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发布时间: 2021-02-28 01:03:35

A. 翻译英语(nba人物)

name: Bill Russell
Nationality: American
Date of birth: in 1934 February 12
Height: 206cm
Court position: center
Played team: the Boston celtics
Bill Russell, born in 1934, height 2 meters 06,1956 Olympic basketball gold medal was awarded in won an NBA title, 11 times, including a 8 the champion, 5 times elected NBA most valuable player, 1967 became the first black head coach in NBA history. Russell is basketball's greatest defense-minded center into the United States, in 1974 basketball hall of fame.
Russell although as a center, height is not outstanding, but his body quality very well: 100 meters scores 10.06 seconds, 400 scores 49 seconds. High jump results 2.09 meters. His explosive amazing, unwind can touch the rebound, these are for him to become the NBA superstar laid a good foundation. But more important is famous in basketball when university of San Francisco, Russell mastered later changed the face of basketball defense concepts and technologies. This university RenEr potter of the Russell coach body quality and a set of very authoritative defensive line theory together,
Make Russell rate hit a streak of San Francisco university magic record in 55 regular-season games. He himself also has the honor to receive many times the best player award, 1956, in order to participate in the Melbourne Olympics, Russell delayed year entered the NBA, led us men's basketball team at the Olympic Games, averaged eight wins 53 points (26-13) they opponents. Join the NBA Boston celtics, Russell 11 times won the NBA championship. Eight consecutive champions, these 2 record is to surpass two peak of posterity. Russell in defence always shot release takeoff again after opponent, then and basketball together, like buckle up the ball fly like volleyball, or take to his frontcourt, makes his teammates launch fast work. He mostly offensive rebounds second-chance snatching second. His jump hook can open, a scout around. In 1959, he and "basketball emperor" chamberlain in two lifetimely a clash took 35 rebounds. In and tin rahjuu was a national team in the game won 51 rebounds. Russell won the MVP award, five times in 1970 and 1980 NBA25 anniversary and NBA35 respectively selected best team. Anniversary
Russell used his fabulous defensive ability and block skills changed basketball -- only a basic idea, not value defensive attention attack. His achievement practice tell people, with the defense can still win the title. In 1967, Russell was the celtics appointed players and coaches. Become the first black coach in NBA history.

B. 关于NBA的一些英语翻译


nk 灌篮
bank shot 擦板球
double pump 拉杆式投篮
fade-away shot 后仰式跳投
hook shot 钩射投篮
jump shot 跳投
layup 带球上篮
perimeter shot 中距离投篮
set shot 立定投篮
three-point shot 三分球

assist 助攻
block shot 阻攻
defensive rebound 防守篮板球
field goal percentage 投球命中率
field goal 投球命中
free throw percentage 罚球命中率
free throw 罚球
offensive rebound 进攻篮板球
rebound 篮板球
scoring 得分
steal 抄截
three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
turnover 失误

backboard 篮板
back court 后场
freethrow lane 罚球圈
freethrow line 罚球线
front court 前场
game clock 比赛用时钟
halftime 中场休息时间
hoop 篮框,篮圈
mid-court 中场
net 篮网
painted area 罚球圈
restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域
rim 篮框,篮圈
scoring table 记录台,记分台
shot clock 时限钟
three-point line 三分线
top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近
wing (左、右两边)底线区域

****规 则 篇****
blocking foul 阻挡犯规
buzzer 蜂鸣器
charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规)
dead ball 死球
defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分
delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行
disqualification 犯满离场
double dribble 两次运球
ejection 驱逐出场
elbowing 打拐子
expiration 时间终了
first half 上半场
first period 比赛的第一节
flagrant foul 恶性犯规
foul 犯规
foul out 犯满离场
foul trouble 快要犯满离场
full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停
goaltending 干扰投篮得分
hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作
held ball 持球
illegal defense 防守违例
illegal offense 进攻违例
jump ball 争球,跳球
loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规
offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分
out of bound 球出界线
overtime 加时赛
referee 裁判
second half 下半场
shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定
substitute 换人
suspension 停止出赛
technical foul 技术犯规
ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例
three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例
throw a punch 出拳打架
throw in 发球入场
traveling / walking 走步
twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停

