⑴ 大学英语精读第三册课文翻译
一位球迷的评论 1 这封电子邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他刻薄的信件相似。它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并争辩说我把一切全都搞错了。然而,这个评论与其他的评论至少有两个方面不同。 2 与通常那些“你是个白痴”的评论不同的是,这一评论含有更多的细节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键数据。写这篇评论的人对洛杉矶道奇队的了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。 3 而且这一评论是署名的。作者的名字叫萨拉•莫里斯。 4 我被深深打动,于是给她回信。一点也没有想到这一封信引出了一段非同寻常的来往。 5 我可以问您一个问题吗?两年来,我一直经营着我的道奇队网站。你是怎么成为一个棒球评论专栏作家的?这可是我的梦。 6 这是萨拉的第二封电子邮件,它的到来一点也不意外。我每次对人微笑一下,人家就向我要一份工作。但是另一个事儿引起了我的注意。这就是信的最后一行字里的拼写错误,是关于“我的梦”那一部分。 7 也许萨拉就是一个打字很糟糕的人。但也许她真的是在寻找某个目标,但就是一字之差,还没有找着。 8 这就值得再回她一封信,于是我让她解释。 9 我今年30岁。……因为我身有残疾,花了5年的时间才读完大专拿到文凭。……在棒球赛季,我每个星期平均花55小时写球赛报道,写评论,做研究,听比赛或者看比赛。 10 萨拉称她的网站为“道奇地”。我搜索了一下,什么也没有找着。后来我重读她的电子邮件, 发现在她的电子邮件最底下挂了一个地址 11 我点击该地址。网站并不花哨。但是她以一个作家的严肃态度对该队进行了详细报道。不过,我还是不禁要问,有人读吗? 12 :从来没有人在我的来宾登记簿上签名。我一个月收到一封信。 13 所以,这里是一个身体残疾的妇女,她对道奇队的报道之广泛不亚于美国任何一个记者, 可她却在为一个几乎不为人知的网站写作,网站的名字很怪很难记,读者大概有两个人。 14 我想她那个梦所缺的远远不只是拼写里头少了一个字母r。 15 我建起了自己的网站希望能找到一份工作。不过运气不佳。因为我使用一根绑在头上的小棒打字,最高的打字速度是每分钟8个字,可这又有什么要紧的呢?我的脑子挺好使,我对工作非常专注。这才是人们成功的关键。 16 使用一根绑在头上的小棒打字? 17 我问她要用多少时间写她那通常为400字的文章。 18 三到四小时。 19 我做了一件我以前从来没有和互联网上的陌生人做过的事情。 20 我让萨拉•莫里斯给我打电话。 21 我说话有障碍,无法使用电话。 22 这就证明了我的怀疑。这显然是一个精心策划的骗局。这一位所谓女性作家很可能是一个45岁的男性管子工。 23 我决定结束与此人的通信。可就在那时我又收到一封电子邮件。 24 我的残疾是脑瘫。……它影响肌肉神经的控制。……当我的脑子告诉我的手去敲击字键时, 我会挪动我的腿,碰击桌子,并在这一过程中同时碰击六个其他的字键。 25 当我的母亲解释我的残疾时,她告诉我说,如果我比别人努力三倍,我就可以成就我要做的任何事情。 26 她写道,她在帕萨迪拉长大的时候成了道奇队的球迷。她上布莱尔高级中学二年级的时候,一位校少年棒球队的教练叫她去做球队的统计员。她做了,用的是一个打字机和一根绑在头上的小棒。 27 她说由于她跟棒球结了缘,她才得以留在学校里,尽管她成绩不好,每天还有数小时的令她脖子酸痛的家庭作业。 