❶ 把自己比喻成动物英语作文[80字
I want to become extinct animals.Because of this ican read the people taking care to reproce offspring,So that more people to know we ,to let him know should not harm our animals,or to be too late to repent.We live in the same earth.Man should get along with us,not for us to kill.We also want to the generations to live in the earth.
❷ 怎么写英语作文比喻句
The seperated bird is flying in the sky, like a canoe on the vast of ocean
Desertification, as a hungry wild wolf, is ruthlessly engulfing forests, lawns and our living space.
❸ 英语作文实用比喻句
like every coin has two sides
❹ 英语作文中的比喻句型有哪些
应该是what A to B is what C to D
❺ 求一篇英语作文,要有修辞手法。
❻ 求高考英语作文优秀比喻句集锦
幸福就像兰花的香气,沁人心脾。 幸福就像糖果的甜美,令人陶醉。 幸福就像刚解冻的溪水,澄澈透明,无暇无眦
❼ 修辞手法在英语作文中的应用
一、比喻(the figures of speech)
1.明喻(the simile)
格式:本体 + 显著比喻词(like/as/as if) + 喻体
常用介词like 、连词as,as if,asso、动词seem等以及句型Ato B asCtoD等等表示“好像”意思的比喻说法就叫明喻。
(1)Teacher, you are like the sun, but more magnificent, andmorebrillant. 老师,您像太阳,又比太阳更灿烂更辉煌。
(2)Your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as nobleaspine trees! All praise to you, our belovedteacher.您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您,敬爱的老师。
(1)as clear as crystal清如水晶
(2)as weak as water软弱无力
2.隐喻(the metaphor)
格是:本体 + is/are + 喻体
(1)Time is a river, of which memory is the water. Oh myfriend,what I scoop up from the river is all yearning ofyou.时间是河、记忆如水,朋友,我从河里捧起来的都是对你的思念。
(2)Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
注意:英语中存在着许多数词习语和俚语,用作隐喻(也有个别用作明喻)。例如 :
(1)You are one in a million.你真是人见人爱。
(2)He has one over the eight.他酩酊大醉。
(3)This film star is a nine days wonder; I doubt whetheranyonewill remr her in ayearstime.这位电影明星现在红极一时(也指昙花一现),但我认为一年以后人们不见得还记得她。
(1)to teach fish to swim 班门弄斧
(2)to plough the sand 白费力气
(3)up the tree骑虎难下;lame ck强弩之末;above board光明正大
3.借喻(the metonymy)
(1)The buses in America are on strikenow.美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses喻指司机drivers)。
(2)The pen is mightier thanthesword.文人胜于武士(以pen,sword喻指使用这物的人)。英语中一些鸟兽鱼虫的名字,除本义外,常可转借喻人,形象生动,意味隽永。例如:
(1)She is a social butterfly.她是一个交际花(以虫喻人)。 (接下页)
二、借代(the synecdoche)
(1)Uncle Sam will not help us.美国人不会帮助我们。(用Uncle Sam代替船美国人本身)
(2)You can depend on him for help whenever youre in tourble.Hesa true blue.你遇到麻烦时尽管去找他帮忙,他是一个靠得住的忠实朋友。(用trueblue代替真金烈火,忠诚可靠的)
三、夸张(the exaggeration)
(1)Thank you a thousand.千恩万谢。
英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发 。
四、拟人(the personifjcation)
(1)Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age.Theysupport us under solitude, and keep us from being a burdentoourselves.书籍是青年人的指南、老年人的娱乐。孤寂时,书籍给我们力量,使我们摆脱精神负担。
(2)Love is the master key that opens the gatesofhappiness.爱是开启幸福之门的万能钥匙。
(1)You are overwhelming jade, as white as snow, as smoothandmoist as grease, as brilliant as candles, and as firmasrock.你洁白如雪,润泽如脂,你光辉如烛,坚贞如磐,你是令人倾心的美玉。
(2)You are in my mind and in my heart. You are in the very airIbreathe. You are part ofme.Forever.你占据了我整个思绪和心灵;你在我呼吸的空气里;你永远是我的一部分。
In honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher’s Day
范文:Dear Miss Zhang,I’m not the best student of yours, butyou’rethe most respected teacher of mine. On this special occasionforyou, what I can dedicate is my highest consideration andearnestblessings. May you be happy; may all of your life be fullofhappiness, joy as well as sweetness.I still remred clearly thattheday I was crying with a heavy heart because I failed to passtheexamination. I didn’t know what to do and where to go, just likeabird lost its way. Teacher, it was you who lighted the beaconofhope in my heart in the dark night. Your warm words,affectionateeyes, which dispelled the cold winter from my heart andkindled theflame of hope as well. And I still remred that theplatform, thedesks, the springs and autumns, all witness the flowerpetals ofyour heart. The buds, the seedlings, the spring flowersand fallfruits, all owe to your sincere devotion.In my view, all Iwant todo is to make the best of every day, and come a littlecloser towhat I dream of. Furthermore, I must not relax my effortsto be thebest I can be and do the best I can do.Bestwishes,Andy.
❽ 英语作文中比喻句
compare Ato B(把A比作B)
❾ 求一篇用了12种修辞手法以上的英语作文,最好跟平时生活贴切的,我是大学学生
Dear Miss Zhang
I’ not the best student of yours, but you’re the most respected teacher of mine. On this special occasion for you, what I can dedicate is my highest consideration
and earnest blessings. May you be happy; may all of your life be fullofhappiness, joy as well as sweetness.I still remred clearly thattheday I was crying with a heavy heart because I failed to passtheexamination. I didn’t know what to do and where to go, just likeabird lost its way. Teacher, it was you who lighted the beaconofhope in my heart in the dark night. Your warm words,affectionateeyes, which dispelled the cold winter from my heart andkindled theflame of hope as well. And I still remred that theplatform, thedesks, the springs and autumns, all witness the flowerpetals ofyour heart. The buds, the seedlings, the spring flowersand fallfruits, all owe to your sincere devotion.In my view, all Iwant todo is to make the best of every day, and come a littlecloser towhat I dream of. Furthermore, I must not relax my effortsto be thebest I can be and do the best I can do.