⑴ 有没有2000年到2012年考研英语阅读和翻译的全文翻译啊谢谢啊!!!邮箱:[email protected]
⑵ 求助,有木有人又2012年考研英语PartB的全文翻译啊我买的黄皮书上没有~谢谢
我买了一本新航道的书 上面有的
⑶ 急求 2010----2012 考研英语二 阅读理解的全文翻译 谢谢!!
⑷ 急求05—12年每年考研英语完型的全文翻译
我09年考研 英语79分 告诉你 完型根本不用这么复习 在阅读理解上下工夫就好了 所以你不必要完型的翻译,就算需要 别人翻译你拿现成的也不如你自己翻译的提高的多
⑸ 2013年考研英语一翻译全文中有一处看不懂
⑹ 2012 考研英语一 完形的翻译
⑺ 2012考研英语小作文翻译
有点不对的哈,凑合着吧 (*^__^*)
⑻ 求2012考研英语一的文章翻译
2012考研英语一 答案(真题文字太多就不附上了,如需要再联系)
Section I: Use of English
.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C
6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B
11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A
16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.D
Section II: Reading Comprehension
Part A
21.D 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.D
26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.A
31.A 32.B 33.B 34.D 35.C
36.C 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.A
Part B
41. C 42.D 43. A 44.F 45.G
Part C
46. 物理学中的一个理论把这种归一的冲动发挥到了极致,它探寻一种万有理论——一个关于我们能看到的一切的生成方程式。
47. 在这里,达尔文主义似乎提供了有力的理由,因为如果全人类有共同的起源,那么假设文化差异也能够追溯到更有限的源头好像就是合理的了。
48. 把差异性和独特性从共性中过滤出来也许能让我们理解复杂的文化行为是如何产生的,是什么从进化或认知领域指导着它。
49. 约书亚格林伯格为寻找语言的共性而付出努力提出了第二种理论。他采用了一个更实用的共性理论,做法是辨认出众多语言的共有特征(尤其是按照词序排列),这些特征被认为代表了由认知局限导致的偏差。
50. 乔姆斯基生成语法应该表明语言变化的模式,这些模式独立于族谱或贯穿其中的路径,然而格林伯格的共性理论预测词序关系的特殊类别之间(而不是其他)有着强烈的共存性。
Section III: Writing Part A (10 points) 51. 参考范文 Dear international students, I am the chairman of the Students’ Union. I’ve just received the emails from you and got the news that you would come to our university. Firstly, I’d like to show our warm welcome. On behalf of our university and all the students here, I really look forward to your coming. In order to make all of you feel at home, here are some conctive suggestions. Firstly, you’d better take some warm clothes with you because it is winter in China now and it is very cold in Beijing. Secondly, I advise you to prepare some relevant knowledge about Chinese culture for better understanding in class. I really hope you’ll find these proposals useful. And I’m looking forward to your coming! Yours sincerely, Li Ming Part B (20 points)
52. 参考范文 How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social phenomenon, from which we can observe that in this cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. The 2 men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground. According to the information given in the above-mentioned cartoon, the gist of it is regarding how we should perceive the world around us. People tend to show different attitudes towards the issue. Then , what prove to be the underlying reasons for it? The following several reasons stated below can be taken to be responsible for it. First and foremost, that issue is largely having something to do with the current state of people’ mind, without any doubt, some people are born positively, and while some others are born negatively. What is more important is that the outlook and value embodied in society affects how we throw our insights into something we are deal with. As far as my personal thinking is concerned, when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are experiencing and encountering setbacks, only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopted, can we be bound to live a life of happiness。