****战 术 篇****
backdoor cut 从两边底线往篮下的战术
block out 把对方球员挡住,使其不易抢到篮球
cut 切入
double team 用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员
dribble out the time / milk the time away 进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间
fast break 快攻
foul strategy 犯规战术
give and go (进攻方持球球员的)传切战术
jockey for position (篮下)卡位
one-one-one defense 人盯人防守
pick and roll (进攻方做掩饰之球员的)挡切战术
post-up play (进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守

triple team 用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员
zone defense 区域防守,区域联防

****比 赛 篇****
away game / road game 客场比赛
final 总决赛
first round 首轮比赛
guest team 客队
home court 主场
home court advantage 主场优势
home game 主场比赛
home team 主队
losing streak 连败场数
post season 季后赛
regular season 季赛
schele 赛程
semi-final 准决赛
standings 战绩
winning streak 连胜场数

****NBA 球队一览表****
Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队
LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队
LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队
Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队
Portland Trailblazers 波特兰开拓者队
Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队
Seattle Supersonics 西雅图超音速队
Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队
Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队
Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队
Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队
Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队
Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队
Miami Heat 迈阿密热浪队
New York Knickerbockers 纽约尼克斯队
Philadelphia 76ers 费城七六人队
Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队
Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队
New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队
Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队
Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队
Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队
Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队
Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队
Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队
Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队
Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队
Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队

C. (因为他是NBA历史上最辉煌的球员)用英语怎么说

Because he was the NBA player in history's most brilliant

D. 全美票选NBA历史第一人,都有谁呢




E. NBA历史之最 英文介绍


NBA 's historyThe team 's bestThe longest winning streak: from November 5, 1971 to January 7, 1972, the Losangeles Lakers won 33 in a row impressive record, until in104: 120lost to the Milwaukee bucks. The playoffs the longest winning streak is the Spurs in1999 set a record12 in a row.The longest streak:2010 to2011 season, the Cavaliers to26 straight American League with four ( NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL ) the longest streak. On February 12, 2011, the Cavaliers at home after extra-time war with 126:119win over the clippers, so that NBA the longest streak in26 games.The single game scoring top two teams: in 1983to the 1984 season, the pistons and the Nuggets vs the 3 overtime, eventually the pistons with 186:184 victory over the Nuggets, both also create the history of the NBA scored highest on record, with 370points.The single game scoring a minimum of two teams: in November 22, 1950, the pistons with 19:18points wins the Lakers, two add up to only 37 points, creates a NBA history of single field teams scoring total recorded the lowest, can appear so outrageous score, because at the time of no24 seconds, so it to create this unbelievable records.The biggest reversal: Jazz in 1996November to create34big reversal, the Nuggets70:36leading jazz. Finally, the Jazz reversal in 107: 103victory over the nuggets.A single match scores the biggest difference: on December 17, 1991, the Cavaliers with 148:80win over Miami, difference reached a terrible68.Championship (5):1, Boston Celtics172 Losangeles Lakers163 Chicago bulls64Sanantonio spurs45Detroit pistons, the Jinzhou Braves, Philadelphia 76 person of team 3 timesRings mostWith NFL, MLB, NHL, MLS, CFL similarity, champion team will be awarded Championship ring. First, ring up to man: Phil Jackson has won 13 NBAChampions ( coach times 11times, including six bulls, Lakers five times, more than Arnold Auerbach, keep this record ). As the player ( Nicks ) he won2 league titles,13league championship ring as the history of the NBA of most people.Second, ring up to the player to1969years: in 195713 season, Bill Russell led the Boston Celtics won 11 NBA Championships, he also won11 NBA championships. NBA history has won the most rings players.Records of theThe single game scoring: Wilt. Chamberlain March 2, 1962single field obtained 100 pointsThe single game rebounding: Wilt Chamberlain single field55 rebounds.The single game assists: Scott Skiles30The single game blocks: ARDIS Gil Moore 17timesThe single game steals:1976 Larry cannon ( spurs), against the Kansas royals.In 1999 Ken Dao Erji ( New Jersey nets ) against the Miami heat11 timesSeason player scoring: Wilt Chamberlain1961-1962averaged 50.4 points.Players from season rebounding: Wilt Chamberlain1960-1961averaged 27.2rebounds.Season the players averaged assists: Stockton 1989-1990averaged 14.5assistsSeason the players: Elvin Robertson1985-1986steals averaging 3.67steals
总冠军排名(前5名):1.波士顿凯尔特人队17次 2.洛杉矶湖人队16次 3.芝加哥公牛队6次 4.圣安东尼奥马刺队4次 5.底特律活塞队、金州勇士队、费城76人队3次
单场比赛球员得分:威尔特.张伯伦 1962年3月2日单场得到100分
1999年肯道尔吉尔(新泽西网队)对阵迈阿密热火 11次
赛季球员场均得分:威尔特.张伯伦 1961-1962 场均50.4分
赛季球员场均篮板:威尔特.张伯伦 1960-1961 场均27.2篮板
赛季球员场均助攻:斯托克顿 1989-1990 场均14.5助攻
赛季球员场均抢断:埃尔文-罗伯特森1985-1986 场均3.67抢断

