⑴ 《新概念英语》视频教程候毅凌(现任北京外国语大学英语学院教授)主讲的
⑵ 如何自学新概念英语(完全自学)
首先我觉得你不要盲目的去买新的配套资料,一本足矣,我买的是新概念英语练习册专,(封面和课属本的封面是一样的),也是亚历山大合作编的,开始第一篇课文的时候先听一遍磁带,然后进行跟读 跟不上没有关系,跟着读5—6遍,尽量模仿磁带中的语调,大概40分钟,如果你是自学,建议买一本新概念自学导读(封面也和课本的一样),看完并且理解自学导读大概15分钟,然后再做课本上的习题,若有时间做做我刚才说的练习册,练习册最多也就用30分钟,因为他只有两页,学过的课文也要经常拿出来读一下,新东方的老师说过,读你已经读过的文章,比你读一篇新的文章带给你的收获更大,每天拿出两个小时学习,第二天学习新课文的时候一定记得读一遍昨天的文章,,只要你坚持下去,文章自然而然的就背熟了, 我觉得这本自学导读最好买一本,应为课本上的习题没有答案,,答案在自学导读上才有,, 差不多就这些了,,不管怎么说贵在坚持,,
⑶ 新概念英语1-4册课文pdf下载
⑷ 新概念英语看完后还有类似的阅读型教材吗
Adjustments to a New Culture
I had to find more friends. After several weeks in school I knew a couple of students but saw them only a few minutes, perhaps three times a week. I decided to learn a few more names. I came ten minutes early to my News Media and U.S. Government class. Two young women, one black and one white, were already there. I told myself to be aggressive and went up to them.
“Hi.” I tried to be casual. “My name is Liu Zongren. I come from Beijing, China.” I stressed Beijing, hoping that might create some attention.
“Oh, really? How do you find it here?” The white woman seemed interested.
I couldn’t understand what she meant. “I came here by plane, of course.” I must have looked lost. The white woman added quickly, “I mean, do you like this country?”
“Well, I don’t know.” How foolish I was. Why had I said this?
“My name is Ann. This is Geri.”
Several other students had arrived by now. I didn’t know if the two women wanted to go on talking. I began feeling nervous when I realized I was standing in the middle of the classroom.
Ann started to move away. “Glad to meet you, Mr. –”
“Liu,” I said in haste, “Just call me Liu. My last, no, my first name is too hard to pronounce.”
“Glad to meet you, Mr. Liu,” Ann repeated.
“Thank you,” I said, my face turning red. I wondered what I had thanked them for, as I made my way to a seat.
After the class began, most of what the professor said escaped my ears and I left as soon as the lecture ended. I had no other class that day and I didn’t want to go back to the loneliness of the McKnight house, so I explored around the grounds. Many students were entering a particular lecture hall. I stopped and checked my list of classes. It was a history class. Good.
I went in. I sat in a seat away from the lecture stand. Nobody paid any attention to me. I saw several Asian faces among the crowd. I relaxed, took out my notebook, and opened the school newspaper, pretending to be an old hand. A young man sat down beside me and smiled. It was five minutes until class. Perhaps I could strike up a conversation with this friendly looking man. I started my set introction. “My name is Liu Zongren. I come from Beijing, China.”
“Glad to meet you. My name is George Christi.” He seemed ready to talk.
“Please write down your name for me.” I handed my notebook to him. “You know, it is very hard for me to remember American names without seeing them spelled out.” I said this out of a desire to speak two more sentences, rather than as an explanation. I looked at what he wrote. “Is yours the same name as that British woman who writes mystery novels?”
“Sort of,” he answered.
Seeing me at a loss, he asked, “How do you like the weather here?”
“Much the same as that in Beijing. We have cold winters, too.”
“I hope someday I can go to Beijing.”
“You’ll be welcome. If you wait for two years, I can show you around.” I was so very eager to make a friend of him.
Unfortunately, the professor appeared and the class began. I would be sure to come to this class again and locate this friendly person.
I didn’t try my luck anymore that afternoon. Instead I found a seat in the library and tried to finish some assignments. I took out my books, but my mind refused to absorb anything. I glanced around the library; some students were doing their homework; a few were dozing on the sofa along the wall. Looking at those tired students, I remembered an article in the newspaper had reported that the 1981 fees would be $6,900. How could I blame them for not wanting to talk to me? Costs were so high; they had to put their time and energy into their studies.
I closed my books and began a letter to Fengyun, but couldn’t finish it. Sad, I packed up my books and walked slowly back to my room. I knew my sadness came not only from missing my family, but also from the frustration of being unable to learn. People in Beijing must be thinking I was enjoying myself here in the richest country in the world. Yet I was suffering, not because people in America were not accepting me, but because they didn’t understand me and didn’t seem to care how I felt -- and because I didn’t understand them, either. After my three classes each day, I walked without aim around the grounds like a lost soul. I had no place to go.
I felt better when sk fell, knowing that another day had passed.
⑸ 自学大学英语除了《新概念英语》还有啥书
⑹ 积极英语阅读教程如何跟新概念相比如何
积极英语阅读教程》是安德森(美国)编著、莫勤勤改编的图书,由上海外语教育出版回社出版。作者:(答美国)安德森 改编:莫勤勤《积极英语阅读教程(最新版)(第4级)(学生用书)》是一套培养英语阅读理解能力、训练词汇技巧的系列教材,共分5个级别,包括预备级和1-4级,适合外国语学校、外语特色学校及重.
⑺ 在新概念大学英语学习大厅,课程;大学英语(全新版)综合教程第一册的答案1至8unit,现在要2unit,发到...
⑻ 大学英语教材和新概念1-4册那种教材好
⑼ 大学生学习如何学习新概念英语,想迅速提高英语水平,高分!
我是英语专业的复学制生,说实在的我没有怎么接触过新概念,但是我知道我身边很多认识的朋友,很多的同学都在背它,它是练习口语的很有效的教材我有个同学他坚持每早晨起来都边听,边读学习它的发音,四年下来他的口语发音很有特色美音很动听。我个人认为它是练习口语的好教材,如果你是要应付四六级的话,主要的还是要多听听力,多阅读,积累词汇,多做四六级真题。多练习听力和阅读你可以找一些外文的期刊杂志。平时要经常磨耳朵都有MP3可以下一些BBC VOA CNN的上面的新闻,也可以多听些(旺旺英语,普特英语)还有就是看些英美原声电影像(老友记)就是一部练习英语的很好的素材。你说你的语感不错,其实学英语关键就是语感,我觉得你能够靠语感能够把题做对,这已经是很可以的。做对题拿高分这就是我们目前的目的,所以要进一步培养语感很重要,关键还是平时多阅读多做题,21世纪报作为平时阅读很不错,文章看懂不是很难,上面也有归纳的四六级词汇,希望可以参考下。