1. 人教版英语选修九首字母单词表,一定是首字母的
2. 英语单词表按字母顺序
3. 人教版九年级英语单词动词(按顺序分类)
1. A---A---A型(现在式、过去式和过去分词同形)
动词原形(现在式) 过去式 过去分词
cost cost cost 花费
cut cut cut 割,切
hit hit hit 打
let let let 让
put put put 放下
read read read 读
hurt hurt hurt 伤
2. A---A---B型(现在式和过去式同形)
beat beat beaten 打
3. A---B---A型(现在式和过去分词同形)
come came come 来
become became become 变
run ran run 跑
4. A ---B ---B型
burn burnt burnt 燃烧
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt 学习
mean meant meant 意思
hear heard heard 听见
(2)把动词原形的最后一个辅音字母“d”改为“t” 构成过去式或过去分词。
build built built 建筑
lend lent lent 借给
lose lost lost 失去
send sent sent 送
spend spent spent 花费
pay paid paid 付
lay laid laid 下蛋
say said said 说
bring brought brought 带来
buy bought bought 买
think thought thought 想
sleep slept slept 睡
keep kept kept 保持
sweep swept swept 扫
stand stood stood 站
understand understood understood 明白
win won won 得胜
shine shone/shined shone/shined 发光
catch caught caught 抓住
teach taught taught 教
feel felt felt 觉得
fight fought fought 战斗
find found found 发现
get got got 得到
hang hanged/ hung hanged/ hung 绞死,挂
have had had 有
hold held held 盛,握
leave left left 离开
make made made 制造
meet met met 遇见
sell sold sold 卖
shoot shot shot 射击
tell told told 告诉
smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled 嗅,闻
sit sat sat 坐
dig g g 挖
5. A---B---C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同)
eat ate eaten 吃
fall fell fallen 落下
steal stole stolen 偷
give gave given 给
freeze froze frozen 冻结
take took taken 拿
see saw seen 看见
write wrote written 写
ride rode ridden 骑
drive drove driven 驾驶
throw threw thrown 抛,扔
blow blew blown 吹
grow grew grown 生长
know knew known 知道
fly flew flown 飞
draw drew drawn 拉,绘画
show showed shown 展示
speak spoke spoken 说话
break broke broken 破碎,折断
wake waked/ woke waked/ waken 醒
choose chose chosen 选择
forget forgot forgotten 忘记
begin began begun 开始
ring rang rung 按铃
sing sang sung 唱
sink sank sunk 沉
swim swam swum 游泳
drink drank drunk 饮
be(am, is) was/ were been 是
be(are) were been 是
do did done 做
go went gone 去
lie lay lain 躺
wear wore worn 穿
动词原形 中文意思 过去式 过去分词
arise 出现 arose arisen
awake 醒来 awoke awaked / awoken
baby-sit 临时照顾 baby-sat baby-sat
be(am / is / are)是 was / were been
beat 击打 beat beaten
become 变成 became become
begin 开始 began begun
bend 使弯曲 bent bent
bet 赌 bet bet
bite 咬 bit bitten / bit
blow 吹 blew blown
break 打破 broke broken
bring 拿来 brought brought
build 建造 built built
burn 燃烧 burnt / burned burnt / burned
buy 买 bought bought
can 能 could
cast 抛 cast cast
catch 捕捉 caught caught
choose 选择 chose chosen
come 来 came come
cost 花费 cost cost
cut 割 cut cut
deal 分配 dealt dealt
dig 挖 g g
do / does 做 did done
draw 画,拉,拖 drew drawn
dream 做梦 dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt
drink 喝 drank drunk
drive 驾驶 drove driven
eat 吃 ate eaten
fall 掉落 fell fallen
feed 喂 fed fed
feel 触摸 felt felt
fight 作战 fought fought
find 找出 found found
fly 飞 flew flown
forbid 禁止 forbade / forbad forbidden
forget 忘记 forgot forgot / forgotten
forgive 原谅 forgave forgiven
freeze 结冰 froze frozen
get 得到 got got
give 给 gave given
go 去 went gone
grow 成长 grew grown
hang 挂 / 绞死 hung / hanged hung / hanged
have / has 有 had had
hear 听到 heard heard
hide 隐藏 hid hidden / hid
hit 打 hit hit
hold 拿住 held held
hurt 受伤 hurt hurt
keep 保持 kept kept
know 知道 knew known
lay 放置 laid laid
lead 引导 led led
learn 学习 learnt / learned learnt / learned
leave 离开 left left
lend 借贷 lent lent
let 让 let let
lie 躺 lay lain
light 点着 lit / lighted lit / lighted
lose 遗失 lost lost
make 制作 made made
may 可以 might ×
mean 表…意思 meant meant
meet 遇到 met met
mistake 误认 mistook mistaken
misunderstand 误会 misunderstood misunderstood
pay 支付 paid paid
prove 证明 proved proved / proven
put 放置 put put
quit 放弃 quit / quitte quit / quitted
read 读 read read
rebuild 改建 rebuilt rebuilt
retell 复述 retold retold
rid 免除 rid / ridded rid / ridded
ride 骑 rode ridden
rise 上升 rose risen
run 跑 ran run
saw 锯 sawed sawed / sawn
say 说 said said
see 看 saw seen
seek 寻觅 sought sought
