⑴ 石油的英语
石油的性质因产地而异,密度为0.8 -1.0g/cm3,粘度范围很宽,凝固点差别很大(30 ~ -60摄氏度),沸点范围为常温到500摄氏度以上,可溶于多种有机溶剂,不溶于水,但可与水形成乳状液。不过不同的油田的石油的成分和外貌可以区分很大。石油主要被用作燃油和汽油,燃料油和汽油在2012年组成世界上最重要的二次能源之一。石油也是许多化学工业产品如溶剂、化肥、杀虫剂和塑料等的原料。2012年开采的石油88%被用作燃料,其它的12%作为化工业的原料。实际上,石油是一种不可再生原料。
世界海洋面积3.6亿平方 千米,约为陆地的2.4倍。大陆架和大陆坡约5500万平方千米,相当于陆上沉积盆地面积的总和。地球上已探明石油资源的1/4和最终可采储量的45%, 埋藏在海底。世界石油探明储量的蕴藏重心,将逐步由陆地转向海洋。
石油主要是碳氢化合物。它由不同的碳氢化合物混合组成,组成石油的化学元素主要是碳(83% ~ 87%)、氢(11% ~ 14%),其余为硫(0.06% ~ 0.8%)、氮(0.02% ~ 1.7%)、氧(0.08% ~ 1.82%)及微量金属元素(镍、钒、铁、锑等)。由碳和氢化合形成的烃类构成石油的主要组成部分,约占95% ~ 99%,各种烃类按其结构分为:烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃。 一般天然石油不含烯烃而二次加工产物中常含有数量不等的烯烃和炔烃。含硫、氧、氮的化合物对石油产品有害,在石油加工中应尽量除去。
no 没有
go 去
so 这样
doe 母鹿
hoe 锄头
toe 脚指头
⑵ 急需石油类的英文文章原文加翻译
目前就石油的成因有两种说法:①无机论 即石油是在基性岩浆中形成的;②有机论 既各种有机物如动物、植物、特别是低等的动植物,像藻类、细菌、蚌壳、鱼类等死后埋藏在不断下沉缺氧的海湾、潟湖、三角洲、湖泊等地,经过许多物理化学作用,最后逐渐形成为石油。
物探: 专门负责利用各种物探设备并结合地质资料在可能含油气的区域内确定油气层的位置;
钻井: 利用钻井的机械设备在含油气的区域钻探出一口石油井并录取该地区的地质资料;
井下作业: 利用井下作业设备在地面向井内下入各种井下工具或生产管柱以录取该井的各项生产资料,或使该井正常产出原油或天然气并负责日后石油井的维护作业;
采油: 在石油井的正常生产过程中录取石油井的各项生产资料并对石油井的生产设备进行日常维护;
集输: 负责原油的对外输送工作;炼油 将输送到炼油厂的原油按要求炼制出不同的石油产品如汽油、柴油、煤油等!
石油的性质因产地而异,密度为0.8 ~ 1.0 克/厘米3,粘度范围很宽,凝固点差别很大(30 ~ -60°C),沸点范围为常温到500°C以上,可容于多种有机溶剂,不溶于水,但可与水形成乳状液。 组成石油的化学元素主要是碳 (83% ~ 87%)、氢(11% ~ 14%),其余为硫(0.06% ~ 0.8%)、氮(0.02% ~ 1.7%)、氧(0.08% ~ 1.82%)及微量金属元素(镍、钒、铁等)。由碳和氢化合形成的烃类构成石油的主要组成部分,约占95% ~ 99%,含硫、 氧、氮的化合物对石油产品有害, 在石油加工中应尽量除去。不同产地的石油中,各种烃类的结构和所占比例相差很大, 但主要属于烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃三类。 通常以烷烃为主的石油称为石蜡基石油;以环烷烃、芳香烃为主的称环烃基石油;介于二者之间的称中间基石油。我国主要原油的特点是含蜡较多,凝固点高,硫含量低, 镍、氮含量中等,钒含量极少。除个别油田外,原油中汽油馏分较少,渣油占1/3。组成不同类的石油,加工方法有差别,产品的性能也不同,应当物尽其用。大庆原油的主要特点是含蜡量高,凝点高,硫含量低,属低硫石蜡基原油。
1. Petroleum Generation
Studies have shown that the generation of oil needs at least 200 million years time, has now been found in the reservoir, the time of the oldest up to 5 million years old. In the long history of the Earth's evolving process, there are some "special" period, such as the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, a large number of plants and animals die, their bodies constitute a continuous decomposition of organic matter, and sediment, or carbonic-acid mixture of sediment, etc. composition of sediment layer. Due to continuous accumulation of thick sediment, resulting in temperature and pressure rise, and as this process of continuous, sedimentary layers into sedimentary rocks, thus the formation of sedimentary basins, which is generated for the oil provided the basic geological environment.
