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发布时间: 2021-02-26 23:58:00

Ⅰ 代写一份理财产品的英语作文,好的加分


Ⅱ 理财英语作文120个单词

The epoch is a leisurely song And through the the vicissitudes of life It goes along The mountain is a reticent song And through the beat and whip of wind and rain It looks so strong A high mountain if you were I would be a snow lotus flower, a bursting her A great ocean if you were I would be a hyaline flower, a smiling her In those ordinary days Your busy footsteps Play out life's gleeful lays In those aflaming years Your broad bosom Hold sadness with good cheers Through four seasons you've gone Your graceful smiles and laughs The season's

Ⅲ 关于你的个人理财的英语作文

Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous — these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life. You'll have no regrets when you're able to accomplish what's important to you because of your savvy ways. These are 10 golden rules that I try to live by; click through and then make a list of your own.

Ⅳ 关于钱的重要性的一片英语作文 字数不要太多

What can Money Bring Us
Money is very important in our life. We can do nothing and can't even live on without money. So some people think money is everything. With money, they can buy everything they want. Someone even gets money by stealing and cheating. Of course, they will get punished in the end. So money can bring us not only happiness, but misery also.

Ⅳ 关于理财的不同看法英语作文带翻译

Joozone Note:本文作者为“冰蛊”,作文地带将如何理财一文放出来供大家参考,与作者一起分享英语写作的快乐!‍
‍How to budget your money well?

Most students can not make ends meet at the end of every month. Usually, it’s not because they haven’t got enough money, but because of their careless way of spending it. Due to this, it’s necessary for us to form a good habit of consumption. One of the effective ways is to budget our money responsibly. So how can we manage it?
To start with, we need to work out the total amount of money we have. Only with the exact figure is it possible for the following steps.
The second step is to determine the expenditures, carefully and comprehensively. First of all, make a list and divide the money into several parts based on where it is spent, such as food, clothes, transportation and so on. Pay attention that the items of the list should not be too generous or too detailed. And then, take notes of every day’s expense and compare it with the list. Check your list if necessary so as to make it more reasonable. For example, you need to arrange more money to buy the books at the beginning of each term, and when December comes, the expense on gifts will be greater than usual. Once the list is done, try your best to balance the budget. From Joozone.com.
In addition, a good list should always include a special budget in case of emergency. So that when an accident happens unexpectedly, there won’t be so much worry about money.

By the way, budget is not the work for those rich guys only. It is more a matter of attitude. As soon as you learn to carefully plan the expense of money, with the right method and positive attitude, you will live as well as a rich people.

Ⅵ 找一篇英文的有关个人理财的文章(高分)

Financial management system, "financial plans and arrangements for the family." Popular speakers is that when you need to spend money when there is enough money to give you flowers. Financial management does not mean rich, reasonable arrangements for the family financial income and expenditure, to achieve a fiscal balance and protect the basic living expenses of the family is the fundamental financial management.
Many people think that financial management is an investment, so that the appreciation of assets. This is a one-sided understanding. In fact, the true financial planning, including cash planning, investment planning, risk management and insurance planning, children's ecation planning, real estate planning, estate planning, such as the eight content transmission. These programs are aimed at one purpose: to protect life. The protection of your basic life, the protection of your ecation, marriage, child ecation, retirement, disease prevention, etc. Plan to have enough money to cover, but not financial imbalances.

To do a good job of financial planning, we must master the "seven elements":

1. The necessary liquidity. Refers to the hands of the living have enough money, holding cash is mainly to meet the daily expenses, prevention of emergencies and the need for speculation. Family life, through the cash plan, with cash on hand to meet demand in the short term: the expected future cash expenditures (in the short term, such as the January-March) through a variety of savings, living to meet short-term investment instruments. Bank demand deposits, notice deposits, and so the IMF is a relatively good cash management tool. We are all very familiar with the former, the bank deposit is a new business, usually one weeks advance notice can be extracted after 1 week. Monetary Fund is invested in money market funds, free of charge as a result, no interest tax, compared to the first 2 persons, a higher income. The risk is very small, particularly suitable for the expected cash management.

2. Reasonable consumer spending. The primary purpose of personal finance is to make a reasonable financial position. As far as possible to rece unnecessary expenses. Real life and learn to save money and sometimes to seek a high return on investment than the easier to achieve financial goals. Consumer spending through the planning, so that reasonable personal consumption expenditures, so that the structure of household income and expenditure balance. Everyone should build their own itemized account in next financial expenses, the daily record of expenditure, (too trivial can not remember, but a total of more than 10 recorded it should be) at the end of analysis, it is necessary to look at those who are unnecessary. A long time, and will find out the laws of their own expenses, the budget next year, planning for the establishment of the family's expenses to prepare. Liabilities now popular consumption, a certain proportion of the balance is acceptable, but not excessive, otherwise you can only become a slave to debt. Generally accepted that the rate of household debt can not exceed 25% -30%, this is a security thread.