sell 卖 sold sold
send 送 / 寄 sent sent
set 安置 set set
sew 缝合 sewed sewn / sewed
shake 摇 shook shaken
shall 将 should ×
shine 发光 shone shone
擦亮 shined shined
shoot 放(炮) shot shot
show 显露 showed showed / shown
sing 唱歌 sang sung
sink 下沉 sank / sunk sunk / sunken
sit 坐 sat sat
sleep 睡 slept slept
smell 发出气味 smelt smelt
sow 种植 sowed sown / sowed
speak 说 spoke spoken
spell 拼写 spelt / spelled spelt / spelled
spend 花费 spent spent
spit 吐出 spat / spit spat / spit
spring 跳跃 sprang / sprung sprung
stand 站立 stood stood
steal 偷 stole stolen
sweep 打扫 swept swept
swim 游泳 swam swum
take 拿 took taken
teach 教 taught taught
tear 撕裂 tore torn
tell 告诉 told told
think 思考 thought thought
throw 投 / 扔 threw thrown
understand 了解 understood understood
wake 醒着 woke / waked waked / woken
wear 穿着 wore worn
wet 淋湿 wet / wetted wet / wetted
will 将 would
win 获胜 won won
write 书写 wrote written
4. 那位大侠有人教版初中英语单词表(按字母顺序)文本形式的.谢谢!急!.
A a(an) art
a(an) art ability n
ability n able a
able a about prep & ad
about prep & ad above prep
above prep abroad a & ad
abroad a & ad absent a
absent a accent n
accent n accept v
accept v accident n
accident n ache n
ache n achieve v
achieve v across prep
across prep act n & v
act n & v action n
action n active a
active a activity n
activity n add v
add v address n
address n advantage n
advantage n advertisement n
advertisement n advice n
advice n advise v
advise v afford v
afford v afraid a
afraid a after ad , prep & con
after ad , prep & con afternoon n
afternoon n again ad
again ad against prep
against prep age n
age n ago ad
ago ad agree v
agree v agreement n
agreement n air n
air n airline
airline airplane n
airplane n airport n
airport n alive a
alive a all a & pron
all a & pron allow v
allow v almost ad
almost ad alone a
alone a along ad & prep
along ad & prep aloud ad
aloud ad already ad
already ad also ad
also ad although conj
although conj always ad
always ad America n
America n American a & n
American a & n among prep
among prep ancient a
ancient a and conj
and conj angry a
angry a animal n
animal n another a & pron
another a & pron answer n & v
answer n & v ant n
ant n any pron & a
any pron & a anybody pron
anybody pron anyone pron
anyone pron anything pron
anything pron anyway ad
anyway ad anywhere ad
anywhere ad appear v
appear v apple n
apple n April n
April n area
area arm n
arm n army n
army n around prep & ad
around prep & ad arrive v
arrive v art n
art n article n
article n as ad, conj & prep
as ad, conj & prep Asia n
Asia n Asian a & n
Asian a & n ask v
ask v asleep a
asleep a at prep
at prep Atlantic n & a
Atlantic n & a attention n
attention n August n
August n aunt n
aunt n Australia n
Australia n Australian a & n
Australian a & n autumn n
autumn n available a
available a avoid n
avoid n awake v
awake v away ad
away ad baby n
B back ad & n
baby n background n
back ad & n bad (worse, worst) a
background n bag n
bad (worse, worst) a ball n
bag n balloon n
ball n bamboo n
balloon n banana n
bamboo n bank n
banana n baseball n
bank n basic a
baseball n basket n
basic a basketball n
basket n bathroom n
basketball n be (is, am, are, was, were, be-
bathroom n ing, been) aux v
be (is, am, are, was, were, be- beach n
ing, been) aux v bear n
beach n beat v & n
bear n beautiful a
beat v & n because conj
beautiful a become (became, become) v
because conj bed n
become (became, become) v bedroom n
bed n bee n
bedroom n beef n
bee n before prep,ad & con j
beef n begin (began, begun) v
before prep,ad & con j *behaviour n
begin (began, begun) v behind prep
*behaviour n believe v
behind prep bell n
believe v below prep
bell n beside prep
below prep besides prep & ad
beside prep between prep
besides prep & ad *beyond prep
between prep big a
*beyond prep bike =bicycle n
big a bill n
bike =bicycle n bird n
bill n *birth n
bird n birthday n
*birth n *biscuit n
birthday n bit n
*biscuit n *bitter a
bit n black a & n
*bitter a blackboard n
