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⑴ 2015年安徽高考英语作文范文

某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你 以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。
1. 采访的对象;
2. 采访的原因;
3. 想提的问题。
1. 词数120左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;
4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。
one possible version:
A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview
The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.
I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.
If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting.

⑵ 2013年安徽高考英语满分作文

生词提示:中国式过马路:Chinese style of crossing road 红绿灯:traffic light
The picture shows what the Chinese style of crossing the street is. It is clear that some pedestrians tend to run the red light in groups when crossing the street. This phenomenon has attracted widespread concern in China.There are two main reasons behind this phenomenon. Some people are always in a hurry, so they ignore the traffic signal to save time. Others lack safety awareness,thinking drivers have to stop because so many people cross the street together.Actually running the red light is very dangerous because it may lead to more traffic jams and accidents. I hope immediate measures should be taken to prevent this bad behavior. First, the public should be ecated to follow the traffic rules. Second, more overpasses should be built to make it easy to cross the street. Besides, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be severely punished. By doing so, we will be able to get around safely.
【相关报道】2013安徽高考外语考试结束 英语作文与中国式过马路有关
发表日期:2013-6-8 17:00 已有679人浏览
资讯标签: 2013安徽高考 2013安徽高考英语作文 2013安徽高考外语
合肥市十一中张姓考生说,英语考试和模考难度差不多,完型填空和阅读均不是很难,单选是自己的弱项,英语作文是以“遵守文明,从我做起”为题,写120字的作文。(吴婷婷 黄丛萍)

⑶ 写安徽的英语作文

Anhui Province, referred to as the "Wan", located in the eastern part of the people's Republic of China, the people's Republic of China inland province, Anhui province and Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Hubei province and Jiangxi province to the landscape is connected, plain, hills and low mountains. Roughly between east longitude 114 ° 54 '- 119 ° 37 ′ and north latitude 29 ° 41' - 34 ° 38 ', the East-West width of 450 kilometers, about 570 kilometers north and south, a total area of 139600 square kilometers, accounting for 1.45% of the total area, in the East Third, twenty-second in the country. Anhui province belongs to the East China area geographically, across Huaihe and the Yangtze River north and south, showing a significant difference in regional culture, mainly divided into: Hui culture, the culture and the Central Plains culture; belongs to the central China Economic Zone in the economy. To the provincial capital Hefei city. Anhui Qing Jiangnan province belongs to, the Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi 6 years (AD 1667), Jiangsu, Anhui province and south of two provinces and formally established a province, Anqing, Huizhou and then two house song named after the word. A Wan Shan, Anhui water inside, which is now Mount Tianzhu and Anhui river, spring and Autumn period has been called the "country, known as the" Wan country ", so Anhui referred to as" wan".
Chinese name:

⑷ 用英文介绍家乡安徽

My hometown is Anhui province, where there are mountains and rivers, the air is particularly fresh, everywhere with forests, streams.

When I was a child, the most exciting thing for me in my hometown was to catch small river crabs with my friends in the stream. We came to the stream in pairs, just in the middle of summer, everyone took off their shoes, standing in the brook less than half of the calf. The water is neither cold nor fierce, and it strikes the skin gently.

