Ⅰ 英语合同翻译的公司有没有
一份完整的英文合同通常可以分为标题(Title)、前言(Preamble)、正文(Habenm)、附录 (Schele)及证明部分即结尾词(Attestation)五大部分。「标题」在开宗明义地显示合同的 性质;「前言」是用最简单的说明,大略介绍合同订立的背景;「正文」里包括依各种合同性 质的不同而约定的具体条款,包括不论何种类型合同都会出现的一般条款;[附录]构成对前述 合同正文条款作必要的补充。(不是所有合同都有该部分)最后「结尾」则是当事人签名前的 一段文字,为整份合同画上完满的句号。
翻译达人在合同翻译方面是独有建树的,对于合同翻译,我们采用项目经理责任制,对合同翻 译项目和合同翻译质量进行全程跟踪管理,并随时同客户保持联系,及时沟通翻译过程中出现 的问题,拒绝粗制滥造和蒙混过关,全面保障合同翻译术语的统一性和专业性、合同翻译风格 的连贯性、法律合同翻译品质的专业性、合同翻译内容的准确性和合同翻译服务的及时性。翻 译达人合同翻译人员均为翻译经验五年以上的资深合同译员,合同翻译审核和校对环节则由业 内专业人士及语言专家共同把关。翻译达人翻译每一个细节,只为保证机械翻译质量,彻底消 除语言障碍,让您的涉外沟通畅通无阻!
Ⅱ 英语合同翻译 见正文
Ⅲ 英语合同翻译 在线等
Four, the cooperation term
1, the cooperation of both sides of the time limit is tentatively set for three years, after the expiration of the contract if both parties not, then the cooperation agreement natural termination. Within 15 days before the end of the party a shall report XX province ecation competent departments.
2.Both parties to establish a liquidation organization, and in accordance with the law of the People's Republic and articles to deal with. After the completion of the liquidation, a direction the registration administration organ to cancel its registration.
3.If both parties continue to cooperate, according to the cooperation agreement continues to perform, such as a supplement or change, can sign supplementary agreement.
Five, cooperation in return
1.In view of the form of cooperative project funds raised by party a, the project of the concrete implementation mainly by the party a is responsible for every year, and running balance 90%, party b may enjoy medium armor can enjoy 10%.
2.Cooperation such as a loss, should be borne by party a, party b should undertake to 90% 10%.
Ⅳ 关于英语合同的翻译
All invoice amounts shall be e for payment without dection on receipt of the invoice.
Ⅳ 英语合同翻译
Since joining the WTO China has become increasingly frequent overseas business contracts. Foreign business dealings, contracts are being used in English, the English language commercial contracts for its strict requirements, emphasizing the wording of accurate, well-structured, format specifications. Therefore, to grasp the special nature of the contract language on an accurate understanding of the drafting, translation of the contract is critical. In this paper, vocabulary, syntax analysis of both the linguistic features of English commercial contract, a contract to explore and summarize some of the basic English, English-Chinese translation skills.
Sub-divided into three body parts: The first part describes the vocabulary of English contract translation translation skills, respectively, from specialized vocabulary, acronyms, time, words such as words and the amount of four areas in detail.
The second part describes the syntax of English contract translation skills, but also from passive sentences, negative sentences, long sentences and commonly used words such as four separately.
The third part of the contract from the English translation on the other hand start with an overview of the characteristics of the contract translated.
Finally, the English translation skills and characteristics of the contract were summarized in this paper aims to inform readers are familiar with after the contract translation skills and improve efficiency.
Ⅵ 急求翻译成英文 北京市的劳动合同内容 赏20分
1, the party of the first part terminates the work contract ahead of time, should according to the stipulation deadline notice second party, otherwise must pay informs the gold ahead of time.Every country, Beijing has the stipulation to pay the compensatory payment all to press the stipulation execution.
2, second party if has the 12th treaty presents a gift one of shapes, should defer to "Employment Rule" the stipulation handles to society the procere, and paid a month second party to the party of the first part last year the monthly mean wages penalty, got through only then leaves the company after society the procere, created the economic loss to the party of the first part also to have to bear the compensation responsibility.
14th article: The second party terminates this contract, every invests training by the party of the first part and the move of receive personnel should reimburse the training fee and the move to the party of the first part meets the charge.Its standard is: Decreases progressively according to five year service lifves (every year to decrease progressively year by year 20%), has the special agreement according to the special agreement execution.
15th article: Litigant both sides consult the consistent agreement other contents: If the second party has the 13th treaty presents a gift one of shapes, should to the party of the first part pay the violation indemnity.(A violation indemnity =800 Yuan * contract has not carried out number of months)
16th: If armor second grade both sides will agree the 14th violation indemnity, both sides no longer carry out in this contract 13th stipulation to pay a month second party last year the monthly mean wages agreement, creates the economic loss to the party of the first part also to have to bear the compensation responsibility.
other 17th the party of the first part the rules and regulations "Employment Rule" "Wages Regulations" "Checking attendance Management Stipulation" does for this contract appendix.
The 18th article this contract not completely matters concerned or with the next country, the Beijing related stipulation will contradict, according to country.Beijing related stipulation execution.
19th article the party of the first part and the second party sign other agreements take this work contract the appendix, the legally binding.
20th article because fulfills the labor dispute which this contract occurs, applies for the arbitration to Beijing Economic development zone Arbitration committee.
The 21th article because second party provides the false information to the party of the first part to hire, the party of the first part does not lose any compensation responsibility.
22th article this contract type two, armor second grade both sides hold one respectively.
Ⅶ 北京翻译合同去哪家翻译公司比较好
Ⅷ 英语合同翻译。
Ⅸ 北京哪家翻译公司法律合同翻译的比较好公司最近有份9万字的合同及系列协议书需要翻译,求咨询
商务合同翻译 外贸合同翻译 劳动合同翻译 服务合同翻译 合同协议翻译
契约翻译 交易合同翻译 质量保证协议翻译 房地产合同翻译 特许合同翻译
租赁合同翻译 转让合同翻译 保密合同翻译 工程承包合同翻译
英语合同翻译 德语合同翻译 日语合同翻译 法语合同翻译 韩语合同翻译 俄语合同翻译 泰语合同翻译 印尼语合同翻译 印度语合同翻译 马来语合同翻译 乌克兰语合同翻译等
Ⅹ 北京英文合同翻译收费多少钱一千字
which evening he should have his bath. It was never easy to get plenty