F. NBA史上第一人谁啊

总得分20,000分俱乐部完全版 (共32人···不断增加中)01、卡里姆·阿朴杜拉·贾巴尔(38387分)02、卡尔·马龙(36928分)03、迈克尔·乔丹(32292分)04、威尔特·张伯伦(31419分)05、摩西·马龙(27409分)06、艾尔文·海耶斯(27313分)07、哈基姆·奥拉朱旺(26946分)08、奥斯卡·罗伯特森(26710分)09、多米尼克·威尔金斯(26668分)10、约翰·哈夫里切克(26395分)11、沙奎尔·奥尼尔(26066分)[现役]12、阿列克斯·英格历什(25613分)13、雷吉·米勒(25279分)14、杰里·韦斯特(25192分)15、帕特里克·尤因(24815分)16、查尔斯·巴克利(23757分)17、罗伯特·帕里什(23334分)18、亚得利安·丹特利(23177分)19、艾尔京·贝勒(23149分)20、阿伦·艾弗森(22552分)[现役]21、克莱德·德雷克斯勒(22195分)22、科比·布莱恩特(21813分)[现役]23、拉里·伯德(21791分)24、加里·佩顿(21660分)25、哈尔·格里尔(21586分)26、沃尔特·贝拉米(20941分)27、鲍勃·佩迪特(20880分)28、大卫·罗宾逊(20790分)29、乔治·格文(20708分)30、米奇·里奇蒙德(20497分)31、凯文-加内特(20370分)[现役] 32、汤姆-钱博斯(20049分) (一)总得分最多: 退役: 克里姆·阿卜杜拉·贾巴尔 38387分 2003-2004赛季,有关马龙总得分超越贾巴尔的讨论沸沸扬扬,然而尘埃落定之后,马龙依然相差1459分位列第二位。现役:沙奎尔·奥尼尔,2007年3月17日热队在主场以103:97击败萨克拉门托国王队奥尼尔就以25206分超过前湖人队(blog)“教父”杰里·韦斯特(NBA的标志形象人物)排名NBA历史得分榜的第13位,现役球员第一位。(二)个人单场得分最高:退役: 张伯伦 100分1962年3月2日,费城勇士对阵尼克斯的比赛中,张伯伦全场63投36中,32罚28中,砍下史上单场最高分100分,并有25个篮板,勇士169-147大胜对手,此外他还保留单赛季4092分的个人最高纪录。现役:2006年1月23日常规赛湖人对阵猛龙,科比·布莱恩特拿下81分,其中三分球13投7中,罚球20罚18中,此外还抢下了6个篮板,创现役球员单场得分纪录