black a & n blind a
blackboard n *blood n
blind a blow (blew, blown) v
*blood n blue n & a
blow (blew, blown) v board n
blue n & a boat n
board n body n
boat n book n
body n boring a
book n born a
boring a borrow v
born a boss
borrow v both pron & a
boss bottle n
both pron & a bottom n
bottle n bowl n
bottom n box
bowl n boy n
box * brain n
boy n brave a
* brain n bread n
brave a break (broke, broken) v & n
bread n breakfast n
break (broke, broken) v & n * breath n
breakfast n breathe v
* breath n bridge n
breathe v bright a
bridge n bring (brought, brought) v
bright a brother n
bring (brought, brought) v brown n & a
brother n brush v & n
brown n & a build (built, built) v
brush v & n building n
build (built, built) v burn (-ed,-ed/burnt,bumt)
building n bus n
burn (-ed,-ed/burnt,bumt) business n
bus n busy a
business n but conj
busy a butter n
but conj * butterfly n
butter n buy (bought,bought) v
* butterfly n by prep
buy (bought,bought) v bye interj
by prep * cabbage n
bye interj cake n
C call v & n
* cabbage n camel n
cake n camera n
call v & n camp n & v
camel n can modal v
camera n Canada n
camp n & v cancel v
can modal v candle n
Canada n cancer n
cancel v candy, n
candle n cap n
cancer n capital n
candy, n * captain n
cap n car n
capital n card n
* captain n care v & n
car n careful a
card n careless a
care v & n carry v
careful a cat n
careless a catch (caught, caught) . v
carry v cause n & v
cat n CD n
catch (caught, caught) . v * CD--ROM n.
cause n & v * ceiling n
CD n celebrate v
* CD--ROM n. cent n
* ceiling n centre n
celebrate v century n
cent n certain a
centre n chair n
century n chairman/woman n
certain a chalk n
chair n chance n
chairman/woman n change v
chalk n * chant n& v
chance n cheap a
change v * cheat v
* chant n& v check n & v
cheap a * cheer n & v
* cheat v cheese n
check n & v chemistry n
* cheer n & v chess n
cheese n chest n
chemistry n chicken n
chess n child (pl. children) n
chest n China n
chicken n Chinese a & n
child (pl. children) n chocolate n
China n * choice n
Chinese a & n choose (chose, chosen) v
chocolate n * chopsticks n
* choice n Christmas n
choose (chose, chosen) v * church n
* chopsticks n cinema n
Christmas n circle n & v
* church n city n
cinema n * clap v & n
circle n & v class n
city n classmate n
* clap v & n classroom n
class n clean a & v
classmate n clear a
classroom n clever a
clean a & v climb v
clear a clock n
clever a * clone v
climb v close v & a
clock n clothes n
* clone v cloud n
close v & a cloudy a
clothes n club n
cloud n coach n
cloudy a coal n
club n * coast n
coach n coat n
coal n coffee n
* coast n coin n
coat n coke n
coffee n cold a & n
coin n collect v
coke n college n
cold a & n colour (Am color) n & v
collect v come (came, come) v
college n comfortable a
colour (Am color) n & v common a
come (came, come) v communicate v
comfortable a * communication n
common a company n
communicate v * compare v
* communication n competition n
company n complete a & v
* compare v composition n
competition n computer n
complete a & v concert n
composition n condition
computer n conference n
concert n connect v
condition consider v
conference n continue v
connect v * control v
consider v conversation n
continue v cook v & n
* control v cooker n
conversation n cool a
cook v & n n & v
cooker n corner n
cool a correct v & a
n & v cOSt V & n
corner n cotton n & a
correct v & a cough n & v
cOSt V & n could modal v
cotton n & a count v
cough n & v countryn
could modal v countryside n
count v couple n
countryn courage n
countryside n course n
couple n cousin n
courage n cover n & v
course n COW n
cousin n crayon n
cover n & v * crazy a
COW n create v
crayon n cross v & n
* crazy a cruel a
create v cry n & v
cross v & n culture n
cruel a cup n
cry n & v cut (cut, cut) v & n
culture n dad(daddy) n
cup n daily a,ad & n
cut (cut, cut) v & n dance v & n
D danger n
dad(daddy) n dangerous a
