① 初中生英语读后感15篇
汤姆索亚历险记》 英文读后感
I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story.This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces,written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain.Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St.Petersburg.The story line is simple,the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.
Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace,Malcolm in the Middle,and Calvin and Hobbs.What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood.The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper.Tom has a trusted friend,Huck Finn,who few of the alts approve of.The book is filled with ideas of how the world works,such as how pirates and robbers work,that are so innocent,they could only come from a child.It is a story filled with action,adventure,ingenious ideas,love,and schoolyard politics.The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did ring their childhood.
The book is a little difficult to read at first.Personally,it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book.Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know),the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages.I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again,if just for a few hundred pages.
② 急求初中英语读后感50字左右、、多多益善、、谢谢、
红楼梦的读后感. 你读初中吗? 可能有些单词你还不晓得,你需要去查一下,才能理解. 这是中文: 看完《红楼梦》心中有一丝悲哀,忽觉秦氏对凤姐说的一番言语,实是有理:“月圆则亏,水满则溢。”世上无事可“永保无虞”。就像这朝朝代代,总是从初期到全盛再到衰败,从春秋战国时期,秦始皇统一六国,汉,三国,晋,南北朝,隋……无一幸免。身边的小事亦是如此,一生中总有顺心与阴暗的时期,所以人生给予的感觉就饶有滋味……有人时常觉得人生凄苦,可没有这苦,那怎会感受到成功到来时的快乐?若纨绔子弟只知玩乐,终老一生,死前才去遗憾,“人生何其短,吾还碌碌无为终老此生。”。家道中落,未尝不是好事,死前至少可以说,“因曾度此落魄生活,故吾此生没有白活。” 英文: After reading the Hung Lou Meng > felt a bit sad, and suddenly felt "Brothers to Feng Jie said in a speech, it is reasonable," moon the loss of water for the profit. "There is nothing could be no" eternal peace ". As the DPRK passed the DPRK, always from early to decline to the height of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, the Emperor 16 countries, and 3, Jin, South and North dynasties, Sui...... There is no exception. close to the small ones, and there is satisfactory and dark period, the life to give the impression that it could taste...... it was often feel that life sorrowful hard, and may not have the bitter, what will be felt success comes the fun? If white bush children know only enjoy, old life and death to regret, "Life How short, we also mediocre not last long. ". family lost, not a bad thing, died at least be said that "this time because it has fallen life situation, it is not the white we live. "
③ 《初中英语说课稿精选》读后感
