so on.
Miao people wear different colors of clothes.And they like singing and dancing.The famous singer Song Zhuying and the Olimpic Champioon Zhou Shiming are Miao people.

⑶ 求关于苗族文化的介绍,要英文版的 。谢谢

Miao People in the Qin and Han Dynasty live in the "Cliff" area, term of the present western Hunan, eastern Guizhou and other places. Classics in ancient China, there are about 5000 years ago have long records of Miao People, that is, until the Yangtze River from the south of the Yellow River known as the "southern barbarian" of the clan and tribe. Miao has a long history, its ancient ancestors may be part of the three South. One that originated from the Yin and Zhou era of "mane" man. Qin, living mainly in Western Hunan, eastern Guizhou area, including "Changsha, the Wuling change 'or" Wu Xi Man "into the name, and then graally move to spread around the mountains in the Southwest. Also considered and the ancient" textual criticism "The. Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan Miao have to Chi as their ancestors. legend Chi is a" textual criticism "of the monarch, in 5000 years ago, Jiuli tribes and tribal conflict in the Yellow Emperor, defeated and out of the Yellow River, Yangtze River in the occupied downstream. graally, "San Miao." After the 2nd century BC, most of the Miao ancestors moved to Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. Hainan Miao is the sixteenth century to the soldiers from Guangxi.

Mainly inhabited by the Miao in southeast Guizhou Province, Guangxi Miao Shan, Hainan and Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and other provinces in the border area, population: 970,000 people. Miao has a long history in Chinese ancient books, the early settlers about 5000 years ago, the record of the Miao, that is until the Yangtze River from the south of the Yellow River known as the "southern barbarian" of the clan and tribe. Miao, no words, Hmong is Sino-Tibetan language family Hmong Miao-Yao branch. Hmong living in the alpine zone, dominated by agriculture, crops are upland rice. Corn, buckwheat son, potatoes and beans, crops are hemp, hemp is usually their own species, their textiles. Miao people have a wealth of folk oral literature, such as the old song, poetry, love songs and so on. Miao has good dance, Lusheng dance the most popular.

Yunnan Miao population 907,000, accounting for 12.2% of China's Miao population. Mainly live in the Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, and Zhaotong Wuding, Luquan counties. Miao a native language.

Hmong have their own language, Hmong has three major dialects: Western, Eastern Guizhou and Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. In 1956, the design of the Latin form of writing programs. As a long-term exchanges with the Han Miao, a large part of the Incorporation of Chinese and Miao

Using Chinese.

Miao region dominated by agriculture, supplemented by hunting. Miao's cross-stitch, embroidery, tapestry, batik, paper cutting, jewelry making and other arts and crafts and colorful, world famous. Among them, the Miao batik process has been thousands of years. Costumes up to more than 130 kinds, can any one nation in the world comparable to the clothing. Miao is an ethnic singing and dancing, especially love songs, songs wine reputation. Miao Hmong are the most representative musical instrument.

To sing and dance known Miao Miao folk songs, particularly rich in two days of the first lunar month every year, or May 5 Huashan Festival (the foot of Huashan), young men and women all together step drum, dance Lusheng dance, antiphonal singing lyric, for spouses, same time shot at climbing flowers, accounting for competition fighting. Ma Miao good stain weaving, embroidery, batik, exquisite workmanship, won praise at home and abroad. Hi young men and women wear the "Five stain clothing", set batik, embroidery in one, bright and colorful. Miao is mainly engaged in family business. In the past, hunting was a major sideline, used crossbows, firearms hunting prey, the implementation of "Geranium Strictipes shooting, see a portion" of the distribution. Some of the Miao and Christian polytheistic folk religion.

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Miao great emphasis on etiquette. Visitor hospitality will slaughter cks, if all the way to the guests, the Miao people used to invite guests to drink alcohol horn. Eat chicken, the chicken head to the guests to respect the elderly, chicken legs to give youngest guests. There are points in some places the custom heart-shaped, that is the oldest home owner or the ck with chopsticks to heart-shaped heart twist to the guests, but guests are neither eat chicken heart must be divided equally to the present age. * Hold if the guests do not like fat meat, can explain the situation, the owner is not forced, but does not satiate, were looked down upon as the master.