28 棒球给了我努力的目标 ……我可以做别的孩子做不了的事情 ……我想为给了我这么多的棒球做一点事情。 29 不错,我就这么相信了她。有几分信吧。在像她所称的那种情况下,有谁能没有最好的设备和帮助而报道一个棒球队呢?我很好奇,所以我问她我能不能开车过去看她。 她同意了,并详细告诉我路怎么走,其中提到乡下的泥路和没有名字的街道。 30 我开车向东驶去,穿过得克萨斯的荒凉地带。在一条蜿蜒曲折布满小动物大小的坑洼的泥路上,我看到了样子像旧工具棚的屋子。 31 但这不是一个工具棚,这是一所房子,一个被高高的杂草和废弃物包围的正在朽烂的小棚屋。 32 是不是这个地方呢? 33 一位身着旧T恤衫和裙子的妇女从棚屋里走了出来。 34 “我是萨拉的母亲,”洛伊•莫里斯一边说一边用她那粗糙的手握着我光滑的手。“她在等你呢。” 35 我从太阳光下走进去,打开一扇破烂的屏门,走进了阴暗的棚子,棚子里蜷缩在轮椅上的是一个87磅重的躯体。 36 她的四肢扭了一扭。她的头转了一转。我们无法拥抱,甚至也无法握手。她只能张大眼睛看我,向我微笑。 37 可她那微笑里充满了光芒!它穿透了由破烂的木地板、旧躺椅和结满蜘蛛网的窗户围起来的黑暗空间。 38 我不忍心看别的任何东西,所以我的眼睛只盯住她那微笑,它是那么清晰,那么自信, 它甚至令我的多数怀疑一扫而光。但我还是要问,这就是莎拉•莫里斯吗? 39 她开始在轮椅里摇晃,嘴里发出声音。我以为她在咳嗽。 40 可实际上,她是在说话。她的母亲为她翻译。“我要给你看点东西。”萨拉说。 41 洛伊把她推到搭在煤灰砖上的一张旧书桌前。桌子上放着一台计算机。计算机旁是一台电视机。她的母亲将一根小棒绑在她女儿的太阳穴上。 42 萨拉趴在计算机上,用绑在她头上的棍子调出道奇地网站上的一篇报道。她开始一啄一啄地在这篇报道上添字加句。 43 她抬起头看我并发出咯咯的笑声。我低头看她,心里充满了惊奇──还有羞愧。 44 这真的就是萨拉•莫里斯。 这个伟大的萨拉•莫里斯。 45 几个月前我与萨拉•莫里斯联系的时候是想跟她干一仗。现在看着她在这个黑暗的房间里吃力地打着字写一篇或许根本没有人看的文章,我明白了这一仗是怎么一回事。 46 不过,这一仗不是跟萨拉打,而是跟自己打。这一仗和体育界在现今玩世不恭的年代里每天都在经历的一模一样。那就是要相信运动员仍然可以是英雄的搏斗。 47 在一个远离这种怀疑的地方,一个心智充满神奇的萨拉•莫里斯帮我找回了信任
⑵ 大学英语精读 第三册课文翻译 全部
Unit 1 法律小冲突
“偷东西,” 他说。
这样, 我没有留下任何犯罪记录。但当时,最令人震惊的是我被无罪释放所明显依赖的证据:我有标准的口音,有受人尊重的中产阶级父母来到法庭,有可靠的证人,还有,很明显我请得起很好的律师。想到这次指控的含混不清的特点,我敢断定,我如果出生在一个不同背景的家庭,并真失了业,则完全可能被判为有罪。当我的律师要求赔偿诉讼费时,他的辩词很显然的紧紧围绕着我“学习成绩优异”这一事实。
Unit 2 获益匪浅的问题
6、毫无疑问,这里正发生着什么事儿。这事儿比争抢食物还乱,比西红柿是水果还是蔬菜重要的多。哥白尼把太阳视为宇宙中心,重新调整了地心说这一长达数世纪的范式,我的孩子们正坐着哥白尼当年做的事。鲁宾 马修斯把他的布朗克斯冰淇淋改名为哈根达斯,在不改变产品的情况下提高了价格,我的孩子们正做着鲁宾 马修斯做过的事。爱德华 詹纳放弃了寻找治疗天花的特效药,从而发现了能预防这一疾病的疫苗,我的孩子们正做着爱德华詹纳做过的事。