[《初中英语说课稿精选》读后感]2010年01月17日最近几天参加了校园组织的图书漂流活动,认真阅读了《初中英语说课稿精选》一书,深感收获颇多、受益匪浅,《初中英语说课稿精选》读后感。好的课堂设计是能否促进是促进有效课堂教学的有效途径,英语学科是一门以培养学生交际性为目的语言学科,其课程教学主要可分为两个方面:一是以课本为载体的具体教学内容,另一个是以让学生掌握知识培养技能为主要目的,由老师组织引导学生所进行的教学活动。而如何把课本这一载体用好,关键就在于组织符合青少年认知特点的、充实有效的教学活动。在课堂教学中教师如果只是一味的讲授课本,必然造成学与用脱节。因此,精心设计教学活动,就可以有效地解决至一问题。通过本书的学习,我进一步认识到,要促进有效教学,就要做到清晰授课、多样化教学、任务导向、引导学生投入学习过程和确保学生的成功率,五种行为相辅相成。 一、 清晰授课 清晰授课就是指教师向全班呈现内容时的清晰程度。告诉学生课时目标;为学习者提供先行组织者;在上课开始时,检查与学习任务相关的先前学习内容;缓慢而明确地发出指令;知道学生的能力水平,适应学生的当前水平或略高于当前水平进行教学;用举例、图解和示范等方法来解释和澄清;在每一节课的结束时进行回顾总结。有效教师应注重以下几点:1)使要点易于理解,书中提出,要尽量使用简单的句子作为课堂用语,讲解重点知识时应注意规范用语,语言清晰,不能使用语义含糊、有歧义或不明确的句子。2)清晰地解释概念,使学生能按逻辑的顺序逐步理解。3)循序渐进是教学的基本原则。在教学中特别要注重由浅入深,从易到难,逐步引导学生理解每个知识点。 要为学生提供和创造真实的言语交际情景,其效果符合新课改提出的“教师应满足不同学生的学习需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教学环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都得到充分发展”的内容,也符合新英语课程标准“面向全体学生,注重素质教育”、“整体设计目标,体现灵活开放”、“突出学生主体,尊重个体差异”、“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”等理念,读后感《《初中英语说课稿精选》读后感》。要做到清晰授课,我认为首先要清晰备课。书中提出,每堂课教授之前,教师必须理清自己的教学思路,在头脑中形成整堂课的具体框架,甚至某些细节问题。其次,要做到清晰巩固。课上和课后巩固都是教学过程中不可缺少的环节。在这过程中,教师要向学生明确任务,摆正方向,点明重点。 清晰授课还包括清晰讲评。每一次练习都要在让学生做之前教师亲自做一遍,了解其中难易题目的分布,对于一些容易错的难题尽量多找相关知识点,不仅要详细解释本题,更要举一反三,联系其他,开阔学生的视野和思路,保证他们能够牢记而且熟练运用。 二、 多样化教学 良好的开端,往往给学生带来亲切的感觉,留下难忘的印象,富有艺术性的开端,可以使学生自然地进入学习新知识的情境,并激发学生的学习情感、兴趣和求知欲望,使学生乐学、爱学,因此有效教师要巧设开头,先声夺人,用最短的时间,进入最佳的学习状态。中学英语导入新课的方法要多样化,我经常采用:1、歌曲式导入,2、提问式导入,3、图片、幻灯等电教手段导入,4、悬念式导入,5、复习式导入等等。 书中展示到“丰富教学最有效方法之一是提问题——你可以问许多不同类型的问题,如果把它们与课时节奏和序列结合起来,就可以产生出富有意义的多样化教学。——因此教师需要掌握提问的艺术。”因此,提问是课堂教学的必要手段,是提升学生兴趣的导向,也能吸引学生的注意力。 除了提问外,多媒体教学也是较好的多样化教学手段。多样化教学的目的是为了灵活、多样的呈现教学内容,展示相关教学资料的声音、图像及影片。通过多媒体教学可以很好的开展情境教学,更好地为教学服务。 多样化教学在英语教学中还包括词汇教学多样化、听力教学多样化、语法教学多样化和阅读理解多样化。 教育家们认为,“成功的外语课堂教学应深入创造更多的情景,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料。”九年制义务教育教材,为指导英语情景教学创设了更多的新情境,我们可以根据实际情况灵活应用。〔《初中英语说课稿精选》读后感〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益。】
④ 初中英语读后感十篇,不要太多字数
⑤ 初中英语读后感200字左右
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world.Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.Besides The Old Man And the Sea,I have read some of his other works,such as The Sun Also Rises,A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro.But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes.He fished one big fish,tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above.But he met the shark fish,the old person causes all one's skill and the shark fish fight,the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.
This book promulgates the truth,not showed the person how regardless of,most feared is does not have the confidence.The confidence is just like is the automobile motor,is power which the person goes forward.
I first read this book when I was in my fifteens.And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.
