『壹』 在你看来,是什么让星巴克在中国如此受欢迎英语作文,100字左右。
In the cartoon we see a servant bringing a cup of coffee for the emperor. The joke is that the idea of emperor and the idea of coffee do not usually come together. It is funny to think of the emperor drinking coffee. But the cartoon may yet have another meaning. It implies that emperor, if he were still there today, would learn to drink coffee. Modernization is a historical trend.
China is a country with a long history. It has special traditions and customs. They are the nation’ great treasures which we should do our best to preserve. However, as China opens up to the world, more and more foreign ideas and procts come into country. How we take this western influence and what relationship should be established between the east and the west have become urgent questions for us to answer. For example, should we allow a coffee shop to be opened in the Forbidden City, a place which is thought to represent the essence of oriental life? Can the coffee shop integrate itself into the surrounding or will it from an eyesore?
I believe that we should be open-minded about western influenc
『贰』 去星巴克怎样用英语正确点咖啡
Can I have a grande ice vanilla cappuccino with light ice?
Can I have an ice chocolate Frappuccino with a tall cup?
1、点餐:一般点餐都用Can I/May I的句型,这样会使你的语言更加委婉,更有礼貌。
例句:Can I have this, please?
例句:Can I have a medium hot latte, please? (“medium”指的就是“grande”)
3、热冷选择:很多咖啡冷热皆宜,既可以做成热的,也可以做成冰的。点单的时候,咖啡师就会问你,要热的还是要冰的。热的就是hot,冰的就是ice,Light ice/easy on ice(少冰),Ice free/no ice(去冰)。
例句:Ice coffee with no ice.
5、添加配料:Sugar(糖粉),Cremer(液态咖啡伴侣,指奶盒),Fat Free Cremer(脱脂奶),Sugar Free Cremer(无糖奶),通常咖啡里都加的是糖浆,所以问咖啡师要多加糖的时候可以说more syrup。
摩卡:Caffè Mocha
焦糖玛奇朵:Caramel Macchiato
美式:Caffè Americano
拿铁:Caffè Latte
焦糖吉利:Caramel Coffee Jelly
香草星冰乐:Vanilla Frappuccino
咖啡星冰乐:Coffee Frappuccino
摩卡星冰乐:Mocha Frappuccino
芒果茶星冰乐:Frappuccino Blended Tea
『叁』 急求!!!星巴克 的英文介绍
A Brief History of Starbucks Starbucks has always been the place to find the world’s best coffees. hehe~
<Starbucks History
The story began in 1971 when the first Starbucks opened at Pike Place Market, which is Seattle's and the Nation's oldest Farmer's Market (opened August 17, 1907).
But at this time the company was a local coffee roasting facility. That remained their core business until 1982 when Howard Schulz joined the company.
He was the new marketing executive and began right away to convince more and more local cafes, upscale restaurants, and hotels to buy Starbucks coffee. The turning point for the company and the begin of writing coffee history should be one year later when Schulz traveled through Italy. He got inspired by the old Italian coffee bar tradition to serve fresh brewed Espressi and Cappuccini. He convinced the Starbucks founders to give his idea a chance and in 1985 he opened the first coffee bar in Seattle and gave it the Italian touch by naming it 'Il Giornale'.
The new concept worked out, Il Giornale was a success. But Schulz aimed higher. He found local investors and bought Starbucks in 1987. That gave way for expansion and in the same year he opened new cafes in Chicago and even Vancouver, Canada. 17 Starbucks Cafes were established.
In 1992 the company went public (after they had already offered stock options to part-time employees in 1991) and stocks were now publicly traded at the NASDAQ (SBUX). At this time Starbucks counts approx. 165 cafes.
On March 7th, 2001 Starbucks eventually jumped on the Old Continent and opened their first cafe in the Old World: Zurich, Switzerland.
Today the company has more than 8.000 cafes in more than 30 countries.
