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发布时间: 2021-02-25 09:07:26

A. 100字英语作文 中国功夫对身体健康有益

Chinese Wushu is the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, and it is one of the traditional sports in our country.
Through the martial arts training can make the body strong, healthy, flexible action, enhance the immune ability of the disease.
"Kung fu warrior" Shang Wei Hua teacher with the martial arts and modern science, and according to the physical characteristics and psychological characteristics of children, in line with the development of a full set of martial arts for children's physical and mental health development.
Through the step by step training, can make the children's physiology, psychology are healthy development.
Wushu sports can enhance physical fitness can edify sentiment, cultivate children are not afraid of being tired of the indomitable courage and excellent quality, but also let martial arts students in daily life consciously overcome hunched over eight feet, stand straight, sit is not bad posture.
Through special training, the participants of the explosive force, flexibility, reaction speed, jumping ability, hands and feet, brain strain ability and courage will be significantly improved.

B. 关于功夫电影的英语作文八年级

When I first saw Paul,I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda.There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".
But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him.Then,the hard training started by Paul.
I thought that his goal is very simple,to get food to eat,and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.
I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal,he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him.That's the part that I like him the most.
Kung Fu Panda
It's the story about a lazy,irreverent slacker panda,named Po,who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop.Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy,Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols,the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress,Crane,Mantis,Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru,Master Shifu.
But before they know it,the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way,and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat.Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality?Po puts his heart——and his girth——into the task,and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

C. 关于功夫的英语作文

Today is Saturday and I watched an interesting movie at home, Kung Fu Panda. It is an American computer-animated action comedy film, based on the theme of Chinese Kung Fu. The story is about a clumsy panda who determines to be a martial arts master. Paul is a apprentice of a noodle shop, and most of animal in his hometown are martial arts master, expect him. So he dreams to be a master and beats others. Unexpectedly, he takes on the task of saving the valley to against the intrusion of evil Taro. Although Paul is a martial arts novice, he never gives up easily. Finally, he proves himself by his success. It’s an interesting and motivational story. Sometimes, we may not as good as others, but we still can achieve by our efforts and strong wills. As long as we do not give up our dreams, nothing is impossible.

这个是观后感 可以用

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D. 英文介绍中国功夫

Kung fu or gongfu or gung fu (功夫, Pinyin: gōngfu) is a Chinese term often used by speakers of the English language to refer to Chinese martial arts. Its original meaning is somewhat different, referring to one's expertise in any skill, not necessarily martial. The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be 中国武术 zhōngguó wǔshù.In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any skill. Gōngfu (功夫) is a compound of two words, combining 功 (gōng) meaning "achievement" or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which translates into "man", so that a literal rendering would be "human achievement". Its connotation is that of an accomplishment arrived at by great effort.In Mandarin, when two "first tone" words such as gōng and fū are combined, the second word often takes a neutral tone, in this case forming gōngfu.Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. You can say that a person's kung fu is good in cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy; saying that a person possesses kung fu in an area implies skill in that area, which they have worked hard to develop. Someone with "bad kung fu" simply has not put enough time and effort into training, or seems to lack the motivation to do so. Kung fu is also a name used for the elaborate Fujian tea ceremony (Kung-fu cha).The term kung fu was not popularly used in the sense of "Chinese martial art" until the 20th century, thus the word would be seldom found in any ancient texts.[citation needed] The term was first known to have been reported by the French Jesuit missionary Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, in the 18th century. The term was uncommon in the mainstream English language until the late 1960s, when it became popular e to Hong Kong films, Bruce Lee, and later the television series Kung Fu. Before the 1960s Kung Fu was referred to primarily as "Chinese boxing".In contemporary hacker culture the fu has been generalized to a suffix, implying that the thing suffixed involves great skill or effort. For example, one may talk of "script-fu" to refer to complicated scripting. It is unknown whether this was consciously based on the original, broader meaning of the term or whether it was a simple wordplay on the less general Western notion of "kung fu".

E. 关于电影《功夫》英语作文高一

KongFu is a funny film,it is a work of ZhouXingchi .In this film,we can see many kinds of people,they are all very interesting!
The Baozupo is the best one I think.And so is Baozugong.from it,we know the good man will beat the bad ones at last.That's all.

In a time of social unrest and disorder, the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs, can people live in peace.
Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.

F. 功夫英文简介

Kungfu is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture, and the unique "martial arts" in the world.


It pays attention to both rigidity and softness, both internal and external repair, both robust and beautiful shape, more elegant and profound connotation.


