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发布时间: 2021-02-21 16:54:48

⑴ 我的关心是敷衍翻译成英文

我的关心是敷衍:My concern is perfunctory


敷衍 Perfunctory
只是口头上敷衍答应 Only a perfunctory verbal promise

⑶ 敷衍是什么意思,我敷衍你用英语怎么说^-^

敷衍: 表面上抄应付 应酬 [yìng chou], 应付 [yìng fu], 搪塞 [táng sè], 苟且 [gǒu qiě]: 它们均可用作动词, 都指“对待人或事”的态度。 “敷衍”侧重在“对待人和事只重表面, 不认真, 不恳切”, 多用于人, 也可用于事。 “敷衍”是动词, 贬义词。
I play at you.我敷衍你

⑷ 敷衍的英语翻译 敷衍用英语怎么说

英 [fʌdʒ]

美 [fʌdʒ]

n. 软糖; 梦话,胡言;

vt. 捏造; 回避;

vi. 逃避责任; 欺骗;

[例句]Both have fudged their calculations and avoided specifics..


[其他] 第三人称单数:fudges 复数:fudges 现在分词:fudging 过去式:fudged 过去分词:fudged

⑸ 敷衍用英语怎么说

be perfunctoryShe could not be negative or perfunctory about anything. 她对任何事情都不复抱消极或制敷衍的态度。go through the motionsI don't want to do this, but I think I'd better go through the motions. 我不想做这件事,但我认为还是装出做的样子(敷衍一下)较好。

⑹ 我敷衍你有英语怎么说

In fact, I'm perfunctory

As a matter of fact, I just satisfy you.

⑺ 英语翻译(请不要用翻译软件来敷衍)

Games are a a very practical means of teaching. Game-based teaching helps stimulate the learning motives of children and further develop their interest. Meanwhile,it contributes to the mental,physical and intellectual development of children and the teaching effects. Thus game-based teaching is an effective way in children's English ecation.

⑻ 敷衍了事的英语翻译 敷衍了事用英语怎么说

  • half-heartedly

    I can't do anything half-heartedly. I have to do everything 100 per cent.


⑼ 敷衍,应付用英语怎么说请告诉我地道的



  • [fū自 yǎn]

  • [fū yan]

  • [词典] [书](叙述并发挥)elaborate;expound;


    Obviously, he said that just to satisfyyou.

⑽ 敷衍、应付用英语怎么说

I'm just saying something to perfuncturate him.
perfuncturate 在这里是动词,意思是 敷衍

I'm just saying something perfunctory to him.
perfunctory 在这里是形容词,意思是 敷衍的,草率的

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