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发布时间: 2021-02-28 03:12:45

⑴ 文理分科后我的新班级英语作文80 到120

我的班级(My Class)
There are fifty-two students in my class. We have different likes and dislikes, but we all have a great goal. We study together. We play together. We talk to each other. We help each other. We are friendly to each other. Our class is like a big family. We are very happy.
We have many teachers. They are very kind. They are always nice to us.
They make us study very very hard. All my teachers always encourage us to learn all subjects well.

⑵ 文理分科的利与弊(英文作文)

High 1, High, regardless of Division of Arts and Sciences for a lot of students, regardless of Division means that all the subjects have to learn, a large number of subjects, limited time, if a lot of disadvantages, in fact, precisely the students can test out of interest for the future lay the foundation for the direction of selection. Over the years, a lot of students at High Cognitio selection, the habit of feeling on the number of liberal arts test much less than the science, the arts that hard to test, often not from our own Arts and advantages, blindly select science, regret it incessantly. Have some students while the other hand, the feel good liberal arts students less obviously biased science is blind study the text, these students are not from their own objective reality, interest is the best teacher, blind students restricted the selection benign development. Regardless of Branch just enough time to give students, ample opportunity to fit their own selection.

Political teachers, regardless of subjects that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages are obvious, and because of the future direction of uncertainty, coupled with the existence of an examination, students will study together the many serious, teachers will get a better job with.

Of course, regardless of Branch High means that the future election of the text for some students who rece the amount of hours, it will naturally affect the depth and breadth of study, will increase the difficulty of the third year review. But from another perspective think that we are all studying the same time, the province-wide test of selection, chance, or the same.

So for the vast number of teachers, we have nothing to worry about it.

High 1, High, regardless of Division of Arts and Sciences for a lot of students, regardless of Division means that all the subjects have to learn, a large number of subjects, limited time, if a lot of disadvantages, in fact, precisely the students can test out of interest for the future lay the foundation for the direction of selection. Over the years, a lot of students at High Cognitio selection, the habit of feeling on the number of liberal arts test much less than the science, the arts that hard to test, often not from our own Arts and advantages, blindly select science, regret it incessantly. Have some students while the other hand, the feel good liberal arts students less obviously biased science is blind study the text, these students are not from their own objective reality, interest is the best teacher, blind students restricted the selection benign development. Regardless of Branch just enough time to give students, ample opportunity to fit their own selection.

Political teachers, regardless of subjects that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages are obvious, and because of the future direction of uncertainty, coupled with the existence of an examination, students will study together the many serious, teachers will get a better job with.

Of course, regardless of Branch High means that the future election of the text for some students who rece the amount of hours, it will naturally affect the depth and breadth of study, will increase the difficulty of the third year review. But from another perspective think that we are all studying the same time, the province-wide test of selection, chance, or the same.

So for the vast number of teachers, we have nothing to worry about it

⑶ 以文理分科为话题,发表自己的见解,写一篇英语作文。。



⑷ 各位大大们,急需一篇关于《是否应该文理分科》的英语作文。

Nowadays, many people argue that there are so many disadvantages in the discrimination between Arts ecation and Science ecation in high school.
They believe that such discrmination leads students to give up the alternative. What's more, it has bad effects on the student's character owing to students are trained in one way. So many Arts graates have no idea to phenomena occured in life and Science graates don't know the historic figures are the perfect examples for such opinion.
As far as I am concerned, the difference between Arts ecation and Science ecation is the different types of my college entrance examination in the future. And we shouldn do our utmost to improve our character and should not just blam such discrimination.

⑸ Science and Art Courses英语作文 150词 就是文理分科选什么

Nowadays there is an ongoing debate on what should a student choose between Science and Art Course.After a close observation,I am inclined to choose the Art courses,the follow will unfold my reasons.
First and for most,I like reading and composing.If I study Art courses it will give me a better ecation on the things I like.
Secondly,I think that the things which I study in Art courses will be more useful in the future.For example,politic science would be very useful if I want to be a lawer when I grow up.
What's more,I feel a lot more happier when I study Art course than when I study Science courses,and this is the most important reason for me to choose Art courses over Science courses.

⑹ 高中取消文理分科 英语作文





⑺ 求文理分科利弊的议论文型英语作文

其次,引导阅读求模仿。杜甫说“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,韩愈又说“学以为耕,文以为获”。“破万卷”是说书读得要多,书读得多,知识才厚实,才能博古通今,才能有话可说,有文可写。写起文章来才能左右逢源,才“如有神”助。韩语之说强调阅读是写作的先导,没有读的“耕耘”,就没有写的“收获”。 古人写作,成为一代风范,如王勃的名句“落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色”就是从庾信的“落花与芝盖齐飞,杨柳共春旗一色”脱化来的。再如左丘明的《左传》善于用对话叙事写人,司马迁的《史记》善用语言、动作表现人物性格,这些手法都为后世的散文家、小说家、戏剧家所模仿。可见,引导学生进行广泛的阅读,并且在阅读中引导其练笔模仿,才能正真提升学生的写作兴趣。比如可以针对阅读的文本引导学生鉴赏,在鉴赏的基础上进行模仿,可以就其中的写景段落,可以就其中的行文结构,哪怕是开头结尾或简单的过渡等都可以模仿。

⑻ 关于是否文理分科的英语作文,高一水平的,谢谢了!


⑼ 关于“高一是否该文理分科”写一篇英语作文


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