① 高中毕业生用英语怎么说
high school's graaters
② “高中毕业”用英语怎么说
leaving high school
③ 高中毕业证 英语翻译
Graation Certificate [ (general high school) No. XX
Electron Enroll No. XX
The XX Middle School, XX City, XX Province(校名)
July X, 2009-7-3
Let it known that XX(毕业生名字) , male/female, aged XX, having completed the Senior School course of study and satisfied all requirement, is hereby given this certificate of graation.
毕业成绩Graate results
信息技术 Information Technology (IT)
通用技术 Currency Technology
艺术 Aert
体育与健康 Physical and healthy Ecation
综合实践活动:研究性学习活动、社区服务、社会实践 Practice Acticities (including: learning activities, community cervices and society practices)
必修 Major Courses 选修 Elective Courses
综合素质评价:Appraise fot the Integration Accomplishment
道德品质:moral quality 合格 qualified; 学习能力 learning ability; 运动与健康 exercises and physique. 公民素质 citizen quality 交流与合作 intercourse and cooperation 审美与表现 appreciation and expression
新版普通高中毕业证书从2009年启用 The new edition of the Graation Certificate for general high schools is started using from 2009
本证编号由省教育厅规定,市(地级市)教育局验印有效。The serial number is stipulated by the Province Ecation Department and will be effective after it is stamped and verificated by the local ecation bureau.
辽宁省教育厅 Liaoning Province Ecation Department
④ 我是一个高中毕业生用英文怎么说或者用英文帮我写
回答和翻译如下 :
I am a high school graate
⑤ 我刚高中毕业用英语怎么说
I just finish school from my senior high school.
⑥ (高中毕业文凭) 用英语怎么说 如题
high school certification/qualification
⑦ 我是一个高中毕业生用英文怎么说
I am a high school graate.
⑧ 高中毕业用英文怎么说
high school graate
⑨ 高中毕业证英文翻译
Student Number: XXXXXX
Graation Certificate Number: XXXXXX
note: this certificate has been approved by Ecation Administrative Department of Provincial City/Autonomous Prefecture.
Enquiry Address: XXXX
Student XXX, male, ageXX, born in TuanFeng county, Hubei Province Studied in this school from September, 2004 to June, 2007. Ecational system: 3 years. This student qualified for all aspect of related test, approved to graate.
⑩ 我高中毕业用英语怎么说
I have graaled from senior school.