① 民主英文怎么读
英 [dɪ'mɒkrəsɪ]
美 [dɪˈmɑkrəsi]
n. 民主(可数名词)
② 谁最早将英文Democracy翻译为汉语“民主”
③ 高分!!!烦请帮忙寻找关于选民与代表、选举、民主的英文资料,谢谢!
选举(selection 中国古代选举)是由统治者来选择统治者,或者说是以“贤”选“贤”(“贤”不含褒贬义),即还是通过少数来选择少数,但它又是被相当强韧地客观化和制度化了的,不以个人的意志和欲望为转移。它是一种自上而下的选择。它从理论上虽说也是几乎所有人都不被排斥在外,但实际上却总是只有很少数人参加或被选,甚至只有少数人参加,更少人被选才能顺利运作,参与者或被选者不是选他人,而实际是自己被选或自荐,最后或者是通过他人的推荐, 或者是通过客观的考试而被选中。选中者自然是一批人,而非一个人,他们亦非成为最高决策者,而只是成为君主制下的官员或者获得任官资格。竞选者所依凭的主要是体现在个人自身的德行、才能、名望、族望,或者文化修养,每次的被选中者也不构成一个统一的集团而仍是一些个别的人,每次选举也不带来国家政策上的改变,而只是为统治阶层输送新血。所以,它总是精英的,从形式到实质都是少数人的一种活动。它的选择标准是受到某种先定的实质内容的限制的,它也不涉及到传统国家和政府合法性的根本基础,但它为社会提供了一种稳定的、可以合理预测的期望,对社会资源的分配、社会分层的确立以及个人地位的变迁意义至关重大。
2、选举(election 现代选举 )是一种具有公认规则的程序形式,人们据此而从所有人或一些人中选择几个人一个人担任一定职务。《布莱克维尔政治学网络全书》“election”词条的作者巴特勒(D.E.Butler)指出:该词源于拉丁语动词“eligere”(意为“挑选”),虽然起源甚早,但现代含义上的、作为民主前提的自由和普遍的选举,其历史实际上只有两个世纪。按科特雷(J.Cotteret)与 埃梅里(C.Emeri)的意见,现代的“选举”(election)可以被定义为有种种程序、司法的和具体的行为构成的一个整体,其主要目的是让被统治者任命统治者。又迈克尔·曼主编的《国际社会学网络全书》的“选举”词条说,选举是较大的群体为自己提供一个较小的领导群体的一种方法。我们或许可以说:现代选举是以“多”选“少”,以“众”选“贤”(“贤”不含褒贬义),即通过多数来选择实施统治的少数。现在大多数国家和地区都执行选举制度。
具体而言,就是各级人民代表大会和基层村民委员会的代表由选举产生,但各级人民政府的负责人不一定由选举产生,而是由上级政府任命,但受本级人大的监督和考核。所任命的政府负责人要每年向本级人大进行年度述职汇报工作,人大可随时对其弹劾罢免,能否留任由人大进行信任投票来决定,考核合格通过信任投票的才能留任,被留任的在任期届满时才能平调或升迁;考核不合格的由人大予以免职,只能待岗或降职任用,不得升迁,免职造成的空缺由上级重新任命。 (当然,为了增加人大的“政治能量”,使其能与政府博弈,需要允许他们自办报纸、发表观点,需要允许人大直选,需要缩小人大代表数量)
④ 谁最早将英文Democracy翻译为汉语“民主”
⑤ 民主 民治 民享 英文
民治:government by the people
民享:for the people(林肯著名的《葛底斯堡演说》的内容,“民有(the government of the people)民治版(by the people) 民享”权(for the people)
我觉得“民治”译成“government by the people”更能体现出本来的意思啊……
⑥ 关于黑人民主英语作文
Every one of us is black Africa,they are minorities of western imperialism in the americas,from Africa to conquer the ordinary people.In 1492,Spanish explorers Columbus discovered America announced a "new" and immediately began to conquer and genocide,for robbing a piece of gold,each at the village to kill the indians.Then is from Africa,continuous movement of the slave trade for hundreds of years,until the 19th century middle didn't stop,millions of African slaves from Africa major western region.Modern historians investigation in Africa "slave",when the country coast has been completed by the social construction,islamic ChuanJianBaoLi western colonism and genocide.