G. 是NBA历史上第一位拥有世纪运动员称号的巨星用英语的翻译

Is the first star in the history of the title of the century athletes in NBA

H. NBA历史之最(英文)

The most NBA
The most championship rings
In 1957 -1969, the 13 seasons, Bill? Lasaier lead the Boston Celtics won 11 NBA titles, he won 11 NBA championship rings, the history of the NBA was the most NBA championship rings people.
The most overtime
November 2, 1951, the Rochester Royals, after six overtime, and ultimately to 75 than 73 team defeated Indiana.
3-pointer record
NBA history, personal single-game record of three-pointers by Orlando's Scott in 1996 in the creation of the Eastern Conference finals. Game, he voted in a total of 11 3-pointers.
Single-game team record of three-pointers from Seattle in the 1995-1996 playoffs with the Rockets in the second game creation, scored a total of 20 3-pointers (27 shots).
Indivials in a single season 3-pointers is the highest rate of Bulls guard Steve. Kohl, 52.4%. He was 1996 and 1997 NBA pointer赛the champion, first runner-up.
Is of the highest, and the shortest
NBA history is of the highest player is the former Washington Bullets team Manniute. Bor (Zaire nationals) and serving Wizards center Jilaihe. Murison (Romania nationality), are 2.31 meters tall, the shortest Morgantini, for the active players. Boggs, only 1.60 meters.

. NBA history - the most games scoring
December 13, 1983, Detroit Pistons 186: 184 beat the Denver Nuggets, a NBA single-game scoring the most.
NBA history to win the largest number of teams
NBA50-year history, won the highest number of the Boston Celtics teams, a total of 16 championships. This was followed by the Lakers, was 11 times champion.
NBA players the maximum amount of the contract records
Kevin Garnett signed a contract in NBA history to the maximum amount of players. In 1996, he and Minnesota for seven years under the 121 million US dollars worth of contracts.
NBA history, the most personal scores
NBA history, a game record of the highest indivial score of 100, a single season record for the highest total score 4029 points, two records in the 1963 and 1962 by the "emperor Superstar" Wiltshire Bo Fallon created.
NBA can nk of the shortest players
In the NBA can nk the height of the shortest players are "soldiers" Shipotehuiba She won the 1996 NBA nk contest champion, stands only 1.70 meters. According to information on the NBA, the 16-year-old Webber, stands only 1.60 meters high school stage, it is a nk record, and his original vertical jump height of 1.33 meters,
Mogao run-up to 3.60 meters.
NBA highest-paid player
NBA is the highest-paid player Michael Jordan. 1996, and his annual salary Although only 4 million US dollars, but the advertising revenue has more than 4,000 million dollars. According to the United States, "Forbes" magazine published the income athletes in the world rankings, 52.6 million US dollars to Jordan in the NBA top row.
Two out of three is Shakeaonier (24.4 million US dollars) and Dennis Rodman (12.9 million US dollars).
NBA players and the minimum annual salary of an average annual salary of
NBA players for an average annual salary of 1.5 million US dollars, the minimum annual salary shall not be less than 200,000 US dollars.
Race to grab the most rebounds
Jeremy Lucas is the only player in NBA history a game to grab 40 rebounds in the forward players.
Scoring guard
Oscar Robertson to guard 26,710 points for all players in scoring.
The first one in NBA history, "glider"
Walter Fraser is the first in NBA history a "glider," he was in 70,73, two NBA titles.
NBA great history of the 10 team
(1), Boston Celtics (1964-1965 season) total score of 62-18 negative 77.5%. Bierlasaier majority of the team there, Samuqiongshi, Hafuliqieke, Sanders and sea because of TU. The team broke through the team single-season victories record high, and subsequently a seventh consecutive title.
(2), the Philadelphia 76ers (1966-1967 season) total score of 68-13 negative, winning 84.0 percent, the majority of the team for Chamberlain, Greer, Walker and Cunningham, set the NBA single-season win highest on record. In the Eastern Conference finals against the Boston Celtics, the end of the "Boston Dynasty" record of eight consecutive championships, and beat the Golden State Warriors Qualify for the championship.