Miao pay attention to the real thing, very passionate, very sensitive to vanity and hypocrisy. Guest host Lu-yu does not take away the first step, do not walk in front; conversation using honorific title; welcoming to wear costumes; to await the arrival of guests to give a feast to Zhaiwai; guests to the door, man of the house to Jiao Men, this home The hostess, the hostess opened the door to sing welcoming; in front of guests, the hostess did not climb stairs; dinner with chicken, ck hospitality for the food, especially heart, liver and the most valuable, first to give the guests or elderly Guests were given to everyone to enjoy, long after the order is the first child. Not to host guests said, "seedling" they would like to call themselves "Mongolia."


Fond of wearing jewelry is the nature of Hmong girl, they pull the hair on the head, put on about 20 centimeters high, beautifully crafted silver Corolla, Corolla 6 inserted in front of the level of missing Yinqiao wing, most are made in the above Erlongxizhu pattern. Some areas, silver crown on the addition of silver chip inserted, has inserted about 1 meter high silver horn, horn tip line color drift, even more noble Wealthy. Along the Silver Crown, Silver Flower Ring with hanging, hanging a row of small Yinhua fall, wearing a silver collar around his neck have a lot more

With silver pieces are made in sets of flowers and even made a small silver rings. Silver locks and silver chest pressure collar, chest, back wearing a silver cape, hanging many small silver bell. Earrings, bracelets are silver procts. Only two sleeves to fire red only shows the main tone of the embroidery, but the cuff is also studded with a wide silver ring. Miao girls dressed in costumes often several kilograms of weight, some accumulation of several generations inherited. Known as "hanai Silver Race angel" reputation. Miao silver in the process, gorgeous elegant, wonderful workmanship, it shows the wisdom and talents of Hmong people. Miao costumes are not exactly the same all over, men cloth, Baotou, wearing short pants, but the Hmong women's wear in general more stress, especially the dress, very beautiful, the flower of things, there are 40 multi-layer skirt, hence the name " pleated skirt. " Above the embroidered dresses of various patterns, antique, colorful. Women good at textiles, embroidery, batik, craft is exquisite.

Custom】 【

Miao people in the guest, remember not to eat folder beheaded. Guests can not common folder liver, Dirty, and chicken legs, chicken guts, Dirty to respect of women, chicken is left to children. Miao host family when you leave, be sure to politely say "wow Week", which means "thank you", thanks for your hospitality Miao.

Some Miao areas, avoid drinking any time scrubbing steamer, rice bags, Fan Pen, only eat when new rice washing, to show to welcome the old meters meters. Scrubbing will wash away the family wealth at any time, not enough food to eat. Avoid drinking unboiled water in the mountains to drink, must first beat straw to kill disease show a ghost. Others put on anti-handling street clothes, in order to avoid transmission of leprosy. Avoid chaos at home did little tricks kids bow and arrow, shot in the fear of the ancestors. Avoid cross-head child, or children Zhangbu Gao. Taboo women sit on a bench with their elders.

Wedding】 【

Miao is monogamy, marriage of young men and women have traditional social activities. Such as "will be girls" is the way of free love Hmong youth. Miao's traditional festival is the annual Huashan Festival (fifth day of the first lunar month was held, also known as "step Huashan"), which is height of the holiday Hmong people ring the holiday season, dressed in their holiday best young men and women congregated in antiphonal singing, performing step drums, dancing lions and Lusheng dance, great excitement.

Love in the young men and women are essential to the process of food is sticky rice. Chengbu Hmong to draw a ck in the glutinous rice cake as a keepsake and exchange gifts; wedding, the bride and groom drink wedlock, master of getting the bride and groom eat doll painted dragon and phoenix patterns and instructions from glutinous rice cake.