8、他们在重新看待相关的各种因素,他们在重新认识他们的问题。他们重新表述他们的问题。总之,据托马斯 库恩在他们的《科学革命的结构》一书中所言,他们正做着历史上有过重大发现的科学家都曾做过的事:他们在改变就的范式。
9、但假若我们的游戏是学校里做在作业本上的练习,那么没有把西红柿圈出来的孩子全部会 被批为答错。凡没有把问题解读为“哪个不是水果”的孩子都是错的。也许这种情形说明了为什么世界上最杰出的科学家和发明家中有那么多的人读书时是不及格的学生。其中最引人注目的是阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦,他也许是本世纪最有影响的范式改变者。
12、无论是现在还是最近,我们都不缺信息。试想我们拥有的信息比四百年前的哥白尼多了多少。但他作出了足以震撼地球的(权作双关语)惊人之举,完全改变了人们对宇宙的看法。他作出此举不是靠发现更多的信息,而是靠用不同的目光来看大家都看到过的信息。爱德华 詹纳不是靠积累信息发明预防药物,而是靠重新表述问题。
Unit 3 我为何教书
“提升”了,不在教书了,也许会给我带来金钱和权利。但是我有钱,我拿了工资去做我喜欢做的事情: 读书,与人交谈,提出诸如“富有的意义何在?”之类的问题。
Unit 4 一位球迷的评论
1 这封电子邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他刻薄的信件相似。它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并争辩说我把一切全都搞错了。然而,这个评论与其他的评论至少有两个方面不同。
2 与通常那些“你是个白痴”的评论不同的是,这一评论含有更多的细节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键数据。写这篇评论的人对洛杉矶道奇队的了解绝不亚于我自认为对它的了解。
3 而且这一评论是署名的。作者的名字叫萨拉•莫里斯。
4 我被深深打动,于是给她回信。一点也没有想到这一封信引出了一段非同寻常的来往。
5 我可以问您一个问题吗?两年来,我一直经营着我的道奇队网站。你是怎么成为一个棒球评论专栏作家的?这可是我的梦。
6 这是萨拉的第二封电子邮件,它的到来一点也不意外。我每次对人微笑一下,人家就向我要一份工作。但是另一个事儿引起了我的注意。这就是信的最后一行字里的拼写错误,是关于“我的梦”那一部分。
7 也许萨拉就是一个打字很糟糕的人。但也许她真的是在寻找某个目标,但就是一字之差,还没有找着。
8 这就值得再回她一封信,于是我让她解释。
9 我今年30岁。……因为我身有残疾,花了5年的时间才读完大专拿到文凭。……在棒球赛季,我每个星期平均花55小时写球赛报道,写评论,做研究,听比赛或者看比赛。
10 萨拉称她的网站为“道奇地”。我搜索了一下,什么也没有找着。后来我重读她的电子邮件, 发现在她的电子邮件最底下挂了一个地址
11 我点击该地址。网站并不花哨。但是她以一个作家的严肃态度对该队进行了详细报道。不过,我还是不禁要问,有人读吗?
12 :从来没有人在我的来宾登记簿上签名。我一个月收到一封信。
13 所以,这里是一个身体残疾的妇女,她对道奇队的报道之广泛不亚于美国任何一个记者, 可她却在为一个几乎不为人知的网站写作,网站的名字很怪很难记,读者大概有两个人。
14 我想她那个梦所缺的远远不只是拼写里头少了一个字母r。
15 我建起了自己的网站希望能找到一份工作。不过运气不佳。因为我使用一根绑在头上的小棒打字,最高的打字速度是每分钟8个字,可这又有什么要紧的呢?我的脑子挺好使,我对工作非常专注。这才是人们成功的关键。
16 使用一根绑在头上的小棒打字?
