1. 用英语描写一个花瓶 英语作文
My wife likes flowers, or rather, she likes all sort of plants. But unfortunately, she can't enjoy near to them because she is suffering from hay fever, a sickness that is allergy to pollens from all plants, particularly flowers. Therefore we don't keep flowers in the house, except a few special occasions such as our wedding anniversaries, her birthdays and Valentines Days. But we have a lot of flower vases at home, mostly were gifts from friends. And there is one of them I particularly like that I don't even know since when we had it, did we bought it or a present from a friend. The reason I this vase is that it has a perfect design, which is suitable to display any kind of flower arrangements. No matter whether they are tall flowers or short flowers, big bunches or just a few. When there were more than one vase of flowers on display, it always stands out. it just look more perfect in every way. but it is just a pity that we can't use it more often, and have to hide it away somewhere and let the st settle on it until it comes to it's use once again.
2. 花瓶的英文怎么写
花瓶 [huā píng]
[词典] vase; flower vase; jardiniere; [电影] Potiche;
You will catch it for breaking that vase.
3. 需要一个花瓶(英文)
need a vase
4. 花瓶用英语怎么说
The vase
5. 写一篇在赠送仪式上向史密斯介绍花瓶表示感谢的英语作文
接到门口,打开一抄探,拉灯灯不亮、喊人袭人没声…… 三击掌,从远处有星星点点的烛光闪现,缓缓地传出那熟悉的音乐…… “是《生日快乐歌》吗?” 老师忽然想起什么情不自禁道,“今天……今天是我的生日……” 此话一出室内亮起了七彩长龙灯,一个三层宝塔型的...
6. 高一英语作文 用必修二第一单元所学的词组句型翻译下列短文 毫无疑问,这个属于李明的花瓶是
There is no doubt that this the vase belonging to li Ming is a precious cultural relics.This vase is from bamboo ,and was designed in a fancy style, The vase was given as a Christmas gift by his friend,an artist.In return, Li sent a rare stamp to his friends. However, on Saturday, Li Ming‘s vase was stolen, which made him very surprised and sad.At present,the police are trying their best to search for it.However,whether it can be fond remins a riddle.
7. 花瓶的英文
vase 英[vɑ:z] 美[veɪs]
n. 装饰瓶,花瓶;
[例句]You will catch it for breaking that vase.
[其他] 复数属:vases
8. 花瓶的英文是什么
9. 漂亮的小女孩,花瓶,老人之间的英语作文
Tom和同学在踢足球时,不小心把一位老人的花瓶打碎了.Tom和他的同学感到不好意思,于是买了一个新的花瓶送给老人,老人很开心. 1.When Tom was playing football with his classmate,he carelessly broke a vase of a old man,so he bought a new vase for the old man and the old man felt happy. 2)Tom和他的朋友在玩,不小心把正在骑自行车的老人撞倒了,于是Tom和他朋友将老人扶起来,并且带到椅子上休息. 2.When Tom was playing with his friends,he carelessly knocked down a old man who was riding a bicycle,so Tom and his friends helpep the old man to sit down to rest. 3)Tom在爸爸睡觉的时候,偷偷地的玩电脑游戏,结果作业写得很不好,爸爸很生气.然后,Tom开始认真的写作业,最后获得一个好成绩,爸爸非常开心. 3.When Tom's father was sleeping,Tom was playing computer secretly,so his homework was bad and his father was angry.Then Tom began to drop his homework carefully.In the end,Tom get a good mark.His father was very happy.