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⑷ 急求用英语介绍的苗族服饰

Miao clothes and that of qiandongnan miao miao clothing, clothing, China is not 200 world miao dress most types, the best preserved area, known as "miao costume museum". Miao dress from overall, maintained a Chinese folk fabric, embroidery, pick, dyed in traditional technique, often using a main craft technique at the same time, punctuated by using other craft technique, or with embroidery, or dye upside with embroidery, or in combination ZhiXiu, thus make these dress design blooming, time excessive colour, show distinctive national artistic features. Look from content, apparel design mostly drawn from daily life various living object, have ideographic and identify species, the important role of the branch and language, these image records were designed

Both men and women casually qiandongnan miao nationality is territory of simplicity. Male jacket for the left Ren coat and general DuiJin jacket and left Ren three categories, DuiJin coat with gown for the most common. Remove theatrical makeup and costume is commonly YingChe hui bigfoot trouser wide trousers. Female clothes jacket YouRen coat and round is generally bring chest crossover jacket two kinds, remove theatrical makeup and costume for various 100 plait pants and trousers. DuiJin male jacket popular in domestic most miao regions, a clothes from the left, right, left, right rear tablet piece, left, right sleeve six parts. Skirt order five to 11 single cloth clasp, left, right front knitting for snap-down scalloped flaps for buttons. Coat outeled straight, placed before a semicircle after; Left, right axilla spread out the fork. DuiJin male coat texture is commonly home weaving, khaki, weaving GongNi and shilin cloth. Color more for green, navy,