17 我问她要用多少时间写她那通常为400字的文章。
18 三到四小时。
19 我做了一件我以前从来没有和互联网上的陌生人做过的事情。
20 我让萨拉•莫里斯给我打电话。
21 我说话有障碍,无法使用电话。
22 这就证明了我的怀疑。这显然是一个精心策划的骗局。这一位所谓女性作家很可能是一个45岁的男性管子工。
23 我决定结束与此人的通信。可就在那时我又收到一封电子邮件。
24 我的残疾是脑瘫。……它影响肌肉神经的控制。……当我的脑子告诉我的手去敲击字键时, 我会挪动我的腿,碰击桌子,并在这一过程中同时碰击六个其他的字键。
25 当我的母亲解释我的残疾时,她告诉我说,如果我比别人努力三倍,我就可以成就我要做的任何事情。
26 她写道,她在帕萨迪拉长大的时候成了道奇队的球迷。她上布莱尔高级中学二年级的时候,一位校少年棒球队的教练叫她去做球队的统计员。她做了,用的是一个打字机和一根绑在头上的小棒。
27 她说由于她跟棒球结了缘,她才得以留在学校里,尽管她成绩不好,每天还有数小时的令她脖子酸痛的家庭作业。
28 棒球给了我努力的目标 ……我可以做别的孩子做不了的事情 ……我想为给了我这么多的棒球做一点事情。
29 不错,我就这么相信了她。有几分信吧。在像她所称的那种情况下,有谁能没有最好的设备和帮助而报道一个棒球队呢?我很好奇,所以我问她我能不能开车过去看她。 她同意了,并详细告诉我路怎么走,其中提到乡下的泥路和没有名字的街道。
30 我开车向东驶去,穿过得克萨斯的荒凉地带。在一条蜿蜒曲折布满小动物大小的坑洼的泥路上,我看到了样子像旧工具棚的屋子。
31 但这不是一个工具棚,这是一所房子,一个被高高的杂草和废弃物包围的正在朽烂的小棚屋。
32 是不是这个地方呢?
33 一位身着旧T恤衫和裙子的妇女从棚屋里走了出来。
34 “我是萨拉的母亲,”洛伊•莫里斯一边说一边用她那粗糙的手握着我光滑的手。“她在等你呢。”
35 我从太阳光下走进去,打开一扇破烂的屏门,走进了阴暗的棚子,棚子里蜷缩在轮椅上的是一个87磅重的躯体。
36 她的四肢扭了一扭。她的头转了一转。我们无法拥抱,甚至也无法握手。她只能张大眼睛看我,向我微笑。
37 可她那微笑里充满了光芒!它穿透了由破烂的木地板、旧躺椅和结满蜘蛛网的窗户围起来的黑暗空间。
38 我不忍心看别的任何东西,所以我的眼睛只盯住她那微笑,它是那么清晰,那么自信, 它甚至令我的多数怀疑一扫而光。但我还是要问,这就是莎拉•莫里斯吗?