⑦ 民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处英文版
Democracy and rule of law is fully carry forward the socialist democracy, the basic strategy of rule of law has been effectively implemented, all positive factors widely mobilized;
Justice is the interests of all sectors of society are well coordinated, contradictions among the people and other social contradictions are dealt with properly, social fairness and justice has been effectively maintained and achieved;
Honesty is the whole of society help each other, honesty and trustworthiness, equality and fraternity of all peoples, and harmony;
Dynamic is the ability to make all efforts concive to social progress and create desire to be respected, creative activities to be supported to create to get to play, be sure to create results;
Stability and order is the social organization mechanisms, improve social management, social order and good people live and work, maintain social stability and unity;
Harmonious coexistence between man and nature is the development of proction and living well off.
⑧ 求一篇关于racism的英文作文,要4个page..越快越好 谢谢拉!
The terrible toll of racism in the U.S.
By Sharon Smith | March 19, 2004 | Page 7
HALF OF all Black men in New York City can’t find a job, while Black teenage unemployment stands at 37 percent nationwide. These statistics show a crisis among Black Americans that should be setting off alarm bells in election year 2004.
Yet even John Kerry, the candidate whose party’s voting base includes the vast majority of Blacks, has issued barely a sound bite. This should come as no surprise, since Black lives, Black votes and Black rights have been devalued since the Founding Fathers.
The original U.S. Constitution permitted slavery and counted Black slaves as three-fifths of white persons in determining both Congressional representation and taxation, embedding racism in the very foundation of U.S. society. The institution of slavery was abolished only through Civil War, a bloody second American Revolution that cost at least 600,000 lives.
But racism outlived slavery and flourished for the next 100 years in the form of Jim Crow segregation, in which the majority of states, from North Dakota to Texas to California, made it a crime for Blacks to intermingle with whites in all walks of life--from hospitals to cemeteries, lunch counters to phone booths, military service to marriage.
Jim Crow segregation laws were challenged and finally struck down only because of a massive civil rights struggle stretching over more than two decades, from the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott to the fight to enforce court-ordered school desegregation in the 1970s. But de facto segregation continued, North and South, while accusations of "reverse racism" and Black "welfare dependency" emanated from the political establishment, injecting racism with new life in the post-civil rights era.
Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties scrambled to appear "tough on crime," embracing the so-called war on drugs, which tripled the prison population between 1980 and 1995. Two-thirds of those who entered the prison system ring that period were Black, Latino or poor, and the vast majority of them were nonviolent drug offenders.
Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S. population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions. Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death row.
Last year, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college. And because many states have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 percent of all Black men--including one in every three in Alabama and Florida--have been disenfranchised.
Racism, not criminal records, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men today. A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.
"The disadvantage carried by a young Black man applying for a job as a dishwasher or a driver is equivalent to forcing a white man to carry an 18-month prison record on his back," concluded reporter David Wessel. And only racism can explain these statistics:
-- Segregation in public schools, which decreased continuously from the 1950s to the late 1980s, has now returned to levels not seen in three decades.
-- Black infants are almost two-and-a-half times more likely than white infants to die before the age of one, a wider gap than in 1970.
-- In 2002, 79 percent of Blacks aged 25 and older were high school graates, compared with 30 percent in 1968. Yet the typical Black household had a net worth of just $19,000, compared with $121,000 for whites.
More than 200 years since slavery was written into the U.S. constitution, its racist legacy remains--and the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass remain true: "Without struggle, there can be no progress." Only a struggle that shakes the foundation of U.S. society can end racism.
