1. 猪的介绍(英文)
Pigs, omnivorous animals. Pigs generally refers to the number of domestic animals. The Chinese zodiac is a pig at the end, also known as the Hai system. Mammals, body fat, short limbs, the tone of a longer nose. Edible meat, leather tanning can be, short-limb fat, tame nature, flexible, easy-keeping, and fast breeding, black, white, black and white or red sauce Flower color, and so on. Pigs born after 5-12 months can be breeding, gestation period is about 4 months. Pigs, the average life span is 20 years. A domestic consumption of fat to the animals, cute as a child, grew up in a terrible, big nose, big ears, eating, fat fast. China's pig-raising has at least 5600-6080 years. Pig's neck is very short. In fact, pigs Buben, in fact, is a very intelligent animal, appears to be simple and honest, it is actually very small temper a bit.
Pigs also known as "Wu Jin" and "black-faced Boy" and "Black God." "Chao Ye Qian Zai," said Tang Dynasty Hongzhou rich people pig, pig, said "Wu Jin." Tang Dynasty "Za-Ji Unzen," cited "the old Cheng-ping compile": "black-faced Lang, said that pigs are." Land in China, as early as the matriarchal clan commune period began keeping pigs, dogs, and other livestock. Yuyao, Zhejiang Hemu Neolithic site excavated pottery pigs, their home is now in prison and pigs is very similar to the body, that at the time of the domestication of pigs has been taking shape
Recently, some of the pigs living habits after a long period of observation and research, proved that pig is a kind-hearted, gentle, intelligent animals. It is not like cattle, horses, as Fushoutieer, unlike the goat as vicious arbitrary; not as ungrateful as a cat, a dog is not as flattering pity. In many ways, such as the dog is not smart pig. Trained pigs, dogs, as not only a variety of skills to master the same action, pigs and dogs trained to be a short time. Specially trained pigs, and some will be dancing, drums, and swimming; some will stand up car; some relatively smart pig can be as "pig dogs"; and some even use his nose to sniff out buried in the earth's Landmines.
Pigs can act like a dog, like security. In the United States and some pig farmers to use to defend the estate of the land, had bitten into a stranger's estate. In order to prevent farmers who have cattle in the pond water was bitten by a snake, and Liangtou Zhu raised guards were replaced by ponds, achieved good results. Pigs can not only anti-snake, and snakes like to eat. Scientists have spent the experiment proved that the anti-pig snake is in line with the scientific truth, because there is thick layer of fat pigs, and to prevent the snake venom and entered the blood stream.
Pigs are extremely well-developed sense of smell. In France a number of areas in the skin, the growth of a very expensive price of the edible fungi species - black truffles. Local pig farmers to harvest black truffles as a strong assistant. Pig 6 meters away, you can smell in the long 25 - 30 inches of underground black truffles. Although the dogs can play in this, but dog training is much more difficult than training pigs, but had to let the dog every day to search, days intervals if it is necessary to forget. The pigs in this respect is much more capable than the dog, even if the search only once a week, it will not forget the Institute of skills.
The pig is a sports player. A few years ago, in the United States to convene a national farm show, held a special run of the pig race. Judge gives the order, those who wear the label pig to catch up on the run, the end is coming, they will do the final sprint.
,杂食类动物。猪一般多指家畜。猪是十二生肖之末,也称制为亥。哺乳动物,身体肥壮,四肢短小,鼻子口吻较长.肉可食用,皮可制革,体肥肢短,性温驯,适应力强,易饲养,繁殖快,有黑、白、酱红或黑白花等色。猪出生后5-12个月可以配种,妊娠期约为4个月。猪的平均寿命为20年。一种家养的肥胖的用以食用的动物,小时候很可爱,长大很恐怖,大鼻子,大耳朵,吃的多,胖的快。 我国养猪至少也有5600-6080年的历史。猪的脖子很短。猪其实不笨,事实上是种很聪明的动物,看似憨厚,其实很有点小脾气。
猪还有极其发达的嗅觉。在法国的一些地区的地皮下,生长着一种价格非常昂贵的食用菌类植物——黑块菌。当地的农民把猪当作收获黑块菌的有力助手。猪在 6米 远的地方,就能嗅到长在25— 30厘米 深的地底下的黑块菌。狗虽然也可以担当这一工作,但训练狗要比训练猪困难得多,而且还得天天让狗去搜寻,如果间隔几天,它就要忘记。而猪在这方面要比狗能干得多,即使每星期只搜寻一次,它也不会忘记学会的本领。
2. 猪的作文(英文)
题目:Something about the swine flu
第一段:During the past few months,more and more pople have been infected by the swine flu.And it seems that there is no end of the raised numbers of people getting infected.Besides,the swine flu has a possiblity of variation.
第二段:The rote of people infected by swine flu may be touching the infected live pigs or touching the environment infected.Besides,the swine flu may spread among people.
第三段:In order not to be infected,we'd better not go out and go to the places full of people to rece the probability of being infected.Besides, you should ware a surgical mask when going out and wash your hands frequently before meals.With the appearence of influenza vaccination,the government have been organizing people to inoculate the vaccination.
3. 猪的英文
英 [pɪg] 美 [pɪɡ]
n. 猪;猪肉;令人不快(或讨厌)的人;金属块(锭)vi. 生小专猪;像猪一样过活;举属止像猪;贪吃
I was a bit of a pig and ate the whole cake.
英 ['beɪk(ə)n]美 ['bekən]
n. 培根;熏猪肉;咸猪肉;腊肉
I bought four rashers of bacon for tea.
英 ['pek(ə)rɪ]美 ['pɛkəri]
n. 野猪类
The peccary is very cute .
4. 英语作文小猪
Mother gave me a toy "pig" on my tenth birthday. It was very lovely.
The pig wears a blue dress. Her face is pink. Her eyes are round and black. Her mouth is small and red. Her two ears are very big. They seem like two fans.
She looks very happy, because she always smiles. So I think she must be a happy "pig".
5. 描写猪的英语作文
6. 一篇骂一个人是猪的英语作文
Is a very emotional animals, more sensitive soul. In my little
time to go shopping and grandfather, a grandfather's aunt recognized
sincerely praise: "Your granddaughter looks really good-looking, pink
dress that made her more lovely Lingli." Since then I have very
beautiful and look at open a child a few photos, had been wearing pink.
Open the wardrobe of today, the dress is also a lot of pink.
influence of praise is a far-reaching, especially children. Do you
really able to praise a child because of his success, and has repeatedly
reprimanded the children well-behaved, it can really be a prophecy.
7. 猪长的翅膀英语作文。
鸽与大多数鸟类一样,无外交接器(鸵鸟、鸭、鹅等有交接器)。它们在交配时,雌雄鸽的泄殖腔孔相互接触,精液进入雌体而行体内受精。卵成熟后,破卵巢壁而出,被吸入输卵管的喇叭口内,如遇有精子,则在此处受精。卵无论受精与否,沿输卵管下行时,都被裹上蛋白,然后又加上卵壳膜,最后在子宫处加上石灰质的蛋壳。鸽的受精卵,孵化期约16 d,鸡约21 d,鸭约28 d。
8. 描写猪的英语作文,5句话
9. 神奇的猪 英语作文带翻译
A Magic Pig
I have a pig,its name is pink,because its color is pink.It is very clever,it can help me clean my house,it is really magic.
10. 猪的英文介绍
A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. It has a thick body and short legs. There are four toes on each foot, with the two large middle toes used for walking.
Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals. Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, often if they become severely stressed.