⑸ 求苗族风俗习惯的英文简介

苗族是我国最古老的民族之一,人口众多,分布辽阔,湘西苗族属其中之一部。在长期的历史发展过程中,苗族在服饰、节庆、婚嫁、丧葬、娱乐、礼节、禁忌、饮食等方面,形成自己独特的风俗习惯。 一、服 饰 湘西苗族的古代服饰,男女差别很小,一律是“色彩斑澜”;上身穿花衣,下着百褶裙,头蓄长发,包赭色花帕,脚着船形花鞋,佩以各种银饰。 清代雍正年间“改土归流”,政府指令“服饰宜分男女”之后,变化较大,甚至有很多人全换上汉人服装。如今天的永顺、龙山等县的苗族,其服饰与汉族已无分别。但在花垣、保靖、凤凰、吉首、古丈、泸溪等县境内,苗族的服饰尚有特色。 苗族男子的衣饰较为简单;头缠布帕,身穿对襟衣,衣袖长而小,裤简短而大,喜包青色裹脚。头帕有青帕和花帕两种,帕长一丈以上,有多至三丈的。缠戴时多成斜十字形,大如斗笠,衣服的颜色有花格、全青、全蓝等,其中以花格布衣最有特色。衣扣一般为七颗。有的青年男子,为使人欣羡自己的富有和豪爽,穿衣多到七件。最外层的衣服只扣最下边的一对纽扣,第二层衣服扣下面两对纽扣……以此类推,一直到扣完最里层的七对纽扣为止。这样,层层新衣全能由外看出,别有一种情趣。 与苗族男子的简单衣着相反,苗族妇女的服饰十分精美复杂。 头帕:苗族妇女的头帕,因地而异。凤凰县境内的苗族妇女多加包短帕一珙,长三尺多,由额头包至脑后,连耳朵都包在内面。花垣等县境内的苗族妇女喜用黑帕(父母去世者戴白帕),折叠整齐,包得平平正正,不偏不斜,末挽一道,恰齐额眉。吉首县境内的苗族妇女头帕较杂,与凤凰县相接的地区包花帕,与花垣县相邻的地区包黑帕。泸溪、古丈和吉首东部地区的苗族妇女则包白色头帕。帕上绣有四对青色花蝶,朴素美观,独具风韵。所谓“头上帕子四个角,四个角上绣飞蛾”,说的就是这种白帕。 首饰:苗族妇女的首饰,造型精美,种类繁多。以制作的原材料分,有金饰、银饰、铜饰、铝饰、玉饰等,而以银饰最为普遍。从佩戴的部位分:有银帽、银盆、凤冠、苏山耳环、项圈、手镯、戒指、牙签、扣绊等,而以手镯和戒指必须常戴。从造型上分,仅耳环一项,就有瓜子吊耳环、石榴耳环、梅花针耳环、圈圈耳环、龙头耳环、梅花吊瓜子耳环、耙粑耳环、龙头瓜子吊耳环等等。 衣裤及其他:苗族妇女的衣服,过腰大而长,衣袖大而短,没有衣领。袖口之大,约在一尺以上。胸前及袖口,习惯要滚边、绣花或缕纱,并要加上栏杆花瓣于其问。有的还需在开岔和放摆前后两面的边缘刺绣挖云钩。衣服式样一律是满襟,无对襟式。制作一套苗族妇女的衣裤,缝工、绣工精致的,需工日数十。裤子较短,裤脚较大。裤筒边缘的滚边、绣花或数纱与衣服相同。礼裙长而宽,下脚沿边满绣花纹,并滚栏杆及大小花瓣,五光十色,焯耀眩目。鞋子满绣花,头尖口大,后跟上耳,以便穿着。 解放后,在一些苗汉杂居地区,苗族服饰受汉族的影响较大,一些青年已改着汉装。 二、节庆 湘西苗族的节庆较多,活动规模大。其中最富有代表性的有: 1.赶年场。农历正月,湘西苗族人民最热心的是赶年场,其日期由各地自行约定。赶年场.那天,男男女女,老老少少,身着节日盛装,互相邀约,成群结队去赶场。年场上,人流如潮,熙熙攘攘,异常热闹。人们不但可以进行物资交流,还可以参加或观看打秋千、舞狮子、玩龙灯、上刀梯等活动,青年男女也多利用这种机会,物色情侣,谈情说爱。歌郎歌娘更是大显身手,三五结伴,说古道今,引吭高歌,互相唱和,或盘根,或祝贺,或叙述传统故事,或即兴演唱新词。唱的人愈唱兴致愈高,听的人愈听精神愈振。即使大雪纷飞,天寒地冻,年场也要如期举行。 2.三月三。这是湘西苗族的传统歌舞节。这一天,苗族人民自动集中到约定的歌场上,参加对歌、听歌、跳舞、观舞,尽情欢乐。 3.赶清明。这是湘西苗族特有的大型歌节,又称“清明歌会”。相传,因苗族多散居在偏僻的崇山峻岭之中,一切日常用品都必须到比较远的汉区赶场交换,常常受骗上当。所以,苗族人民便相约以清明节这一天作为自己的场期,互相交换物资,同时会见亲友。这样.久而久之,便形成了今天的“清明歌会”了。 清明歌会均有传统的中心会场。吉首市东部的苗族人民赶清明,其中心会场每年都在丹青的清明场上。到时,苗族歌手以手托腮,引吭高歌,你唱我和,喜气洋洋。有的唱到夜幕降临仍不肯散会,一直唱到通宵达旦。 4.看龙场。每年从农历三月谷雨那一天算起,逢辰便是看龙El,习惯称做看头龙后十二天又轮转到辰日,再逢看龙之日,男女老少,均休息一天,踊跃参加。若在这天干了农活,就属于犯忌。因此,苗族人民对于“看龙”的事,非常重视。Miao people in China, one of the oldest large population, the distribution of the vast, western Hunan Miao belong to one of the 1. In the long course of historical development, the Hmong in the costumes, festivals, marriage, funeral, entertainment, etiquette, taboos, diet, etc., forming its own unique customs.
First, the ancient costumes Hunan Miao costumes, little difference between men and women, all the "color Ban Lan"; on wearing a Pied Piper, the next with pleated skirts, head and long hair, bags ocher flowers Pa, feet with boat-shaped Hua Xie, wear to a variety of silver. The Qing Dynasty Yongzheng, "the Qing Dynasty flow", the Government directive, "men and women should dress", the changed greatly, and even a lot of people are all put on Chinese clothes. Like today's Yongshun, Longshan counties Miao, their clothes were no longer with the Han. However, in Huayuan, Baojing, Phoenix, Jishou, Guzhang, luxi and other County, there are characteristics of Miao costumes. Hmong man's clothing is more simple; Touchan Bouphavanh, wearing Duijin clothing,
Long sleeves and small, short pants and large, I am pleased bag blue bound feet. There are green and flowers Toupa Pago Pago are two types of long-Yi Zhang and above par, as many as thirty feet of the. When wrapped around wearing a cross over into the ramp, as big as rain hats, clothing and the color grille, all green, all blue, etc., of which the most characteristic flower cloth clothing. Generally buttoned 7. Some young men, in order to make people envy their wealth and generous dressing over the seven reports. Outermost layer of clothing is only dected the bottom of a pair of buttons, the second layer of clothes, two pairs of button button below ... ... and so on, until the buckle end of the most inner layer of the seven pairs of buttons so far. In this way, layers of clothes Almighty be seen from the outside, do not
There is a delight. Hmong man with a simple dress the contrary, the Hmong women's costumes are very beautiful complex. Toupa: Hmong women Toupa, vary. Fenghuang County in the Miao women in more packages a short par-kung, more than three feet long, from the forehead to the back of the head package, and even the ears are included in package surface. Huayuan County, such as the Hmong women like to use a black-Pa (parents deceased person wearing a white Pa), folded neatly, packet too flat precisely, impartial ramp to pull an end, exactly the amount of Qi Mei. Jishou County of Miao women Toupa more mixed, with connecting regional package flower Fenghuang County Pa, and Huayuan County in areas adjacent to black-Pa. Lu River, the eastern region Guzhang and Jishou Miao
