Ⅰ Helping Each Other Make the World Wonderful 英语作文
Hello, everyone. I’m Li Zhi. It’s nice to speak about helping here. Helping others is a wonderful thing. It is nice for people who you help and it is also nice of you. When you help your classmates, you can get along well with them, your friendship can develop quickly. If you give a hand to the old , you will feel very happy. In our life, patients are worth needing help most. When you help them ,you can know the meaning of happiness. Helping each other is very important. From now on, let us help others together!
Thank you for your listening!
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Ⅱ 以football为题,写一篇80字左右的英语作文
I Love Football
For each person campaign is very important. As the saying goes: Life is movement. For example on me, and I like movement from childhood and I often run, but I love playing soccer very much, untill today I played football for more than 10 years. I join the school team, although I'm very confident indivial skills, but after a lot of market failure, I began to realize that football is a collective movement, we need to meet to obtain the final victory. Although some people think that playing soccer is to play football, but I understand it from a lot of life philosophy, really, I love football.
Ⅲ 关于aboout me的英语作文6句
let me introce myself to you.my name is Zhang Xing and I am from class two garde six in primery school yifu.I am 168cm tall and 12 years old.My favorite is superjunior.They all look cool and I like them very much.But I also like going online and swimming .When you meet me you must like me because I am friendly to everyone.I look cool,too
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Ⅳ 以"help my parents "为题写一篇英语作文 魔方格
I can help my parents to do a lot of chores at home. Before my mom cooks the dinner, I can wash the vegetable clean. I also help her to set up the table, bring out the bowls, dishes and chopsticks. I wash the dishes after dinner. Sometimes I sweep the floor with the broom, mob the floor, and take out the trash. I can help my parents do a lot of chores at home. for example: washing bowl, swept the floor, clean the house, washing clothes, washing vegetables and other food. cooking and so on. if you do something at home, you parents would be very happy and you can share the happiness with your family. and also you can learn a lot of knowledge from it, its very interesting. .
Ⅳ 英语作文《save animals>>70~80字
Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.
In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.
Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved
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Ⅵ travel abroad 英语作文 魔方格
Traveling Abroad
With the development of society and the improvement of people’ living standard, more and more people are trending to travel abroad in the recent decade, especially in X. Thus, this issue has stimulated a hearted discussion.
There are several reasons about this phenomenon. First of all, with the development of economic globalization, our government draws attention to cooperate with other foreign countries, so they inspire Chinese people to abroad. Besides, some people want to know about other countries cultural and history on their own eyes. What’s more, they have much money and more time to travel abroad. Last but not least, comparing with domestic, the Chinese people prefer to travel abroad.
Every coin has its two sides. Traveling abroad is not exception. Though traveling abroad can widen people's horizon, enrich people' life, and enhance chinese ecomoic development even faster. However, it inevitably harmful in some way. it So we should make good use of the advantages and abandon the disadvantages.