39 她开始在轮椅里摇晃,嘴里发出声音。我以为她在咳嗽。
40 可实际上,她是在说话。她的母亲为她翻译。“我要给你看点东西。”萨拉说。
41 洛伊把她推到搭在煤灰砖上的一张旧书桌前。桌子上放着一台计算机。计算机旁是一台电视机。她的母亲将一根小棒绑在她女儿的太阳穴上。
42 萨拉趴在计算机上,用绑在她头上的棍子调出道奇地网站上的一篇报道。她开始一啄一啄地在这篇报道上添字加句。
43 她抬起头看我并发出咯咯的笑声。我低头看她,心里充满了惊奇──还有羞愧。
44 这真的就是萨拉•莫里斯。 这个伟大的萨拉•莫里斯。
45 几个月前我与萨拉•莫里斯联系的时候是想跟她干一仗。现在看着她在这个黑暗的房间里吃力地打着字写一篇或许根本没有人看的文章,我明白了这一仗是怎么一回事。
46 不过,这一仗不是跟萨拉打,而是跟自己打。这一仗和体育界在现今玩世不恭的年代里每天都在经历的一模一样。那就是要相信运动员仍然可以是英雄的搏斗。
47 在一个远离这种怀疑的地方,一个心智充满神奇的萨拉•莫里斯帮我找回了信任。
Unit 5 妈妈哭泣的那一天
⑶ 大学英语精读第三册 翻译
The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancle the trip under any circumstances.
We trust what he has said,because he is well ecated, comes from a respectable family ,and what’s more ,he is reliable.
The subsequent events once again confirmed that my suspicions were right.
At the press conference held after the game, the football coach apologized to the fans for his team’s poor performance.
To our surprise ,the governor, who had often been praised for his honesty ,turned out to be a corrupt official.
A few workers were promoted ,but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.
Given the chance, John might have been an excellent painter.
At first I thought he was joking , but soon I realized that he was serious.
Groans of pain can often be heard in a hospital emergency room.
The former U.S secretary of state has come back to public life as an ambassador to a foreign country。
Proof of identity is required when a check is cashed at mist banks.
The presence of the pop star on the stage brought the audience to its feet in applause.
She was amazed to know that many people still risked traveling without insurance.
See to it that no children should lean out of the window.
He was taken prisoner in the war ,but never yielded no mater how cruelly the enemy tortured him.
Henry Bedell wsa seriously wounded, but Bettie finally brought him through with the help of the doctor..
Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their tuition.
In addition to reading materials ,the application of films and videotapes can stimulate students’ interest in their study.
The attorney tired to convince the jury that his client is innocent.
Scientists in medicine have been working at finding a cure for AIDS since the early 1980s.
I have sent off my resume to a few companies, but haven’t received a reply yet.
Many people wish for a chance to study abroad, but only some of them have it.
We came to the meeting with great expectation, but we left very disappointed.
Though the professor explained the point in detail, many students still couldn’t understand it.
Among the university students who will graate soon, some wish to go to their hometown to work,and others volunteer to work in the underdeveloped areas.
Now , university students are keen on learning to use the computer, because they are very conscious that this is an indispensable skill in the information age.
He had traveled round the world for three years,but no matter where he went ,he missed his country.
At first he wrote to me once in a while, and then I didn’t hear from him any longer.
Generally speaking, people tend to get married and have a family rather than remain single for life.
No matter how hard he trided , he could not understand higher mathematics.
After working for six months on end, employees are entitled to paid holidays and sick leaves.
I can’t keep up my monthly payments on the car and I am at a loss as to what to do.
Unit 5
The aim of this interview is primarily to check the applicant’s proficiency in spoken English.
It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize to them for the impoliteness.
The scandal is certainly an embarrassment to the Labour Party aiming at winning the election.
I was working carefully on my term paper when my little sister bounded upstairs and rushed into my room.
I asked her several times ,but she refused to respond to my questions.
In the west,people often send away for goods, which can save them a lot of time.
peopleof the older generation often find that it is difficult for them to hold back the changes among the young in a modern society no matter how hard they try.
Don’t let your social life stand in the way of your studies, since you’ve set your mind to finishing the master’s program as soon as possible.
Unit 6
Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steos became steady.
The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.
I would rather go out for a walk than just stay in the room doing nothing for two hours.
The car long being out of sight ,Jenny was still standing at the door ,gazing toward the end of the road.
As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time.
Generally speaking, increasing supply or decreasing demand can bring down prices.
As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a.m news broadcast before he began to get washed.
The team members drew lots to decide who would play first.
