⑴ 教师资格证面试高中英语真题中语篇讲解是什么课型
一般而言,教学设计方面会涉及到的问题多与试讲的环节相关,如 Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning? (为什么在上课开始就要跟学生讲我们这一节课是写作课?),What’s your teaching difficult point? (你这节课的教学难点是什么?)在回答教学设计相关问题时考生需快速回忆试讲内容,一定要思考两三秒钟组织好语言再进行回答。
例:Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning?
At the beginning of the class, I announced the lesson type and the main purpose. Students can better understand the main task of this lesson in this way. And this is an application of task-based-teaching-method. Students can finish those following tasks consciously. That benefits for their learning while finishing the tasks.
长 理 职 陪
⑵ 教资高中英语面试语法课跑题
是偏题还是跑题 偏离题目一般是42到38分 如果跑题则是35分数以下严重离题或未按规定完成的20分及以下。