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发布时间: 2021-02-25 10:13:10

1. 中考英语回信类作文有哪些好的句型

1. It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句)
2. 表建议句型
It is highly suggested that you should(not)…
In addition, you are supposed to do sth
Meanwhile,…is also a good way for you.
to begin with,可替内换容 at first,
then\next, 可替换 second,
finally, 可替换 third,
however, 可替换 but
therefore 可替换 so
otherwise 可替换 or

2. 英语作文回信开头的常用句型

Dear ...,
Thanks for your letter. I'm very glad to hear from you.

3. 求英语作文书信类万能句子!!!

1. I'm writing to (答inform you of the good news that you are admitted to Peking University).
2. I think it a great help if you can do me a favour and (provide me with whatever I need)
3. I'm looking forward to your early reply.

4. 英语写信常用语句有哪些

1 I was glad to hear you good news.很高兴听到您的消息。
2 Forgive me for not writing sooner.原谅我没有很快回信。
3 It was very kind of you to reply so quickly.你能很快回信太好了。
4 I am sorry to hear that you have not been well.听说您身体不好我很难过。
1 I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon.盼望很快收到您的回信。
2 I am very sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you.对由于我所引起的不便深表抱歉。
3 Thank you again for your kindness and considerarion.在此感谢您的体谅。
4 We would greatly appreciate your cooperation.感谢您的合作。
5 Please kindly remember me to your sister.向你妹妹致意。
6 Please give my regards to your parents.代我向你父母问好。

5. 英语作文书信模式的万能句子

Dear XXX,
I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。/ You asked me about( problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我....,现在,让我给你一内些建议。/ It has been a long time since we met.我们很久容没见面了

I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。/Thank you in advance.提前谢谢你。/Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信./Good luck |Best wishes.祝你好运

Yours sincerely XXX

6. 英语作文中期待回复的万能句子

I am so excited now, because I will go travel with friends. We plan to go to visit Guangzhou, for it is very near our place. This is the first time for us to go travel together, we want to make sure everything goes on well and save more time to play, so we make some arrangements. The first thing is about searching the route. Going to the strange place, we will have no idea about the road, so we need to figure out the main roads, in case that we will be lost. Second, we also search the famous sites. Guangzhou is such a big place, we can’t go to every concern in the short time, but we can visit the hot sites and get to know something about this place. I believe that this trip will be fun, because we are so free and can enjoy the new scenery.

7. 求英语写信常用语句……

开头语 1) I am very glad to hear from you. 很高兴收到你的来信。) Thank you for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。3) I was very pleased ( happy ) to receive your letter of February 6, 2001 …很高兴收到你2001年2月6日的来信…。4) Your letter of February 6, 2001 has been received.你2001年2月6日的来信收到了。5) It is a pleasure for me to get your letter.收到你的来信,真是高兴。6) I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer your last letter.这么久才给你回信很感歉意。7) I cannot quite express my great joy at your receiving the Kalinga Award for popularization of science. Your articles on scientific topics like computers, lasers, quantum physics, space-age and hi-tech communication have become very popular, especially among school going children 结束语1) I hope to have a letter from you before long.希望不久能收到你的来信。2) Please write to me soon and tell me all about yourself.请快点给我来信,并谈谈你的情况。3) Give my best wishes to you.呈以最好的祝愿。4) Wishing your business ever successful!祝你事业有成!5) Hope you are healthy.祝你健康 签名时的用语 英文信签名时常用这样词语:Yours, Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Yours ever, Your loving, 等等。以上是基本用语,实际还有许多 如:I wish you a happy New Year.Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.Presenting the compliments of the season.With every good wish.congratulate you most heartily.I congratulate you upon your success.

8. 高中英语写信作文通用句子,求带翻译!


1. Most formal (最正规的,再给外部或者领导根据这个人的title不同视情况而定)
Dear Mr. Bourne,
Dear Prof. Bourne,
Dear Dr. Bourne,
2. Appropriate (中规中矩,一般同事之间就这样就好了)
Hi Jason,
Dear Jason,
3. Informal (不是很正规,比较要好的相互了解比较深的人之间)
Hi there,
Hi boss,

1. Warmly greeting from Beijing! (给不太熟的老外,北京发来的诚挚的问候)
2. How are you? How’s everything? How’s going?(中规中矩,一般同事之间)
3. Hope this email find you all well (很客气,就跟我们的“展信笑”差不多)

Thank you for your promptreply.当一个同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们(比如那个今天早上9点回复你的家伙你就要给人家说这句话哟)。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”

Thank you for providingthe requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。

Thank you for all yourassistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly/ highlyappreciate your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.
I sincerely appreciateyour warmly help to improve my Chinese grammar. 诚挚的感谢你为我帮助我提高语文语法(我爸妈从小就没有教好我 55555)

就算某个人对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你可以用“Thank you for yourfeedback.”

Hope you have a good tripback. 祝旅途愉快。
How is the project goingon? 项目进行顺利吗?