(3), New York Knicks (1969-1970 season) total score of negative 60-22,-73.2%. Reid, a majority of the team for LEI Ze, Batenatedebuxie and Bradley. Reed injured in the finals Game 7 before suddenly appeared in the Games is that of being called anti-Oxfam
"Empty city strategy", looked less than Cu-final win over the Lakers win.
(4), Los Angeles Lakers (1982-1983 season) total score of negative 69-13,-84.1%. Petritsch majority of the team are ancient, West, Chamberlain, Macmillan and Hairston. The team record 33-game winning streak and 69 victories record, and defeated the New York Knicks won.
(5), Philadelphia 76ers (1982-1983 season) total score of 65-17 negative, winning 79.3 percent. Long Maxima majority of the team have, "Dr. J" Julius Shiou text, Tony, Cheeks and Baoboqiongshi. The 76 teams directly into the semifinals, so each round of warfare are 7 - 4. Malone vowed before in the quarter-finals, said: "FO! FO! FO!" And "FO" is the "FOUR" (4), meaning that all 76 people will 4:0 strength to win. Malone's only a result of a prediction, they 4:0 sweep in the semi-finals after opponent in the Eastern Conference finals in the Eagle Team lost only to a final again 4:0 win over the Lakers won the championship. After every player in their championship ring engraved on the measures, "FO" message.
(6), Boston Celtics (1985-1986 season) total score of 67-15 negative, winning 81.7%. Lalibade majority of the team there, Parish, Mike Hale, Dannianji, Dennis Johnson and Bierwoer. The team created a 40 wins and one loss NBA best home record, the finals after beating the Lakers win.
(7), Los Angeles Lakers (1986-1987 season) total score of negative 65-17,-79.3%. Majority of the team "Magic" Johnson, Kareem Abl-Jabbar, Danmushiwoxi, AC Green and Byron Scott Cooper. Lakers in the semi-finals before 12 only to lose a game, and beat the Boston Celtics win.
(8), Detroit (1988-1989 season) total score of negative 63-19,-76.8%. Majority of the team are Thomas, Joe Dumars, Lanbeier Rodman, Ajimi, such as Johnson and Winnipeg. This is the strongest defense in NBA history on the team. Wild style, known as the "Bad Boy team." The team because of the lack of a threat to the center, sent a rare 3 guard lineup, the Lakers swept the final 4:0 win.
(9), Chicago Bulls (1991-1992 season) total score of negative 67-15,-81.7%. Majority of the team are Jordan, Pippen, Grant, Armstrong, Bec and Paxson. Bulls team this term more than the 1990-1991 season winning six games, Jordan is the best season of the state, the Trail Blazers defeated the final 4-2 win.
(10), Chicago Bulls (1995-1996 season) total score of 72 wins and 10 losses, winning 87.8%. Majority of the team are Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Harper, Brownlie and Kukeji. The entire season in the 100 games they win 78 games, and create a regular season win screenings NBA record. The "triangle into reactive tactics." Unique in the NBA, the NBA history, one of the strongest teams in defense. Finals, they Lectra Seattle 4-2 win.
March 2, 1962, Chamberlain created a 100-point game scoring record is still the top, 55 rebounds, and hit 18 consecutive shots, the highest record holder rebounds history, the history of the first scoring list 3
NBA history, the real take-off from the free throw line only three players were Dr. J Owen, Michael Jordan and Brent. Barry
The shortest rebounds Wang
Are 1.98 meters, respectively Isaias Afwerki is the 51-52 season of the Atlanta Hawks in a single quarter Halesi 880 rebounds and Belfast said rebounding (69-70 season)
53-54 season, the New York Knicks gallon door-quarter 1098
Barkley 86-87 season, no statistical data
Win most coaches win / negative / winning
* Ryanodine. Wilkens 1179/981/54.6%
* Pat. Riley 999/434/67.7%
Bill. Fei Qi 944/106/46.0%
Reid. Auerbach 938/479/66.2%
Dick. Motaain 935/101/47.9%
* Tang. Nelson 926/752/55.2%
Jack. Lamuxi 864/783/52.5%
The Dayton. Fees Ciximengshi 832/775/51.8%
Ginaton. Su 784/861/47.7%
* Larry Brown 732/586/55.5%

