⑴ 高中同步创新课堂英语优化方案选修八第五单元答案
二 1. Cheese. 2. They taste sweet. 3. The girl. 4. It’回s for the cake. 5. Three.
1. smells so delicious
2. Have a try
3. What are these
4. Would you like to 5. I’
m making an apple pie
四、 1.Would you like to 2. It looks lovely 3. I’m afraid I don’t like eating 4. doesn’t smell fresh 5. Your advice sounds great
⑵ 高中英语选修8第五单元79页课后题答案是什么
⑶ 人教版英语选修八第5单元单词表
Unit 5
△identify vt. 确认;识别;鉴别
alternative n. 可能的选择 adj. 供选择的;其他的
△archaeology n. 考古学(<美>archeology)
△archaeological adj. 考古学的;与考古学有关的 (<美>archeological)
△archaeologist n. 考古学家(<美>archeologist)
starvation n. 挨饿;饿死
tentative adj. 试探性的;不确定的
accuracy n. 精确;准确
△excavate vt. 挖掘;发掘
△excavation n. 挖掘;发掘
interrupt vt. & vi. 打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止
acute adj. 有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的
assume vt. 假定;设想
regardless adv. 不管;不顾
regardless of 不管;不顾
mat n. 席子;垫子
quilt n. 被子;棉被
beast n. 野兽
at most 至多;最多
centimetre n. 厘米 (<美>centimeter)
sharpen vi. & vt. (使)锋利;尖锐;清晰
sharpener n. 磨具;削具
cut up 切碎
△scrape vt. 擦净;削平;磨光
△scraper n. 刮刀;刮削器
ample adj. 足够的;充足的;富裕的
messy adj. 凌乱的;脏的
primitive adj. 原始的;远古的;简陋的
△bead n. 小珠子;滴
botany n. 植物学
botanical adj. 植物学的;与植物学有关的
analysis n. 分析
seashell n. 海贝壳
ripen vt. & vi. 使……成熟;成熟
category n. 种类;类别;范畴
significance n. 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义
somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎么地
systematic adj. 有系统的;有计划的;有条理的
spit vt. (spat, spit; spat, spit) 吐出(唾液、食物等) vi.吐痰
delete vt. 删;删除
album n. 相册;集邮册;唱片
scratch n. (刮、抓、划的)痕迹;搔;挠 vt. 搔;抓;擦伤;刮坏
academy n. 学院;学会;学术团体;院校
receptionist n. 接待员;招待员
onion n. 洋葱
kindergarten n. 幼儿园
skateboard n. 滑板
fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦
yogurt n. 酸乳酷;酸奶
radioactive adj. 放射性的;有辐射能的
radioactivity n. 放射性
division n. 分割;划分;分配;分界线
BC 公元前
melon n. (各种)瓜
wrinkle n. 皱纹
pulse vi. 强烈而有规律地跳动;搏动 n.脉搏;节拍
△vein n. 血管;静脉
applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌欢迎;赞赏
look ahead 向前看;为将来打算
howl vt. & vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫
accelerate vi. & vt. 加速;促进
spear n. 矛;枪
arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引 n.逮捕;拘留
dizzy adj. 晕眩的;昏乱的;使人发晕或困惑的
△eyebrow n. 眉毛
△cheekbone n. 颧骨
△arrowhead n. 箭头
△axe n. 斧;斧子
hammer n. 铁锤;锤子
gay adj. 快乐的;欢快的
gaily adv. 快乐地;轻松地
skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟练的(<.美>skillful)
date back 追溯到……
punctuation n. 标点符号
△worship vt. & vi. 崇拜;敬奉 n.崇拜;敬神
△craftsmanship n. 技艺;手艺;精工细作
⑷ 英语选修8第五单元单词
A group of students (S) from England has come to the Zhoukoudian caves for a visit. An archaeologist (A) is showing them round.
A: Welcome to the Zhoukoudian caves here in China. It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, who are interested in archaeology. You must be aware that it's here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world. We've been excavating here for many years and ...