In that city,crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on the rise and the local government seems unable to figure out a way to cope with it.
In those days , I would read everything I could get my hands on so long as it was weitten in English.
I bet that building must have been completely destroyed in the air raid.
She was so scared by the unexpected blow that she could not speak a word for several minutes .
If you stay up late workingevery night, your health will surely be affected.
Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.
The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities.
It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.
He maintained that the failure of the experiment wsa largely e to inadequate preparations.
Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.
It has been three years and four months to the day since she began to practice medicine.
The children were running all over the place , and the teacher was having a hard time rounding them up and bringing them back to the classroom.
The discovery further strengthened my belief that the volcano would erupt in the near future.
Now that Professor Henderson has promised to attend the conference, we would like to request him to deliver a speech.
Eventually Mary will leave home to lead her own life, but in the meantime she will need your support.
Much to our relief, our performance was fully appreciated by the audience, mostly college students.
In fact ,there are different accounts of the shipwreck in the newspapers.
It is said that the area was well advanced in agriculture as early as 2000 years ago.
The function of an ATM is to allow people to draw money from their bank accounts with a special card whether the bank is closed or not.
kong Fansen embodies all the fine qualities of a communist.
It is most essential to build up your confidence if you want to achieve some thing in life.
When applying for a job, you should be ready for an interview in which you often have to answer difficult questions.
Appenix 1
A junior officer who had just returned from the front confirmed the rumor that the border town had been captured by the enemy and that many garrison troops were taken prisoner.
Even under the most favorable circumstances, it won't be easy for the firm to switch to a more marketable line of procts without risking some temporary losses in profits.
there is no piont arguing that your solution is better than mine or hers . As a matter of fact , each has its strengths and weaknesses and at this piont it is arbitrary to say that mine does not stand a chance of success.
Tom took all the blame on himself and never complained about others. And brushing aside past unpleasantness , he has now united all those around him in an effort to bring the company through the crisis.
Our house has fallen into disrepair and needs immediate renovating. Meanwhile we have to save up enough money to repay the loan that is e by the end of next year.
He worked hard at his reform programs and before long he established his reputation as an energetic social reformer.
Appenix 2
The old man pleaded with the Red Guards not to destory the statue, which was a masterpiece of sculpture.
When the street lights went on, I saw a man walking unsteadily in the direction of the City Hall.
It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man.
Can you picture to youself what life will be like in the year 2050?
Marry must have gone crazy. She burst into laughter now and then for no reason at all.
Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised . she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.
I knew I seemed calm when we drew the lots , but underneath it all I was terribly nervous.
The party broke up at midnight . Peter and I had a few more drinks and returned to our dorm afterwards.
⑷ 大学英语精读第三册语法问题
"both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court"是用来修饰“circumstances”的,所以应该是后置定语
⑸ 大学英语精读第三册130页作文
Unit 1
A Funny Mistake At 8:15 one Sunday morning, a police officer saw a man climbing down a drainpipe from an open bedroom window. As soon as the man reached the ground, the officer caught him by the arm. In answer to the officer's questions, the man said that his name was Charlie Crane and he was a lorry driver from Nottingham. He explained that the day before he had had a breakdown and had spent the night in the house where the officer saw him. That morning the landlady had given him breakfast and he had gone on his way. Later he found that he had left £80 under his pillow. He returned and rang the bell, but no one answered it. Spotting the bedroom window still open, he climbed up the drainpipe. As he was again leaving, the officer saw him. Just as the officer was figuring out whether or not it was only a funny mistake, a woman shouted from the kitchen window, "Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you'd gone away an hour ago."