daily a,ad & n dare v & aux v
dance v & n dark a & n
danger n date n
dangerous a daughter n
dare v & aux v day n
dark a & n dead a
date n deaf a
daughter n deal v
day n dear a
dead a death n
deaf a December n
deal v decide v
dear a decision n
death n deep a & ad
December n degree n
decide v delicious a
decision n dentist n
deep a & ad depend v
degree n describe v
delicious a desk n
dentist n develop v
depend v development n
describe v dialogue (Am dialog) n
desk n diary n
develop v dictionary
development n die v
dialogue (Am dialog) n difference n
diary n different a
dictionary difficult a
die v difficulty n
difference n dig (g, g) v
different a dinner n
difficult a direct a & v
difficulty n direction n
dig (g, g) v director n
dinner n dirty a
direct a & v discover v
direction n discovery n
director n discuss v
dirty a discussion n
discover v disease n
discovery n dish n
discuss v dismiss v
discussion n *disturb v
disease n divide v
dish n do (did, done) v
dismiss v doctor n
*disturb v dog n
divide v doll n
do (did, done) v dollar n
doctor n door n
dog n double a & n
doll n doubt n & v
dollar n down ad & prep
door n downstairs ad
double a & n * dozen n
doubt n & v draw(drew, drawn)
down ad & prep * drawer
downstairs ad dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt,
* dozen n dreamt) v & n
draw(drew, drawn) dress n & v
* drawer drink(drank, drunk) v & n
dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, drive (drove, driven) v
dreamt) v & n driver n
dress n & v drop n & v
drink(drank, drunk) v & n * drug n
drive (drove, driven) v * drum n
driver n dry v & a
drop n & v ck n
* drug n mpling n
* drum n ring prep
dry v & a ty n
ck n * DVD n
mpling n each a & pron
ring prep ear n
ty n early a & ad
* DVD n earth n
E east n, a & ad
each a & pron easy a
ear n eat(ate, eaten) v
early a & ad * edge n
earth n ecation n
east n, a & ad * effort n
easy a egg n
eat(ate, eaten) v eight nurn
* edge n eighteen num
ecation n eighth num
* effort n eighty num
egg n either a,conj & ad
eight nurn elder a
eighteen num electric a
eighth num elephant n
eighty num eleven num
either a,conj & ad else a
elder a e-mail n & v
electric a empty a
elephant n encourage v
eleven num end n & v
else a enemy n
e-mail n & v energy n
empty a engineer n
encourage v England n
end n & v English n & a
enemy n enjoy v
energy n enough a & ad
engineer n enter v
England n environment n
English n & a eraser n
enjoy v especially ad
enough a & ad Europe n
enter v European a & n
environment n even ad
eraser n evening n
especially ad ever ad
Europe n every a
European a & n everybody pron
even ad everyday a
evening n everyone pron
ever ad everything pron
every a everywhere ad
everybody pron exam = examination n
everyday a * examine v
everyone pron example n
everything pron excellent a
everywhere ad except prep
exam = examination n excite v
* examine v excuse n & v
example n exercise v & n
excellent a expect v
except prep expensive a
excite v experience n
excuse n & v experiment n
exercise v & n explain v
expect v express v
expensive a eye n
experience n face n & v
experiment n fact n
explain v factory n
express v fail v
eye n * fair a
5. 八下英语按开头字母排列的单词表(作业啊,急急急)
6. 九年级英语下册单词表
Unit 2
used to 过去经常;以前常常(后接不定式,表示过去的习惯)
be interested in 对……感兴趣
airplane n. 飞机
terrify v. 使害怕;使恐惧
be terrified of 非常害怕的;极度恐惧的
go to sleep 入睡
on adj. 开着的;接通的;工作着的
insect n. 昆虫
candy n. 糖果
chew v. 嚼;咀嚼
gum n. 口香糖
chat v. 聊天;闲谈
daily adj. 每日的;日常的
comic n. 连环漫画;连环漫画杂志;(报纸上的)连环漫画栏
death n. 死;死亡
afford v. 买得起;负担得起
cause v. 造成;是发生
himself pron. (反身代词)他自己;他本身
patient adj. 有耐心的;忍耐的
in the end 最后;终于
decision n. 决定;决心
make a decision 做决定;下决心
head teacher 班主任
necessary adj. 必须的;必需的
to one's surprise 令某人惊奇的是……
exactly adv. 正;恰恰
even though 即使;纵然;尽管
no longer 不再;已不
take pride in 对……感到自豪
attention n. 注意;专心;留心
pay attention to 对……注意;留心
give up 放弃;不一致;意见不合
waste v. 浪费;滥用
not...any more 不再;已不
Murray 默里
7. 初中英语单词表按字母顺序
8. 初中英语单词表大全下载,按首字母排序,注英标