With a variety of geological processes, sedimentary basins in the continuous accumulation of sediments. When the temperature and pressure reaches a certain degree, flora and fauna of sediment organic material into carbon and oxygen molecule and eventually proce oil and gas.
2. Oil accumulation
Unlike the water gathered in the reservoir of oil in sedimentary basins, as gathered in the initial formation of the rock - oil-generating source rock, which is sedimentary rock, but through the pores of the rock, was squeezed into the lower-pressure distribution in rock cracks and pores in completely closed until the stay in the reservoir rock. The reservoir rock is a gathering of oil rock. The reservoir rock formation of the geological environment of the storage of oil - trap structure, which is to prevent migration of oil is continuing geological structures. This way the oil accumulation is like a sponge to absorb water is the same. It is precisely because the reservoir rock and trap construction, oil can be settled quietly in the ground, waiting for the arrival of excavator.
The origin of oil
First proposed the "oil" in the Northern Song Dynasty in China 977 AD, compiled the "Taiping Collections." Officially named as the "oil" is based on an outstanding scientist Shen Kuo Northern Song Dynasty China (1031 ~ 1095) in the book, "Meng Xi Bi Tan", the basis of this oil, "was born in the waters sand and gravel, mixed with spring water phase, and the desolate desolate out "and named. In the "oil" before the appearance of the word abroad called oil "the devil's sweat," "light water" and so on, the Chinese called "Shi Zhi water" and "raging fire oil", "Paint" and so on.
We usually can be seen everywhere in daily life in the oil or its accessories of the figure, I do not know your attention to it? Such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, lubricants, asphalt, plastics, fibers, etc. There are many! These are extracted from the oil out; and used in our daily natural gas (LNG) from a specialized field in the output! Gas pipelines and gas stations through the territory to all households.
At present the causes of the oil in two different ways: ① inorganic theory that oil is in the base of the formation of magma; ② both the organic theory of the various organisms such as animal, plant, especially the lower animals and plants, such as algae, bacteria, mussels shells, fish, etc. continue to sink after death, buried in the anoxic bay, lagoon, delta, lakes and other places, through many physical chemistry and finally evolved for oil.
[Edit this paragraph] Morphology and Composition
Of crude oil is very rich in color, with red, gold, dark green, black, brown red, or even transparent; oil color is itself contained in the resin and asphaltene content, including the higher the deeper the color. The more light the color of crude oil quality the better! Transparent and can be directly added to the crude oil tank in the car instead of gasoline! Components of crude oil are: oil quality (this is the main ingredient), resin (a sticky semi-solid substances), asphaltenes (dark brown or black brittle solid matter), carbon (a non-hydrocarbon) .
Dominated by a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons, and has a special smell, the colored oily flammable liquid! Natural gas, gaseous hydrocarbons are mainly composed of various gases, has a special smell, the colorless flammable gas mixture.
In the entire oil system, the division of labor is relatively small: the
Geophysical: dedicated to the use of a variety of geophysical equipment, combined with geological data in the area may contain oil and gas to determine the location of oil and gas layer;
Drilling: drilling machinery and equipment used in oil and gas drilling out of a region of oil wells and the taking of the region's geological data;
Underground operations: use of downhole operation equipment for the wells under the ground into a variety of downhole tools or proction string in order to admit the well of the means of proction, or so that the normal output of crude oil or natural gas wells and is responsible for future maintenance of oil well operations;
Oil: In the course of normal proction of oil wells in the taking of the means of proction of oil wells and oil wells in proction equipment for routine maintenance;
Gathering and Transportation: Responsible for transportation of crude oil outside work; refining of crude oil will be transported to the refinery as required different refining of petroleum procts such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, etc.!