1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议(我想这应该是你最常用的了吧~~我总结了几种场景,特别希望涵盖全部,但是由于能力有限,只能尽全力啦!嘿嘿~)
Hi Boss,
I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30 pm (China Time) with Mr.Lu. Please kindly let me know if the time is okay for you. 我建议我们今晚九点半和陆先生小聚一下,请您告知您是否有时间。

Dear Hugh,
I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about ourdevelopment planning for the project A. May I have to know if you’ll beconvenience to attend? 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下,不知道您是否有时间出席。

Dear All
We'd like to have the meeting on Feb 30. Same time. 2月30号,老时间开会。

Dear Mr. Lu
Let's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM (SLC time). I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the B project. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和B项目的情况。

2. Seeking for moreinformation/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议(相信这个你也经常需要,我最喜欢有效地沟通能够用一封邮件把所有想知道的事情都弄明白)

a. 询问信息:
Hi Yufei, Could youplease warmly help with the following issues? 宇飞,你能帮我以下的问题嘛?(然后罗列你想知道的问题,以后慢慢我们具体问题具体分析)

Hi Yufei, Can I checkwith you if there is any update about XXX project? 宇飞,我能问下这个XXX项目有什么进展嘛?

Hi Yufei, I wonder if you could help me outfor this problem. 宇飞,你能帮我个忙嘛?(我的回答必须是乐意之极:))Regards with this issue, I’m not comfortableto make this decision based on the current files, and I may need moreinformation. 关于这个问题,根据目前所了解的文件我不太想草率的做决定,我需要更多的信息。

b. 寻求反馈:
Hi Huge, shall you haveany problem accessing the folders, please let me know. 辉啊,如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Dear Huge, thank you andlooking forward to have your opinion on the schele. 老板谢谢您,并希望能听到您对日程计划的建议。

What is your opinion on the schele and next steps we proposed?您对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?

Please feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。

Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。

Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议!

It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on XXX.您若是能够就XXX方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!

At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking intothis matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。

c. 提出建议:
Please see my commentsbelow: (这个一般是别人问了你问题,你在别人的原问题下面作出回答需要具体问题具体分析)

I add some comments tothe document for your reference. 我给文档加了一些备注,仅供参考。

As far as I know/ aware, Sunnyis the most perfect girl in the world with a kind-heart and diligent. 我的心里话~~~

Please allow us toinvestigate and then we can make a decision to go or not go. 请让我们进行调查,这样我们才能决定去留。(嘿嘿,这句话我老用,不知道你适不适用)

We must take thefeasibility into consideration when drafting the plan. 在做计划的时候,我们必须考虑它的可行性。

It is to our mutualbenefit to continue working with local partners to delivery this solution. 我们需要坚持和当地的合作和半去解决这个问题,这样做是为了我们好。

3. Confirm Information (去核实信息)
I am writing to confirm youthat we’ll have dinner on Tuesday before I go to Xi’An我写信跟你确认下我们周二在我去西安之前一起吃晚饭。

Could you confirm byreturn if the following will be arranged? 请回邮确认下列事项是否已安排。(罗列事项)

I assume you mean that wewill have dinner on Tuesday before I go to Xi’an. If my understand isincorrect, please your warmly correct. Sincerely appreciate. 按我理解,你的意思是我们会在周二晚上一起吃晚饭在我去西安之前,如果我会错意,请您指正。万分感谢。

4. Notification (通知---相信这个你也总是用的到哟哈哈~~)
Please be informed thatSunny is the best girl in the world. 李杨是世界上最棒的女孩。

Please take note this bitchange. 请留意这一点点改动。

This is a key initiative2012, please render your full support to ensure a successful and eventful rollout. 这个是2012重要的变革,请您全力支持,确保成功展开行动。

5. Raising question (提出问题)
I have some questionsabout the report XXX我对XXX报告有一些疑问。
For the assignment XXX, I have the following questions:…就XXX协议,我有以下几个问题:……
I’m looking forward for the concrete step of improvements 期待具体的改善措施。

6. Emphasis (强调问题)
As far as I know, Lenovois a global fortune 500 company.
Generally speaking/ To befrankly, if you leave Lenovo, I’m gonna miss you so much.

According to our last discussion, I’ll quit to eat the spicy food. 根据我们上次说的,我决定不吃辣了。

This is in reply to yourmail of Apr 16 2012 in which you inquire to have a vacation for work. 这封邮件是回复你在4月16号写的关于想休假的邮件。

With reference to ourface-to-face talk on Apr. 1st,

7. Attachment (需要别人看附件)
Please kindly find theattached……
Attached please kindlyfind the ……
Enclosed is the ……, please kindly find it.
Attached you will find……,

8. Apology (道歉,我本来犹豫要不要写,我可不想你犯错误嘿嘿)
I sincerely apologize forthis misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉!

I apologize for the lateasking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP. 很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。


自己归纳总结的 一直留着自己看 分享给你~希望可以帮到你


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