⑸ 2014安徽英语作文的亮点


相同点:考试的形式一样,性质一样,样卷一样,分值一样,难度系数的设置一样。2014年考试纲要的结构与2013年基本一致,由考试说明,考试性质和目标,考试内容与要求(来源于《课程标准》),例证性试题,参考试卷;以及附录1.语音项目表;附录2. 语法项目;附录3.功能意念项目;附录四:话题项目表;附录五.话题项目表。
接下来是中考样卷,有人说中考样卷和中考真题没有联系,我个人根据几年观察的经验告诉我,中考样卷透露的信息是:一是试卷的样子,二是试卷的容量,三是试卷出题风格。第一是卷形式上几大题,分值怎样也,就是试卷的结构与真题是完全一致的;第二是试卷词汇量,即阅读、完形的容量,词汇有多少,文章的篇幅(2014年所给的阅读材料容量相当大,四篇阅读理解和两篇完形填空的词汇量大于2013年中考英语试卷,四篇阅读材料,第二篇的英语应用阅读材料,第四篇关于南非总统曼德拉的阅读材料,这篇材料无独有偶,在一个出版机构向我约稿时,我们同时都选择到这篇热点材料,而且都编成一篇阅读理解);三是试卷是语境设题怎样,2014年样卷的单项选择有11小题的微语境试题,2013年中考真题是10小题;2014年中考样卷的两篇完形不是一篇记叙文,一篇说明文,而是,两篇完形都是记叙文,没有沿袭以前的题材不一样的特点。阅读理解试题的第95小题值得我们注意:We can infer from the passage that......这是一篇推断性试题,我们教师应该教会学生答题方式:四个选项中如果和教材中出现的内容完全一致的肯定是错的,四个选择项目中至少有三个选择从肯本中来,我们不可以选择,应选择那个文章没有出现的,而又是从文章内容中推断出来的选择做答案才是正确的选项。才是符合infer推断的要求。
写单词部分五个词汇是:beat 打败;obey 遵守;downtairs 楼下;traffic 交通;proud 自豪的;其中 obey 是一个超纲词汇。不知道是不是编写人员的疏忽,还是有意为之呢。写作部分是半开放性试题,今年样卷中的考试题比2013年中考真题开放性更大。2013年中考紧跟时代,考试那天正好是父情节,因此出题和父亲节有关,很多老师已经找到出题思路,甚至自己已经明天,压中安徽省2013年中考英语作文试题。

⑹ 一篇关于安徽宏村的英语作文

Hongcun in Huangshan City Province, Anhui Province, it is one of the world's cultural heritage. This weekend, I visited Hongcun and realized her real beauty.
On the road, the wild chrysanthemum, all over the land, is very beautiful. To Hongcun, it is the antique village, schungite tile, white and yellow walls, everywhere filled with an ancient atmosphere. Listen to the tour guide said, Hongcun is like a sleeping in the cattle, and just go in the most eye-catching lake is the cow's stomach - South lake. Go forward, through the "stomach" on the small bridge, to the villagers living area. House in the middle of the canal is cattle intestines". The "cow intestines" in the local as well as a proverb: "water village, water village." Follow the tour guide, came to the school, the school is for the former Hongcun primary school students, the surname Wang, the primary school students free of charge. Then go inside, we visited a number of landlords, heads of families, the village head of the house. The landlord's house is the biggest, it is a maze that lets a person walk.
Landlord had a huge open-air platform, originally, in the eyes of the local villagers, rain is equal to gold, snow is equal to money, the open-air platform must be "treasure". You go, you can see a piece of wood carving in cross sill, carved with figures, horses, each carved lifelike, like the real thing. Some wood carvings, painted with "golden powder", seem to show off their wealth! Patriarch home wood windows, carved with many hangs upside down the bat is meaning "the blessing", and every window carved with five upside down the bat is "918784" means. The heads of the family is the cow's stomach ---- Hongcun center of the lake, the heads of the family is the only one to live in the center of a family in Hongcun, Hongcun, the position is very high. There are many beautiful scenery in Hongcun. Like full moon lake bridge, tall ginkgo tree, tiles and white walls of the Huizhou architecture...... I looked back at Hongcun, the reflection of the lake bridge in the water clearly visible, reminiscent of the night of the moon. Ah Hongcun! Your beauty is a long time can not forget!



⑺ 2013年安徽高考英语作文题目:On the Way to School

On the way to school, I noticed a fire. I called the fire department immediately. In a few minutes, the fire fighters came and started work. But, it was not easy to put out the fire, because there was not enough water. In addition, the wind was high, which made the situation worse. The fire fighters were doing their best. But, all of a sudden, a foreign lady rushed to the fire fighters for help. She was talking quickly in English and made lots of gestures to show the fire fighters what was happening. But, the fire fighters could not understand what she was saying. They tried to call the fire station for an interpeter. But, the lady started crying. I waved to her and asked her what had happened. She was very excited to see someone speaking her language. She told me her baby was in her bedroom on the second floor. I told the fire fighters right away and they sent one man there by a high ladder. Her baby was rescued and the lady gave me a big hug. I felt excited because I made use of my English learnt from my school.