Women are packets of white Toupa. Pa embroidered with four pairs of blue admiral, simple beauty, unique charm. The so-called "head Pazi four corners, four corners of embroidered moths" that is such a white-Pa. Jewelry: Hmong women's jewelry, fine shape and variety. Of raw materials to proce points, there are gold, silver, copper ornaments, aluminum ornaments, jade jewelry and substituting silver is most common. From the worn parts of sub-: There are silver cap, Yin Pen, phoenix coronet, Su Shan earrings, necklace, bracelets, rings, toothpick, button trip, etc.
And in order to wear bracelets and rings to be regular. From the shape on the points, only one earring, there are seeds hanging earrings, garnet earrings, plum blossom needle earrings, circle earrings, leading earrings, plum seeds hanging earrings, rake DCB earrings, leading seeds hanging earrings and so on. Underwear and others: Hmong women's clothes, too large waist long, large and short sleeves, no collar. Cuff so great about a foot or more. Chest and sleeves, it is customary to the sewing machine, embroidery yarn or strand, and would like to add the railings on its petals asked. Some need to put in open fork and put the edge of embroidery around the sides g cloud hook. Clothing styles are invariably full breasted, no Duijin style. The proction of a Hmong women's underwear, sewing work
, Exquisite embroidery work is required tens of man-days. Short pants, trousers larger. Kutong the edge of the sewing machine, embroidery, or the same as the number of yarn and clothing. Li long skirt wide, offal over embroidered pattern along the border, and roll bars and the size of petals, colorful, Cheuk Yiu blinding. Shoes full of embroidery, head and sharp mouth, the latter to keep up with our ears, in order to wear. After the liberation, in some mixed areas Miao Han, Miao costumes influenced by the Han people, some young people have changed the Han loaded.
Second, more festive western Hunan Miao festival, activities, a large scale. One of the most highly represented are: 1. Driving out the Year field. The first lunar month, western Hunan Miao people are most enthusiastic about is driving out the Year field, a date agreed upon from all over themselves. Driving out the Year field. On that day, men and women, young and old, dressed in festive costumes, mutual invitations in droves to ganchang. Years of field, the flow waves, bustling, extremely heated. It can not only exchange of goods and materials, but also can take part in or watch a swing, dancing lions, playing the dragon, the Daoti and other activities were also many young men and women take advantage of this opportunity to find lovers, romance. Lang Song Song's mother is even more flourish, 35 together,
Said the trail today and sang along with each other joined in the chorus, or packing, or congratulations, or a traditional narrative story, or an impromptu singing new words. The more people who sing to sing the higher spirits, listening to people who listen to the spirit of the more more vibration. Even if the snow, cold, annual field should be held as scheled. 2. March 3. This is a western Hunan Miao's traditional song and dance festival. On this day, the Miao people's songs automatically centralized court agreed to participate in singing in antiphonal style, songs, dancing, watching the dance, play fun. 3. Catch Qingming. This is a unique large-scale western Hunan Miao Song Festival, also known as "Ching Ming song will be." According to legend, because many Hmong scattered in the remote mountains, and all daily necessities have to be to the more distant areas of the Han
Ganchang exchange, are often fooled. Therefore, the Miao people can Meet with the Ching Ming Festival this day as their field period, the exchange of goods, while meeting with friends and relatives. Way. Over time, these will become today's "clear and bright song will be" the. Qingming song will have a traditional center of the venue. Jishou drive east of the Miao people, clear and bright, its central hall of the Ching Ming Festival every year in beautiful field. By then, Miao singer Tuosai hand, sang along, you sing to me and ahead. Some sing nightfall refused to closing, has been sung through the night. 4. Look at Long Field. Each year from the day of Lunar New Year in March Guyu
The date, Feng-Chen is to see Long El, used after the 12 days called the spectacle of Long-chen day to rotate again, and then look at the Dragon every day, young and old, have a rest day, to take part. If, in this Heavenly Stems of the farm, they are taboo. Therefore, the Miao people, to "see dragon" thing very seriously.