Unit 2
Dear Dad,
You remember the problem that my research team has been trying to solve for some time now? The one I mentioned in my last letter? Well, yesterday we finally hit upon the solution. And it is all e to you. How? Well, you remember that game you used to play with us to encourage us to think laterally, the "What Doesn't Belong?" one? It all came back to me as we were sitting around going over the same old ground for what seemed like the hundredth time. Clearly, what we needed to do was to see the problem from a completely new angle. I put this to the rest of the group and after a session of brainstorming we hit upon an entirely fresh way of looking at the problem that led us straight to the answer. It had been under our noses all along, but we hadn't noticed it because of sticking to our old habits of thought. It seems all those discussions about oranges, tomatoes and strawberries long ago were not only good fun, but were good for the mind as well. So, you deserve the credit for our success as much as we do. Many thanks!
Your loving son,
Unit 3
Why I Chose to Attend College
As my high school years were drawing to a close, I turned over and over again in my mind the question of whether I should go to college. At times I did have some doubts. After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it would be worthwhile. My main reason was simply that I was eager for knowledge and wanted to keep on learning. While getting through high school, I became more and more interested in such subjects as math, physics and chemistry, and thirsted to explore them further. I also chose to go to college because I knew a college ecation would provide me with opportunities for all-round development. I could play in musical groups, take part in sports, and join campus organizations. Involvement in various kinds of activities would help make me into a well-rounded person. A further factor was my awareness that in today's world many professions require years of specialized training. Being without a college ecation would have made it more difficult to obtain a desirable position. As I proceed further through college, I seem to have more and more reasons to congratulate myself on having made the right decision.
Unit 4
In a recent poll taken by "the Herald of the Town", 72 percent of the residents interviewed said the city government could do more for homeless people. And 65 percent said the city was paying too little attention to the needs of the blacks and other minority groups. Asked about the suggestion of building more soup kitchens and nursing homes for the homeless and the old people, 77 percent thought it a good idea, 14 percent said it was foolish and 9 percent gave no comments. 38 percent considered crime as the worst problem facing the city, while 25 percent and 37 percent perceived unemployment or pollution as the worst one respectively. Job training for young people was chosen as the best way to rece crime (63 percent). After that, in order of percentage, came citizens' neighborhood patrols (23 percent), more police on foot (10 percent) and the death penalty (4 percent).
Unit 5
It was Mother's Day. Susan asked her father and brother to think of something special they could do for the occasion. Her father came up with the idea of surprising the children's mother with a barbecue, the first of the year. The children agreed that it was a wonderful idea and they all set about preparing for the barbecue. The first thing they had to do was to get the biggest steaks they could find. By the time they were ready to start the fire it was getting dark. And to their disappointment, there was not a single briquette left from the previous year.
In the end they had to ask for some from neighbours, disturbing the television viewing of a couple living nearby.
One Sunday afternoon Peter was reading the newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised. "What's the matter? Who hit you on the eye, Tom?" the father asked. "Steve, the big boy on Quail Street ..." the son cried all the more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger. In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists. Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face. Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground. However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too. Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away. Peter had to walk home completely defeated. Back in the room he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.
Unit 7
Dear Pearl,
Susan of Rockford is coming to stay with me for a few days. She and I are hoping you can come to dinner here on Friday the eighth at seven o'clock. Yours, Mary Dear Mary, Many thanks for your invitation. I'll be delighted to have dinner with you on Friday at seven o'clock and see Susan again. Yours, Pearl Dear Mary, You cannot imagine my disappointment at not being able to come to dinner with you and see Susan again. Little Tom is running a high fever and needs constant care, so it is quite impossible for me to come. But thank you so much for your kind invitation.
Unit 8
How to Attain Our Goals in Life
As a sailing ship has a certain destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life. To succeed in life, a man must learn to develop such qualities in himself as instry, persistence, confidence, and strong willpower. Here I would like to dwell a little on the first two. Undoubtedly, hard work is the key to success. Take Peter G. Beidler for example. Having chosen teaching as his career, Professor Beidler made a great effort to meet the challenges of the profession. Day after day he stayed up late preparing his lectures, even when his eyes became swollen for lack of sleep. His subsequent success as a teacher was borne out by the fact that he was named The Professor of the Year in 1983. Obviously his success has had a great deal to do with hard work. Persistence is another important factor leading to the realization of one's goal in life. Once we have set a goal for ourselves, we must not depart from our course until we reach it. The mother in Unit 5 is a case in point. She refused to give up in the face of all the challenges in life. Instead, she persisted in improving herself. In the end, she became a reporter with a local newspaper. Clearly persistence helped to make her dream come true.
