Ⅰ 你好,你有没有大学英语精读第二册的课后习题第二题的答案啊是董亚芬主编的
Ⅱ 大学英语精读第二册第2单元题目的答案
1 (1) 1)risk(N) 2)waste(v) 3)journey(N) 4)hit(v) 5)journeued(v) 6)camp(v) 7)bandaged(v) 8)tries(N) 9)say(N) 10)hit(N) 11)bandage(N) 12)waste(N) (2) 1)国营的工厂 2) 家庭制作的蛋糕 3) 由衷的感谢 4)敌人占领区 5)白雪覆盖的田野 6)应试教育 7)政府所控股权 8)贫困的山区 9)以学生为中心的方法 10过着糖衣的药片(3) comfort darkness curiousity depth democracy distance electricity greatness profession warmth acceptance addition announcement civilization employment exploration graation invention movement23 1)at the edge of 2)in search of 3)come to focus 4)all for the best 5)work their way out of 6)blew itself out 7)in his place 8)quiet down 9)insearch of 10)came into focus4 1)tore off 2) tore off 3)torn down 4)tearing , awary 5)ask for,pointing to,get,down;reaching for;took ,down5 1)a bat 2) a lion 3) a bee/squirrel 4) a fox 5) ABC 6)a tiger) 7)a rock 8)a bird 9)a lamb 10)a pig 11)a wolf 12)a feather13)a peacock 14)an eel 15)silk 16)a horse 17)a rabbit 18)snow6倾向 照管 提高 养大 筹集 开始的 猛然一惊 入睡 跌倒 秋天78 1)they have stored all the patients' records into the computer 2)the blind man's sad music played at night could move us to tears 3)she put a wet towel on my forehead to stop my nose bleeding 4)each time she come back home , she would frist throw her handbag onto the sofa5)never point your finger at the person you are speaking to 6)the detative followed him to No,5,Happiness street7)after he divided us in to groups,Mr. Nelson took one group to the lab8)the driver took her to a nearby hospital immediately9)the teachers are making a great effort to expose the students to the best of world literature9used around/in variety kept try as ways where outdoors are provied can existed however safe nudisturbed reservres among1 2 1)befor we use the new laptor 2)when it was fine 3)when she hear a familiar voice calling her 4)until his father was killed in an accident 5)befor the two countries can reach any aggrement 6)when i heard someone downstairs 7)as soon as i hear the strange noise 8)when the letter of admission arrived from peking university 9)befor you can expect a promotion 10)befor we arrived there3 1)to sprown rownear fish 2)to take it home and keep it 3)to let boy keep it 4)to seek a she-wolf 5)a full grown he-wolf to live in the wilds with his mate 6)him to lost Maheegun because he looked upon the wolf as his brother 7)to renmenber thr days with him 8)to find himself circling in the same place 9)to protece him 10)to watch the boy and guarding against any possible attackers 11)to shoot the wolf befor it could harm the boy41)made ,was ,left ,didn't care for , gave . ate2)got .wouldn't stop, shaking. couldn'd stand up , must have eaten , didn't agree was, remmember, ran , called3)hope , haven'teaten , don't eat , gave , is ,fell, don't take , are4)was, seemed , came, said , is, have been thinking , had , jumped, dropped5 1)the, an , / ,a , the ,the, / , / , / ,/ , / ,/ 2)/, /, the ,a ,a, / ,a ,/ , / ,the ,/ , / , /
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