It contains the wise men's understanding of life and the universe. It is a precious cultural heritage accumulated by the working people of China for a long time.




直到20世纪六十年代,随着李小龙的功夫片播放,及由香港著名咏春拳师梁挺将《梁挺咏春》发扬遍及至全球60多个国家,Kung fu、Wing tsun等在全球传播,“功夫”逐渐被传播开来。


G. 《我会功夫》英语作文50诃

,实在如是!天所秘,是秘之不传无德,以传有德也。人与天相隔甚远,人德合天,则与天为一矣,故传与以如是。德之不修以合天,则不能得传也。如是者,是以元神辨药生之时为配合,得知此,则得长生不死、入定出定、神通无极。此上天之所以当秘也。《灵宝度人经》云:“水火二用,非圣不传。”举世间人,所不得知之妙,实在如是!天仙以如是秘法,得证仙於天。惟天仙之所知所行者,而世间人何以知?人能修德合天,即是天人,则可得知如是。不修德以求合天,即是凡夫下鬼,终於不得知如是者而已。欲学道修仙者,先当自勉,修合天德。海誓山盟而不敢轻泄者,实在如是!世有善根圣真,专心修德,精进学道。上仙高真,固肯传以道矣,犹且令设盟誓,如海样之深,如山样之大。忏悔其以前之或有错者,禁戒其日後之不为非,不缓怠於自修,不妄传於无德。其不轻泄药生、采药生真时者如是。《度人经》云:“长生久视之法,上 一般”是也。悟一步则行一步,行一步则入一步,入一步则得一步,则知不传之妙,得果之灵,证道之速。既悟药生及采药之真时,则时真即是药真、精真,便行此采真精药之工。既行采工,令精随神凝入炁穴,周天烹炼薰蒸,久而炼精之工足矣。化炁足而得大药,成漏尽通,长生不死之初果。始知天仙所不轻传,有如是之妙;得长生之果,有如此灵验。总之,百日而得长生,十月而入定胎成,出阳神而神通无极。证道如此速!所以古云“成就只一二年”,不似淫邪旁门,穷年采战,至於老病苦死,而追悔不及者比。非彼世人所得知,所及证也,而世人之误信邪师诳惑者,可胜惜哉!世人不修仙德而妄求仙道,又不知果有真仙道之正理在,而求之,安得知而安及证?更被邪师以仙书真道之言,巧释彼邪说,诈以欺之。世世人人尽信其诳而不能疑,绝无能改过者,可惜被害而迷失仙道,且丧失本自有之现在性命也已。

H. 电影《功夫》的影评(80词英语作文)

电影《功夫》的影评(80词英语作文),见附件。txt 格式,用记事本打开。


I. 英语作文《中国功夫》

Chinese kung fu in China called the martial arts, in a foreign country is called Chinese kung fu. Many of the Chinese wushu weapon, such as knife, sword, spear, qi ā ng weapons, etc. Of Chinese martial arts kung fu: nine Yin bones palm, omega supreme refers to, and Yang refers to, drunken master, a the alkaloids, wing chun, a dragon 18 zhangs... There are many branches, such as: I set putuoshan, shaolin, the quartet. Boxing has a variety of, such as taijiquan boxing (or shadow boxing), long fist, xingyi quan, bagua, wu...... Chinese martial art originated from the ancient war. Legend yanhuang era, the east has a buffalo as family crest human-god tribe, advocating wushu, brave fight, they are good at catching twist and the fall. With the development of proctivity, the martial arts also entered a new stage. During the warring states period, the governors, frequent war, the soldiers in the war to master some fight athletic skills through the development and evolution of the slowly, Chinese martial arts are formed later..
中文; 中国功夫在我国叫做武术,在外国才叫做中国功夫。中国武术中有许多武器,例如:刀、剑、矛、qiāng等兵器。中国武术中的功夫有:九阴白骨掌、大力金刚指、一阳指、醉拳、一指神功、咏春拳、降龙十八掌……还有许多的门派,比如:峨嵋派、少林派、四方派。拳术也有多种,如太极拳、长拳、形意拳、八卦掌、南拳……中国武术起源于古代战争。传说炎黄时代,东方有个以野牛为族徽的蚩尤部落,崇尚武技,勇猛善斗,他们善于抓扭、摔跌。随着生产力的发展,武术也进入新的阶段。战国时期,诸侯纷争,战争频繁,士兵们在战争中掌握的一些搏击竞技技巧经过慢慢的发展与演化,就形成了后来的中国武术。

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