⑥ 求一篇初中英语读后感
文:《格列佛游记》读后感 当我定睛一看时才知道这是英国的乔纳森.斯威夫特写的《格列佛游记》,不知怎么得我的手慢慢拿起了 它,翻开了第一页,看着看着就入了迷,好奇心让我一口气读完了它。“真是太精彩了!”我情不自禁地说。到了家,我就开始津津有味地向爸爸讲起了这书里的精彩故事:格列佛一生经历了很多的奇怪的事情,并且也到很多国家游览了一番,第一次他来到的是小人国。1699年,格列佛作为一名随船医生和威廉船长一起到南太平洋去航行。没想到的事情发生了:格列佛和船长的船被大风刮倒,遭遇了袭击,多亏格列佛被冲到了浅滩才脱离了危险,可当他醒来时,自己却动弹不得,原来他的手脚已经被左右分开,牢牢地绑在木桩上了;他的头发也被钉住,浑身上下被很多细绳子捆绑着,只能仰望天空。不一会儿,他的耳边响起了一阵嘈杂声,他忽然感到有许多个小东西在他脚下爬行,正朝他胸脯上走来,他尽量往下看,终于看到一个不到6英寸高的小人,它们手里拿着箭,背上背着弓,在它的身后,还有许多的小人在往上爬,格列佛不禁大叫一声,没想到那些小人一下都掉了下来,有的居然摔断了腿。正在这时,小人国的国王来了,随后问清楚格列佛的由来之后,觉得他不是坏人,于是就热情的款待了他一番:面包有子弹大小、烤肉也只有那么大、一桶酒呢?只有一个手指的大小……无论什么都那么的小。过了一阵子,格列佛要回自己的国家了,临走时还帮小人国打了一场胜仗呢!这就是格列佛经历的第一件奇怪的事情。又过了几天,格列佛又分别去了:大人国、飞岛国、马慧国……如果你对这本书有兴趣,就可以亲自阅读一遍,可好看了!这本书为青少年们的成长提供了全面的丰富的“养料”,不但可以提高小孩们的文化修养,而且还可以为我们的成长做一个很好的指导,书里包含着:想象力、好奇心等,就像……就像一块浓浓的巧克力糖,含进嘴里,除了一股股香甜以外,更能回味无穷,永远的记住这本书。快来体验一下读书的快乐吧!我相信你们一定能很喜欢这本书 [英语]English:"Georgia Gulliver's Travels" Du Hougan When I see a Dingjing only know that it is Britain's Jonathan Siwei Fu profile of the "grid Gulliver's Travels," I do not know how in the hands of its slowly picked up, opened the first page, see On the watch into a fan, I am curious to read it in one breath. "It's wonderful!" I can not help but say. To the home, I started with relish to his father Jiangqi this wonderful story of the book: Comparison of the Buddha's experiences a lot of strange things, and also to tour a lot in many countries, the first time he came to the Lilliput. 1699, Georgia listed as a Buddhist随船doctors and William to join the captain to the South Pacific voyage. Did not expect things happened: Comparison of the Buddha and the captain of the ship was windy Gua, experienced attacks, thanks to grid out of the shallows into the Buddha was only out of danger, when he woke up, but his move may not, his original Around the hands and feet had been separated, firmly tied to the wood piles on; he has been pegged to the hair, body from top to bottom was a lot of small rope tied, can only look up to the sky. Buyikuaier, his ears sounded a burst of loud sound, he suddenly feel there are many small things in his foot reptiles, are moving in on his chest walked, as far as possible down, finally to see a less than 6 inches high The villain, their hands with a rocket, carrying a bow back, in its death, there are a lot of bad people in Wangshang Pa, the grid can not help shouting out the Buddha out, did not expect to have those bad people out of Down, and some even Shuaian the legs. At this time is, the villain of the king comes, then asked grid out clearly the origins of the Buddha, that he is not a bad man, so the warm welcome he has made: a bullet the size of bread, barbecue and only then, a Barrels of wine? Only the size of a finger…… no matter what then are small. After a while, the grid out of the Buddha to return to their country, also left to help fight a villain of the victory? This is the grid out of the first pieces of the Buddha experienced strange things. And after a few days, the grid respectively to the Buddha are: alts States, flying island, Ma Hui States…… If you are interested in this book, you can read it again himself, can look good! This book for young people have grown up to provide a comprehensive wealth of "food", not only can improve children's cultural cultivation, but also the growth that we are doing a very good guide, the book includes: imagination, Curiosity, like…… like a deep chocolate, including into the mouth, in addition to a sweet Unit, more回味无穷, forever remember this book. Come and experience the joy of reading! I am sure that you will definitely like this book
⑦ 初中生英文读物的读后感
This summer holiday,I made a good friend --- Robinson though ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’. ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’is a classical masterpiece which attracted me very much,and brought me much enlightenmet.I really lerned a lot of things from the eternal opus.
The ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE’have been authored by famouse English writer---Defoe. It’s about dramatis personae Robinson who met a frightful wind while he sailed on the sea. He was the only survinal, but he drifted to a uninhabited island. He bravely struggled, instriously worked and combated with barbarians. Robinson lived alone on the island for 28 years. He experienced many difficulties and dangers.
Robinson was a great person, he conquered countless and unimaginable hardships. If I stayed on a lonely island, I absolutely couldn’t vanquish dangers. I maybe would lose confidence for life. I respect Robinson very much, he is a real hero in my heart.
He lived on the island for about 30 years without any food, tool or habitation. He must depend by himself. Robinson wasn’t afraid of hardships, he had the fortitude spirit .He was brave in adventure and was good at labor. He used his head and hands to struggle all the time. I admire his courge very much, because these were not easy, work at all.
In fact, we also need the spirit of being undefeatalle indefatigable
Like Robinson. If we believe in ourselves, never give up and do we best, we must be successful!
Robinson was a great miracle, he achieved mumerous. ‘impossible things’. ‘Robinson Crusoe’ was an immortal novel, because it gave us a courageous, intrepidity, diligent, indefatigable and wise ordinany person, a vanquish nature, a hero who exploited nature. The book is a really excellent adventuresome novel,
There is no perfect life in the world, but we can change our fate. If we have confidences and work hard, we absolute will be victorious, and the most important thing is ‘Never give up’!
⑧ 初中英语读书笔记
Yesterday, I read a book, the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》.
Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada. In 1938, he came to China. At that time , China was at war with Japan. He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives. He worked very hard and became sick. Dr Bethune died in 1939. He was only 49 years old. He was a good man and we remember him today.
I think the book is very, very good!
⑨ 急求初中英语读后感50字左右、、
⑩ 急求6篇中学生的英语读书笔记.
The Old Man And The Sea 《老人与海》
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The novel is very famous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in our Chinese class, Hemingway's novel are always interesting I like his novel much, also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings. It’s really a good novel for people to read.
After reading "A tale of two cities" "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength.
The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.
As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak."A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette's experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.
My Feelings after reading Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a well-written tragedy of love. After reading the whole story, I would like to talk about the main characters of the story—Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff. Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff do love each other very much, but they do not have the right attitude towards love, which leads to the tragedy.
In Catherine’s life, she made a very foolish decision---marrying to Edgar. In fact, her love for Edgar can never be compared to that for Heathcliff. She did so, because she thought the wealth of Edgar would be useful to help Heathcliff. But in reality, it did not work. She did not have a good understanding of love, which is something pure and saint. If anyone add any purpose into love, love itself lost its meaning. Catherine’s wrong decision hurt two people who love her, and even destroyed the happiness of their offspring.
Heathcliff is a man full of retaliation. He loved Catherine very much, but what he did, on the contrary, added to the misery of Catherine. In my opinion, if he really loved Catherine, he should not walk into Catherine’s life again after his disappearance. Further more, after the death of Catherine, what Heathcliff did brought agony to Catherine’s daughter, as well as his own son.
After reading, I have a better understanding of love. If you love really someone, his or her happiness is the thing that most matters.
.《Jane Eyre》
I have read a book called 《Jane Eyre》. I think the story was very interesting. The girl called Jane Eyre was very brave.
Jane was an orphan. She lived in her aunt’s house. Her aunt didn’t like her, so she took her to an orphanage. Jane studied in the orphanage and learned a lot of things. When Jane grew up, she worked as a governess in a big family and taught the child in this family. Bit by bit, Jane and her master Mr Rochester came to fall in love with each other. But the master had a wife. She was a madwoman. When Jane knew this, she left her teaching post.
But she could not forget her master. So, at last, she visited her master. At that time, her master’ house was burnt down and he became handicapped. His mad wife died in the big fire. Jane decided to get married with him and look after him.
Jane Eyre found his real love and she was a happy woman. The most important thing is that Jane believed everybody were equal. Do you think so?