呵呵找了半天给你找到的 虽然不是 我写的 但是写的还不错
⑨ 英语作文和翻译
MAO zedong's visit
A man should pass many things, but some fleeting, some deep-rooted, shall not forget, but time is longer, the increasingly deep impression, such as this is the shaoshan.
MAO zedong's visit, is the purpose of the trip. MAO zedong's former residence is a mud brick houses, leaning against the lotus pond, clear and bamboo, is the common ordinary farmyard housing, inside of small wood, kerosene lamps, etc, all cooking simple and beautiful. Here, surrounded by green pine and bamboo around, gloomy biddings. This is the world of MAO zedong, is born it as "the sun rises, is the" revolutionary "holy"! When we visited the former residence, out of sight, the eyeful is green, the nature of the breath that we relaxed, let us enjoy the holy spirit and years of memory. A great leader, chairman MAO zedong though, but he's already far-away dale forever, he always be in our hearts had16).
The founding of the communist party of China eighty years. Eighty years ago, China is in the night FengYuRuPan, in the dark powers, aggression, warlords, political corruption, indeed, national destiny in jeopardy. At this time, people have longed to have a strong political power, and a great man to lead the people into power high-road prosperous. The communist party of China is in this context, MAO zedong was founded in this age of birth. 80 years, we walked very ordinary course, have setbacks, error, but nobody can deny, achievement is huge, performance is brilliant. In chairman MAO as core under the leadership of the central committee, and lead the Chinese people made democratic revolution victory. Make us from a state of China into a prosperous China.
Comrade MAO zedong's greatest historical merit, is the basic principles of marxism-leninism with China's concrete practice, has created a combined with marxist-leninist revolutionary theory and revolutionary armed style, the communist party of China, our party and people's leadership after 28 years of painstaking struggle to find a new-democratic revolution, the correct path in China's overturned the pressure head of the "three big mountains", complete the task of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal sealing, established in China in 1949. Chinese people have stood up from. Then he from China's reality, began to explore the socialist construction of roads, continue to push forward development history of China. Despite twists and turns in the exploration of even a serious mistakes are, but under the leadership of the party, we establish suitable for China's national conditions in the basic socialist system based on efforts to find suitable for China's national conditions, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road, the great cause of socialism constantly from success.
Comrade MAO zedong's marxist, is of great proletarian revolutionist, strategist and theorists. In the long years of revolution and construction, with him as a representative of the Chinese communist party, established MAO zedong thought. We insist on MAO zedong thought correctly and as an integral whole, to grasp the essence of it, it is a living soul, we persist in seeking truth from facts, the mass line and independent. MAO zedong thought is marxism-leninism in the application and development of China, is the crystallization of the wisdom of communist party of China. MAO zedong thought is the Chinese communists theory and the spirit of the Chinese nation, is always our country's construction of socialist modernization.
My heartfelt thanks to FuJinZhuiXi, chairman MAO, thanks to the communist party. If not, they will have our happy life today, today's reform and opening-up. If no chairman MAO, the communist party, won't we have now university life. In the whole series of MAO zedong's visit the activities in the process, we visit former chairman MAO wrote his old man's house, and his beginning, dale, deeply feel the great communist the happy life today, their posterity.
As an ordinary student, born in peace, the party in the red, more should be aware of their responsibilities to their more, should put the aim of serving the people in the first place, and now as a student, we first is to learn, to serve the people.
A day of shaoshan swam over. This day let me many benefits. I feel better understanding of the great man. A great man is not he got for himself, but for others to do something. He is a great man, a big hero of adoration million, and is a husband, a father and a son, a simple life of the ordinary people with poor, maybe just such an ordinary foil gives him the unusual, chairman of the image from a great man has become my mind is a kind old man. Finally, I still want to end as chairman of poetry "heroes still see today!" Students work hard, let us work together to become tomorrow's romantic!