3. Expectations in ecation. Family members of the ecation in the share of household expenditure increasing, whether it is their children's ecation, or alt-job ecation, are indispensable. Families in need of early ecation planning, reasonable to ensure that the future ability to pay for themselves and their children's ecation costs, fully meet the indivial (family) ecation expectations. The expenditure on ecation, the need to establish a dedicated account management, unless not allowed to, or not to move. Can be done in the short-term investment, on their own, they can do short-term capital preservation investments, such as a variety of commercial bank set the yuan financial procts; of their children, their children's ecation based on age, select the appropriate investment period, to do something in long-term investment.

4. Comprehensive risk protection. Person's life, risk is everywhere, through the Risk Management and Insurance Planning, will be brought about by the loss of accidents to a minimum, and better to avoid risks, to protect life. Therefore, insurance is necessary. In particular, only basic medical and pension insurance for the crowd, it is necessary to buy a number of commercial insurance, as a supplement. Choice of insurance, it is best to vote for those kind of co-existence.

5. Reasonable arrangements to pay taxes. Every citizen, paying taxes is a legal obligation, but taxpayers often want to minimize their tax burden. White said the tax is reasonable. To achieve this goal, through a variety of business, investment, financial and other economic activities in the prior planning and arrangements make full use of tax concessions offered and differential treatment, appropriate to rece or delay the spending of taxes and fees. Reasonable business tax dectible investment projects, financial projects, the choice of tax-free varieties, are very necessary.

6. Accumulate wealth. The increase in personal wealth is possible through the "money" to achieve, but the absolute increase in wealth will be passed to achieve an increase in income. Salary type of limited income, investment income has taken the initiative to achieve an even higher qualities, the rapid accumulation of personal wealth depends mainly on investment. After all, money can the "money". In accordance with financial objectives, personal investment and risk tolerance, choose an effective investment program to determine a reasonable investment with a variety of species, bring investment income indivials or families, more and more and graally become a personal or family income the main source, and ultimately reach the level of financial freedom. Reality for the general population is not a lot of investment procts, stocks, funds, bonds, collection of financial procts, gold, real estate, works of art and so on. Investment there is a principle that should not be unfamiliar. When you do not understand it, do not blindly to follow the trend, this risk may be considerable.

7. Age. To the elderly, income-earning capacity has decreased, it is necessary in young and middle-aged financial planning period so that the old age can lead to "a sense of security, end-worthiness, a feeling of happiness" with dignity, to aging self-reliance. This is also the home of a very important financial goals. People raise their children before the concept of old age are now outdated, and their children live their own lives, their burden is also great, by they are unreliable and can only rely on their own. Financial planning as soon as possible, to prepare for their own future enough money to enjoy their twilight years.

Ⅶ 大学理财英语作文

If I have a sum of money,I will be part of the money deposited in banks,On the part of the money in the wallet,The remaining money through various channels such as Project Hope to all parts of the country and even around the world all in the hands of poor people so that they eat well, Chuanhao, live well, making good use. 你数一数够不够字数,我只能写这么点了。版


Ⅷ 中学生如何理财英语作文

我认为作为外贸来讲, 主要有两大能力。有了这两大能力,其他都不重要了:
卖出去的利润率是多少,工厂能挣多少,那类的客户比较好找,都要了如指掌, 竞争对手的报价是多少,这些东西只有在工厂里做过才能学到,所以以后想做老板的话,千万要先在工厂至少呆上两年时间,最好三年以上在出来干比较好。

2。业务开发和维护的能力,这个就不用多说了,自己觅食的能力太重要。但没有那么简单。业务能力其实是对一个人的综合考验,对市场的敏感度,处理人际关系,人品,反应能力都会有一定的要求。具体内容太多,说不完的。其实就是一个人如何跟别人相处和对工作和人生的态度! 一般来说,就产品的销售能力而言,一个长年仅在外贸打滚的老外贸义务人员和一个长年在真正面对面国内销售人员来说,那是有一定距离的,因为一般来说,外贸人员的业务更多的只是简单的Paper work, 邮件来邮件去,行就行,不行就拉倒的方式去做的,这种方式是属于比较被动的方式,其实不是真正的销售, 真正的销售会面对很大的压力,销售任务的压力,客人的多次决绝,克服自己心里的障碍,咬紧牙关说服客户,一般成功的业务人员化茧成蝶都要扒了几层皮。我跟同期毕业的同学一起聊天,我是一直在做国内业务销售,他们一直做外贸,这几年能感觉得出他们的销售能力还是挺欠缺的,跟我已经有了差距了,因为他们的视野都局限于这一行了,所以一旦离开了本身的工厂和公司,他们就不能生存,因为他们是靠公司本身的影响度和品牌销售,而不是靠自身,这是很多外贸人员不能成功运作自己公司的问题所在,所以我看到有些帖子建议外贸人员去向国内的销售学习,确实精辟阿,其实我建议可能的话,进外企销售部门锻炼几年,然后再回工厂锻炼,才出来自己做外贸更好。


Ⅸ 投资重要吗英语作文

Since the government is financing the two areas, the service providers in the concerning areas will not have to compete for market share. Where there is no competition, there is no incentive to improve and innovate, and consequently no progress on the part of medical services and medical technology.
In a word, I believe that indivials should be held responsible for their own ecation and health care cost, since it is almost beyond the budget of the government to take care of all the costs, and public financing might discourage competition and rece efficiency in the related sectors.

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