⑻ 近几年安徽省高中学习水平测试英语作文类型

数学可以多做做基础题,再做一点提高题,我们老师说2012年中考数学会比较难,所以内基础题一定要容回答对,这样拉分 语文要背背古诗词和古文以及文学常识 物理把知识多巩固一下,基础要打牢,各种公式要熟悉,单位换算要注意 化学侧重一下薄弱部门,该背的要背,尤其是化学式以及酸碱盐的各种反应 英语可以背几篇作文,易混的句型要注意,例如would rather do句型的四种变体 历史和政治多看看书就行,开卷考一定要注意什么题目在什么位置

⑼ 关于介绍安徽省的英文短文,急需

Anhui Province, referred to as the "Wan", located in the eastern part of the people's Republic of China, the people's Republic of China inland province, Anhui province and Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Hubei province and Jiangxi province to the landscape is connected, plain, hills and low mountains. Roughly between east longitude 114 ° 54 '- 119 ° 37 ′ and north latitude 29 ° 41' - 34 ° 38 ', the East-West width of 450 kilometers, about 570 kilometers north and south, a total area of 139600 square kilometers, accounting for 1.45% of the total area, in the East Third, twenty-second in the country. Anhui province belongs to the East China area geographically, across Huaihe and the Yangtze River north and south, showing a significant difference in regional culture, mainly divided into: Hui culture, the culture and the Central Plains culture; belongs to the central China Economic Zone in the economy. To the provincial capital Hefei city. Anhui Qing Jiangnan province belongs to, the Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi 6 years (AD 1667), Jiangsu, Anhui province and south of two provinces and formally established a province, Anqing, Huizhou and then two house song named after the word. A Wan Shan, Anhui water inside, which is now Mount Tianzhu and Anhui river, spring and Autumn period has been called the "country, known as the" Wan country ", so Anhui referred to as" wan".
Chinese name:
Foreign names:
Anhui Province, Anhwei
On the borders between the two kingdoms Wu and Chu
Administrative region category:
The area:
East China
Under the jurisdiction of district:
56 counties and 16 cities and 6 county-level city
Government resident:
The Yangtze River Road in Anhui Province, Hefei City, No. 221
The telephone area code:
0550 to 0566
Zip code:
230000 to 247000
The geographical position:
China Eastern, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of Huaihe
The measure of area.
139600 square kilometers
59500500 people (2010)
Jianghuai Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, Wu
Climatic conditions:
Warm temperate to subtropical transition climate
Famous scenic spots:
Mount Huangshan, Langya mountain, park, Caishiji, residence of Huizhou, the Ming Tombs, Mount Jiuhua
The 5 civil airport in Hefei Luogang International Airport
Train station.
HeFei Railway Station, Wuhu Railway Station, BengBu Railway Station etc.
License code:
A to S
Provincial capital:
City of Hefei
Provincial tree:
Mount Huangshan pine (pine)
Provincial flower:
Mount Huangshan Rhododendron

⑽ 近几年安徽省会考英语作文

数学可以多做做基抄础题,再做一点袭提高题,我们老师说2012年中考数学会比较难,所以基础题一定要回答对,这样拉分 语文要背背古诗词和古文以及文学常识 物理把知识多巩固一下,基础要打牢,各种公式要熟悉,单位换算要注意 化学侧重一下薄弱部门,该背的要背,尤其是化学式以及酸碱盐的各种反应 英语可以背几篇作文,易混的句型要注意,例如would rather do句型的四种变体 历史和政治多看看书就行,开卷考一定要注意什么题目在什么位置

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