The nature of the oil varies by origin, the density of 0.8 ~ 1.0 g / cm 3, viscosity range is very wide, very different freezing point (30 ~ -60 ° C), boiling point range above ambient temperature to 500 ° C can be tolerated by the a variety of organic solvents, insoluble in water, but can with water to form an emulsion. Chemical element composition of the oil is mainly carbon (83% ~ 87%), hydrogen (11% ~ 14%), the rest of sulfur (0.06% ~ 0.8%), nitrogen (0.02% ~ 1.7%), oxygen (0.08% ~ 1.82%) and trace metals (nickel, vanadium, iron, etc.). Combined carbon and hydrogen by the formation of hydrocarbons constitute a major component of oil, accounting for 95% ~ 99%, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen compounds right petroleum procts harmful to the oil processing should be removed. Different areas of the oil in a variety of hydrocarbon structure and the proportion varied widely, but the main part of alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics three categories. Usually referred to as paraffin wax paraffin-based petroleum-based oil; to cycloalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbon-based oil, said ring alkyl; between the middle between the two is called the base oil. China's major crude oil is characterized by waxy more, the high freezing point, sulfur content is low, nickel, nitrogen content in medium vanadium content is extremely low. Apart from indivial oil fields, the crude oil, gasoline fraction less resie, accounting for 1 / 3. Composed of different types of oil, there are different processing methods, proct performance are also different, it should make the best use of them. The main characteristics of Daqing crude oil with high wax content, high pour point, sulfur content is low, is a low sulfur paraffin base crude oil.
From the search for oil to the use of oil, generally have to go through four key areas, namely, finding, mining, transportation and processing, the four links in general also are known as the "oil exploration", "oil field development", "oil and gas gathering and transportation" and " petroleum refining. " Here's what these four areas to trace the history of the oil instry.
"Oil Exploration" There are many ways, but whether there is oil underground and ultimately rely on drilling to confirm. A country's technological sophistication of drilling, often reflecting the country's oil instry development situation, therefore, some countries race to announce world's first national drilling an oil well, to show their development in the oil instry has taken the first step.
"Oil Field Development" refers to the method is confirmed by drilling oil and gas distribution, and proction wells can be put into a certain scale of proction. In this sense, Fushun County, Sichuan Province in 1821 artesian gas field development is the world's oldest gas field.
"Oil and Gas Gathering and Transportation," technology with the development of oil and gas has emerged around 1875 AD, artesian well field using locally proced bamboo as raw material, open up to the festival, topical wound linen coated with tung oil, connected we are now calling for a "lose - gas pipeline, "chief of two or three hundred years, at the time of the artesian area, stretching interwoven pipeline crossing the hills, across the ditch stream to form a gas transmission network, so that the application of natural gas from wells in the vicinity of salt extends to distant foci, promoted the development of gas fields, so that when the gas to reach an annual output of more than 7000 million cubic meters.
As for the "oil refining", starting the era of even sooner, when the Northern Wei Dynasty book "Waterways," a book about age 512 ~ 518 AD, the book describes the oil extracted from oil of . British scientist Joseph in the paper, said: "In the tenth century AD, China already has the oil, and heavy use. Thus, in this former Chinese were processed for oil distillation." Instructions as early as the sixth century AD on the germination of China's oil refining process.
Oil is a liquid in order to hydrocarbons as the main component of the mineral. Crude oil out of oil from underground mining, or natural oil. Synthetic oil is from coal or oil shale to extract liquid hydrocarbons. The main elements of the composition of crude oil is carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen.
Structures with different mixtures of hydrocarbons as the main ingredients of a brown, dark green or black liquid.
The Republic of Iraq's oil reserves, ranks second in the world.