Ⅶ 写一篇回忆初中时候的英语作文,外加翻译魔方格
Ⅷ 如何做一个有礼仪的青少年 魔方格 英语作文
谦虚,是中华民族的优良传统,自古以来先贤们一直在教导人们要谦虚,我们从小也就被灌输着这种谦虚的品质。“满招损,谦受益”、“骄傲使人落后,谦虚使人进步”等名言,早已家喻户晓。但是,在当今社会上,过分的谦虚也许并不会让你进步或受益,而会让你与许多机会失之交臂。正是由于过分的谦虚,有些人畏畏缩缩,不敢担当自己力所能及的工作,不敢提出自己的见解,一味地否定自己,不断地推让,因而才华得不到施展,抱负也难以买现。这样的谦虚是对自己不负责任,同时也是对社会的不负责任。一个大学生在求职时,明明可以胜任这项职务,但他却说:“ 我还不够有经验,希望大家能多帮助我。”虽然他的一切条件都非常优秀,但就因为这一句谦虚的话语,他就被老板拒之门外。也许他是怕在大家面前炫耀自己的才能而遭到别人的嫉妒,所以才选择了低调。殊不知这样却阻碍了别人去了解他,因而痛失机会。所以,如果自己有足够的实力的话,就不要谦虚,应该自信地表现自己。北京在申奥时,正因为充分地展示了各项优点,才能获得第2 9届奥运会主办权,并让别的国家输得心服口服。试想一下:假如北京的代表当时谦虚一下,没能展示出自己的全部实力的话,就无法吸引众多国家的眼球,更别谈申奥成功了。而正是因为北京有足够强大的实力去中办奥运会,办好这一届奥运会,北京的代表才没有谦虚。可见,如果你有实力,就应该在机遇面前勇敢地表现自我,而不是谦虚地退让。华罗庚在熊庆来面前展现自己的才华,所以得到他的赏识从而进一步深造成为一位伟大的科学家,流芳千古。王勃因在滕王阁上没有谦虚,勇于考现自己,所以能留下“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的名句,文惊四座。前人已经用他们的成功为我们做了充分的证明:如果有实力,就要把握住机会,不能过分地谦虚,要当仁不让。缉筏光禾叱鼓癸态含卡在重大的责任面前说“我不行”,这种谦虚只会让人觉得你拈轻怕重;在你有能力完成某事时说“我不行”,这种谦虚只会让人感觉你缺乏勇气。在竞争日益激烈的今天,对自己正确估价和自我表现是很有必要的,因为这种自我表现,是实事求是的表现,是自信心的表现。从众多人中脱颖而出的,是自信、勇敢的人,而那些谦虚的人难免会被淘汰。所以,我们应该珍惜一切机会,在他人面前充分地证明自己的实力。我们不应该在机遇面前躲躲闪闪,做个自命不凡的谦虚的人,而应该踏实、自信、骄傲地大呼一声:“我能行!”
Ⅸ 魔方格英语中以my,read,habits为题目的一篇英语作文
People all over the world have their own habits, some are good and some are bad. Children, if you have bad habits, you’d better change them. I think you can try your best.
I also have a lot of habits. Let me talk about my good habits. I don’t watch too much TV. You know, it is bad for our eyes. Especially if you sit in front of the TV. Let’s go on. Please show your smile every day. Smiling is a good way to be healthy. It makes us glad. That’s why I like smiling very much. Then listen to me. I also save up money. Most children spend all their pocket money because they don’t know how much their parents work. Don’t waste it any longer. I used to drink a lot of soft drinks in the past. Now I drink at least eight glasses of water every day. The water is the most important thing in the world. The last thing is to do anything carefully. I usually cross the road when the ‘ Man’ is on ,it is safe. Unluckily , too many people lost their lives in traffic accidents. What a pity!
For me, I have a lot of good habits. We can try to be better than before. Now I have some bad habits, so I must correct them.
You can also find your good and bad habits. What will you do next?
Ⅹ 魔方格英语作文 介绍上海
全国首批4A旅游景点金茂大厦88层观光厅,面积为1520平方米,高度340.1米,是目前国内最高最大的观光厅,荣膺上海大世界基尼斯之最。两台每秒运行9.1米的垂直升降电梯,一次可乘载33位旅客,只需45秒钟可将游客从地下一层直送88层。登高远眺,大上海的景观尽收眼底,浦江两岸高楼林立,黄浦江上百舸争流,您可亲身体验"落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色" 的美景。赏完外景,您还可以从上往下观赏世界举世无双的酒店中庭,它直径27米,28道环廊扶手在霓虹灯的照射下,金光闪闪。一道道环廊如同一排排画廊,美不胜收。此情此景,无不激动人心,您会不由自主地拿起照相机留下永恒的纪念。金茂大厦无与伦比的酒店中庭被建筑师、科学家、文学家誉为“共享空间”、“金色的年轮”、“时空隧道”。在88层观光厅看夜景更是一种享受,被誉为万国建筑博览会的外滩流光溢彩,美不胜收。远处高架道路和大桥上的灯火似彩练环绕,与星月争辉。此情此景令您犹如置身蓬莱仙境。在88层观光厅设有中国最高的“空中邮局”——金茂大厦88层观光厅邮政服务处,为游客提供珍贵邮品和特色服务