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发布时间: 2021-02-28 00:11:45

① 写关于面馆的海报英语作文

In front of the "good noodle" officially opened, it is an international fanItaly noodle house.
Noodle noodles taste good, join the pig meat stuffing, in a spaghetti ina pot, aroma overflowing, attracted a large number of Jack, and the noodle shop only opened three hours, let people deliberately drive ten miles to eat his fill soup.
I was going to use the Spring Festival time to taste.

② 帮我写一篇关于面馆的英语作文。要求50个单词就行!


③ 我最喜欢的面条英语作文

A noodle is made from unleavened dough that has been shaped into thin flat strips or round cylinders and cooked in a boiling liquid.Depending upon the type,noodles may be dried or refrigerated before cooking.The word noodle derives from the German Nudel (noodle) and may be related to the Latin word nos (knot).In English,noodle is a generic term for unleavened dough made from many different types of ingredients and includes a variety of shapes.
The first written account of noodles is from the East Han Dynasty between AD 25 and 220.In October 2005,the oldest noodles yet discovered were found at the Lajia site (Qijia culture) along the Yellow River in Qinghai,China.The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet.

④ 为自己面馆写一则英语作文。不少于60词

"However, I still like the road, can walk, don't take into account the foot. As long as taking great strides as well." I keep on thinking of myself..
Yes, there is a spacious road, just to go away, indeed far more than the road.

⑤ 面馆∽的英文作文50词

In front of the "good noodle" officially opened,it is an international fanItaly noodle house.
Noodle noodles taste good,join the pig meat stuffing,in a spaghetti ina pot,aroma overflowing,attracted a large number of Jack,and the noodle shop only opened three hours,let people deliberately drive ten miles to eat his fill soup.
I was going to use the Spring Festival time to taste.

⑥ 写关于《面馆》初一的一篇英语作文

Jiangshi) but not stupid Guo Jing, Zhichitianya between two people. The five masters was killed in Taohua Island, forcing Guo Jing and Huang. Hua Zheng appeared in SA Ma network, and let our heart ash, the sexual gratification of youth, through the repeatedly joys and sorrows and Qi Qu discount for each purchase of frustration tribulation, finally Tian Suiren wishs.

⑦ 关于面馆的英语作文。急急急

there is a good noodle restaurant on the green street,just between the bank and the post office.the noodle here is delicious ,the shop is clean,and there are all kinds of taste,such as Beef,lamb,chicken,cabbage ,you can choose all want ,don't miss it,Waiting for your arrival.

⑧ 关于面馆的英语作文

Alphabets-字母面通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的.2.Macaroni---通心粉 短于4CM才叫通心粉哦,大了就是另外的种类了.3.Rotini("Spirals"or"Twists")-螺旋粉. 一般短于4CM.4.AngelHair,Capellini("FineHairs")-天使面. 细长如发丝,意大利人亲切地称之“天使的发丝”.5.Manicotti-大通心面(袖筒面) 直径很大,内部可填充馅料.6.JumboShells-大扇贝面内部体积大,可填充馅料.7.BowTies,Farfalle("Butterflies")-蝴蝶结面 因其形状深受女性的欢迎.8.MediumEggNoodles(From"Nudel,"Germanmeaningpastewithegg)-蛋面 扁形.9.MediumShells,Conchiglie("Shells")-扇贝面 大扇贝面的缩小版,里面不填馅.10.Ditalini----手指面(顶针面)如同顶针一样的外形. 11.WideEggNoodles---宽边蛋面 12.Spaghetti--长面 传统的长条形,也是一般意义的“意粉”13.Orzo("Barley")-粒粒面 饭粒形状.14.Vermicelli---细面 区别于天使面,细面一般短于5CM.15.Fusilli---弯弯面 类似于螺旋面,不过是长条的.16.Penne,Mostaccioli---尖面(斜管面)区别于通心粉,直径较大,斜截面.17.WagonWheels,Ruote("Wheels")-园面(小轮面)圆形的. 18.Lasagne(From"lasanum,"Latinforpot)-千层面(宽面). 一层面一层馅焗制,或者拿去包意式云吞,口感独到.19.Radiatore("Radiators")-层层面 造型别致精巧.20.Ziti("Bridegrooms")-新郎面. 可以理解为长条形的粗通心粉.21.Linguine("LittleTongues")-中细面形状类似中国的挂面.22.Rigatoni("LargeGrooved")-粗通心面或者是pasta综上,名字就是中国式意面Chinese Spaghetti

⑨ 用英文写,我的面馆

翻译成 My noodlerestaurant;My NoodleHouse;My Noodleshop 都是一个意思。不过个人认为 My NoodleHouse 或My Noodleshop 会更恰当些,因为会版感觉亲切权些。

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