<Here is another issue:(more brief)
The first Starbucks opens. The name comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a classic American novel about the 19th century whaling instry. The seafaring name seems appropriate for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold, thirsty people of Seattle.
Howard Schultz joins Starbucks in 1982. While on a business trip in Italy, he visits Milan’s famous espresso bars. Impressed with their popularity and culture, he sees their potential in Seattle. He’s right – after trying lattes and mochas, Seattle quickly becomes coffee-crazy.
The demand for great coffee allows Starbucks to expand beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then further a field. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part-time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company.
The Starbucks phenomenon continues. At the time of writing, Starbucks has more than 6,000 locations in over 30 countries. In addition to our excellent coffees and espresso drinks, people now enjoy Tazo® tea and Frappuccino® ice blended beverages.
『肆』 大一英语作文关于李明到星巴克求职信
Letter of recommendation
Respect Leadership:
First of all, very sincerely thank you for taking time to read my letter of recommendation.
My name is Niu Xi, I am now studying in the third grade of Changsha University of Science and Technology, majoring in accounting. As time is abundant, for self training, I hope that your company part-time positions, broaden their horizons and enrich themselves also.
I served as vice president of the South University Association for the study of securities investment management department, Youth League Student Association Deputy Secretary, Department of Discipline Inspection Department of ministers and deputy ministers, head of Department of the first graates of the party, post class group secretary, some students work experience and management ability. After school time, I have entered the school logistics group work study base, and won the "excellent staff" title. In the process of practice, I learned to think, learn to behave, learn the spirit of unity and cooperation, cultivate a hard-working, willing to sacrifice, pragmatic and progressive ideas.
In addition, I also worked part-time school, performance significantly, get everyone's approval. The spirit of "concepts and principles of service to others, exercise self", I have a strong sense of responsibility, serious and responsible to treat each work, have a strong ability to adapt and self-discipline, work diligently, meticulous organization, attention to detail and efficiency, and strive to achieve perfection. Therefore, I have received "outstanding student cadres", "outstanding member pacesetter" school and college honorary title. This more inspired me to be aggressive, and constantly pursue the morale and confidence.
The study, I strive to improve the level of professional knowledge, but also pay attention to the development of many aspects, has obtained the certificate of English level Four, and in learning Japanese, English to obtain six and professional qualification certificate on the road constantly struggle!
I am a cheerful, sincere and honest girl, I learn to work, I like reading, watching movies, playing table tennis, and friends will be small poly, leisure and entertainment, relax. Reading makes people increase knowledge, enrich the content, improve cultural quality; lively movement, but also enhance the physique, so that I am full of energy on the ground every day. At the same time, I also participated in the Party school training and study, and constantly improve their ideological and political consciousness. I joined the party in honor last year and became a member of the Communist Party of China, which made me more determined to serve the people heart and soul.
『伍』 求星巴克里各种咖啡的英语
星巴克里咖啡的英语有Cafe Americano(美式咖啡)、回Latte(拿答铁)、Mocha(摩卡)、Cappuccino(卡布奇诺)、Caramel Macchiato(焦糖玛奇朵)、Espresso(浓缩咖啡)、Flat White(馥芮白)等等。
1、Cafe Americano(美式咖啡)
5、Caramel Macchiato(焦糖玛奇朵)
『陆』 在星巴克工作需要用到的英文
问候语:早上/中午/下午好,**先生,**小姐,**女士。 Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.
先生/小姐,请问有预定吗? Have you made a reservation, sir/madam? Do you have reservations?
请问您需要一张几人台?/请问一共几个人?How many are there in your party?
请坐! Please take your seats.
请您稍候,我马上为您安排.Please wait for a moment. I’ll arrange for you at once.
请先看一下菜单.Here is the menu.
请问您喜欢喝哪种咖啡?What kind of coffee would you like?
请一直往前走.Please walk along this road.
请向左/右边转,您会看到*** Please turn left/right and you will see ***
我带您过去,请跟我来.I’ll lead you there. Step this way, please.