⑹ 介绍贵州特产的英语作文

Guizhou batik, is a long history of national traditional arts and crafts. The so-called batik is the wax painting and dyeing two processes referred to. Guizhou Anshun batik proction of the most famous, Anshun batik pattern detail, rich color.

⑺ 写一篇关于介绍苗族的英语作文 急需急需!!!!!!!!


The word miao, I believe everyone is very strange. Today, let us go near it, understand it!

Miao about has a population of more than 740, distributed in guizhou, hunan, yunnan, hubei, hainan, guangxi and other places. Hmong living zone mild climate, mountain ring around the water, size field dam ornament in the mountains, give a person a kind of auspicious atmosphere.

Miao people think that all things have spirit, nature worship. They have natural worship, totem worship, ancestor worship and other forms of primitive religion, miao traditional society is superstition ghosts and gods and witchcraft. Miao people think for some peculiar natural scenery is the embodiment of the spiritual, if met, would be on their feet. Most of them are Christian and Catholic, buddhist and few beliefs

⑻ 谁能用英文介绍一下苗族

Miao Nationality
Distribution and Population:Miao ethnic group has a population of 8,940,116 which is larger than most of minority groups in China. After immigration in a long history, today they live mainly in Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Hainan Provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture. They are divided into several branches, such as Black Hmong, White Hmong, and Striped Hmong.
Their language, which belongs to the Miao-Yao group of the Sino-Tibetan phylum, has developed into three dialects: the dialect of western Hunan Province, the one of eastern Guizhou Province and the one of ChuanQianDian (Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan). Due to a long time living with the Han and other people, they can also speak the Chinese, Dong and Zhuang languages. They have been writing their own Miao language based on Latin since 1956.

A Miao Village in Guizhou
They believe that everything in nature has a spirit, which incombination are mighty enough to control their lives. Every time there are disasters, they will invite a wizard to perform ceremonies designed to drive out the devil ghost. They worship their ancestors so much that memorial ceremonies are very grand. Sacrifices such as wine, meat, and glutinous rice are costly. Some also believe in Catholicism or other Christian religions.

Food and Food Culture:
The staple food is rice. Other dishes are meat and acidic soups. Pickled vegetables, hot seasonings and home-made wine are common at the table. Glutinous rice becomes a must ring festivals and celebrations.

They are very skilled at handicrafts, such as embroidering, weaving, paper-cutting, batik, and jewelry casting. The Miao embroidery and silver jewelry are delicate and beautiful. From hats, collars, and cuffs to skirts and baby carriers, the patterns on their clothes are extremely colorful, complicated but with clean lines. Girls of around seven will learn embroidering from mothers and sisters, and when they become teenagers, they are quite deft. Long-skirt Miao Minority Long-horn Miao Minority Gaoshan Miao Minority
Clothes are diverse across regions. Men wear short coats and trousers, while women decorate themselves with very dainty and dazzling skirts and jewels. On their skirts, there are many patterns taking themes from life such as flowers, birds, etc. One of the most attractive, pleated skirts has as many as forty layers!


New Rice Tasting Festival
Divided by regions, they celebrate their festivals at different times, but they all have many, like the Dragon Boat Festival, the Huashan Festival, the Pure Brightness and the New Rice Tasting Festival (Chixin Jie). Among these, the Miao Spring Festival is the most important one that is held ring the lunar ninth to the eleventh month.

The New Rice Tasting Festival is worth mentioning. To express their gratitude for the harvest, they will stream the newly ripe rice, brew wine with new rice, cook dishes with newly-picked vegetables and freshly caught fish.

The Lusheng dance is a unique musical performance of the Miao ethnic minority ring nearly every celebration. While playing the lusheng, a kind of wind instrument, they dance in demanding patterns, and sing to each other.

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