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Do You KnowWhen Basketball Was Invented?
Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. It is over 100 years old andis played by more than 100million people in over 200 countries. In China, you can sometimes see peopleplaying basketball in parks, schools and even in factories.
Basketball wasinvented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was at college, his teacher asked the class to thinkof a game that can be played in the winter. Dr. Naismith created a game to be playedinside on a hard floor.Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game. The purpose of the game is for players to get aball into the “”. Players on the same team must work together to help eachother get the ball in the other team’s basket. At the same time, they need to stopthe competing team fromgetting the ball into their own basket.
It is believed that on December 21, 1891, the first basketball game inhistory was played. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics. Today, thepopularity of basketball hasrisen around the world, with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players. Basketball has not only become a popular sport toplay, it has alsobecome a more popular sport to watch. AlthoughAmerica’s NBA games are the most famous, the CBA gamesare becoming popular in China. The number offoreign players, including Chinese players,
in the NBA hasincreased. And there are also more and more foreignplayers in the CBA. Many young people look up tothese basketball heroes and want to become like them.These stars encourage young people to work hard toachieve their dreams.
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