请问您喜欢喝哪种茶,我们备有红茶,绿茶,普洱,菊花茶. What kind of teas would you like? We have brown tea, green tea, puer tea, jasmine tea and oolong tea。
请问还需要些什么? What else would you like? / Is there anything else you need?
先生/女士,您需要盐还是胡椒(糖)? What would you like, salt, pepper or sugar, sir/Madam?
先生/女士,您需要奶油还是番茄酱? What would you like, cream or ketchup sir/Madam?
请问先生,我可以清理桌子吗? Can I clean the table, sir?
先生,对不起,没有不加糖/奶的咖啡。 I’m sorry, sir. We haven’t got the coffee without sugar or milk.
对不起,打扰了,请原谅! Excuse me!
我可以撤掉这个盘子吗? Can I take this dish/plate away?
对不起,请再说一遍。 I’m sorry, could you say it again? / Pardon?
对不起,我没听清,请再重复一遍可以吗? Sorry, I haven’t got it. Could you say it again?
对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
很抱歉,请原谅。 I’m sorry.
给您带来不便,请原谅。 Sorry to have troubled you.
这是您的账单。 Here is your bill, sir.
谢谢!希望您吃得满意。 Thank you. I hope you enjoy your dinner.
感谢您的光临,欢迎您下次再来。 Thank you for your coming. Welcome come again.
再见!明天见! See you./Goodbye. See you tomorrow.
谢谢,请慢走。欢迎您再次光临! Thank you. Welcome come again.
对不起,我们不收小费。非常感谢您! Thanks, but we can’t take the tip. Thank you very much.
这是我应该做的。 It’s my pleasure!
为您服务我很荣幸! It’s my honor to serve you.
for here/to go (to go) 店里喝还是带走
hot/ice (hot) 冷饮/热饮
decaf/caf (caf) 含不含咖啡因
1 shots 一份意式浓缩 (according to the drink and size) ESPRESSO的剂量
cup size (mainly 4 sizes: short小, tall中, grande大, venti特大) 杯子大小
syrup 糖浆 (now non-fat syrups无脂糖浆 are now available!)
Flavor (vanilla, lemon, chocolate) 味道(香草,柠檬,巧克力...)
milk (2%) (1%, soy milk 豆奶, skim milk 脱脂乳) 牛奶
custom (none) (Xhot热, Xice冰, -Foam泡沫, ...) 个人要求
咖啡名称drink Name (e.g. Mocha摩卡, Latte拿铁, Cappcino卡普西诺, Macchiato玛奇朵, Americano美式,
Misto是意大利语,等于英文Mixed, 是混合,掺杂的意思 ,星巴克里的Cafe Misto , Tazo 泰舒(伯爵红茶的一个品牌)
『柒』 兄弟姐妹帮帮忙,星巴克英文试题求解
5} C
6} C
7} D
8} D
9} B
『捌』 英语作文我的星巴克梦想
My Starbuck dream
『玖』 英语作文关于星巴克是否影响中国文化,80字左右,用词简单点初中水平要有三个人的观点及理由
『拾』 请星巴克从故宫走出去,英语作文,100词左右
^My favorite book is ai have much DE YaMiQiSi "love of ecation",because the book is the world literary history of enring classics,the world recognized as the most rich love and ecational books.This is a novel of an implicative meaning to a fourth grade boy amway ko eyes,tells the story from the four grade in October on the first day of school in the second year in school in October of inside and outside saw,heard and feel,book created a seemingly small,but the extraordinary character image,make love virtue left in my heart.The whole novel to a pupil view to survey the side of beauty and ugliness,good and bad,completely in love with to feel little drops of life.Believe that by reading this book,we all will be all good moral character by human subtle influence and effect,so I want to introce to my classmates.
Today come and look at your this problem,found to 40 words,then come up with punctuation just under changes:(40)
I like most "love of ecation",because the characters in the book small and uncommon,the love of virtue can stay in the in the mind.
┏ (^ω^)=☞