Competition Schele most players
Robert. Parish 1611
Karim. Abale - Kareem Abl-Jabbar 1560
Moses. Malone 1560
Buck. Williams 1307
Irvine. Hayes 1303
John. Hafuliqieke 1270
* John. Stockton 1258
Paul. Sellars 1254
* Sam. Perkins 1222
* Dell. Ellice 1209

Scored the highest average player
Michael Jordan 31.5
Wiltshire. Chamberlain 30.1
* Shaquille. O'Neal 27.5
Elkington. Baylor 27.4
Jeremy. Westphalia 27.0
Bob. Petit 26.2
George. Grid-26.2
* Carl. Malone 26.0
Oscar. Robinson 25.7
Dominica. Wilkins 24

Help power the largest players
* John. Stockton 13790
Magician. 10141 Johnson
Oscar. Robertson, 9887
Aisee. Thomas 9061
* Marks. Jackson 8574
Morris. Cheeks 7392
Ryanodine. Wilkens 7211
Bob. For West 6955
Gay. Rogers 6917
* Rhodes. Strickland 67,236
The deadline for the 99-00 season, with * and write English names for the 00-99 season, the active players or coaches

In the ball for most players
Karim. Abale - Kareem Abl-Jabbar 15837
Wiltshire. Chamberlain 12681
* Carl. Malone 11435
Irvine. Hayes 10974
Michael Jordan 10,962
Alex. 10659 British Helishi
John. Hafuliqieke 10513
* Achim. Olajuwon 10272
Dominica. Wilkins 9963
Robert. Parish 9614

Averaged the most points in the playoffs
Karim. Abale - Kareem Abl-Jabbar
* Carl. Malone 31419
Wiltshire. Chamberlain 31041
Michael Jordan 29,277
Moses. Malone 27409
Irvine. Hayes 27,313
Oscar. Robertson 26710
Dominica. Wilkins 26668
John. Hafuliqieke 26395
* Achim. Olajuwon 25822

抢rebounds most players
Wiltshire. Chamberlain 23924
Bierlasaier 21620
Karim. Abale - Kareem Abl-Jabbar &
Irvine. Hayes 16,279
Moses. Malone 16212
Robert. Parish 14715
Tenet. Thurmond 14464
Walter. Bellamy 14241
Cordovez. Unseld 13769
Buck. Williams 13017

Steals most players
* John. Stockton 2844
Morris. Cheeks 2310
Michael Jordan 2306
Kelide. Drexler, 2207
Irvine. Robertson, 2112
Achim. Olajuwon 2018
* Scott. Canopy 1986 Paper
Derek. Harper 1957
* Moji. Bulailuoke 1888
Aisee. Thomas 1861
Ten Forwards:

No. 1: St Anton Spurs Tim - Tim Duncan.
Height, strength, talent and the game to grasp the nuances of the only 27-year-old Duncan in NBA history one of the great players. If he can improve his free-throw line, then he would be perfect.
Second place: Minnesota's Kevin - Kevin Garnett
In any normal circumstances, Jiate performance last season are the best players. It is his excellent game and the influence of the superpower that there are other ultra-level team to play.
Third place: Sacramento's Chris - Webber
Weber can be said to be the most elegant historical power forward, he is now only drawback is the poor hit rate, which needs to be improved, but he is on the present situation is that all the best technology UNITA a forward.
Fourth place: Dallas Mavericks Dirk - Dirk Nowitzki
Although the height of seven feet, but he was still on the pitch speed奇快, he may like six feet tall players scored as accurate shooting. He is now the defensive shortcomings and pass them if time, the German will be the most in NBA history characteristics of the players.
Fifth place: Indiana Pacers, and Jermaine - O'Neal
His rebounds, blocks and 17 feet in the cast is his specialty skills. His career could further major development and see if he can lead the Pacers made better results.
Sixth place: Portland Trail Blazers Rasheed - Wallace
Although his presence饱受under regular criticism from all walks of life, but he still love foul problems, but on the court his performance is indeed alarming, he is not more than the players.
Seventh place: Los Angeles Clippers Elton - Elton Brand (sic, note: It is now transfer Miami)
Brand is the best in the NBA, one of the players, Brand has a very long long arm, and feel very good, which makes for a good game abnormal bravery, each game with 20 points and 10 rebounds for It is a common practice for him.
Eighth: The Los Angeles Lakers - Karl Malone
In the older generation of players, he was still running and its own unique range of packets for the shooting foothold in the league, he was the NBA's greatest power forwards in the best, because he is too good, was very good ball technology has been the world ignored.
Ninth place: New Jersey's Kenyon - Martin
Martin is now about to become a star player, which is inseparable from his own efforts, he is a top defensive player in the scoring and rebounding should also continue to improve.
10th place: Detroit's this - Wallace
Wallace, the specialty is defense, defense, blocked shots and rebounds both special talents, and if we can remove their poor scores in the hoNBA之最
ld, then he will be even more perfect.

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