⑹ 大学英语精读第三册Test Yourself1,不要A B C D要文本
confirm 是直接要选项吗内容?全部吗
they have a very hard job to do
teaching demandsfull attentian
they have to work ring vacations to make ends meet
⑺ 大学英语精读第三册
Considering his capability, I am sure he is well qualified for this job.
⑻ 大学英语精读第三册第四单元课后习题答案
1) junior
2) junk
3) winds
4) physical
5) handicap
6) Click
7) decayed
8) interpreted
9) leaning
10) limb
11) twisted
12) relationship
13) surrounded
14) at least
15)in hopes of
1) covering
2) runs
3) affect
4) dotted with
5) Elaborate
6) fancy
7) grabbed
8) maximum
9) per
10) spotted
11) strained
12) caught her eye
13) sort of
1) add to
2) curled up
3) bring back
4) called up
5) grow up
6) came up with
7) work out
8) was singled out
9) take apart
3) Venusian
1) taxpayers' money
2) playgoers
3) Young songwriters
4) babysitters
5) housekeepers
6) sunbather
7) wheelchair
8) driveway
1) that little progress has been made
2) is doing a little better this season
3) a little earlier than scheled
4) Little did he realize
5) said little about her work experience
6) little imagined then
7) slow down a little
8) have little contact with the outside world
1) Nigel's novel was not as well received as he had hoped.
2) He ran as hard as he could in hopes of breaking his record for the five miles.
3) Some of the power stations have significantly failed to operate as efficiently as people have expected.
4) The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficiently as it used to do.
5) The British welfare system did not assist the genuinely needy groups as effectively as did some systems prevailing elsewhere.
1) But why don't you pluck up the courage to do what you've always wanted to?
2) He will help you prepare what you need to say.
3) What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods.
4) I have noticed that what are commonly called warm colors is not necessary to proce the impression of warmth in landscape.
5) These travel books entertain readers with accounts of what travelers have seen.
1) Every time I see you you're even lovelier than I remember.
2) Every time it's sunny I enjoy driving.
3) Every time the child completes a specified desirable behavior it will earn a toy.
4) My ankle hurts every time I put my foot to the ground.
5) Every time I sat down I went to sleep.
1) affected
2) physical
3) interpret
4) spot
5) handicap
6) fastened
7) maximum
8) per
9) extensively
10) Straining
11) surrounded
VII. Dictation
Baseball is America's national sport, played mainly by men. It developed in the mid 19th century from the British games of rounders and cricket. Baseball is also popular in Japan and several Latin American countries, and has been an Olympic sport since in 1972. Softball is similar but uses a large, softer ball and is popular with women. Many Americans play baseball for fun because players do not have to be strong like football players or tall like basketball players. Some people think baseball is too slow, but the team managers often change their players and plans ring the game, and there are many exciting plays. Many American families enjoy going to a Sunday afternoon double-header, that is, two games between the same two teams in one day.
Could you imagine a woman with a severe physical handicap running a website on her own and covering the Los Angles Dodgers as extensively as a professional sportswriter? I would never believe it if I had not seen her with my own eyes, curled up in a wheelchair, typing her comments by hitting the key with a pointer fastened to her head. I had driven a long way in hopes of uncovering an elaborate hoax, but watching her strain in the gloom of her shanty to add to her story, I knew I had found a true winner. Her enthusiasm for the game and her trust in the athletes brought me back to a positive attitude.