㈠ Cooking club..英语作文80字左右
Cooking club..
烹饪俱乐部. .
㈡ cooking club英语作文
Then I visited the reading Club. There were many books in this Club.A beautiful girl opened a book and it began to talk. Finally, I visited the Cooking Club. A girl put some food in a magic cooker, said some words, and opend the door.There was now a delicious cake in it.I like the Cooking Club best because I like to eat chocolate cakes very much.
㈢ 初二英语作文Cooking is fun
渐渐的,我长大了,上学了,随着识字量的增多,一本本书令我百看不厌,爱不释手。每到节假日,我便成了书店、图书馆的常客。只要是我喜欢的书,不管多贵,妈妈都慷慨解囊,毫不吝啬。我们家的书柜里摆满了书:《作文大全》、《十万个为什么》、《中国少年儿童网络全书》、《上下五千年》、《三国演义》……应有尽有。我常常沉浸在书的海洋中,体会马致远“断肠人在天涯”的凄凉,理解辛弃疾“可怜白发生”的无奈,领悟陶渊明 “种豆南山下”的淡泊,寻找文天祥“人生自古谁无死”的豪情;被穷人桑娜的爱心所感动过,对老葛朗台的虚伪自私愤恨过,为爱斯梅哈尔达的命运叹息过,为简·爱的最终幸福欢欣过。读书让我明白了真伪虚实、善恶美丑、悲欢离合。读一本好书,似同智者谈心、交流思想,教你辨别是非,教你弘扬正气。读一本好书,如品一杯香茶,余香缭绕,沁人心脾。
随着年龄的增长,知识的增多,读书成了我最大的爱好。每天晚上,不管多晚,我都要看上一小时书,枕着书,闻着书香, 才能安然入睡。读书,让我结识了很多朋友:保尔·柯察金、鲁滨逊、海伦·凯勒……因为认识了他们,我总是觉得自己太不足,没有他们的博大爱心,没有他们的顽强意志。从而使我更加清楚地认识了自己,努力完善自己。书,带我游览过祖国的高山大川,名胜古迹;领略过黄山云海的莫测,泰山日出的壮观,长江三峡的雄伟;了解祖国上下五千年悠久的灿烂文化;书,带我周游世界,登上了高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,参观了巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆,欣赏了被奉为国宝的“断臂维纳斯雕像” ,游览了尼罗河畔的埃及胡夫金字塔;书,把我带到过一望无垠的草原,广袤浩瀚的沙漠,几亿年前的侏罗纪时代,几十年后憧憬的未来;是书,让我去经历惊心动魄的古代战争,拜访叱咤风云的伟大人物,打开丰富多彩的社
㈣ 《I like cooking》英语作文
I like cooking very much.Cooking brings me a lot of fun and some benefits as follows:
First,I believe that cooking makes contributions to our health.I regard cooking as a sport.I feel very good when I am cooking.
Second,I can get a lot of fun when I am cooking.I think cooking is very interesting,it is like doing research,you can "invent" something.You can cook a delicious and special food for someone who you like, or rather,you love.Doesn't that sound interesting?
Last but not least,I am accstomed to cooking at home,I want to cook for my family because I love my families as well as cooking.
㈤ 英语作文How cooking
Besides being a basic life skill that we all should have at least a basic understanding of, cooking and preparing food for ourselves and others can be one of life’s most pleasurable experiences. Let’s face it; it’s not only women who enjoy a nice romantic meal. And we all have fond memories that include at least one unforgettable food-related experience. Cooking and eating the fruits of our labor is one of the central pleasures of our lives. Good food, good friends, and good conversation meet many of our social and emotional needs as human beings. Start cooking today!
㈥ 英语作文烹饪70词左右初二
In this days, the best thing I want to do is cooking. Many people cannot believe that many children at my age like dancing, playing the piano, and even watching TV, but I just like cooking. As we all know, middle school students living in these days cannot even cut the vegetable. However, Cooking dinner is a great thing. It is happy when I cook a delicious food and obtain the award from my parents. It is crazy to hear that your food is good.
The most delicious food I can cook is fry eggs. It is melt and soft. You will find that its color is yellow in the white which you must never see before. Of course, the food cooked by me Is not good like I said. The reason why I boast my food is that the food is cooked myself. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
㈦ 以cooking a nice meal 为题的英语作文
Chinese food is famous for variety and flavour .Most of the Chinese ,men or women, are skilled in cooking.The second "FangYuan Cup" Cooking Contest,held by the League and undertook by the P.E School and the Victualage Department with the Service and Supply Corporation took place in canteen 4 on May 16.The Vice Secretary-General of the Students' Union ZhangJianfeng,Dean of the Victualage Deartment ZhangZhiqiang and teachers from other schools were invited to be judges of the contest.Nearly 50 teams participated in the contest.
The contestants made good use of the vegetable in-season,such as cucumbers ,tomatoes and etc.Thus the dishes were not only tasty but also healthful.Food stuff only can not attracted the spongers,but the color.For example,the dish Rainbow-Colour Dasheen Balls was the most eye-catching one for its color and flavour.It was made of dasheen powder,mingling with sugar,then the dasheen balls were fried in cooking oil.After spreading some sauce and rainbow color butter granules on the fried dasheen balls,the Rainbow-Colour Dasheen Balls was ready to serve.The judges commented that it was indeed a tasty and impressive dish.Other contestants also presented us with wonderful cooking skills and tasty dishes.
At last,13 teams were rewarded for their excellent cooking skills and dishes.The second Cooking Contest ended successfully.
㈧ 求一篇关于烹饪的一篇英语作文
I have to admit that delicious food not only can satisfy my stomach, but also can let me love cooking. When I eat some very tasteful food, I will think about how to make the food. Personally, I have tremendous interest in cooking.
I don’t know whether my cooking methods are correct or not, because sometimes I will use my own thought to cook some foods. During my cooking period, I once succeeded in cooking very delicious food and meanwhile I also experienced failures. However, I never regret loving cooking. Cooking makes my daily life more substantial.
From cooking, I also can learn some knowledge about health. I always look through the cooking websites to find new ways to make food. When I look at these websites, I can find out that there are many little healthy knowledge of daily life. For instance, fruits and vegetables are advantageous to our health, so we should have a balance diet in our daily life.
Cooking various foods makes me have a deeper understanding of life. Daily life is full of kinds of triviality and we must have enough patience to face them. Take cooking as an example, if you cook food with a good mood。
you will find that life is so beautiful. Therefore, when I meet some terrible things, I cook some foods. Thus, I will forget unhappy experience for the time being. After I finish cooking, I will find life’s beauty again.
Cooking makes me more confident to live. From cooking, I can learn unique life attitude. I love cooking.
㈨ 英语作文lwanttolearncooking
I like cooking very much.Cooking brings me a lot of fun and some benefits as follows:First,I believe that cooking makes contributions to our health.I regard cooking as a sport.I feel very good when I am cooking.Second,I can get a lot of fun when I am cooking.I think cooking is very interesting,it is like doing research,you can "invent" something.You can cook a delicious and special food for someone who you like, or rather,you love.Doesn't that sound interesting?Last but not least,I am accstomed to cooking at home,I want to cook for my family because I love my families as well as cooking.