⑶ 求一篇关于中国石油用量大的原因的英语作文
⑷ 谁能给我有关石油的英文文献
找到一些,因为你的要求涵盖的范围满广我找的这些论文也五花八门,你看看哪些能用吧. 1.Petroleum Geology of the North Falkland Basin http://www.desireplc.co.uk/pdfs/FIN_article_060906.pdf 2.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF THE DEEPWATER JACKFORK GROUP AND ATOKA FORMATION WITH A PRIMER ON THE PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF DEEPWATER DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS http://www.pttc.org/workshop_summaries/sol_2004/539.pdf 3.Petroleum Geology of North Africa http://www.gbv.de/dms/goettingen/242183379.pdf 4.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY IN THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY https://kb.osu.e/dspace/bitstream/1811/3638/1/V48N03_095.pdf 5.Petroleum Geology in the United States Geological Survey http://www.library.unsw.e.au/~thesis/adt-NUN/uploads/approved/adt-NUN20050405.112610/public/01front.pdf 6.Petroleum Geology and Resources of the Amu-Darya Basin, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran http://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/2201/H/pdf/B2201H_508.pdf 7.PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF DEEP-WATER CLASTIC (TURBIDITE DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS http://www.ipa.or.id/files/COURSE%20FLYERS%20 (Sept.%203-7).pdf
⑸ 卡里加尔石油和中国大庆油田比较的英语作文
Go to the Bookshop
Today is Saturday. Two of my classmates and I go to the bookshop. It's the biggest one in my city. There are plenty of books. We go to the cartoon-book zone.
And then we stay there for a long time. We find our favorite books and read them there. It's very quiet in the bookshop. I like it very much. Reading at
bookshop or libriary is very enjoyable. Finally, we buy some books we like and then we go home together
⑹ 关于石油的英文文章
⑺ 写一篇关于中国石油大庆的英语作文
Daqing oil exploration scope, including all of Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hulunbeier a total of 72 million square kilometers of the vast region, occupying a land area of China's 1/13. Wherein the Songliao Basin area of 260,000 square kilometers, spanning Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, Heilongjiang territory about 12 million square kilometers. In geological history, there was a large inland lake, Mesozoic Jurassic and Cretaceous period, deposited rich oil source material. Thickness of sedimentary rocks of the basin center 7000-9000 meters. According to records, in this region, scientific prediction, bears at least 100-150 million tons of oil reserves, for the exploitation of oil reserves of 80-100 one hundred million tons; total gas reserves of 8580-42900 billion cubic meters. Daqing oilfield development since 1960, proven oil-bearing area of 4415.8 square kilometers, geological oil reserves of 5.587 billion tons.
Daqing Petroleum medium gravity, high viscosity, high wax content, high freezing point, very little sulfur content, commonly referred to as the "three high and one low", is a low-sulfur paraffin-based type, is the ideal petrochemical feedstocks. Daqing area gas resources buried in 700-1200 meters or more in shallow and deep formations, was buried deposit status. It is associated with oil, natural gas containing 50-70 cubic meters per ton of crude oil; it is predominantly methane, accounting for 64.5-91.3%, can be directly used as raw material for the proction of fertilizers; high condensate content per cubic meter 70-170 g as much as a high instrial value
⑻ 有关于中国石油需求大的英语作文,只要100字就好了!
In 2011, China's oil demand year-on-year growth will drop to 6.2% to 483 million tons; Proct oil consumption will reach 257 million tons, up 6.3%; For gasoline, diesel is slightly higher than for the overall tight. In 2010 China petroleum apparent consumption for 455 million tons, an increase of 11.4%. Crude oil apparent consumption the first time exceeded 400 million tons to 439 million tons, the growth rate as high as 13.1%. Domestic oil proction first breakthrough 200 million tons, an increase of 5% or more, for 15 years fastest. By multiple factors, in 2011 China's oil demand growth will fall, the year is expected to petroleum demand for 483 million tons, up 6.2%; Crude oil demand for 471 million tons, an increase of 7.2%.
⑼ 有关石油的英文翻译,
⑽ 石油和天然气对环境的影响英语作文
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