S1: I'm sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here? There are only rocks and trees.
A: Good question. You are an acute observer. We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects. So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.
S2: How did they keep warm? They couldn't have mats, blankets or quilts like we do. It must have been very uncomfortable.
A: We've discovered fireplaces in the centre of the caves where they made fires. That would have kept them warm, cooked the food and scared wild beasts away as well. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. We haven't found any doors but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold ring the freezing winter.
S3: What wild animals were there all that time ago?
A: Well, we've been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves, and we think these were their most dangerous enemies. Now what do you think this tells us about the life of these early people? (shows picture of a sewing needle)
S2.: Gosh! That's a needle. Goodness, does that mean they repaired things?
A: What else do you think it might have been used for?
S4: Let me look at it. It's at most three centimetres long. Ah yes, it seems to be made of bone. I wonder how they made the hole for the ...
S2: (interrupting) Do you mean that they made their own clothes? Where did they get the material?
A: They didn't have material like we have today. Can you guess what they used?
Sl: Wow! Did they wear clothes made entirely of animal skins? How did they prepare them? I'm sure they were quite heavy to cut and sew together.
A: Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins. We continue discovering tools that were sharpeners for other tools. It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin. Then smaller scrapers were probably used to remove the fat and meat from the skin. After that they would rub an ample amount of salt onto the skin to make it soft. Finally, they would cut it and sew the pieces together. Quite a difficult and messy task! Now look at this. (shows a necklace)
S2:Why, it's a primitive necklace. Did early people really care about their appearance like we do? It's lovely!
A:Yes, and so well preserved. What do you think it's made of?
⑸ 英语选修8
California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population ( over 30 million people ) .It is also the most multicultural state in the US . This is not surprising when you know the history or California, which at various times, has attracted people form nearly every country in the world.
Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows . However , it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago . Scientists believe that these first settlers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the arrival of Europeans, the nation people suffered greatly . Thousands were killed or forced into slavery . In addition , many died from the diseases brought by Europeans . However, some survived these terrible times and today there are more Native American living in California than in any other state .
In the 18th century , California was ruled by Spain . Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century when they fought against the nation people and took their land . Two centuries later , the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States . Of the first Spanish to go to California , the majority were religious men who came to teach the Catholic religion to the natives . In 1821 , the people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain . California then became part of Mexico . However , in 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico and after it lost the war , Mexico had to give California to the United States . However there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state . This is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language .
In the early 1800s , Russian fur trappers , who had originally gone to Alaska , began settling in California . Today where are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco .
In 1848 , not long after the American-Mexican war , gold was discovered in California . The dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world . The nearest and therefore the first to arrive , were South Americans , and people from the United States . Adventurers from Europe , then later from Asia and even the Pacific Islands , soon followed . In fact , few achieved their dream of becoming rich . Many died or returned home , but most remained in California became the thirty-first states of the United States of America in 1850 , it was already a multicultural society .
Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive ring the Gold Rush Period , it was the building of the railway from west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s . Today , Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California , although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the “Chinatowns” of Los Angeles and San Francisco .
Italians , mainly fishermen but also some wine maker , arrived in California in the late 19th century . In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own , which today still keeps up its Danish culture . By the 1920s the film instry was well established in Hollywood , California . The instry attracted Europeans , including many Jewish people . Today , California has the second largest Jewish population in the United States . Japanese farmers began arriving in California at the beginning of the 20th century and since the 1980s a lot more have settled in California . People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s , when they moved north from Mexico . However , even more arrived between 1942 and 1945 when they came to California to work in the ship and aircraft instries .
In more recent decades , California has become home to people from Asia , including Cambodians , Koreans , Vietnamese and Laotians . Since its beginning in the 1970s , the computer instry has attracted Indians and Pakistanis to California .
People from different parts of the world , attracted by the climate and lifestyle , still immigrate to California . It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups , but simple a mixture of many races and cultures .
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